Something Greater Than Yourself: An Omega Mpreg Romance

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Something Greater Than Yourself: An Omega Mpreg Romance Page 1

by Louise Bourgeois

  Something Greater Than Yourself

  An Omega Mpreg Romance

  By Louise Bourgeois

  Edited and co-written by Cedric Bourgeois

  “Can’t escape me now.” Max grinned as he trapped Félix against the bar by planting his hands either side of him, resting on the wooden bar top. “I’m buying. To celebrate our victory. That was a hell of a game.” Not letting him get away he rested his chin on the top of his head as he added his own drink to the order.

  Even when Max removed a hand to fish out his wallet, his other arm wrapped around his waist, holding him tight. Félix could tell he’d had a couple already because his hands were pressing into him, unsteady, low. He hadn’t realized he’s pushed his body back until Max’s lips were brushing against his ear.

  “You tease.”

  “Not here.” It was part-explanation and part-request, either way Max was dragging him from the bar and through the crowds. Tugging his cap down low he prayed not to be stopped by anyone, Max was squeezing his hand and he wasn’t ready for that to stop anytime soon. And being bumped and buffeted by the unruly crowd was close to perfect because it forced them together, allowing him the best excuse to let his hands grip to his tee shirt.

  Pressing the rim of the bottle to his lips, Max tipped his head back and swallowed mouthful after mouthful until the bottle was empty. But that was plan, to numb himself from everything he felt, the drink flowed freely and he soon found another bottle pushed into his hand.

  “Want to get out of here?” This was far from his scene and he hadn’t seen Félix in so long, he wanted to spend some time with him where he was squashed between loads of other people, barely able to hear him over the thumping music.

  “Si.” Félix knew the fresh night air would ruin him instantly, and was proven right when they were both stood outside.

  “Nick and Leo still at it then?” Max watched on as they shouted at each other, arms gesturing wildly as Nick spewed out numerous garbled insults whilst Leo screamed back that he couldn’t understand.

  “Uh huh. They call it love.” He actively avoided them because he wasn’t into drama anymore, he had come to realize he had aged out of it.

  Max snorted. “That’s not love.”

  “You are so drunk” He chuckled quietly at Max’s slurred words.

  “So are you,” Max declared brightly as they flagged down a taxi.

  His head went fuzzy as Max put his arm around his shoulder to pull him towards the now stopped cab.

  “In ya get champ.”

  Félix knew better than to read into Max’s actions but having him pat his ass as he climbed in made his legs weak, it left him unable to concentrate properly, and it left him reckless. It made him rest a hand on Max’s leg, and when it wasn’t rejected away he pressed his fingers against the soft denim. And when he got away with that Félix delved lower, dipping between his thighs, Max widening his legs gave him permission to go higher and higher. But it had to stop somewhere and Max lightly grasped his wrist when he reached his crotch.

  “Naughty,” he warned in a low growl.

  It was the only word he got on the matter, but he couldn’t feel any disappointment as Max simply placed his hand back where he started. Though perhaps a little higher.

  “Come on, pay the man.” Max grinned before stepping out, holding the door open.

  “Why do I pay?” he asked indignantly once he was stood on the pavement.

  “Your wandering hands!” Laughing as he walked into the hotel, Max poked and prodded him on the way to the elevator.

  Waiting until they were inside and alone, Félix spoke up. “I see you had no problem.” Folding his arms across his chest he jutted his chin out in defiance, daring Max to disagree. However in a second he was being crowded into the corner.

  “Maybe I don’t,” he whispered, his lips grazing Félix’s.

  Chasing his lips Félix wound his arms around Max’s neck and kissed him passionately, Max was clearly drunk and despite the risk to their friendship he just went for it. Licking into his mouth he felt no resistance and chased selfish satisfaction until they reached the floor for his room. Even as they parted to walk out, Max’s hands didn’t leave, then whilst opening the door he was mouthing at the back of his neck, hands pushing under his shirt.

