Prey & Prejudice: Cougar Falls, Book 7
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“Look, I don’t think it. I know it.” Her cat agreed. This was what she’d been born to do. “I’ve learned a lot over the years. I can’t help that I’m beautiful. Blame my parents for that. But I’m not about an ego trip. I don’t need the pride to know I’m great.”
Dana snorted. “Apparently not.”
“My point is I’m here to help the pride. You’ll see. I’ll bring everyone together, on equal footing. Even if you all tell me you hate me, it’ll be said in unity. No more Lex followers or Leonard Silas types trying to make a name for themselves at the cost of the pride. And I hate to break it to you, but trouble is coming.”
Willow shook her head. “Rumors of a takeover aren’t new. We can handle a few rogue wolves and scraggly birds.”
“But you haven’t handled Baltimore raptors yet. Trust me, they’re a pain. Manageable, but not in a cat-to-bird, one-on-one kind of conquest. They have numbers, and Lex’s takeover left the pride in shambles.”
“We’re nearly solid again,” Dana argued.
“Yeah, you know that. The pride knows that. But the rest of the world that watched you guys flailing thinks you’re ripe to be taken over. Everyone needs a message to steer clear. And I know just how to provide it.”
The women considered her, and Zoe mentally encouraged their good will. She wanted their approval. They carried weight with Miles’s inner council, and with the senior council as well. But more than that, she would need their support and friendship if she was to have a shot at ruling a healthy pride.
“So let’s say we back you,” Dana said slowly and looked over her shoulder at Jace across the pool. He currently sat with Ellis and Miles, who’d rejoined the group. The three seemed in deep discussion about something. “What’s your deal with the slutty swim suit? ’Cause you’re not making friends with that body.”
Zoe chuckled. “Maybe not, but I can tell you I’ve scored a direct hit with Miles.”
As one, the women glanced at Miles. He must have sensed their attention, because he glared at them before stalking away from his friends. He left the pool and didn’t circle back.
“Oh, now I get it.” Willow’s expression eased. She even grinned. “This isn’t about payback or casual flirting at all. You really don’t want Jace or Ellis. You want Miles.”
“Yes. No. Wait, what?”
Dana nodded. “You know, if you plan on ruling the pride, you have to take a mate. It’s an old tradition that the senior council wants back in place. Especially since Lex was such a hothead. They think a mate calms the pride leader.”
“Really?” That she hadn’t considered—she’d have to mate in order to rule. But, her cat rationalized, really, it tied in nicely with having a certain blond Adonis at her side. They suited, physically, at least. And from all she’d heard and seen about him—despite his ego—Miles had earned that respect.
“Yep,” Dana said. “And guess what? You get Miles to mate you, and I’ll back you a hundred percent. My backing means the entirety of the females.”
“Mine too,” Willow agreed. “With me comes the financial sector and a few judges. My family is tight with Nettles and a bunch of stubborn old-fashioned men you want in your corner. We really only need to swing the senior council votes for you. But it would help to have the majority of the pride on your side. Can you count on Quince to vote your way?”
Could she? “I’ll talk to him, but I think so.”
Dana nodded. “Then it’s just Miles, Danville and probably King you have to convince. I don’t think anyone wants a Pride Fight again.” Where two cats fought—usually, but not always, to the death—to rule.
“I don’t suppose I could trick Miles into fighting me for it?”
Willow snorted. “Doubtful. He’s stubborn. He really doesn’t want to rule, but he loves the pride too much to let it fall into the wrong hands. Prove to him you’re the right one for the job. So far, you’re doing good. You made headway this past week.”
“Prove to him she’d be right for the job?” Dana snorted. “That’s if Miles can look past his ego. Change is hard, but so is having a woman boss you around. I’m in, Zoe. But it’s up to you to get Miles on board.”
“And as a mate,” Willow reminded her with glee. “This is going to be so much fun to watch.”
