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Scavenger (Dark Day Isle, The Ultimate Kink Resort Book 2)

Page 13

by A. C. Melody

  “Sir Felix, you’re just in time. Do I have all of our D/s pairs now?” Sir Louis asked, unknowingly answering the mystery behind the smaller group size for Tessa. After he got a confirmation from one of the attendants, he continued. “This evening’s activity will require that our contestants know how to get to certain areas of the resort. So, ladies and gentlemen dominants, please allow your subs the ability to look around freely for the tour.”

  Felix prompted Tessa’s chin up, his face too close for her to see anything else. “You may look around at everything, except the other dominants. Do you understand, pet?”

  “Yes, Master,” she accepted with ease, because averting her gaze away from dominants was already an ingrained habit.

  “Good girl.”

  When he stepped away, Tessa’s mouth opened in silent awe as she drank in the entire back side of the resort’s main building. The columns she’d noted before were helping to support a very thick and decorative overhang, which doubled as the much-needed foundation for the infinity pool directly above it. Water spilled over into the tray-like drain, reflecting the sunlight, and Tessa imagined it glowing blue at night. The veranda housed intimate round tables and chairs, teak trellised shelves stood in three locations against the wall of the building, filled with white cushions. Ornate hanging lamps dangled from the center of the scrolling metal brackets decorating the support columns, though they were currently turned off.

  She wondered what their activity would be and if it would take place there, where she might have the chance to see what it looked like all lit up in the dark. Her curiosity was quickly overshadowed by an unexpected thrill when she saw Gema’s red hair and bright smile aimed right at her. She waved from across the group and Tessa almost reciprocated, before looking to Felix with uncertainty. Something close to amusement sparkled in his eyes and he gave her a warm smile, then led her right over to Gema and her Dom. It was all Tessa could do not to bounce with each step.

  “Sir Linx,” Master greeted the taller man.

  As much as Tessa enjoyed the opportunity to use French on a regular basis, she got a little hot whenever Felix spoke English. His accent was just so freaking sexy, and it was the second time in one day she was getting to drool over it. She was careful not to look at the other Dom, not that she needed to. She could still recall what he looked like from when he’d walked past her window during the luncheon. Tall, dark, and handsome with slanted eyes, high cheekbones and big hands. When he returned Felix’s greeting, though, it shocked the hell out of her, because he sounded very American. Like, native to New York American. Weren’t all the dominants supposed to be European? She realized that had just been one more thing she’d assumed, much like the resort already being open for business. Ugh. Perhaps, if she stopped trying to over think everything, she’d actually start having fun.

  “Gema was wondering if she’d get the chance to see your sub this evening,” Sir Linx continued.

  “Well, if it’s no trouble, perhaps we can take the tour together?” Felix suggested.

  The excitement on Gema’s face mirrored the excitement inside Tessa. Gema’s green eyes glittered as she clenched twisted fingers under her chin and waited for the answer.

  “I see no trouble with that,” Sir Linx agreed, causing Gema to hop up and down and give a soundless clap. “Don’t forget your rules or your manners.”

  “I pinky swear, Daddy, thank you!” Gema squealed in a whisper.

  “You’re welcome, baby girl.”

  “Thank you, Master,” Tessa grinned at Felix, just as Gema bounced to her side and hooked their arms together.

  “You’re welcome, little fox.” He smiled. “Just know, this will be a competition, so pay attention to the tour.”

  “Okay, Master, I will,” she promised, even more curious.

  When their Doms took the lead, letting them trail behind as far as they could without Tessa’s leash yanking on her collar, she grinned over at Gema and they shared excited looks. They were surrounded by too many others to get away with talking, but that didn’t diminish their happiness. The grandeur of the lower level of the resort was familiar. The marble was consistent, giving the whole area the feel of a shopping center. All the different rooms were set up the same way individual stores in a mall would be. The first shop on the right was a café with bakery racks, which explained all the tables right outside on the veranda.

