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I Heard It All Before

Page 22

by Chenell Parker

  “I hear you, man, and I’ll follow your lead this time. But, don’t take forever to get back at me. I’ll do this shit alone if I have to,” Kamari said.

  “I got you, man. Did you pick up our package?” Lawrence asked as he walked to the door.

  “Yeah, I got it. We just need to separate it and make our drop offs within the next week or two. I’m not even in the mood to deal with this shit right now,” Kamari replied.

  “I’m not in a hurry to do nothing, so just relax for a while. Get your head on straight and we’ll talk later,” Lawrence said, as Kamari walked him to the door.

  A young black girl was walking pass the door and she smiled when she saw Kamari. He’d seen her a few times when he entered or exited his room and a few times when he went in the lobby to get food. She was cute, but she wasn’t his type. Kamari always smiled back politely, but that was as far as it was going to go.

  “That’s what you need. Take off a few days and lose yourself in some pussy. I guarantee you’ll be a changed man after that,” Lawrence advised.

  “Man, fuck these hoes. You just remember what I said bruh. Don’t take too long to get back at me,” Kamari said, as Lawrence walked down the hall.

  “I got you, fam. It won’t take long for me to figure something out,” Lawrence promised.

  That was a promise that he took too long to honor. An entire week had passed and Lawrence still hadn’t gotten back with him. Kamari felt like a sucker, knowing who had robbed him and not doing anything about it. Kamari felt like he was losing it. Aside from leaving the room for food, he stayed inside and watched movies all day. A month had passed since his little shooting incident and he doubted if anyone was out looking for him. Lawrence hadn’t heard anything and neither had he.

  Kamari grabbed his keys and decided to go home to get his game and a few other items to keep him occupied. If all went well, he would be going back to his own house in the next few days. Kamari observed his surroundings as he made his way through the hotel’s lobby and the parking lot to his car. He exhaled in relief once he made it to his car and got inside. As soon as he backed out of his parking spot, an all-black Crown Victoria cut him off, making him reach under his seat to grab his protection.

  Kamari’s hand froze in place when a bunch of police cars pulled up behind the car soon after. His first thought was that Demi had finally found him and sent the police his way. That theory was quickly dismissed when he read the words DEA on the vest of the men who’d jumped out of the cars. The Drug Enforcement Administration didn’t just investigate anybody. They had to have proof before they even came at you. Kamari thought that it might have been a mistake, until something else caught his attention. The pretty young girl who he’d been seeing around the hotel was amongst the men dressed in her uniform, talking to them. She was pointing upstairs, more than likely telling them where his room was located. It was then that Kamari knew that he was who they wanted. And with the amount of shit that he had in his room, he also knew that he was fucked with no Vaseline.

  Chapter 28

  Cam was ready to snap Asha’s neck and be back home before her body hit the ground. She was in her sixth month of pregnancy with his son and she was making his life pure hell. Demi was so patient about his situation, and he appreciated her for that. Asha called all day and night about stupid shit. She wanted Cam to fund a baby shower that cost over ten grand. She was all about appearances, but she had him fucked up. He didn’t mind paying for everything, but he would be a damn fool to spend the amount that she was asking him to spend. She didn’t even have that many friends or family members, so she didn’t need anything too big. Nora offered to do it at her house, but Asha almost died. She didn’t want her baby shower in a house. That was beneath her and she had no trouble saying so.

  “Look baby, I kind of like this one,” Asha said as she pointed something out to Cam.

  “I told you to chill out with that baby shit. Just get whatever you want, so we can go,” Cam said in disgust.

  They’d been in the store for over two hours and Asha was prolonging things on purpose. They were shopping for a stroller and car seat, and she couldn’t seem to make up her mind.

  “You can at least pretend to care Cam. This is your first son that we’re shopping for,” Asha replied.

  “I do care, but you have a problem with everything that I pick out,” Cam noted.

  “That’s because you keep picking out all that basic shit. I’m not doing cartoon characters and all that other stuff that everybody has already seen before. I want his stuff to be original. We need to turn heads wherever we go. We wouldn’t be going through this if you would have gotten the one that I really wanted,” Asha replied.

