Book Read Free

Dom of Ages

Page 13

by K. C. Wells

  “Yeah, I can understand that,” Ben acknowledged. “Well, in that case, I’ll see you tomorrow night after work.”

  “Sure.” I couldn’t hold back the little chuckle. “You’d better go. You have someone to take care of, remember?”

  Ben barked out a laugh. “Scott can hold his horses until I’m ready. I am the Dom in this relationship, after all.” He hung up, and I laughed, knowing without a doubt that he was flying to the bedroom to take care of his boy.

  I placed the phone on the bedside cabinet and undressed, my mind on the coming visit. Jarod had enjoyed going to the clubs with Phillip when they were first together, although they’d become more insular as the years had passed. I’d liked going to Lancers, until it became Spitfire. And there were still things I wanted to learn. Maybe it was time for a fresh start for both of us.

  I found myself hoping that Collars & Cuffs was exactly what we were looking for.

  I PUSHED open the heavy wooden doors and stepped into the reception area, to be greeted by a young man with an infectious smile.

  “Good evening! Welcome to Collars & Cuffs.”

  I peered at his name badge and returned the smile. “Hi, Elliott. I’m here to see Ben Winters.” I could feel music pulsing through the floor.

  He nodded. “You must be Eli. Ben told me you’d be visiting.” He reached under the desk and handed me a lime-green wristband. “Please sign yourself in,” he said, indicating a large open book on the desk in front of him. “And don’t forget to return the band before you leave.”

  I complied with his instructions. Elliott reached under the desk once more, and the large metallic doors to my left clicked.

  “Go straight ahead, and you’ll find the bar, where Ben is.”

  I thanked him and entered the main area of the club. The percussive beat of the music throbbed through me, not overly loud. I spied the bar with its comfy chairs, the wall monitors showing what was going on in different areas of the club. The familiar sounds reassured me immediately. Even at first glance, I could tell this was nothing like Spitfire.

  “You made it!” Ben waved at me from behind the bar, his face stretched in a wide grin. He turned to a young man and spoke quietly with him, before coming around the bar and greeting me with a warm hug. “I was beginning to think I’d never get you here.”

  I laughed. “Why, do you get a commission each time you bring in a new member?”

  Ben guffawed. “Cheeky sod.” He gestured to the bar. “Unfortunately I can’t spend a lot of time with you tonight. I’m training a new guy, and it’s his first time behind the bar.” He glanced around and then smiled. “But I’m going to leave you in some very capable hands.” Ben led me across the floor toward a very tall man in jeans and a white shirt who was talking with a man clothed in a pair of leather pants and a harness. “Leo, you got a minute?”

  The tall man turned and gave Ben a nod. He patted the leather-clad guy on the arm and then walked toward us, his hand outstretched.

  “You must be Eli. Ben’s talked about you.” He took my hand in a firm shake. “I’m Leo Hart, one of the club’s owners.”

  I smiled politely. “And Ben’s mentioned you, several times.”

  Ben grinned. “Well, now that you two have finally met, I’ll go back to my bar.” He squeezed my upper arm. “Come see me before you go, yeah? We can set up a time for our run tomorrow night.”


  Ben nodded toward his boss. “Thanks, Leo.”

  “No problem.”

  I waited until Ben was gone before returning my attention to Leo. “Is there somewhere we can talk?”

  Leo arched his eyebrows. “Right down to business, eh? I like that. Come with me to the office. My business partner is in there, and I can introduce you. Then we can have a chat.”

  I followed him to the office and stepped inside while he held the door open. An older man sat at a wide desk, laughing with a guy whom I estimated to be in his late twenties. The younger man turned as I entered and rose to his feet, offering me a shy smile.

  “Thomas, this is Ben’s friend, Eli,” Leo said, closing the door behind him.

  Thomas’s face lit up. “At last! Ben’s been talking about you for ages.” He got up from his chair and leaned across the desk, hand held out. I shook it, taking in Thomas’s appearance. He had to be in his late fifties, with green eyes and neat gray hair. Thomas gestured to the younger man at his side. “This is Peter, my partner and submissive.” I loved the way his eyes shone when he gazed at Peter. It was good to be able to put faces to the names I’d heard in my conversations with Ben.

