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Coming Soon

Page 9

by Christy Gissendaner

  First off, I wanted to know how she knew Jase. Secondly, I wanted to know how many girls he’d brought here.

  I pulled out a wad of cash and shoved it toward her. She waved my money away. “Dagger’s already taken care of payment. Anything you wanted, he said to put on his account.”

  I narrowed my eyes. The girl wasn’t responsible, but exasperation made me brusque. “I’d prefer to pay for it myself.”

  “He told me you would.” She smiled again, displaying veneer-perfect teeth. “I’m sorry, honey, but I can’t risk upsetting a first-class customer like Dagger.”

  With a growl, I snatched the bags she handed me. I stalked out of the doors and headed for Jase.

  I wanted to be mad, but it was sweet of him to give me free reign to buy whatever I wanted. If any other guy had pulled such a stunt, I’d consider it controlling, but the same rules didn’t apply to Jase.

  I slid into the warm cabin and twisted to toss my bags into the backseat. “Thank you,” I muttered.

  “For what?” He tapped on the screen of his phone to close an app before giving me a cautious look.

  I waggled my fingers toward my bags. “For the clothes. I’ll pay you back.”

  “No, you won’t.” He fastened his seatbelt. “Consider it a bonus. This too.”

  A sleek silver smart phone landed in my lap.

  “Jase! You’ve given me enough already.”

  He reached into the pocket of my jeans and retrieved my battered cell phone. “I don’t want that bastard contacting you again. I transferred your contacts to the new phone. I added a few for Dagger Productions, ones you’ll need later. I texted your new number to Mark and Posey already.”

  “Thank you.” His thoughtfulness amazed me. “How do you know I won’t completely suck ass next week?”

  He chuckled and slid a pair of dark Aviators over his eyes. “The viewers might like a scene with you sucking ass.”

  I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest. “I’ve read the script. All I’ll be sucking is cock. Trust me. Let’s go find shoes.”

  Chapter Ten

  A few hours later, I dressed and prepared to meet Mark and Posey for lunch. I wished for a full-length mirror to check out my reflection, but like a typical guy, Jase’s apartment housed tiny mirrors in the bathroom.

  I stood on my tiptoes to see as much of my dress as I could. The view from the waist up seemed decent enough. I slicked on another coat of lip gloss and blotted with a piece of tissue.

  I’d only had time to grab a couple cosmetics at a local pharmacy after searching for the perfect shoes all morning. The discount mascara and glittery powder foundation helped liven up my pale complexion. Nothing like the glamorous face Honey had given me, but it would do.

  I bent down and twisted my foot to fasten the straps of my cork wedged sandals. Not the best choice for a chilly December day, but they were comfy and fit into my budget. Thankfully Jase had listened when I’d ordered him not to pay for my shoes. Unfortunately I’d had to grab something on sale. Out of season as well.

  Once I was ready, I joined Jase in the living room. He had his back to me, flipping through channels on the television. I cleared my throat and waited for him to turn around.

  “You ready?” He tossed the remote aside and turned to face me. The smile froze on his face as his gaze swept over me from head to toe. “Jesus.”

  “Too much?” I smoothed my hands over the soft blue material hugging my hips. “I wasn’t sure what to wear.”

  “No.” Jase shook his head. “You look perfect.”

  I sighed with relief. “Thank God. I’ve never been to Pat Flanagan’s, but someone once told me it’s sorta dressy.”

  “You’ll fit in fine.” Jase grabbed his keys off the coffee table. “Ready to go?”

  I followed him to the car, surprised when he opened the door for me. I climbed in, doing my best not to flash my panties, and settled into the seat.

  Unlike the trip that morning, I chatted nonstop, excited about my lunch date. Jase answered in monosyllables. I took it as a sign of his jealousy. A dreamer could hope, right?

  Pat Flanagan’s was near the Civic Center. Wrought iron railings encircled the western half of the restaurant, and tiny tables filled the patios. Several patrons braved the chilly temperatures and enjoyed their lunch al fresco.

  “Thank you for dropping me off. Mark said he’ll bring me back to the apartment after our date.” I enjoyed the brief flare of jealousy darkening Jase’s eyes and pressed my point harder. “Dagger Productions doesn’t have a rule about dating co-stars, does it?”