  “You must be crazy if you thought I was paying seventeen hundred dollars for a stroller that he won’t even be using long!” Cam yelled.

  It was just like Asha to find a Fendi stroller and matching diaper bag. Both items totaled over three thousand dollars altogether, and Cam refused to buy it. Cam didn’t even know that the designer made baby items, but Asha made it her business to find out.

  “I can’t believe that you’re putting a price tag on your one and only son. It’s not like you can’t afford it,” Asha said, rolling her eyes.

  “Nothing will ever be too good for my son, so don’t ever fix your mouth to say something like that. He’s a damn baby Asha, not a trophy. Stop making everything about you. Him having designer shit is only something for you to brag about,” Cam noted.

  “This is hard Cam. I don’t really see anything that jumps out at me,” Asha whined.

  “I’m giving you thirty minutes to find something that you do like or I’m making the choice for you. This is just crazy,” Cam argued.

  “He’s moving Cam, feel him!” Asha yelled as she grabbed his hand and placed it over her round belly.

  “Yeah, I feel him,” Cam said with a smile right as his phone rang.

  Asha frowned when she saw Demi’s picture pop up on his screen. “Tell her to call you back later. We’re shopping for our son,” Asha snapped angrily.

  “What’s up baby?” Cam said when he answered, ignoring everything that Asha had said.

  “My bookcase chair just got delivered. It looks even better up close,” Demi said excitedly.

  She and Cam had gone back home after being at his mother’s house for a little over a week. Demi was scared to be inside by herself at first, but the feeling passed after a while. She was cautious of her surroundings because she thought that Kamari was watching her. He hadn’t bothered them since he shot at them over a month ago, but Cam still didn’t trust him.

  “I’m happy you like it. Did you put all your books in it yet?” Cam asked.

  “I’m doing that now. Thank you so much baby. I would have never let you spend so much on me had I known, but I appreciate it,” Demi answered.

  Demi had worked hard on a case all by herself and won it. She never celebrated her wins, but Cam was happy for her. He remembered her talking about bookcase chairs months ago, but she never made a move to purchase it. Demi collected all kind of books, but she had them all boxed up in the garage. Cam had her a bookcase made, but it wasn’t big enough to hold them all.

  “I hope the rest of your books will fit in it,” Cam said.

  “They will and I’ll have room for a few more. I know you’re out shopping for the baby, so I won’t keep you. I just wanted to tell you that. I’ll see you when you get home,” Demi said before they hung up.

  “Yes indeed. I see you didn’t have a problem spending money on some bullshit for her ass, but you wanna put your son on a budget. You haven’t even been knowing that bitch long and you’re already in love,” Asha fussed after eavesdropping on their entire conversation.

  “When a person is grateful and gives just as much as they receive, you don’t mind giving them the world and everything in it. Besides, she has a job and her own money to buy whatever she wants. Maybe you need to try it sometimes. And the clock is still ticking. You’re
down to twenty minutes now,” Cam reminded her.

  “Ugh! I hate being rushed,” Asha whined as she made her way around the store once again.

  She had made up her mind a long time ago, but she liked being with Cam. It felt like old times to Asha and she wasn’t ready for their time together to end. Cam seemed to be too into his new girlfriend, and Asha could tell that he really liked her. She couldn’t believe that he moved her into his new house, but she’d seen Nora’s pictures on Facebook. Cam’s mother had sent her a friend request a while ago when they really got along, and Asha was happy that she hadn’t blocked her. Demi was in all the pictures and she had made sure to add a feminine touch to the home. Cam even had a his and her office set up, with two desks and chairs. Asha had never had it that good with him and they had been together for years.

  “I’m hungry,” Asha whined while rubbing her stomach.

  “What do want to eat Asha?” Cam asked, sounding aggravated.

  “Let’s go sit down somewhere and get something,” she replied.

  “I don’t have time to sit down nowhere. I need to get home,” Cam answered.

  “That bitch ain’t going nowhere,” Asha snapped angrily.