  Peter gave me a polite nod. “Pleased to meet you, sir.” He glanced at Thomas. “I’ll leave you alone, Sir.”

  Thomas bobbed his head and then moved closer to kiss Peter’s cheek. “I’ll come find you later, okay?”

  “Yes, Sir.” With another nod to me, Peter walked gracefully around the desk and out of the office.

  Thomas indicated the chair in front of the desk. “Please, have a seat. Would you like some coffee?”

  I sat down. “That would be nice, thanks.”

  Leo perched on the edge of the desk, leaning back. “Ben tells us you’re interested in joining the club.”

  I held up my hands. “I’m here to check out the club, that much is true. But I’d need some answers from you before I made any decision about becoming a member.”

  Thomas paused, coffee pot in his hand, and grinned at Leo. “Well, this is new. Normally, we’re the ones asking the questions.” He peered intently at me. “I take it we’re being vetted.” He didn’t seem to be offended by the idea.

  I couldn’t disagree, seeing as this was exactly what I was doing. “I’m sorry, but I’ve had some bad experiences recently with a BDSM club. I’d want some assurances before joining.”

  Thomas handed mugs of coffee to me and Leo and then sat down in the big leather chair behind the desk with his own mug. “Of course. Can I ask which club are we talking about? Because I’m familiar with all the BDSM clubs in the Greater Manchester area. It’s not as if there are that many of them—less than five, in fact.” When I hesitated, he gave me a warm smile. “I’m not about to go spreading whatever you tell me, but it would at least give me an idea of your experiences so far.”

  “We went to Spitfire, although when I first went there, it was called Lancers.”

  Thomas nodded. “Lancers used to be a wonderful club. I knew its owner, Clive, from way back. But yes, it’s gone downhill in recent years. It’s also gone through several changes of management.” He tilted his head to one side. “What happened?” There was genuine interest in his voice, his body language.

  I took a drink of my coffee and then launched into a description of that disastrous last visit. Leo made a low growl at the back of his throat, and Thomas looked unhappy. “Clive would never have allowed that to happen,” he said when I’d finished. He studied me in silence for a moment, his hands wrapped around his mug. Then he gave a slow nod. “I understand your reticence, and I’m so sorry Jarod had to go through that. I can tell you, however, without a shadow of a doubt, that the submissives in this club would make Jarod feel very welcome.” Leo murmured in agreement.

  He did sound very confident, I had to admit.

  “Why don’t I introduce you to some of the Doms who are here tonight? Maybe some subs too?” Leo said with a smile. “That way, you can get to hear about the club from the horse’s mouth, as it were.”

  “That’s a good idea,” Thomas added. “Then you can make up your own mind.”

  “I’ll go see who’s around. Back in a sec.” Leo got up from his perch on the desk and headed out the door.

  “You may be vetting us, but it seems Leo’s already decided about you.”

  I frowned. “Excuse me?”

  Thomas chuckled. “He wouldn’t be off rounding up members if he didn’t get a good feeling about you.”

  The thought warmed me.

  Thomas gave me a speculative glance. “W
e’ve talked about Jarod’s needs, but what about yours? What are you looking for in a club?”

  “Me?” Jarod was uppermost in my thoughts. Then it struck me. Ben had said more than once that Thomas used to train Doms. “Well, to be honest….” I thought about our contract. “There are things both of us would like to explore,” I began.

  “But with which you’re unfamiliar,” Thomas concluded, his gaze trained on me.

  I nodded. “I’m proficient with a whip, a flogger, or a cane,” I admitted, “but I’ve become almost a… vanilla Dom, I suppose.”

  “Was there anything in particular you’d like training on? I know you mentioned being unhappy that your training was cut short.”

  I thought about it. “We have talked about using sounds, and Jarod is not averse to pain, so I thought about something a little… different, maybe.”

