Something Greater Than Yourself: An Omega Mpreg Romance

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Something Greater Than Yourself: An Omega Mpreg Romance Page 6

by Louise Bourgeois

“Si, I am, but is a bit complicated. It’s something I have always known, but I never told you because I was ashamed, thought I was a freak.”

  “Félix.” Sliding closer to her son Isobella put an arm around his waist.

  Feeling his fingers rest where his bump had stretched his stomach he knew he had seconds before she realized. “I don’t want to upset you, but I am…” Taking a deep breath he looked up to see Laura giving him an encouraging look, he knew he had her unwavering support. “You are so happy to become grandparents.”

  “Si, very happy.” Mathieu replied.

  “Then I hope you will happy to be grandparents again.”

  “Que?” Isobella whispered.

  “I am…” Sighing Félix sat back and finally gave up on the security blanket any jacket had become.

  “Félix!” She gasped. “You’re…”

  “Uh huh.” Mumbling he closed his eyes, unable to deal with the uncertainty. “Oh.” There was a hand on his stomach and opening his eyes he saw his father staring on in wonder. “Papa?”

  “I can feel…um…”

  “Her, is a girl, am having a girl.” He had imagined many scenarios with tears, but had only hoped in his wildest dreams that they would be happy ones, his father had tears flowing down his cheeks as he put another hand on him.

  “It’s a miracle. We have grandsons and now a granddaughter.”

  But his mother had not said a word. “Mama?”

  “Isobella, all is okay.” Mathieu reassured as he pulled on one of her hands so she could experience it. “See, feel. Another Garcia.”

  There were tears all around, and Félix had never felt so loved, the amount he felt wholly overwhelmed him, he was completely surrounded by the precious love of his family. “Te amo.”

  After a little while, after they’d talked everything through Félix and Laura were left in the lounge alone as they parents refused to let them lift a finger. “Told you they’d be alright with it.”

  “Mama was so quiet.”

  “It’s quite a shock, I think she is a bit upset she missed it all when you were younger, I can’t believe you went through all that alone.” Shaking her head she spotted her mother hovering in the doorway. “Mama.”

  “Love you so much Félix, is just so much to take in.”

  “I know!” He chuckled. “Sorry I did not say earlier. Gracias.” He took the cool drink of juice from his father.

  “Will all be so exciting, so no more football?” Isobella asked.

  “No, have told the team it’s for personal health reasons, Andre knows, he looked after me.”

  Mathieu made a mental note to find a way to show their gratitude for how he protected their son from the world so carefully. “My beautiful children.”


  “You alright?” Tommy asked under his breath as they sat together on their table, the news of Félix quitting the rest of the season was the hottest topic, one of the biggest and most respected names in their world had pulled off a disappearing act.

  “Yes, I’m alright.” He wasn’t at all, but there was absolutely no way he wasn’t enjoying every second, he worked so damn hard and waited for too fucking long to not.

  “Just take it easy.”

  Knowing Félix wasn’t here was an uneasy blessing because he knew he wouldn’t bump into him, but then it elevated his concern over what was wrong. He wasn’t a quitter.

  “And now for a word from a member of the wining team, Félix Garcia!”

  Max couldn’t take his eyes away if he tried, he looked absolutely gorgeous, so deeply tanned, his hair was looking so strokeable. He was hopeless, Max had tried so hard to start to come to terms with Félix walking away from him, but up on that screen he had crashed back into his life. He was smiling so broadly, he didn’t seem ill at all, unless it was really bad. Something he didn’t have long enough to look bad from.




  “No.” He answered truthfully, they’d done their bit and collected their trophy. He was free from the obligation.

  Tommy slid the glass of champagne away from Max quietly, it was the last thing he needed when he was so emotional, not after that single drunken night that led to the heartache he was suffering now.