  It was rushed and messy, their hands seeking out skin, tugging and yanking on clothes to reveal it, mouth diving to taste and claim, bodies pushing to reach the bed so they could sprawl out. In the low light washed in from the nightlife outside, they indulged themselves.

  Félix couldn’t believe it, even in his clouded mind he knew how lucky he was, Max was nipping at his skin, trailing over his chest, licking over his nipples in turn before returning to his lips again. Sweeping his hands up and down his back, feeling out his powerful muscles as they kissed passionately, open-mouthed, wild. “Max.” He groaned against his the stubble of his cheek. “Max!”

  “Fuck, Fél.” Félix was writhing about underneath him and it felt good. So good. He wanted to get off so badly. “Fucking hell.”

  “Ugh.” The way Max was rutting against him was frustrating because…

  “Got any…aha.” There was some under his pillow. “More fun.” He grinned as waved the bottle of lube in Félix’s face.

  “How!” How could Max know he had put it there for later?

  “I know loads about you.” Sliding off of Félix he clumsily maneuvered himself onto his back. “I know you like me. Come on Fél.”

  Max was struggling to work the cap off, and it was an adorable look on him as he became more and more desperate. “I help.”

  “I know you can help.” Thrusting the bottle out he watched on as Félix straddled his lap. “I also know you want my cock.”

  “Si, but you want mine too.” Sticking his tongue out he had just enough time to squeeze some across their cocks before Max tipped him on his side, hooking a leg over his waist to bring their crotches together.

  “Yeah, fuck.” He tried to get his hips to work.

  Max’s hands were pawing at him uncoordinated, trying to get them closer together, but not actually managing it, he had never seen him this drunk. “You want this too?”

  “Huh?” Félix was holding onto his arm and dragging it down, down, further down to his ass. On instinct he grabbed a cheek but Félix was shaking his head.

  “No, no.” Bringing his hand between his cheeks, he felt Max’s fingertips press against his hole. “Si, si, this, this.” Arching his back he asked for it once more silently.

  Max responded by kissing him hard, forcefully, verging on painful, all the while his index finger circled Félix’s entrance, once so forbidden, now offered so freely. “Fél, please.” He begged when they parted to breathe.

  “You fuck me?” Félix asked.

  “Yes, god yes.” He groaned. “Now.” His head spun from what he was hearing, the from what he was witnessing, Félix playing himself open without apology. “God you feel good.” He moaned as Félix wiggled his hips as he slowly sat down, taking all of him, inch by inch. “Fucking hell! Oh fuck, you feel so good.”

  Every time he moved Max sighed, groaned, whined, his head pushed back, his hands gripped tightly on his hips, grinding up into him as he sat down. His head was only seeking out pleasure and Félix wanted it now, he wanted it all, and when Max looked up at him with his eyes heavy with lust his hand immediately wrapped around his own cock. Knowing his body, he was aware how close he was to ecstasy, wave upon wave was hitting him relentlessly now because Max’s touch wasn’t a fantasy anymore.

  “Fuck.” Whatever Félix was doing was working bec
ause he was barely able to think, let alone function. “Fuck, Fél, god, please.”

  “Max, Max! Dios mio, por favor!”


  “Morning.” Max croaked as he peeled a single eye open.

  “Uh huh.” His head was pounding a cruel rhythm inside of his head, paying extra attention to pounding the backs of his eyes.

  “What the hell happened last night? Can’t remember much.”

  “Oh, um, am not sure.”

  “Well, apart from the drinking. My head.” Covering his eyes with a hand Max turned away from the window to face Félix properly. “Does yours feel like it’s being sat on by an elephant?”

  “Yeah.” He sighed, he really wanted Max to remember what they did, even if it was rushed and nothing how he imagined their first time. “You really remember nothing?”

  “I don’t think so, had a fantastic dream though.” He smirked slowly, not wanting to hurt any more than he needed to. “Not sure why I’m naked though…uh Fél?” Scratching his stomach revealed to himself that he wasn’t wearing anything more than a bed sheet.