  He pursed his lips, his expression serious. “Okay,” he said at last. “Well, maybe we can help you with that.” He smiled. “I’ve always loved sounds, and it’s been a while since I trained anyone on how to use them.” Thomas sighed. “I do miss those days.”

  “Maybe you should start up again,” I suggested. Ben spoke glowingly of this Dom: I found myself wanting to see him in full flow.

  Thomas laughed. “Now you sound just like Leo.” He peered at me. “Are you sure he didn’t put you up to this? Because this is uncanny. We were discussing this only yesterday.”

  I stared at him. “No!” I exclaimed. “I’ve only just met him.”

  The door opened, and Leo stuck his head around it. “Want to come meet some people?” He grinned.

  Thomas gave a wry chuckle. “That seems to be our cue to end this conversation.” He stood up and held out his hand to take mine in a firm handshake. “I hope to see you soon, Eli—you and Jarod.”

  I had to admit, I was hoping the same thing. I had a very good feeling about Collars & Cuffs.

  I followed Leo to the bar, where six or seven men were sitting around, chatting, laughing, and watching our approach.

  “Gentlemen, this is Eli, a prospective member, so play nice.” Leo winked at me and then turned to go back into the office. I laughed along with them.

  The man I’d seen Leo talking to earlier was the first to speak. “I’m Miles. Let me do some introductions.” He pointed around the seated group. “This is Andrew. He’s our Shibari whiz.” Andrew laughed. “And that’s Jonathon and his boy Dillon, Joe, Steve….” Miles grinned. “And the skinny one on the end is mine.”

  “Hey!” The dark-haired young man stared indignantly at Miles, then flashed a quick smile at me. “I’m Pietro.”

  “Pleased to meet you all.” They seemed a nice bunch. I looked around to make sure Leo wasn’t in sight and then leaned forward. “So, this place is cool?”

  Everyone nodded. “I’ve been to a few different clubs,” Joe confided, “but I love it here. We’re like family.” More nods greeted his words.

  “You gonna join?” Miles asked me.

  “Thinking about it.” Then it occurred to me that I had the perfect opportunity to learn something. “So if a submissive wanted to join who was older than the guys I’ve seen so far, maybe in his forties or even fifties, you wouldn’t have a problem with that?”

  Dillon looked genuinely puzzled. “Why would we? What does age have to do with it?” Pietro’s face wore a similar expression. That, more than anything else I’d seen or heard, made my heart feel that bit lighter.

  Maybe Collars & Cuffs was exactly what we were looking for after all.

  “What’s the procedure for joining?” I asked them.

  “Well, Leo or Thomas will carry out checks, like they always do,” Miles told me, “but Ben speaks highly of you, and I gotta say, that recommendation will carry a lot of weight here.”

  This place was what Spitfire should have been. When I joined, there was no background check, no vetting at all. Just pay your fee, and you were in. This was a club that had standards, and it made me proud that my friend thought I met them.

  It was time to go home and talk to my pet.

  Chapter Fourteen


  WHEN I opened the front door, the delicious aroma hit me immediately. “Hi, honey, I’m home,” I called out and then grinned.

  Jarod stuck his head around the kitchen door, eyebrows arched. “‘Honey,’ Sir?” His lips twitched. He disappeared back into the kitchen.

  I chuckled as I shucked off my jacket. “It seemed appropriate,” I said with a shrug. “What’s that gorgeous smell?” My stomach growled, a reminder that I’d gone too long since lunch without food. I hadn’t meant to stay so long at the club, but I’d lost all track of time, chatting with the members. I was glad I’d remembered to call Jarod earlier in the day to tell him I’d be late home.

  “That is your dinner, chicken casserole with tarragon dumplings,” Jarod said as I entered the kitchen. The table was set, a plate of freshly baked bread cut into chunks in the center of it.

  My mouth watered, and my belly gave another rumble.

  Jarod smiled. “Someone’s hungry.” He opened the oven and carefully brought out the white casserole dish, which he placed on a mat. I sniffed the air, and he laughed. “Okay, okay, it’s coming.”