“Yeah.” Dana grinned wide. She rose and slapped Zoe on the shoulder. “Have a good time tonight following the guys around. But a warning—you touch Jace, I hurt you. Same goes for Willow with Ellis.”
“Relax you two. If I’m going to effectively set my sights on Miles, sleeping with his lieutenants isn’t the way to make that happen. And no offense, but I’m not into either of them like that.”
The more she thought about it, the more right the notion seemed. Taking Miles to mate. Who else had she ever met that stood up to her like he did? Who could resist her and arouse her and amuse her all at the same time? They could join for the pride, to stabilize the group. And maybe, hopefully, in time she’d have his affection as well.
Why that part should feel more important than the rest worried her. Her dream to make the pride strong had always overruled everything else. But this—liking—for Miles felt oddly like a crush turning deeper.
The women relaxed. “Okay then.” Willow glanced at the pool. “Then let me fill you in on Ellis and Jace. And Rain. Don’t want to forget about our stellar CPA either.”
Chapter Seven
Four days later, Zoe sat in Joy’s new digs and watched the woman manage Quince with ease. She kissed him goodbye after making him swear to tell her everything about his meeting later.
Zoe toyed with her glass on the table. “You know, it’s good for everyone’s sanity, or so I hear, that you two finally moved into this place.” The same cottage in which she’d seduced Miles. Good times. “It’s hard enough knowing my brother’s so vocal. But then to find my new sister is a screamer. Ugh.”
Joy flushed, and Zoe laughed. She liked having a sister, liked even more how content her brother seemed to be. The more she observed of Quince and Joy, the more she wanted to have something like that with Miles.
Annoyed with her cat’s stupid longing, she continued to push the feline down. So she and Miles had chemistry. So what that she actually liked him when he wasn’t looking down his nose at her. Even then she respected that he felt he could get away with that kind of arrogance, because she lived with the same conceit day in and day out. She was sexy, and she knew it. Just like Miles.
They had that in common. They both liked to give to others, putting their needs last. He’d given her a strange look the other day when he’d seen her teaching a few of the younger felines how to drive a motorcycle, patiently explaining safety and the rules of the road. But she thought she’d seen a glimmer of respect too.
She and Miles could work, but he’d never be easy. He’d be hell to manage.
She’d always been a more dominant female, more so than her mother and any of Zoe’s friends, including Joy. Quince and Joy shared a special bond Zoe had never before felt for a man. Not a familial affection, but a passionate need for another person. The closest she’d yet come was her fascination for Miles. She lusted after him constantly—an annoyance in itself. But for a cat with her share of admirers, it puzzled her why she continually longed for his approval.
For the past few days, since blowing his mind—among other things—in the shower, she’d been all smiles and charm. He shot her puzzled looks, and she liked knowing she kept him on his toes. She’d kept close tabs on him and knew he hadn’t been with anyone else since being with her. Why she should care so damn much she didn’t know. Then again, his attachment to another female would make taking him as mate more difficult. Sure. That’s why I feel a touch annoyed at the thought. Not jealousy. That I might have to work harder to get him. She sensed her cat laughing at her and ignored the beast.
A glance at Joy showed the woman looking way too pleased with herself. “What?”
“So Dana and Willow tell me you’re setting a snare fo
r my brother.”
Zoe shrugged and tried to play off the thrill the thought shot down her spine. “If I have to take a mate, it would be easier to use the closest one in power to ease my way into the hierarchy around here.”
“What does that mean?”
Joy just looked at her, and Zoe glanced away. If she couldn’t figure out the stubborn feline doing his best to ignore her, she’d be damned if she’d try to reason her confusion out with anyone else. Besides, if perhaps she did harbor a tiny kernel of growing love for the man and he found out about it, he’d use it to his advantage. With a man like Miles, she had to stay one step ahead of him just to keep afloat.
After taking a sip of her water, she glanced back at Joy. “So anyway, the past few days have been enlightening. Jace and Ellis have a pretty good handle on the pride.”