  Beyond that and the wall holding the stairs to the left, the space opened up to a wide corridor that went both ways, left and right. There was very little natural lighting, due to the rooms, but that didn't matter with the warm glow of chandelier-style fixtures casting their light off the marble. More recessed lighting outlined the top of every wall. There were clothing boutiques, a tailor shop, beauty parlor, a full-size gym, tanning salon—everything one would expect to find inside any five-star resort with the addition of those rooms designed specifically for their kinky way of life. Like a Pet Groomer and public Bathhouse with a designated Watersports area.

  When Sir Louis directed them to peer into the Littles Playhouse, Gema leaned into Tessa to whisper in her ear.

  “Daddy already brought me here this morning and I never wanted to leave,” she confessed.

  Tessa could see why. The room was a hundred percent a Little’s wildest dreams, with a play area, arts and crafts area and a big screen TV surrounded by giant, fluffy bean bag chairs. There was no doubt in her mind it streamed only Disney and Pixar films. Despite first getting to know Gema outside of BDSM, she wasn’t the least bit surprised to learn her friend was some kind of Little. Then again, when it came to their lifestyle, not much surprised her anymore. Though, it did make her wonder about Kip. It appeared he’d either been returned to auction or hadn’t been bid on yet, otherwise he’d be there with them. Tessa's first reaction was to feel bad for him, but for all she knew, he was perfectly happy where he was. She was sure she’d get a better idea of how he was doing at the luncheon tomorrow, because she wasn’t planning on missing another one ever again.

  “And here we have a favorite highlight of Dark Day Isle,” Sir Louis announced, leading them through a set of double doors at the very end of the corridor. It was like walking into a movie theater, the lights extremely dim, the floors and walls carpeted in dark red with black designs, the ceiling painted espresso. The room was longer than wide, divided by a line of tall tables and bar chairs facing both directions. “Welcome to Voyeur Hall.”

  Large, picture windows flanked both sides of the hall, each showcasing a different room with a different theme and in full use. Sounds of surprised approval came from all the dominants. When Sir Louis approached the first window on the left and pressed the button on a hidden speaker there, the hall filled with the sound of leather spanking flesh, muffled cries of pain-laced pleasure and heavy breathing. Tessa’s ass tingled with achy memory as she watched the spanking scene, her flesh warming as if she were still bent over the end of Master’s bed, receiving swats from his paddle.

  As if he knew, Felix looked over his shoulder at her and his mouth slanted into a smug, wolfish grin. She watched him say something to Sir Linx, and then they both turned. Gema gave Tessa’s arm a gentle squeeze when her Dom beckoned her to his side. It wasn’t a sad parting, because Tessa knew the room was one best spent with their Doms, rather than each other. It was hard to fight against the sensual tension charging the air all around them. Aroused dominants and subs paired off to check out the different scenes through the windows. Tessa was so grateful for the little time she got to spend with Gema, that she thanked Felix again the second he was within ear shot.

  “Keep being a good girl, little fox, and you’ll keep getting rewarded.”

  When he gestured to the first window on her right, she understood that he wanted to peruse the scenes just like everyone else. Tessa turned to face it and fire licked up the inside of her belly. It was exactly like peeping into someone’s bedroom window. There were even curtains parted on the other side to give a voyeur that illusion. T
he room beyond was designed to look like a master suite in someone’s house and the ‘couple’ scening were dressed like any average husband and wife getting it on in the privacy of their marriage bed. The next window revealed an all-girl’s ménage that appeared to have started as an innocent slumber party. Probably the most cliché and least imaginative scene, but things became known as ‘classics’ for a reason—they never diminished in popularity. The subs seemed oblivious to their audience, or perhaps that’s why they were so turned on.

  Tessa wondered what it would be like knowing that people were watching. A shimmer of sensual intrigue sparked inside of her. Something provocative and alluring about the thrill and freedom it promised. It was deliberately taboo, making it naughtier than scening on stage. There were only ten windows in total, but they each touched on a different fetish. It was the last one on the right that captured Tessa’s attention more than the others.

