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Codename Summer (Undercover Embassy, Book Four)

Page 8

by Ross, Aubrey

  She manipulated the display for a moment then said, “Enjoy the rest of your day.”

  Her image faded as Fibarre’s appeared. “I was expecting this report in person. I will not extend the duration of your mission.”

  “That’s not the purpose for my com.” He leaned closer and lowered his voice. “Is this link secure?”

  Fibarre’s brow knitted and he turned his attention to his desktop for a moment before he said, “You may speak freely now.”

  “I’ve arrested one of the ambassadors. I believe she’s a central player, if not the mastermind behind the entire network.”

  “And yet you have not delivered her to the detention center. Is there a reason for your breach in protocol?”

  “She is Saroji, General Noirte’s sister.”

  “Are you implying General Noirte is involved with these spies? That’s ridiculous.”

  “I would have believed so too, sir, if his sister had not presented herself to me in a provocative costume, claiming to be an ambassador. I’d rather not get into the details over a comlink, but I have reason to believe that highly placed members of the Protectorate are involved in this mess.”

  “Then you can’t take her to the detention center.”

  “I agree. There are several rooms on sublevel two that were used for interrogation before the detention center was completed. It’s my intention to continue my investigation there. I would appreciate your assistance. She has some very unique mental shields. If I didn’t know better I’d suspect she has Bartonese blood.”

  “Fascinating.” He tapped his finger against his lips then said, “I’ll meet you on sublevel two.”

  Malik inclined his head and the display went blank. He deactivated the companel just to be sure then turned to Saroji. “He took the bait.”

  “And all you had to do was reveal several of the Resistance’s most closely guarded secrets.” She took a deep breath, her gaze unreadable.

  “After today there will be no more need for secrets, and there will be nothing left to resist.”

  “We’ve been planning this for so long. It doesn’t seem real that it’s finally happening.”

  He pulled her into his arms and kissed her, pushing reassurance and tenderness into her mind. “He’ll sense a mind link, so I won’t pull you into the fight unless there is no other choice.”

  “You’re the only one who has been able to best them. I’ll gladly follow your lead.”

  * * * * *

  Saroji walked beside Malik down a long, narrow corridor in the basement of the Pentagon. They had no way to be certain they weren’t being observed, so she tugged against his hold on her arm and did her best to look petulant. Her wrists were cuffed in front of her but a simple release lever would allow her to shed the restraints in a matter of seconds.

  A door on the right opened and a man stepped out into the hall. Her steps faltered and she gasped in feigned surprise. “What the… Why does he look exactly like you?”

  “Don’t let my appearance fool you,” the newcomer said. “I’m Agent Wanatee’s superior in every way.”

  “You must have taught him humility. He’s an arrogant prick too.”

  Fibarre chuckled and looked at Malik. “This should be amusing.” He turned and retraced his steps, leaving the door open.

  Malik dragged her into the room, kicked the door shut and casually set his backpack down against the wall. “She’s stubborn, hotheaded and she enjoys provoking her captors.”

  “That’s because my captors are spineless monsters who enjoy torturing women and children!” She glared at Malik and then Fibarre. Thank God their clothes were different. It would be way too easy to confuse the two.

  Malik released her arm and stepped back as Fibarre advanced toward her. “Is your brother part of the Resistance?”

  She scoffed. “As if I’d tell you.” Pain stabbed into her brain, driving her to her knees. She screamed and raised her bound hands, pouring energy into her shields. The pain ceased as quickly as it had erupted and she fought back the nausea rolling through her belly.

  “You’re right. Her energy pattern is unusual.” Fibarre circled her as he rudely probed her mind. Suddenly his head snapped toward Malik and he demanded, “What the fuck are you doing?”

  Malik didn’t answer. His eyes were narrowed, his lips compressed as he focused on his task. Fibarre flew at him, arms flailing with wild punches and ineffective slaps. Malik deflected the blows and maneuvered the Gathosian into the nearest corner.