  Jase shrugged, but irritation was evident in the set of his shoulders. “As long as it doesn’t interfere with filming, no.”

  “Okay, great!” I opened the door and slid out before I lost my nerve and admitted my deception. I’d never been a good liar, especially with Jase. “I’ll see you in a few hours.”

  I left him behind even though every cell in my body yearned to be with him. I couldn’t bear to be away from Jase, a silly notion when until the last couple months, I’d only seen him during his sporadic visits to Vestavia Hills.

  Mark and Posey decided against braving the cold. Instead they’d chosen a cozy table in the back, a fact for which I was grateful. My dress may be fashionable, but it was no match to the elements, and my exposed toes felt like icicles.

  “Diamond! You look fabulous.” Posey air-kissed both of my cheeks and gripped both of my hands in hers. “Blue does amazing things for your coloring. And your hair!” She fluffed my hard-won curls with her tiny fingers. “It’s divine.”

  Mark pulled out a chair, placing me squarely between the both of them. He was handsome in a pale ivory button-up and pressed khakis. Posey’s understated black pantsuit didn’t disguise the bombshell body and vivacious personality that bubbled out of her.

  Many pairs of eyes strayed to our table, male and female alike. My fear of being the center of attention was misplaced. No one would possibly notice me while I was in the presence of two beautiful people like Mark and Posey.

  “Mark tells me you start filming on Friday.” Posey snapped open her napkin and placed it over her lap. “Are you excited?”

  I toyed with the leather edge of a menu and nodded. “Excited. Nervous. Scared to death.”

  Posey placed her hand over mine. “You’ll do fine. Mark is a fantastic teacher. He taught me all about porn.”

  I widened my eyes and glanced about the restaurant, astounded Posey would speak so frankly about her chosen career. As luck would have it, no one seemed to pay any attention to our conversation. “How many films have you done?”

  Posey crinkled her lovely brows and counted on her fingers. “Let’s see, there have been fifteen…no…sixteen. I’ve been really busy lately. I’m on my fifth film this year.” She cast Mark a coy look. “Mark’s a real stud. He’s my job security.”

  Mark gave a lazy smile. “I’m only as good as my partner.”

  “Stop it. You’ll make me blush.” Posey leaned forward to slap his hand in a teasing manner. She drew back and indeed a faint bit of pink highlighted her cheekbones.

  Realization hit me like a bolt of lightning. Posey had a crush on Mark.

  I waited until the waiter took our drink orders before I asked the question preying on my mind. “Do you guys ever get recognized?”

  Posey giggled. “All the time.”


  My face must’ve shown my horror because Posey quickly sobered. “Relax, Diamond. I’m just teasing. Sometimes my hardcore fans recognize me, but it doesn’t happen often here. It’s worse when I go home. I’m from a small town where everyone knows everyone.”

  “Same here.” I glanced at the menu. “I’m something of a circus freak already. I’d prefer to not draw the spotlight any more than I have to.”

  The waiter returned and passed out our drinks, sparkling water for Posey and me, a glass of wine for Mark. I took a sip before picking up the menu. “What’s good here?”

>   Posey pointed out a selection with a hot pink fingernail. “The tilapia is healthy and delicious. Not that you have to worry about your weight, of course, but some of us aren’t so lucky.”

  I snorted. “Yeah, right. Like you have to diet either.”

  Mark touched my thigh, right where the dress ended and my skin began. His palm was warm and interestingly enough, I didn’t mind his touch.

  He leaned in close, expensive wine fragrant on his breath. “Posey loves to fish for compliments. Don’t you, my dear?”

  Posey rolled her eyes. “Fine. I’ll have the lobster bisque.”

  After we placed our orders, Mark studied me over the rim of his wineglass. “So tell us about yourself, Diamond. What do your parents think about your new career?”

  I never talked about my parents, especially with a pair of strangers. I avoided the question, a skill I’d gained in recent weeks. “Is it hard for you to date?”

  “Got your eye on someone?” Mark winked and took a sip from his glass.

