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The Pirate's Witch (Blood Prince)

Page 16

by Jennifer Blackstream

  He gestured at his lower half. “I’m not half serpent, I’m half wyvern. Serpent could just as easily mean snake. My ancestry is dragon.”

  Maribel started to cross her arms, realized she was still holding the knife, and pressed her lips into a thin line. He’d heard her then. Shame rose at being caught insulting her host, but she viciously squashed it down. What business did he have spying on her anyway? She returned her focus to the chunks of meat sizzling in the pan, careful to brown them evenly. “What’s the difference?” she shot over her shoulder, forcing nonchalance into her tone.

  “Careful, child,” Daman warned, the now-familiar warmth of his temper heating his tone.

  Maribel whirled around. “I’m not a child. I’m a grown woman.”

  Daman held her gaze, silver eyes steady and unnerving. “What’s the difference?”

  Download ALL FOR A ROSE

  Other Books by Jennifer Blackstream

  Blood Prince Series

  Before Midnight

  One Bite

  Golden Stair

  Divine Scales

  Beautiful Salvation

  Additional Books Featuring Characters From the Blood Prince Series

  Dead To Begin With

  What Sharp Teeth You Have

  The Pirate’s Witch

  The Blood Realm Series

  All for a Rose

  Blue Voodoo

  The Archer

  Join my mailing list to be alerted when new titles are released.

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  Now, some of you are reading this because you got your hands on a pirated copy of one of my books. I'm not going to lecture you or shame you or beg you to stop. I spent an hour last night begging my daughter to go to sleep, so I'm all groveled out for at least the next 12 hours. All I'm going to say is this: If you got any enjoyment out of my work, please consider clicking on the link below the next time you need to buy something from Amazon. You won't be spending a penny more than you would have anyway, and I'll get a little compensation for all the time and effort I put into writing the book so I can continue to write more books. Clicking the link is not an acknowledgement that you pirated one of my books. Even if you are a wonderful person who paid for this book, if you'd like to use this link to help me earn enough money for the next Lego set with a superhero in it (even though we all know my son's going to build it, then discard the majority in favor of playing with only the little people) then you can click the link too.

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  All right, back to writing. Thank you for reading,

  Jennifer Blackstream

  About the Author

  Jennifer Blackstream is a USA Today bestselling author of fantasy/paranormal romance. Urban Fantasy will soon be joining her repertoire, and if she doesn’t get hold of the insidious roving gang of plot bunnies, there’s going to be steampunk sprinkled in there too…

  To date, Jennifer has two series:


  Book 1 - Before Midnight

  Book 2 - One Bite

  Book 3 - Golden Stair

  Book 4 - Divine Scales

  Book 5 - Beautiful Salvation

  Bonus Adventures in the Blood Prince World:

  Book 2.5 - What Big Teeth You Have (free when you sign up for mailing list mentioned below)

  Book 4.5 - The Pirate’s Witch

  Book 5.5 - Dead to Begin With (available only between Thanksgiving and whenever Jennifer takes her Christmas tree down)


  Book 1 - All for a Rose

  Book 2 - Blue Voodoo

  Book 3 – The Archer

  For news, new releases, and a free copy of What Big Teeth You Have, sign up for Jennifer’s mailing list here:

  Jennifer has unfailing affection for the authors who have influenced her, including Laurell K. Hamilton, Jim Butcher, and the sorely missed Sir Terry Pratchett. Her books include humor, romance, and action, with enough darkness to keep things very interesting.

  When Jennifer isn’t writing, she can be found singing along (badly) with her latest Alice Cooper CD, a classic ‘80s album that includes Poison and Motley Crue, or possibly the soundtrack from Shrek the musical (don’t judge). She has also recently discovered Chase Holfelder’s Minor Key series on YouTube and iTunes, and that’s been very addictive as well. While singing, she’s usually trying a new recipe and figuring out how much garlic it really meant when it joked about “one clove” (or “none”). To find out more about Jennifer, visit her website at


  The Pirate’s Witch

  ©Copyright Jennifer Blackstream 2016

  Skeleton Key Publishing

  Cover Art Clarissa Yeo of Yocla Designs © 2016

  This is a work fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Skeleton Key Publishing, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in the context of reviews.

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  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patent Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2016 by Skeleton Key Publishing, Norton, Ohio, United States of Ame




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