Something Greater Than Yourself: An Omega Mpreg Romance

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Something Greater Than Yourself: An Omega Mpreg Romance Page 5

by Louise Bourgeois

  “Okay, okay. I don’t think they have stopped being your friend though, maybe something happens at home for them?”

  “We have known each other for over ten years.”

  “Hmm, I think they will tell you eventually, maybe it is difficult for them?” He tried that angle because he hoped Max would take it as not being about to find out yet, and give him some hope to get through the last few games. “I guess you don’t want to tell me who?”

  “No, but…” It was something he was comfortable with now, and he knew it would all come out eventually. “It’s a guy.”

  “Oh, right, cool.”

  Max smirked. “That’s exactly what my sister said.”

  Tommy spoke sincerely. “Thanks for telling me, is not easy in our world.”

  “No, it’s not. And I really wouldn’t mind settling down now, and I thought this was my chance, fancied him for years.” He offered a wan smile.

  “He’ll see sense, you’re a handsome man.”

  “Cheers. You too.”

  “Now you make me blush.” Grinning they finished the journey off with some decent music and catching up about the game.


  “Come on, stop this.” Félix pleaded as the baby kicked and wriggled about as he stood in the field as the game was about to begin. “We want to win.” It wasn’t as if he could rub his belly like he usually did either, he had to beg with his mind, not what he should be doing before the start.

  She stopped just as the whistle blew, “Come on Félix.” Max chanted. “Do it, I know you can.” Sat on the edge of the sofa at home he began to rocking back and forth a little, Nick and Leo were at each other’s throats and with Nick ahead of Félix and Leo behind Max was worried it would all end in tears.

  “No!” Max cried out as Félix lost his footing and fell heavily to the ground.

  Staring at the screen he blindly felt around for the remote to turn the volume up, desperate to hear absolutely everything and anything coming through from Félix. “Please talk, move,” Max begged. “Come on.”

  Max heaved. He just needed to know, so he kept the sound on, but all the speculation was killing him. They were just going on and on about all the possible outcomes and Max wanted to scream.

  ”And we have word that Félix is talking and conscious, great news.”

  “Thank god.” Max sighed and threw himself back into the sofa, eyes still trained on the screen to capture the visual proof that he was fine. And he got exactly what he needed, Félix gingerly getting back up on to his feet with the medical staff swarming around him Max could see him getting agitated, something that brought a small smile to his face. He hated the fuss, he was just thoroughly annoyed that he was out of the game. Typical Félix.


  “Félix? Félix? Félix can you hear me?”

  “Si, am fine.” He answered Andre’s frantic voice above him. Too dazed to do it before.

  Andre buried his face in his hands and let the relief wash over him again and again. Félix was fine. Alive and kicking. “Everything okay?”

  “Si, si, am fine.”

  “It’s everything okay?” He prayed Félix understood what he was really asking.

  “Si…oh…” Resting his hand on his stomach he urged her on to kick, squirm, anything. “Si.” She fluttered as if she knew and tears began to run down his face, shocked at having forgotten. But anger quickly followed.

  He got his feet, assuring everyone he was okay and batting them away, but he knew he had get on the stretcher. Glad for his baggier jersey, he let them do it and prayed for some good luck to get through the checks without being found out.

  Andre was a lifesaver.

  “Gracias.” He told him as he hugged him tightly. “Without you…”

  “I’m glad you are both okay.”

  “I forgot.”

  Watching the tears well up in his eyes had him biting his lips to hide his own emotion, there was no need to make things worse. “It’s okay, was shock.” Reassuring Félix by rubbing his back he couldn’t help but marvel at the faint kicks he felt.

  “Think she is telling you she is okay.”

  “You need a proper check though.”

  “I know, will make an appointment and go back straight away.” In the privacy of his cool down room Félix let his guard down and cradled his stomach. “Will be fine.” He whispered. “You’re strong, so strong.”