  It was my turn to blush now. “No, I just wondered. It must be hard watching your girlfriend or boyfriend have sex with another person.”

  Posey held up her hand to Mark. “No, let me answer.”

  She pinned with me a composed stare. “You can’t consider porn as sex. Yes, technically it is, but you have to differentiate on-camera fucking from romantic sex. Does that make sense to you?”

  I shook my head. “Not really.”

  Mark flicked his hand toward Posey. “She and I fuck all the time. It’s always in front of a camera, and when the scene is complete, we go our separate ways. We maintain a friendship, yes, but we’re not romantically involved. Sex is different when you’re with someone you care about.”

  I noticed Posey’s crestfallen expression and pitied the heartsick actress. How horrible it must be to be in love with your co-star, have him act out the scene of your fantasies, and then disregard it as all in a day’s work.

  The opposite was true for me. I wanted the man behind the camera, the person who would watch me have sex with another guy.

  Mark toyed with the serving spoon for the salad the waiter had brought by. “Don’t be worried. I’ll take extra special care of you.”

  It would be an easier pill to swallow if he was the stereotypical actor, but Mark was a truly decent guy. It made my job easier, sure, but it also made it more difficult to keep my emotions in check. “I’ve never…acted before.”

  I couldn’t believe I’d come so close to admitting the truth. I wondered what they would say if I told them I was a virgin.

  Jase had been wrong about schoolgirls. I was the epitome of porn’s Holy Grail, an eighteen-year-old virgin about to pop her cherry on camera.

  Posey ran a hand through her long hair and shook the curls about her shoulders. “The first shoot is always the worst. I got my period during mine. It was horrible.”

  “Oh, God,” I said with a moan. I hadn’t considered the scenario. My period finished the week before, but it didn’t mean it wouldn’t happen again before filming wrapped. “What did you do?”

  Posey shrugged. “Plugged it and kept going.”

  A smile curved Mark’s lips. He stared at Posey a second longer than he should’ve, just long enough for me to know maybe Posey’s crush wasn’t entirely unrequited. He poured another glass of wine. “There’s a market for blood, you know.”

  I didn’t think it was possible to be more shocked. “Really?”

  “It’s not my thing, but I’ve heard of it. My proclivities veer to the typical. Golden showers, light BDSM, anal.”

  I turned my attention to Posey. “Have you done those?” I dropped my voice to a mere whisper. “Anal?”

  Her laughter was full and robust. “Oh goodness, yes. It’s hard to make a name for yourself in this industry if you don’t.”

  “Oh.” Worry settled in my belly like a ton of rocks. “I’m not quite ready for …that.”

  Mark leaned back in his chair, studying me with his cool, blue gaze. “Are you sure you’re ready for any of it?”

  “You sound like Jase. Umm…Dagger, rather.” I forced a laugh I didn’t entirely feel. “Why does everyone keep asking me if I’m ready? I’m not planning to chicken out.”

  “Good.” Mark graced me with another of his perfect smiles. “I’d hate to lose you, my little Diamond.”

  I glanced at Posey, who gave me a bright smile, but sorrow lurked beneath her polished demeanor. It had to be hard for her to know Mark had single-handedly picked me to be his next co-star.

  I was sorry too, except I wasn’t nearly as ready to reveal my true emotions.

  “How was lunch?”

  I pocketed the key Jase had given me to his apartment and shuffled into the living room. “Okay. The food was good, but overpriced.”

  “I could’ve told you.” Jase moved his feet for me to sit on the couch, but remained in a prone position.

  A video game controller lay in his lap and the zombie-filled screen was set on pause. Apparently he hadn’t outgrown his love for gaming. It was nice to see some of the Jase I remembered still lingered.

  I undid the straps to my sandals and kicked them aside I bent to massage my aching feet. “Mark is going to come over later to help me run lines. I hope that’s fine?”

  “Doesn’t matter to me.” Jase shrugged. He picked up the controller and resumed his game.

  I watched several zombies get taken out with kill shots to the head. The blood and gore on the screen struck a painful chord, and I lurched to my feet. “I’m going to my room.”

  My voice gave me away and Jase looked up. Seeing my face, he paused the game again. “Shit, Cara. I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking.”