  Emboldened by Malik’s progress, Saroji rid herself of the cuffs as she struggled to her feet. The clone was not their enemy. They had to siphon Fibarre’s energy until nothing remained. She moved closer to the men and tried to slip into Fibarre’s mind. The Gathosian flung her backward with a vicious growl.

  Feed me. Energy. Malik grasped Fibarre’s throat as the Gathosian began to struggle.

  Saroji linked with Malik, gasping at the tempest raging inside his mind. He was silent and still but Fibarre was bombarding him with excruciating sensations. She remained distanced from the pain and poured energy into Malik’s being.

  Fibarre’s screams echoed through her mind and in her ears. He twisted and clawed at Malik’s hands but Malik’s attention never wavered.

  Terrified that it would never end, Saroji fed Malik a steady stream of energy. Her head throbbed and her legs trembled but she refused to narrow their link.

  Gradually Fibarre’s physical struggle slowed as he focused on forcing Malik out of his mind. Malik panted. Perspiration ringed his armpits and darkened the back of his shirt, and still he pushed onward.

  They’ll just…send another. You useless fool. The clone slumped into the corner as Malik scattered the rest of Fibarre’s energy.

  Malik knelt over the clone, meticulously searching for remnants of the vanquished Gathosian. When he was satisfied that the enemy was defeated, he shifted to his ass and rested back against the wall.

  Saroji sat beside him, rubbing his shoulders while he caught his breath. “That was pretty damn amazing, my love.”

  “We make one hell of a team.” His voice was breathless and tense but he managed to smile. “See if you can rouse him. We’ve got to move. Gathosians lose contact from time to time but they’ll send someone to investigate if Fibarre doesn’t reconnect soon.”

  She moved to the clone’s side and gently shook his shoulder. His thick lashes raised and she looked into night-black eyes. So like Malik’s.

  “Can you hear me?”

  The clone looked around and rubbed his throat but said nothing.

  “He might not be able to speak.” Malik pushed to his feet and expelled a long, shuddering breath. “But he should obey basic commands.”

  The clone looked at Malik, his expression blank. “Where is my maker?”

  “Your maker is gone but he authorized me to command you.” Malik rubbed the back of his neck and rolled his shoulders. “I have two packages that need to be delivered, one to the Master Hub and one to your home base. Do you understand?”


  “Are you able to activate the Hub without your maker?”

  “Affirmative. In the event of separation I am programmed to return to the lab.”

  “Perfect.” Retrieving the backpack from its place against the wall, Malik motioned for the clone to stand.

  How much does he understand? The clone looked so much like Malik it was tearing at her heart to realize they were sending him to his death.

  The lights are on but no one’s home. Scan his mind, sweetheart. He is a biological container with minimal functionality.

  She lightly scanned the clone and found exactly what Malik had described. There was no curiosity, no emotion, no personality.

  Malik secured one of the bombs around the clone’s waist and handed him the other. “When you reach the Master Hub you will wait until a portal opens and then you will set this package down.”

  “I understand.”

  “You will depres
s the lighted area then step through the portal.”

  “I understand.”

  “Once you reach the lab, you will walk immediately to the middle of the room and press this button.” He handed the clone the detonator to the bomb around his waist.

  “I understand.”

  Malik opened the door to the hallway and motioned the clone out. “Go now, and stop for no one.”

  The clone walked down the corridor with steady, purposeful strides. “Won’t anyone question him?”

  “Anyone who sees him will presume he’s Fibarre. Besides, the Hub is protected by scanners. As long as the explosives don’t trigger an alarm we’re home free.”

  “Then let’s get the hell out of here!”

  They made it to the stairwell without incident but a guard rounded the corner just as they emerged into the ground-level corridor. The guard snapped to attention and Malik grasped Saroji’s arm. They stalked past the guard and then Malik muttered, “Carry on.”

  “Would you like an escort, sir?” The guard stepped away from the wall, his gaze narrowed and suspicious. “Where are you taking her?”