  “It’s warm.” Félix explained away with a heavy heart, maybe it was all for the best.

  “Yeah, guess.” Max yawned. “Must have celebrated pretty damn hard, got a good feeling about this.” Stretching out completely he kicked the sheets off of himself. “Don’t mind if I grab a quick shower, I…”

  Max’s voice faded out as he watched his lithe body get out of bed completely naked, the taut lines of muscles taking his eyes to his ass, then his crotch. He couldn’t believe Max didn’t remember, but then equally he couldn’t believe what they did.

  “Fél? Félix? Félix?”

  “Si?” Jerked back to reality he glanced up to meet Max’s questioning eyes.

  “Why are our clothes on the floor like this?”

  “Um…” He propped himself up on his elbows.

  The blush on Félix’s cheeks and the tenting of the sheets pooled around his waist gave him a damn good hint. “You know what we did.” He stated quietly.


  “We had sex, I didn’t dream it.” Max mused out loud. “Well, fuck.” Dragging his hands through his hair he walked in a small circle trying to process the situation.

  “We were drunk.” He tried to explain it away, Max seemed so confused.

  “Yeah, but…I didn’t want to be drunk when we did that.”

  “What?” Félix sat up properly.

  “God, this is a mess.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “For what?” Turning to look at Félix properly he saw how much of a state he was in. “Oh, I didn’t mean it like that.” Sighing sadly he returned to the bed, covering his lap with the corner of the sheet. “I guess there’s not much point in bluffing now, Fél, I like you so much, but you’re getting transferred and I don’t want to start this as a long distance thing.”

  “Oh.” He squeaked. “You like me?”

  “Of course.” Leaning across the gap he kissed Félix’s temple gently before resting his head there. “I’ve liked you for a very long time.” He admitted at a whisper. “It’s just this is not the way I wanted to start anything. I wanted it slow.” Shuffling his body closer he rested a hand on Félix’s bare stomach. “Special. And I was drunk Fél, blind drunk, you deserve more than that.”

  Max took his lips in the softest kiss possible and took his breath away with it. “Don’t go.” He pleaded quietly Max couldn’t up and leave now.

  “I’m not going anywhere.”


  “Never guess what.”

  “And good morning to you too Jacob.” Max replied, his head still banging merrily away.

  “Yeah, good morning.” Jacob bowed for effect. “Alright Félix.” He had walked over from the reception desk as he greeted Max. “Bet you’ll love this too.”

  “Okay?” He was never sure with Jacob, one minute he was endearingly sweet, then in a blink of an eye he was sniggering away with a dirty joke.

  “Never guess who’s expecting.” He sang.

  “I’m not playing this game Jake, out with it.” He was so far from being the mood for it today.

  “Boring or what?” Jacob huffed playfully.

  “I’m happy to be very boring, cheers.” Max cut him off because he knew exactly how much Jacob loved to lord gossip over his friends.

  “And so am I.” Félix agreed.

  “Ah guys, oh and he’s going to carry on playing football.” He added with a sing-song voice.

  Max could sense where this was going and pretended to lose interest.

  “Alright, alright. it’s Kyle.”

  “Really?” Félix asked in shock..

  “Yeah, who knew, kept that quiet…and actually so should I. But Seb got all excited and had to tell me apparently.” He grinned.

  “Seb had to tell the biggest gossip in the locker room?” Max wasn’t so sure, despite them being friendly.

  “Okay, so maybe I accidentally walked passed when they were discussing something…” He admitted.

  “That sounds more likely.” Max smirked. “But he’s going to play? That’s not right.”

  “Why not?” Félix questioned.

  “He’s having a baby, you can’t play fast and loose with your life like that, it’s irresponsible.” Max stated with finality.

  “Right so, after dropping the biggest news of the year, I’m off!” Laughing as he went Jacob waved without looking behind.

  “You really think is wrong to play?”