  I sat down and watched him dish out two plates full of casserole. He brought them to the table and took a seat. “I wanted to make something special for you, as it was your first day back at work.” He gave me a shy smile. “Especially as you had to work late too.”

  “That was a really nice thought.” His last remark gave me a pang. Not telling him where I was going had seemed perfectly logical last night, but in the light of day, it felt as if I’d deceived him.

  Time to put that right.

  The food tasted as delicious as it smelled. We ate in silence for about ten minutes, and when the edge of my appetite had dulled, I put down my fork and regarded him intently. “There’s something I’d like to discuss, and now is as good a time as any.”

  Jarod put down his cutlery and nodded. “Okay.”

  “I’d like us to go to a club.”

  He flinched, his eyes closing tightly. “If that’s what you want, Sir,” he said, ending on a slight sigh.

  I couldn’t really blame him for his reaction.

  “I know how hard it was for you at the other club, and I need you to understand that I would never put you in that sort of situation again. Okay?” I stared at him, hoping he saw the truth of that statement reflected on my face. After a few seconds, he nodded. Encouraged, I pressed forward. “My friend, Ben, is the bar manager at Collars & Cuffs, a BDSM club on Canal Street. He’s invited us there.” I snickered. “Actually, he’s been trying to get me there for months. He’s a persistent little sod.” Jarod smothered a chuckle, and it lightened my heart. “Anyway, I wanted to see what all the fuss was about, so I arranged to meet the club owners first, to ensure we’d be welcome. That’s why I was late tonight.”

  My heartbeat sped up when he stared at me with rounded eyes.

  “You went there?”

  I nodded. “After talking to Ben, I didn’t think we’d be walking into the lion’s den, but I wanted to make sure. And if I went there and didn’t like the feel of the place, well, that was better than taking you there and subjecting you to any unwelcome atmosphere.” I regarded him keenly. “Do you understand now why I didn’t take you with me?”

  To my intense relief, he smiled. “You were looking out for me, Sir.”

  I returned his smile. “Exactly. As it was, I really liked the club. I think you will too. And as for why I’d want us to go to a club in the first place? I want to show you off, pet. I want everyone to know that you’re mine, but I will only do that if your heart is really into it.” I stressed that last part, my gaze focused on his face.

  “Really?” he asked, his voice so soft I had to strain to hear him.

  I rose from my chair and went to his side of the table. I tucked a knuckle under his chin and tilted his head. “Yes, really.” I di
pped my head and kissed him on the lips. When I straightened, I grinned. “And you taste of chicken casserole.”

  He bit back a smile. A deep breath and a moment of silence later he answered me. “I trust you to do what’s best. If you think we should do this, then I will give it my all.”

  I tugged him to his feet and pulled him into me. He buried his face in my neck, and I could feel him tremble. His hair smelled of citrus and cedar, uniquely him.

  “I’m afraid,” he admitted.

  I held him tightly. “I promise you, Jarod, I will always be there for you. Not just because it’s my job, but because you’re mine.”

  He melted into my arms, his trembling disappeared. After a moment his breath tickled my neck. “Can we finish dinner now?”

  I laughed and released him. “Good idea.” We both sat and finished our meal, Jarod much more at ease. Then he stiffened.

  “When were you thinking of visiting the club, Sir?”

  “I was thinking about maybe this weekend.”

  Jarod’s expression grew pained. “Then may I make a suggestion? Perhaps we could go to my house before then?” He glanced down at his clothes, or rather, my clothes. “Maybe I need to pack some things if I’m going to be staying.”

  “If?” I speared him with a look.

  Jarod’s cheeks flushed. “Okay. Sir, I need my clothes, because I’m living here now, with you.”

  I nodded in approval. “Much better, pet.” He had a point. “So how about we go there after dinner on Thursday night? Then we can go to Collars & Cuffs on Friday.”

  “That sounds good.”

  I had to admit, I was curious to see the house. There was still so much about Jarod that I didn’t know.

  DINNER WAS done, dishes washed, and everything dried and put away.


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