  “Are you going to let Max know?”


  “Félix, this is getting serious now, what if something terrible happened?” Andre pushed.

  “But it didn’t.”

  “And I am thankful that it didn’t and I pray every night that nothing does, but things do happen. And…”

  “Will text.” He relented, knowing that if it had been the other way round he would want the same.

  “Thank you, just let him know you are alright.”

  Finally left alone Félix allowed himself to take a breath and calm down before doing as Andre asked. All the texts Max had sent were still on there, unable to be deleted because despite saving Max from all trouble, he was struggling to let go. Each one was loving and kind even though he was the one who had been left, there wasn’t any anger, just confusion and a desperate need to understand.

  Wearily picking up his phone he saw Félix’s name and jabbed at the screen to read the message, hoping it held the answer to the silence. But it didn’t. Nor did it instill any hope in things changing in the future. It was cold, unfeeling, hours later he got six words.

  I’m fine, no concussion, no injury.

  Staring at it he wondered why Félix bothered because it said less than the team statement, and being honest with himself he was hurt. Max knew he had to recognize that there was no future for them at all.

  But he couldn’t stop himself from keeping up to date with everything Félix related, and Max was grateful for Tommy in those moments, because he listened without judgment.

  “I know I’m being obsessive.” He spoke as Tommy sat next him, as he was still pouring over his phone.

  “Max, don’t be so hard on yourself, it’s hard when your friends hurt you.” Tommy caught a glimpse of Félix Garcia on Max’s screen and saw the perfect chance to change the subject to give his teammate some breathing space. “Ah Félix, he’s doing very well, must be good to see him winning again.”

  Max’s throat closed up so quickly he wasn’t prepared enough to hide his reaction.

  “Max?” His hands were now in clenched fists and he was breathing hard. Off season. Friend. Félix. “Come on, let’s go to my room.” Gently guiding him out of the main room of the motor home he swiftly shut the door and locked it. “It’s Félix, isn’t it?” Max nodded sadly before putting his head into his hands. “Oh Max.” Sitting beside him he rubbed his back and let Max get himself settled, there were no tears and he wondered if that was down to him having no more left. Though he couldn’t imagine Max crying at all. “I don’t get it.”

  “Me neither.”

  Tommy smiled at how muffled Max’s voice was before he sat up properly. “But I am even more sure that something has gone on.”

  “Then why hasn’t he said anything, I can’t imagine what it would be, I hope it’s not something to do with his family. Or he’s ill. Shit, I can’t take this.”

  “You can, you’re strong, very strong. Maybe for now you concentrate on your game, and give yourself a break?”

  “Yeah. Think I can manage that.” Félix had made it clear he didn’t care, Max knew he had a lot to take from this year and a trophy would be a great achievement.

  “Go easy on yourself, okay, come watch us qualify.”

  “Will do.”

  “I am being serious Max.” Tommy said as he pulled Max off the sofa. “Truly, everything will come right.” Giving Max a brief hug he walked out of his room first and was glad to hear him follow.

  “Thank you.”

  “Anytime.” He replied as they walked down to the corridor side by
side. “I mean it too.”

  “I’ll be alright.”

  “Winning helps!” Tommy laughed as they both neatly escaped without being detected by the gaggle of fans being entertained by Brendon.

  Max smiled to himself, he had great people around him, and he couldn’t keep taking and being the sad guy in the corner of the garage. “Go for it, you and Brendon are going to smash it.”

  “Cheers Max.” Brandon had overheard and slapped his back with his free hand, his other carrying his gear bag. And seeing his smile go all the way up to his eyes was encouraging, Tommy had thankfully worked his magic.


  “Everything is good?” Félix just couldn’t stay quiet any longer, the doctor hadn’t said a thing in far too long.

  “Just a minute.”

  “Oh no.” He whispered, shutting his eyes he cursed himself for being so selfish, just like Max said.