  “That’s none of your concern, Lieutenant. Carry on!”

  Rather than risk an alarm being triggered, Saroji spun and caught the guard in the face with a vicious jump kick. He stumbled back, his weapon clattering to the floor as he raised both hands to his bloody nose.

  Malik touched the side of the guard’s head and he went down, collapsing with a low-pitched moan.

  “Run,” Malik advised, and Saroji didn’t hesitate. They sprinted down the hall and slammed out a side exit, scrambling onto Malik’s skimmer-cycle. The vehicle came to life with a mechanical roar and she wrapped her arms around his waist.

  They didn’t speak until the Pentagon was hovering on the horizon. Saroji finally relaxed and rested her cheek against his broad back.

  Contact your brother. The clone should have reached the Master Hub by now.

  Accessing her familial link, Saroji reached out for Ra’jen. The package was delivered. Did we succeed?

  Silence stretched, renewing her anxiety. She could sense Ra’jen’s presence, knew he’d heard the question. So why didn’t he—

  A raucous cheer interrupted her speculation and joy surged into her mind. Target destroyed! Excellent work. Now it’s my turn to play!

  She gave Malik a firm squeeze. We did it, love. Ra’jen’s off to finish the job. Relief washed over her in a tingling wave and tears blurred her vision.

  Malik reached down and squeezed her hand, his emotions poignant and intoxicating. We need to lay low until Ra’jen gives the all clear. Where would you like to go?

  It doesn’t matter, as long as we’re together.

  He pressed a kiss to the center of her palm. I’ll find the perfect place to consummate a courtship two centuries in the making.

  She laughed and hugged him tightly. Well, find it quick, my love, or we’ll form our bond in midair on this skimmer-cycle.

  Taking her at her word, Malik found a deserted park and landed the skimmer-cycle beneath a massive tree. He took her by the hand and led her toward a ramshackle gazebo surrounded by wild rosebushes.

  He looked at the leaf-strewn benches and piles of debris, his gaze narrowed and disapproving. “Are you sure you don’t want to wait?”

  “We have the rest of our lives for soft beds and romantic fires. I want you inside me now.”

  Without further argument, he sat her down and pulled off her boots then stripped off her uniform bottom.

  “What about you?” she protested as he deftly worked the fastenings on her jacket.

  “I don’t need to be naked.”

  He spread her jacket on the bench then unfastened his pants and freed his cock. She curved her fingers around the thick shaft and pumped him slowly as she smiled.

  She started to kneel but he caught her under the arms and sat down on her jacket. She straddled his lap and guided his cock to her waiting pussy. They stared deeply into each other’s eyes as she lowered herself inch by inch.

  Pulling her mouth to his, he kissed her with feverish urgency. She met his thrusting tongue with her own and opened her mind, offering herself without reservation. They flowed together, their energy combining completely for the first time.

  Yes, oh yes! He grasped her hips and thrust up into her as his control snapped. They’d waited so long, had wanted this forever. And finally their time had come.

  She moved with him and on him, fucking his mouth as he fucked her pussy.

  Their souls entwined, knitting together in an intricate bond, beautiful and lasting. They soared together, climbing higher, digging deeper as sensations swirled, blurring the lines between fantasy and reality.

  He threw back his head and bucked so hard he lifted her knees off the bench. She cried out sharply as the pleasure crested and rolled.

  They clung together, panting into each other’s mouths as their bodies shuddered and strained. Her cunt greedily milked him until his cock had no more to give.

  He framed her face with his hands and kissed her over and over. “Tell me this is real,” he whispered against her parted lips.

  This is real. We are mated as we were meant to be.

  “As we were destined to be,” he stressed, nipping her bottom lip.

  Before she could argue the point she felt her brother tap against her shields. “Ra’jen wants to talk and I’d rather break this to him slowly. Would you mind raising your shields?”

  “You’re still ashamed of me?” He punctuated the question with a playful grin.