  Waiting it out until all the photos had been taken and all the hands had been shaken, Max picked up his jacket and quietly slipped out into the night air. But he was stuck, he didn’t want to travel all the way back home alone to sit in an empty house. There was the choice to go back home, but he wasn’t completely sure if he could explain this to them, that Félix had well and truly broken him.


  “Max.” Leanne gasped as she opened the door to her brother.

  “Hey, mum and dad aren’t in, felt a bit odd sitting round there on my own.” Giving a small smile he followed his sister inside, it was impossible to feel sad in her house, the evidence of his nephews never failed to make him feel at ease.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Why do you ask?”

  “I mean…you look ill.” He wasn’t exactly carrying any excess weight at the best of times, but his cheeks were sunken, and his eyes weren’t as bright as they usually were.

  “I’m fine, another title under my belt…” She was giving him her patented ‘don’t bullshit me’ look and he was close to crumbling. “Where are the kids?”

  “Birthday party.”



  Thankful for a bit of time with his sister he opened up. “I’ve messed up.” He stated.

  “I bet it isn’t as bad as that.” Hugging him close she got him to make himself comfortable.

  “Oh I bet you I have.”

  “Not at work?”

  “No.” Shaking his head he fell into the squashy sofa and huffed at himself for getting into such a stupid situation. “No, work is easy, to be honest it’s what’s gotten me through this year.”

  “Max?” This wasn’t like her brother at all, it wasn’t as if he was completely shut off from the world emotionally, but she had never seen him look this heartbroken before. And it was a broken heart because she had worn the same look before. “Max, talk to me.”

  “It’s a guy.”

  “Oh.” She sighed and snuggled in close, resting her head on his shoulder she patted his leg to get him to continue, without the extra scrutiny of a pair of eyes looking at him.

  “We got a bit drunk, I was so excited to see him you know, it had been a while and he looked so good. Finally smiling again. And I got nervous so I drank far too much, and we slept together, and I can’t remember anything. He’s all I’ve wanted in a man, and I’ve ruined it.” Closing his eyes he slouched down the seat.

  “How?” She prompted after a couple of minutes silence.

  “I’m not sure, he came away with me afterwards, we talked it out and it was great. We were going to get serious about it after the season finished, and then…he just disappeared on me.”

  “He stopped talking to you?”

  “Yeah, no notice, I went to see him, but…nothing. I should get over it, I know.”

  “When did this all start?”


  Max was around at home then. “He’s from here? Local?”

  “No. What’s that face for?”

  “Just thinking about who it is.” She reeled through everything Max did when he was back, but he just hung around at home, and… “A football player?”

  He wondered if it was worth all the pretence. “It’s Félix.”

  “Garcia?” She questioned in a high voice. “Oh god, what’s he playing at?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “How long have you been friends? Whatever it is, he should be able to talk to you, or at least let you know he’s alive.”

  “I know he’s alive, he’s all over everywhere.” Hugging his sister close he kissed the top of her head softly. “Just kick my ass alright.” Sitting up and out of his arm ar
ound her shoulder she looked ready to kill.

  “It’s not yours I want to kick.”

  “There’s no need for that, I’d just like some closure.” Max admitted. “So I can move on.”

  “Don’t go closing your heart up though, let the hurt pass, and then let someone cherish you.”

  “Leanne.” Max squirmed.

  “I’m serious, you’ve got your public life sorted. I’d love to see you all settled and happy with a wonderful man that adores you.” Hearing the feathery breath her heart clenched. “You deserve it Max, and I guess you wanted Félix to give you that.” He nodded. “And maybe he will, but what he’s done, I don’t know, it’s dodgy.” She met him once and he was shockingly shy. “Just surf, bike, run it out.”

  Max was unendingly grateful for his older sister. “Thanks for listening.”

  “Anytime baby bro.”

  And he took the advice, he surfed and biked, even driving out to hike along some trails. Filling his lungs with clean air and pure thoughts.


  “I’m a whale.”