  “What are you trying to eat Asha?” Cam asked again, not feeding into the argument that she was trying to have. She was always saying slick shit about Demi, but he never entertained her. It was jealousy and nothing more.

  “I want crawfish and potatoes,” Asha replied.

  “I’m not buying that shit man. Didn’t you just get out of the hospital for high blood pressure a few days ago?” Cam inquired.

  “Yeah, but I haven’t been eating anything with salt in it. My doctor said that I can eat anything I want in moderation,” Asha said.

  “Nah man, you don’t need that spicy shit. I’ll buy anything else, but boiled seafood is out of the question,” Cam reasoned.

  “You talk all that shit, but I know you still love me, nigga.” Asha smiled victoriously.

  “No, I love the life that’s growing inside of you. Unfortunately, I have to make sure that you’re straight in order for him to be good. Don’t get the shit twisted,” Cam replied.

  Asha decided on a grilled shrimp salad just to shut Cam up, but she was still getting her seafood when he dropped her off home. That was all that she seemed to crave and he wasn’t gonna stop her from getting it. Cam was so happy when he dropped her off at home. He carried the items that they purchased inside, but he was going to put it all together another time. Cam was drained when he made it home and he was ready to relax in his recliner for the rest of the day.

  “I’m scared to ask how it went,” Demi said when he walked into the house. She was standing over the trash can, peeling potatoes for whatever she was planning to cook.

  “Man, that bitch better be lucky that she’s already sixth months in. I would have been making her ass Plan B smoothies every day until she was out of my life,” Cam said as he threw his exhausted body in the chair.

  “Cam!” Demi chastised, “I can’t believe that you just said that.”

  “I’m sorry, but I’m just keeping it real. Asha is a pain in my ass and this is only the beginning. She’s gonna make my life a living hell once my baby gets here. I can already see I’ll be taking her ass to court for joint custody. I’m not letting her use my son to control me. That shit ain’t happening,” Cam swore.

  “Aww boo, I’m sorry that this is happening to you. But, just think about how it’ll all be worth it once your son gets here,” Demi replied.

  “That’s the best part of it all,” Cam admitted.

  Demi finished what she was doing in the kitchen and walked over and stood behind him. Cam closed his eyes and relaxed, enjoying the massage that she was giving him. Cam let her do that for a while, before he picked her up and sat her on his lap.

  “What’s wrong with you, Demi?” Cam asked, confusing her with his question.

  “What do you mean? Nothing is wrong with me,” Demi answered.

  “You can’t be this perfect. You have to have a flaw somewhere,” Cam stated.

  “I’m nowhere near perfect. I have lots of flaws,” Demi laughed.

  “Like what?” Cam challenged.

  “Like, without my sew-in, your hair is probably longer than mine,” Demi said, making him laugh.

  “Are you serious?” Cam questioned.

  “Yes, I’m bald headed like my mama and my hair won’t grow for shit,” Demi laughed.

  “Damn, so I’m sleeping next to a grown ass man every night,” Cam joked.

  “Shut up Camden. You know damn well I ain’t no man. Not the way you be up in this kitty all day and night,” Demi said as she got up and went back to the kitchen.

  “I’m trying to get up in it now,” Cam said, following behind her.

  “No, Cam. I need to cook and you need to go to the store. Here, take this,” Demi said while shoving a piece of paper in his hands.

  “The fuck? You giving a nigga a grocery list now? What kind of shit is this?” Cam argued.

  “Do you want me to cook or not?” Demi asked with her hand on her hip.

  “We need to clear some shit up Demi. We’re already acting like an old ass married couple with to-do lists and all that, but we don’t even have an understanding. Are we roommates, a couple, fuck buddies? I’m confused as hell,” Cam revealed.

  “I love you and, if I wasn’t already married, I would probably be down on one knee proposing to your ass. This is the happiest that I’ve been in a while and it’s all because of you. With that being said, I’ll be whatever you want me to be, as long as I’m a part of your life,” Demi said, shocking him with her revelation.