  “You don’t? That baby has no choice in the matter, yeah I know I’ve said I don’t want any, but even I know you can’t do that. Sure the federation wouldn’t like it either.” They wouldn’t want the bad press.

  “You won’t tell.”

  “It’s not my place to, but I’m hoping Kyle won’t be the idiot he was this weekend and do the right thing.” He huffed. “He’s stupid.”

  “Maybe it was an accident.”

  “Yeah, bet they’re happy though. Which reminds me, I think we need to talk about last night.” He took a half step towards Félix and dipped his head. “I don’t want to leave with this between us unfinished.”

  “Have got time before your flight?” But instead of talking there and then, Félix changed from a flight home to an internal one to somewhere he hadn’t been before.

  He’d never been to Max’s house before and he wish he’d asked earlier because it was a haven, shielded from the world through clever architecture and beautiful planting. And they talked, were honest with each other and although they left as the good friends they came as, there was a promise for the future. Neither of them wanted to start something they couldn’t fully invest in. Not yet, it wasn’t time.


  Something wasn’t right.

  The game weekend was done with, but he couldn’t concentrate on that right now because he was trying to answer the questions his body was asking. And it was asking some really dumb things, because he hadn’t drunk more than usual and he was going to the bathroom a ridiculous amount. Every time he got comfortable in his nest of all the pillows and blankets in the room, including those stashed in the wardrobe, he needed to unravel himself. It was so frustrating because he knew he had to keep his fluids up, but every sip of water was like a self-betrayal because he then had to get up again.

  And as he got up again he debated what was more annoying, because his skin was so sensitive, especially across his chest. All of a sudden his jersey was irritating him, it felt so rough, but he gathered that was a change of how they cleaned it and made a mental note to ask someone about it.

  Getting up yet again he had to pause as his stomach lurched uncomfortably, taking a tentative step Félix after a couple of deep breaths he sighed, now was not the time to be getting ill. All of the symptoms sounded like the flu, and things were too good now to be spoilt by a break in training.


  “Félix, are you awake?” Andre had given up ringing and returned from
the field on his own to see where he was. Practice hadn’t started yet, but Félix was never one to turn up late so naturally he called him without alerting anyone else from the team, and getting no answer was a red flag. “Félix?” Raising his hand to knock again he was stopped by the door being opened slightly. “Fél?” Before it shut he slammed both of his hands and pushed it open, but Félix wasn’t anywhere to be seen. “You are worrying me now.”

  The room wasn’t giving much away either, until he walked further in and saw the state of his suitcase, usually everything was neat and organized, but it looked like it had been torn open, everything rifled through. “Félix.” Knocking on the bathroom door he waited for a reply, any sort of indication that he was alive. “Just, please Félix, you worry me too much. You must say something.”


  “Si.” He sighed loudly, glad to know he was alive.


  “It’s only me.” Glancing around the room again he saw a pile of plastic bags that were probably aimed at the bin, and thinking he could see a green cross he went to double check, seeing it stretched out of shape he wondered what the hell had gone on. “Félix!” Knocking on the door again more insistently, he had several receipts clutched in his hand. “Fél, you must…you must explain.”

  Andre’s voice had changed so quickly it shocked him from the display he had been looking at for hours. He knew something had been wrong for a while, but had ignored it because the season had been going so well, after a couple of years of heartache and struggle, the team was truly happy and back to its winning ways.

  Now, he was going to ruin it all.

  “Please, please, Fél.” Andre begged.

  “I’m sorry.” He muttered as he opened the door. “Sorry.” He repeated as Andre moved to gently hold his arms, squeezing his biceps to make him look up from the floor.

  “For what.”

  The crinkle of paper as Andre wrapped his arms around him tightly alerted him to the bags he left on the bed as he desperately emptied the contents on the bed. He panicked, logic would have had him take the bag with him, but having lain awake all night waiting for a pharmacy to open, his mind was frazzled. “You see.” He exhaled sadly.


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