  “Hey, if you’re a whale, then what am I?” Laura giggled as she tried to get comfortable.

  “You look so beautiful, are glowing.” Pregnancy suited her so much, like he always knew it would.

  “You still do not want to go out?”

  “No, if anyone sees me it will…I won’t be able to cope with how people react and I don’t want Ma…”

  Laura really wanted to not ask, but she couldn’t help herself, the other half to the puzzle was a question begging to be asked. “Ma?”

  “Don’t ask.” He pleaded.

  “I know you don’t want to tell anyone who is also the father, but Félix, I know mama and papa will want to ask these questions soon. Even if you that’s not what you want, they are a part of our family now.” Laura thought on it for a moment. “Unless they are a bad person.”

  Félix was well aware he was on borrowed time with not answering the tough questions, and Laura would be a good sounding board. “Andre knows. But I needed him to know.”

  “You don’t need to say.”

  “Remember Max?”

  “Oh god.” She gasped. “After all this time?” Her brother’s long standing crush was heart wrenching to watch, he cared so deeply for Max at times it was beautiful. “You said he was straight.”

  “I thought he was to begin with, then I find out he is not but we are such good friends. Was so scared to ruin things, but when I win he came to see me. Me. Made a special trip, but we drink and things happened.” Biting his lip he tried to keep the regret inside.

  “He does not know, does he?” If he did he’d be right here now holding his hand and fussing about, Félix had told her so much about him she was certain. He was a gentleman through and through whenever she met him. “Why not?”

  “Because he calls me stupid and idiot for playing.”

  “Really?” She was shocked.

  “Well, not about me, but he says it about Kyle and I know he says the same to me.”

  “I doubt it, he’d probably try and stop you, but he’d only want you to be happy. He’s been here with you now, looking after you, never leaving your side. You deserve his support.” Taking a deep breath she continued. “And he deserves to know. You know this, if it was the other way round you… please don’t cry.”

  “Can’t help it!” She was utterly right, but he didn’t have the words to tell Max now, he was convinced he had left it far too long.


  “You okay?” Reaching over Félix took hold of her hand.

  “Si, has been like this for a couple of days now.” Wincing again she tried to reach around to her back to help ease the pain but her breath was taken away by the next jolt of pain. “Ow!”

  “I’m taking you to hospital.”

  “Will be fine.” She dismissed knowing how much he hated to go out in public. “I’ll go when Mig gets back.”

  “No way! Just need to find a jumper.” There was no way his own fears were going to put his sister at risk. “We’ll go now.” Helping her up as gently as possible Félix made sure he took her time to get in the car. “I’ll only be a minute.” Dashing back inside as quickly as he could manage he raided Mig’s wardrobe for a baggy jumper and a scarf, and along with his jacket he began the drive to the local hospital. “Call Mig and let him know, he’d want to know.”

  And as Laura picked his number she wondered why it was Félix couldn’t do the same for Max.


  “Thank you so much.” Mig sat down heavily next to Félix. “For bringing her here, is just getting a check up now and she didn’t want me fussing around her anymore.” Laughing lightly he sat back.

  “It’s no problem, she’ll be alright though, and your boys.”

  “Can’t believe it, finally.” He smiled tentatively. “We get to be a family now, we have waited so long.”

  “I know, is why I know this is the right time for you both. Mama and papa are excited too.”

  “I bet.” He lowered his voice. “Three grandchildren in one go, going to be one crazy Christmas.”

  Félix shifted in his seat, Mig had been so kind to him when he explained his own situation, he had no choice if he ever wanted to see his sister regularly. He listened and waited patiently as he stumbled over his words, and immediately he promised not to breathe a word to anyone. And he then proceeded to chat excitedly about anything and everything baby related without apology, there was something reassuring Félix felt about talking to another man like he did.



  “We just need you for a moment.”