Joy nodded. “Yeah. Now with the separate factions settling down, we’re finally turning into a cohesive unit.” Joy frowned. “I still don’t trust Alissa though. She’s way too quiet lately. And to say that she hates you is putting it mildly. Lately, you’re the hot topic of conversation among the eligible bachelors. Taking attention from Whoreberto is like painting a target on your back.” Joy paused. “I don’t think she’s given up on Miles yet, amazing as that seems.”
“Oh?” She still wanted to stretch her claws down Alissa’s face for what she and her haughty cousin had done to Quince.
Nearly a year ago, when Michael had still been in power, Alissa and her cousin Belinda had laid the foundation for Lex to take over. Wanting more power in the pride, the women had flirted and paid their way to the top. Then they’d connected with Lex and his bastard brother and given them insider information into the workings of the pride.
Michael’s heretofore-unknown illegitimate sons, Lex and Ronnie Gates, had pretended to be friendly, then killed Michael and taken over the pride. In doing so, they’d convinced Miles that Quince had raped Belinda before throwing his lot in with Lex.
As if her honorable brother would ever treat a female with such disregard. Zoe didn’t like that Miles had believed lying felines over Quince, especially since Quince and Miles had been friends forever. But to hear Quince tell it, Belinda had been especially convincing. Bloody, lying in Miles’s arms near death, she’d cried and pointed the finger at Quince right before dying.
Though Lex’s thugs had abused the woman, Quince had unknowingly taken the blame. Hence the huge rift between Quince and Miles…until her sneaky brother had tricked Miles into taking control of the pride.
She occasionally wondered if her tie to Quince had created another obstacle she and Miles would need to hurdle. Since those two mind-blowing bouts of oral sex, the annoying cat hadn’t made a move on her, though she’d felt him watching at odd times. She knew he wanted her, but he refused to out-and-out ask her for sex.
It was hard to get a handle on him. Then to find out a woman as rich as Midas wanted him? Alissa was pretty, connected and sly enough to have tricked Miles once. Who was to say she wouldn’t try again?
“Yeah,” Joy said with a grimace. “I’ve been keeping an eye on her, but she’s hard to watch. She goes all over the city for business reasons, to places I can’t go. Her family’s hotel money supports the pride, and her parents just don’t see the spoiled witch she’s become.”
“Family is good like that. I mean, my mom thinks the world of me and Quince, but she has a hard time seeing how hardheaded my brother can be.”
“Your brother.” Joy snorted. “Yeah, him. Not you at all.”
“Nope. I know my place in life. It’s a tough thing sometimes, to be so determined. But I didn’t spend the last seventeen years learning how to lead and fight just to come home and settle down with some loser wanting a hot chick to bang.”
Joy shook her head. “Now that’s poetic. Man, you are so like Quince it’s not funny.” She laughed.
“Yeah, well. I would say you’re like Miles, but you’re not.”
“No, he’s got that handsome, arrogant thing like Stacey. The twins are just fun and friendly. I’m the alleged troublemaker.”
Zoe could see that.
“Miles? He’s always been a domineering bastard. But I love him.”
“Speaking of domineering, where is your brother, anyway? I think he’s scared of me. He’s always avoiding me.”
Joy grinned. “I think he’s scared too. Dana, Willow and I think you’re doing a great job.”
“Good to know you don’t mind that I’m stalking your brother.”
“He needs a strong female to handle him. Someone who’s not afraid to tell him to go pound sand.” Joy checked her cell phone. “Hmm. It’s just past two, so Mr. President is probably in the main house taking petitions.”
Zoe frowned. “Yeah, about that. What? He’s like the godfather? Do we have to kiss his ring and pledge unfailing loyalty, then owe him our next kid or something? What kind of petitions?”
Joy snickered. “I would pay you to kiss his ring. Seriously. Wednesday is Miles’s least favorite day. Hearing petitions is like open office hours. The pride gets to see Miles and express their concerns, have him settle disputes and negotiate pride business, the mom-and-pop shops.