  “No. I just don’t want to pick a fight with my brother right now. Today has been too damn perfect.”

  “Fine.” He reinforced his shields but held her in place when she tried to crawl off his lap. “He can’t sense my cock inside you, so talk.”

  Enjoying the wicked slide of Malik’s body inside her pussy, she carefully opened a link with Ra’jen. Do you need us? How many of the anchors are under our control?

  Ten surrendered without incident, the other six are on the run. It’s just a matter of time before we find them. They have nowhere to go.

  Malik caught both her nipples and squeezed. She bit back a moan. That’s fantastic! Were there any casualties?

  Several wounded but no casualties. As soon as the Gathosians realized they were cut off from their home dimension they panicked. Everything went as planned. An announcement regarding the antidote will be broadcast within the hour. I’m thrilled to say Earth is no longer under Gathosian control!

  I know how hard you worked to make this happen. I’m really proud of you.

  We all worked hard and I’m proud of you too. Now finish fucking your mate before this gets any more obscene.

  Ra’jen pinched off the link and Malik laughed. “I guess shields don’t work with newly bonded mates.”

  “Or you weren’t trying very hard to conceal your wicked thoughts.”

  He laid her back across the bench and knelt between her thighs. “That’s a distinct possibility. I know the real work has just begun, but right now I need you all to myself.”

  She wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled his mouth back to hers and let the rest of the world fade away.

  About Aubrey Ross

  When my parents realized I had an aptitude for storytelling—okay, even at an early age I was a consummate liar—they encouraged me to find constructive ways to put all that “creativity” to use. I wrote my first novel when I was in junior high school. It was a typical teenage girl’s fantasy about being kidnapped by a sexy rock star, finding out he was really a misunderstood millionaire’s son, and living happily ever after with the reformed rebel. Check out A Taste of Twilight if you’re curious to see what became of the story.

  Now I spend my days, and many of my nights, trying to keep up with the characters springing to life within my mind. I find creative ways of avoiding errands and housework because I can’t drag myself away from the dramas unfolding in my latest story. And every
day I thank God I was able to quit my day job and actively pursue my dream! (I also write paranormal romances for Ellora’s Cave as Cyndi Friberg. They are still smoking hot, just less adventurous than Aubrey’s books.)

  Aubrey welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email addresses on her author bio page at

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  Also by Aubrey Ross

  Crimson Awakening

  Crimson Carousel 1: A Taste of Twilight

  Crimson Carousel 2: A Taste of Midnight

  Crimson Carousel 3: A Taste of Oblivion

  Crimson Carousel 4: A Taste of Dawn

  Crimson Prey

  Crimson Thrall

  Dream Warriors

  Ellora’s Cavemen: Flavors of Ecstasy IV anthology

  Enemy Embrace 1: Rebel

  Enemy Embrace 2: Toymaker

  Enemy Embrace 3: Replicant

  Enemy Embrace 4: Mystic

  Enemy Embrace 5: Madam

  Enslaved Hearts 1: Captives

  Enslaved Hearts 2: Pleasures

  Enslaved Hearts 3: Secrets

  Intimate Invasion 1: Forgotten Hope

  Intimate Invasion 2: Forsaken Desire

  Intimate Invasion 3: Forced Alliance

  Mystic Keepers 1: Refugee

  Mystic Keepers 2: Cayenne

  Mystic Keepers 3: Krystle

  Mystic Keepers 4: Lorran

  Mystic Keepers 5: Rammi

  Mystic Keepers 6: Minuette

  Mystic Keepers 7: Elita

  Mystic Keepers 8: Felise

  Sensual Captivity 1: Seducer

  Sensual Captivity 2: Shifter

  Sensual Captivity 3: Sorcerer

  Sensual Captivity 4: Specter

  Sensual Captivity 5: Seer

  Something Wicked This Way Comes, Volume 2 anthology

  Sworn Protectors 1: Onset of Darkness

  Soul Kisses


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