  A female sub was blindfolded and shackled to chains that hung from the ceiling. Her ankles were cuffed to eyelets bolted into the floor, keeping her legs spread wide. She was dancing on her tiptoes, stretched almost to the point of being suspended. Three men were working her over at the same time.

  One teased her nipples and clit with vibrators, another teased her skin with feathers and random flicks of a soft, leather paddle. Tessa couldn’t see what the third man was using, because he was behind her, but whatever it was added to the sounds of sheer, tormented ecstasy coming from the sub’s gaping mouth. Her body was held prisoner between the various points of pleasure, arching yet unable to move, glistening with erotic perspiration.

  Tessa wasn’t even aware that she’d stepped right up to the glass to get a closer look and to hear the quiet sounds barely making it through the speaker. Her own breaths came a little faster as she watched. Her skin tingled and shivered, her muscles quaking in all the areas tools passed over the sub’s body. An empathic taunting, too weak to bring satisfaction, only an unexpected yearning that hummed through her flesh.

  Suddenly aware of Felix closing in behind her, Tessa stepped back from the glass in shame, as if she really had been spying on someone’s private scene. His hands settled on her shoulders, stopping her and moving her back to the window to hold her there. His warm breath caressed her ear like the feathers she watched tickle across the sub’s thigh, and her skin broke out in goosebumps.

  “What is it about this scene that’s got my little fox panting, hmm?” he asked. “Is it the idea of having so many men seeing to your pleasure at once?”

  She didn’t miss the darker undertones in his voice, but that didn’t stop her from being honest. “It’s like I can feel it, Master,” she whispered. “Everything they’re doing to her, I can feel on my skin. I can imagine how intense that would be, suspended between so many torments at once. Trapped in overwhelming sensation with no idea of how long it will last, no escape.”

  “Fuck, Tessa,” he growled under his breath, a hungry curse that heated her up all the more.

  It was in that moment she remembered they weren’t alone and guilt rose to warm her cheeks alongside the arousal. She bowed her head, as if all the dominants in the room were looking at her when she couldn’t be sure any of them had even heard her.

  Felix’s hand cuffed her throat from behind and prompted her head back into his chest. “Don’t ever feel embarrassed about sharing your desires with me, pet,” he reprimanded. “I asked for them, remember?”

  “It’s not that, Master,” she whispered. “I just forgot we were surrounded by others, I’m sorry.”

  His chuckle was faint as he shook his head at her. “It’s a good thing you’re a submissive, Tessa,” he teased. “If you’re this hard on yourself, I can only imagine what a difficult taskmaster you’d be as a Mistress.”

  Tessa crinkled her nose in distaste at the idea, but followed with a smile, unable to resist his humor—even if it was at her expense.

  “It makes me wonder if your year as a domestic slave in that Victorian household isn’t still taking its toll on you,” he continued, his tone thoughtful rather than judgmental. “Am I wrong?”

  Giving it some consideration, she realized he was probably right. “No, Master, I think it might be in some ways.”

  “Mm, the catch twenty-two of a trained submissive—beautifully experienced, yet custom tailored to suit someone else’s needs,” he sighed. “Look at the scene again and tell me exactly what you feel as you watch.”

  Unsure of how to take the first part of his comment, she turned her attention back to the scene and saw that the three men had switched places. The feather tickler was now taunting the sub’s nipples and clit, the vibrator wielder was behind her and seemed to be stimulating her ass, and the third man was running a Wartenberg wheel over her inner thigh. Tessa gasped at the sight of it, her own thigh prickling from the imagined sensation. She knew it would hurt and tickle all at once, causing her nerve endings to dance through her leg and halfway through her sex.

  When she shared as much with Felix, his fingers stroked the underside of her chin, down the front of her throat to her collar and back up again. “Go on.”