  I forced a laugh. “Are you kidding me? What sort of person can’t watch evil zombies being slaughtered? I’m fine. Just tired.”

  Jase stood and caught my arm before I left. “Wait. Look at me.”

  I obeyed, heaving a large sigh and focusing on a point above his shoulder. “What?”

  “We never really talked about that night.”

  I jerked my arm free. “And I don’t want to talk about it now.”

  “You can’t keep running forever.”

  Emotions pounded me from all sides. I was the one who’d walked in on the bloody aftermath of my parents’ meltdown. No one knew better than I what I did or didn’t need. “I’m tired, grouchy, and not ready to deal with this. Not yet, okay?”

  He scrubbed a hand over his bristled jaw. “I gave you time, thinking you’d break down and talk to me eventually. I don’t want to push the issue, but this isn’t healthy.”

  “Healthy?” I barked out a laugh, trying my best to deter him from a conversation I wasn’t ready to have. “Let’s talk about healthy, okay? You make your living in porn. Porn, Jase! Jesus Fucking Christ, your parents would have a shit fit. Do they know? What am I saying? Of course they don’t. I’m your best friend, Jase, and I didn’t even know.”

  He seemed stunned by my outburst. His jaw worked up and down, but he said nothing.

  I clenched my fists when tears leaked from the corners of my eyes and growled with frustration. Today wasn’t supposed to be like this.

  I bent down and retrieved my sandals. My fingers shook and my breath came out in ragged bursts. “I’m going to work on my lines before Mark gets here.”

  “I’m going to pretend you didn’t say all of that.” Jase’s voice was tense, taut with the anger he obviously tried to hold in check. “I’ve offered to help you in any way I can. I’ve done everything to prove you mean the world to me. You’re hurting right now, and I know you don’t mean to lash out at me, but stop pushing me away and let me help you.”

  Guilt washed over me. “I’m sorry. You’re right. I don’t mean to take it out on you.”

  “Do you want me to run lines with you?”

  I clutched the shoes to my chest. “Mark offered, and I accepted.”

  “Do you like him?” Jase ground out the words.

p; I shrugged. “Does it matter?”

  “Yes.” Jase stepped up to me. “It does. He’s getting paid to fuck you. Don’t confuse the issue.”

  I tossed my sandals aside and plopped my hands on my hips. “And what is the issue here? Huh? Tell me.”

  He grabbed my upper arms and dug his fingers into my skin. Not enough to be painful, but enough to hold me in place. “I care about you. The last thing I want is to see you hurt.”

  “And you think Mark will hurt me?”

  Jase’s expression closed off. “No.”

  I waited for him to say more. Moments ticked by. He still held me, but his grip loosened enough for me to slip free if I wanted to. He ran his palms up my arms and cupped my shoulders.

  His voice softened. “We’re treading a slippery slope. It was probably a bad idea to bring you here, to give you the role. It was more bearable when you were in Vestavia. Safe.”

  “Was I, Jase? Safe, I mean?” The memories of all the nights I’d cowered in my room, hoping for a miracle or someone to rescue me. “I’m better off here than at home.”

  He worked his fingers like he wanted to punch someone…or something. “You deserve better. I would give you the world if I could, take away all the bad.”

  “You’ve given me enough.” I sighed and placed my forehead against his solid chest. He was warm and firm beneath the thin, cotton T-shirt.

  “It doesn’t seem like enough.”

  “It is. Trust me.” I lifted my head and held his gaze. “Thank you.”

  He returned my gaze, not pulling away like he normally would’ve. “For what?”

  “For being my friend even though you make me so angry I want to punch someone.”

  He cracked a smile. “That makes two of us.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Pizza boxes littered the floor and permeated the room with the smell of garlic and pepperoni. Mark stretched out on the couch and patted his flat belly. “I’ll need an extra mile or two on the treadmill tonight.”

  Jase glanced up from the book in his hands and lifted a brow. “We start filming in six days, remember?”

  I glanced at the slice in my hand and tossed it aside without taking another bite. I was lucky to be slender, but the camera added pounds. Jase sent an amused glance my way before turning his attention back to the book.


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