  He never knew that Demi felt that strongly for him, but he was happy to have a clear understanding. He had fallen in love with her and he was happy to know that he wasn’t alone. Things progressed sooner than he wanted them to, but he couldn’t put a timer on his feelings. Demi’s mother told her that they were moving way too fast, but she didn’t care about what anyone had to say.

  “I love you too, baby,” Cam said after a long pause as he pulled her into a hug.

  “Boy, you scared the hell out of me,” Demi replied.

  “Scared you how?” Cam asked.

  “You took too damn long to answer,” Demi said while punching him in the chest.

  “Your honesty just caught me off guard. You know how y’all women be all shy and shit. Nigga gotta beg y’all to open up sometimes,” Cam replied, right as his phone started to ring.

  “I’m sure that’s your disgusting ass baby mama calling you again. I wonder what the problem is this time. Maybe she’s thirsty and wants you to bring her a bottle of water,” Demi said, laughing.

  “The fuck!” Cam blurted out.

  “What’s wrong?” Demi asked him.

  “The fuck is this nigga calling me for?” Cam asked as he turned the phone around and showed her Randy’s number.

  “Answer it Cam,” Demi ordered.

  “Hell no. We don’t have shit to say to each other. I’m even more pissed with the nigga that he wasn’t the one to get Asha pregnant. Muthafucker never could do nothing right,” Cam fussed.

  “Stop being so mean Cam. You really have a hard time with forgiveness. I hope our future kids don’t take after you,” Demi replied.

  “Aww damn, you trying to give me some babies too?” Cam smiled.

  “Duh, of course I am,” Demi said as she gave him a kiss.

  A few seconds later, Cam’s phone rang again, displaying Randy’s phone number. Cam couldn’t even lie; he was curious about what Randy had to say. He was just too stubborn to answer and see.

  “This nigga,” Cam mumbled while shaking his head.

  “Answer it,” Demi ordered. She smiled triumphantly when he followed her orders.

  “Yeah!” Cam yelled into the phone.

  “Mean ass,” Demi said under her breath while shaking her head.

  Cam listened to whatever Randy was telling him with a perplexed
look on his face. He was quiet for a while and then he finally spoke up.

  “I can’t meet you today bruh. I have a few errands to run,” Cam spoke up

  “Yes, you can. I can go to the store to get what I need. Go see what he has to say,” Demi whispered.

  “Where are you trying to meet up at?” Cam asked, since Randy clearly wasn’t taking no for an answer. He listened for a few more minutes before he agreed to the destination and disconnected the call.

  “Now, was that hard?” Demi asked.

  “Your ass is just nosey, but you’re about to work for whatever you wanna know. You better put in some mad work too or I’m not saying shit. Get up out them clothes,” Cam instructed.

  He didn’t have to tell Demi twice. She would have stripped down anyway, but she did want to know what Randy had to say. Sex with Cam was just a bonus. She knew that Cam wouldn’t agree, but Demi was hoping that he and Randy could put the past behind them and at least remain cordial. Cam was a piece of work, so only time would tell how that situation turned out.

  Chapter 29

  Cam arrived at IHOP for his meeting with Randy about two hours later. He was late and secretly hoped that Randy got tired of waiting and left. He realized that he wasn’t so lucky when he saw Randy’s car among the many that were parked out front. Cam hadn’t been to IHOP in a while, but Randy wouldn’t have known that. He and Demi had found another spot with better food, but they hadn’t been back there since he had a fight with her husband. After getting out of his truck, Cam made his way into the restaurant, bypassing the hostess. He looked around the semi-crowded dining area and spotted Randy sitting at a booth all the way to the back. He looked a hot ass mess and the sight was no better, as Cam got closer. Randy had lost a significant amount of weight and the bags under his eyes were proof of him stressing about something.

  “No need to stand,” Cam said when Randy got up to shake his hand.

  He wasn’t in the mood for all the pleasantries, so he sat down and waited for Randy to start talking. Cam could tell that he was nervous, but he had no need to be. Cam wasn’t trying to do him anything, especially over Asha’s trifling ass. Cam had to lay hands on him before because he was talking crazy to him. That was the part that he couldn’t let him get away with.


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