  “Félix, everything is great, I just wanted a really good listen to her heartbeat.” Patting his arm soothingly he handed over a couple of tissues to wipe the gel off. “If you are going to keep playing I want you to come visit after every game.”


  “I see no side-effects yet, my previous opinion still stands though.”

  “Yes. I know.” Swinging his legs over the side of the bed he waited for a moment before slipped off to stand. “Oof.”

  “Feeling it now, huh?”

  “Si, my back hurts sometimes.”

  “That does tend to happen, a gentle massage would be good.”

  “They do.” He’d had to make some adjustments as his bump grew, he’d gotten a new chair that meant all the pressure was taken off of his stomach. “Thanks for seeing me.”

  “It’s no problem of course, and while you are here we’ll book you in.”

  Nodding along he confirmed the dates until the end of the season, making sure he had enough time to get back and deal with everything. Like media. And sponsors. The team. He felt exhausted thinking about it.


  Andre had the single word ‘help’ pop up on his phone from Félix and his heart sunk to his feet, and in the middle of a meeting he wracked his brains to come up with a decent excuse.

  “Sorry, I need to excuse myself, it’s…um…personal.”

  “Sure, go.” Eric shooed him off to continue with the pre-game briefing.

  It was hard not to run, the sole word creating acres of panic in his mind, it could mean anything, so he jogged all the way to Félix, opening the door without knocking because the pause would have killed him. “Fél?”

  “Look at me!” He threw his arms out as Andre stood in his room. “Look!”

  “What? What’s wrong?”

  “You can’t tell?” He pouted.

  “Are you hurt?”

  “No!” He huffed. “This!” Pointing at his stomach he waited for Andre to get it. “This!”


  “You can see it!” Hissing at Andre he stood in front of his mirror and smoothed the fabric over his stomach, the bump very much visible.


  “And?” Félix screeched. “What do you mean and?” He lowered his voice when Andre glared at the door.


  “Now you get it.” Huffing he crossed his arms across his chest and looked on expectantly. “Well?”

  “It’s fine, you can wear a jacket.”

  “It’s so hot here!” Félix whined.

  Andre could sense the building tension between them, and knew it was down to him to disperse it. Immediately. “But how about we try a bigger jersey?”

  “How much bigger do I need to go?” This wasn’t part of the plan.

  “Give me a minute.” Darting out he went to find his backpack to bring back to the room. “I thought something was seriously wrong, we need a code, red and green.”

  “Just give me the jersey.”

  “Félix, listen.” Handing it over he watched Félix struggle a little and went to help, and was glad not to be warned off, but he wasn’t ready when his friend turned and stood in profile. “Woah.”

  “I’m big.” Rubbing over his belly he felt her move around. “Getting comfortable?”

  Subtly covering his mouth Andre bit his lip to keep his reaction to himself, it was so adorable to watch Félix interact with his daughter, gently cradling his stomach and whispering away in Spanish. Explaining what was going to happen, almost minute by minute.

  “Red for real emergency, green for things like this?”

  “Please, I felt so sick with worry that something was wrong with this little one.” When Félix nodded he rested his hands on top of the bump and marveled at feeling her move.

  Feeling to check Félix told Andre. “It’s her feet.” He spent so much time alone just working out how she was lying within him, sometimes touching her hand, other times he could feel her back, and it overwhelmed him that it was his daughter inside. “Can you take a photo, is hard when is just me.”

  Andre obliged and captured a grinning Félix holding his stomach, gazing down with contentment pouring off him.

  “Need to win this.” He stated with finality. “Have to.”

  “You will.” Andre returned, sounding exactly as confident as he felt, he just wanted Nick to break down, same for Leo too, and Sebastian. Then he could just stop risking it all. “I know it.”

  “Think I will need the jacket too.” Félix had to relent in the end, because even though the suit did hide things well, he wanted the security of the jacket. “Maybe say I have a cold or something?”