  And that was the last Félix saw of them for several hours, flanked by his parents he did his best to stay as inconspicuous as possible, but his back was getting worse. If he was at home he would have taken a warm bath or laid out on the floor, two things he couldn’t do at the hospital.

  “Your back?” Isobella whispered.

  “Uh huh.”

  “Oh, your mother had trouble when she had both of you.” Getting Félix to move a little, and with Isobella on lookout, he pressed his thumbs gently against his skin until he found the right spot.

  “Gracias.” He sighed. “I think she likes it too.”

  “We wish you had someone to do this for you.” Isobella took hold of one of Félix’s hands and rubbed it soothingly. “You deserve it.”

  “I’m fine mama. Thanks papa.” Sitting back again he rearranged his clothes and continued to wait, his back having eased a little, glad because in a few moments the door opened with a beaming Mig waving them in. Being earlier than expected they were sharing an incubator but the doctor was very optimistic that their eagerness to be born wouldn’t have any side effects.

  “We’d like you to meet, Tomás and Lucas.” Laura introduced them proudly.

  “Are perfect.” Félix eventually said after his parents had taken the lead in celebrations. “So precious.” Looking down at them he found himself silently introducing them to each other, and he was glad his little girl had lots of family waiting for her already.


  He was supposed to make it through to Christmas on his own, but his parents were having none of it and a couple of weeks before his due date he found himself being moved out of his own house to be taken back to his childhood home.

  “It’s all so much fuss.”

  “Félix, you must understand why we do this, you can’t be alone.”

  “I can drive myself to the hospital.” His mother started to laugh and he had to wait for her to stop.

  “It doesn’t matter how well you can deal with pressure on the field, this is different. Contractions can be very painful, and this is your first, you will be nervous, maybe a little scared.” He had been very studious with learning everything he could, quizzing Laura to death over everything she had been doing in pre-natal classes after she had been.

  “I’m a bit nervous now.” He admitted once his father had
taken his suitcase to the car. “My doctor says everything is fine, promises me, but…” She was kicking him so hard. “Ah, take it easy on me.”

  She loved to hear him talk to her like he did, so carefully and softly. After the huge shock of being told her son was pregnant she found herself loving the chance to look after him and knowing exactly how to help. Félix’s bump was surprisingly fetching, it suited him in a way she was never expecting, it was small just like she had been. “It’s okay to feel like that, it’s why we want you to stay with us, so when it is time we can help.”

  “Okay.” Actually he was very glad he wasn’t going to have to do it all alone.

  “And me and you papa talked, if you want to afterwards you can stay. Both of you.” She smiled softly. “Christmas is going to be very special this year.”


  “I know you can do this.” Once Félix had returned with the slightly more complicated than usual birth plan she had been waiting for the nerves to come out, but he kept it all hidden. “I really do, and I also know you’re going to be a wonderful papa.”

  As Mathieu climbed to the top of the stairs he heard Félix being comforted by his wife, he knew his son had tried to be so strong, too strong. “Félix?” A tear stained face looked at him and his heart broke. “Ah, come here.” Holding him close Mathieu stroked his hair a couple of times, his stomach pressed into his he could feel his granddaughter kick. “She’s a fighter just like you.” He murmured his reassurance against his ear, and hoped Félix believed him.

  “I want to show you both something.” Leading them from his bedroom he took them to the room next door. “I will get her name on the door once I pick one.”

  “Still haven’t?” Isobella asked lightly, hoping for an exclusive.

  “No.” He shook his head. “Have some ideas though, but want it to be a surprise.”

  “Of course.” Mathieu replied quickly, wanting to know what the nursery looked like. “Can we see?”

  “Si.” Opening the door he let them walk in ahead.

  “It’s beautiful.” Isobella sighed. It was heavenly, all the furniture was white, the walls were the palest pink and there were pink highlights on the bedding and the couple of cuddly toys dotted about. “So cute!” There was a pale brown rabbit already in the crib, ready to be loved forever. “Oh Félix.”


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