  “The vibrators are the real source of pleasure, but they’re teasing around, avoiding all the places she needs them most,” Tessa obeyed. “If it were me, I’d be very aware of my bondage right now. The inability to move into the vibrations, to force them to go where I want them to. The pinwheel pulls her away from the edge of pleasure in spurts, her nerves shocked into spasms that shiver through different areas of her body, and it’s keeping her from sinking deeper into that singular sensation of vibrating pleasure she longs for.”

  “And the feathers?” he inquired after a moment.

  “Those are the worst,” she answered. His fingers stilled in surprise, but she kept going. “In contrast to the intensity of the vibrators and sharp spokes of the wheel, you’d think their softness would go unnoticed, but it’s heightened. It’s an aggravation, rather than a blessing. An annoying distraction from the pleasure. I want to squirm away from them on her behalf. She’s probably on the verge of exploding, unable to contain the feelings much longer.”

  They both watched that prediction come true within a matter of seconds. The sub’s outcry of frustrated desire filled the hall, mingling with all the other muted sounds of erotic pleasure. Tears trailed down her cheeks from under the blindfold, but she wasn’t broken yet. Her noises remained frustrated, rather than desperate. Agitated, rather than yielding.

  When Felix’s hand tightened around Tessa’s throat, she realized her enormous mistake.

  No words were necessary. She could all but feel him taking the huge cache of ammunition she’d just stupidly handed him and run with it. His hand fell away as the other yanked on her leash, pulling her around to face him. Her neck craned from the pull of the center ring, until his handsome face was filling her vision.

  “Good girl,” he praised, a well of unspoken promises dancing gleefully under pools of smoky blue.

  Tessa opened her mouth, torn between wanting to beg him not to do it and asking how soon they could get started. Movement caught the corner of her eye, reminding her once again that they were far from being alone, and his previous remark rose to the forefront of her mind.

  “Would you rather I was untainted, Master?”

  “No, Tessa,” he answered without hesitation. “I’d much rather do precisely this. Unwrap the gift they’ve started creating and add to it, build on it, until you’re something of my own creation. A sub who tells me her desires, rather than hiding them from me. You’re already off to a good start, my pet.”

  Tessa’s chest tightened when his words touched her deeper than she’d been prepared for, but the last bit brought the clashing desires back to the surface. Mercy or masochism, which one would she really prefer?

  “Thank you, Master.”

  “No. Thank you. That was very insightful.” He added to her miserable uncertainty without shame. Ducking his head, he brushed his lips over hers. “And how fort
unate I am that my little fox desires suffering above all other things.”

  His approval held enough edge to warn her of what she already knew. It didn’t matter which one she’d prefer, because it wasn’t up to her. It was going to happen, no matter how much she begged or pleaded. He would break her with vibrators, pinwheels and fucking feathers or something just as sadistic. Now that she’d all but drawn him a road map to success, it was only a matter of when, not if. And she’d be more than grateful in the end. That was inevitable, too.

  Tessa could handle grateful, it was the other emotions it might lead to that she had a problem with.

  “Dominants, please gather your little ones, we still have a few more stops to make on our tour,” Sir Louis called from the double doors.

  With a devious smirk, Felix released Tessa’s collar and they followed the rest of the group returning to the main area. Louis led them back upstairs, across the main commons and right out the front doors of the resort.

  “I hope I don’t have to explain that this is the main entrance?” he asked.

  He continued down a paved path that followed the natural slope of the land against the front of the resort to their right. It was yet another thing Tessa hadn’t noticed earlier, even while Felix had been talking to their golf-cart driver and torturing her with that stupid beetle. The path led to a somewhat smaller mansion nestled into the hillside, its roofline just below the top story of the main building. It was cradled by more lawns, paths and the buffer of jungle hiding sandy beaches to the north. Inside, the grand staircases curved up either side of the massive foyer to the second story. Louis took them straight ahead, right into an emporium of kink.

  Anything and everything a dominant could wish to get their hands on that didn’t require a forklift to move was there. Shelves, racks, bins and walls overflowing with toys, tools, clothing and accessories. Tessa recognized an assortment of slanted cushions her Master loved to use.


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