  “Good idea, then maybe they leave you alone, eh?” Andre smiled softly as he left Félix to get in the right headspace before the game. He always liked a bit of solitude and space from the craziness of the locker room, and again it was his job to provide it for him.

  The parade was taking so much effort he had to take his jacket off immediately, the oppressive heat just too much to take, six months pregnant and inside a sauna was unbearable. But he gave himself no choice, so with the altered cooling vest doing its job, Félix folded the jacket over an arm and hid himself that way.

  “Hello Félix, decided not to wear the jacket, huh?”

  “I’m not feeling so well, so have it just in case.” He hoped he was believed because he had no energy left to fake something else anymore.

  “Oh no, but you are well enough to compete?”

  “Si, just a cold, but can’t be too careful.” After saying a few words to the fans he concentrated on waving and drinking.

  Outscoring Leo was a blessing.

  Outrunning a very slow Sebastian made his day.

  Just a bit longer.


  Max, we need to talk…

  Dear Max, I think we need to meet up…

  Please forgive me…

  The pile of screwed up paper thrown over the sheets surrounding him told him how wrong he had been, because he had never needed to think this much about talking to Max. About anything. And here he was stressing out about it so much he was tempted to ask Jacob for advice, he had a knack for cutting through all the uncertainty and hitting the nail on the head. But then it would get back to Max, Jacob wouldn’t stand for his deception, he wouldn’t do it for the gossip but out of loyalty.

  Switching on the news wasn’t a good idea either, the lead story was Kyle being pregnant, and him being typically Kyle about the whole situation. Sebastian was playing the teammate in his quote, but the pictures of them told the rest of the story, paparazzi snaps of them in a park innocently enjoying the private moment. But anyone could see the bump under the tee shirt, the material stretched over it.

  It made him wrap his arms around his own, bare because he was struggling with the heat, the little one was sleeping soundly and that was one thing to put a smile on his face. At least he could do that right.


  Congrats, always knew you could, never doubted you for a second

  Tweeting it Max buried himself back in bed,
pulling the covers over his head he couldn’t muster the strength to fight the tears running down his face. He had to tell the world how proud he was because he was, no matter how much Félix had hurt him, he was so so happy about his achievement. He knew so well how much he wanted his team to rise to the top again and he’d done it.

  Max knew that he would be talking up to him now, making sure he did it right. Squeezing his eyes shut Max forced himself to surrender to exhaustion and sleep, they were both champions but he felt anything but.


  “Mama? Papa?”

  “It’s that our champion?” Isobella called back as she walked through the house to greet her beloved son.

  “Si mama.” He knew she would want a hug, and so angled his body in preparation, thankful that he had Laura with him.

  “I’m so proud of you, I always knew you could do it. Hola Laura, have both my children here, papa is in the garden. Félix go get him, you need to sit, take the weight off those poor feet.”

  As his mum fussed around his sister to her loud protests he ambled through his childhood house to find his father wandering around the garden, checking up on his plants. “Hola papa.” Giving a small wave he followed the beckoning wave he got back.

  “My boy, the champion.” Cupping his cheek, he then wrapped an arm around his shoulders and squeezed him close. “Put your jacket down, you can help me with a couple of these weeds.”

  The thought of kneeling down with his back aching as it was today made him wince, but at least the weather was on his side by being cool.

  “Papa!” Laura called from the patio. “Let the champion off for once, hey?”

  “Ah, I suppose is only fair.” Mathieu chuckled. “Come on then son, shall I take this too?” Holding his hand out for his jacket he got a small nod back. “Good boy, keeping your feet on the ground.”

  “I was brought up well.” He replied genuinely as he went back into the house, mouthing silent gratitude at his sister before they all sat in the lounge together. The talk was easy, so easy and uncomplicated it made him so grateful that this was his normal. “Mama, papa, I need to talk to you about something, I have a couple of things I want to talk to you about.”

  “Oh, are you okay?”


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