“Quince hated it too. Usually you get cats like Leonard Silas trying to weasel more than he deserves. That and a lot of whiners. But as I’ve tried to remind my brother and Quince, there are genuine problems needing solving too.
“Jana Nelson needs help with her mother and has no one to give her a hand. And with Annabeth’s mate now doing a job out in California, she needs some help managing her baby and her niece, who lives with them. Terrance Styles is working on his internship to get a scholarship for college next year. Stuff like that.”
Zoe nodded, intrigued. “It’s the smaller details that I find fulfilling. The individual members. You make them happy and safe, and the entire pride flourishes.”
“I wish Miles felt that way. He sees it as spending time he should be using to make more money. I love him, but sometimes I worry he’s too obsessed with business.” Joy paused. “I’d like him to find someone special. Take a mate and ease up.” She stared at Zoe.
Zoe sighed. “I’m working on it. Dana and Willow have already pestered me about this. As Willow said, if I shack up with someone who won’t tolerate my bullshit, the rest of the females will relax that I’m not after their men. Like it’s my fault men go out of their way to woo me. Hell, Joy. I’m hot. It’s a curse, but I try.”
“It’s like you’re Miles’s twin. Uncanny.”
“No need to insult me. He’s good-looking, yeah. But way too arrogant. I’ll have to work on that with him.”
“I wish you could hear yourself. Should I start calling you Miles Junior?”
“Shut up.” Zoe grinned. “This petition thing has me curious. I’ve seen the territory from top to bottom, dealt with the females and met everyone else in the pride. Now I think I should watch Miles work. Where is he playing godfather?” She suddenly recalled Michael’s open-door policy and liked the fact Miles continued the tradition, if in his own kingly way.
“In the main house. You’ll see the crowd. Go down the front hall and turn right. They use that huge office before you reach the kitchen for petitions.” Joy paused. “On another subject… That guest house you’re occupying is supposed to be temporary. Now that Quince and I have moved out of the main house, it makes sense for you to move in. You know, so you can get to know everyone and the pride better.”
“That’s not a bad idea.” How much easier to bump into Miles in the dead of night and take sinful advantage of him there? “I should have thought of that sooner.”
“Yes, you should have.” Joy sniffed. “You disappoint me. Are you going to pursue him seriously or what?”
“Let me think. Between trying to meet everyone, gain their approval and figure out how everything works, I might have let my pursuit of your annoying brother slip. Except for blowing him that one time. Sue me.”
Joy goggled at her.
“TMI? Sorry.” Except she wasn’t. Zoe had plans, but she wanted to move at her own pace. And okay, fine, she’d been waiting for Miles to become so desperate for her he’d crawl back to her begging for more.
Since that didn’t appear to be happening any time soon, she figured it was time for plan B. Moving into the house.
Joy rubbed her eyes. “I think I’m going to be sick.”
“Why? We were clean about things. It was in the shower.”
While Joy made more gagging sounds, Zoe waved and left Joy to finish unpacking boxes in the cottage she and Quince intended to make their own.
Personally, Zoe thought the move perfect. It kept the lead lieutenant—Quince—and female liaison—Joy—close without being too close. Having a female liaison had been a stroke of genius on her brother’s part. While he’d initially created the position to get Joy to stay, she’d actually turned out to be a vital asset to the pride.
She hated to say it, but some of the more—catty—females would drive her nuts with their complaints. This way Joy took care of them while letting Miles handle the more important matters pertaining to the pride at large. His lieutenants handled the rest of the pride’s grievances, policing their numbers with keen attention. With a ratio of seventy to thirty percent men to women, Jace and Ellis had their hands full dealing with the majority of the pride, while Joy made sure no one forgot about the females.
Quince, in the meantime, worked on lightening Miles’s load. She thought that might be nice, working together with her brother to solve the pride’s problems and make them stronger. He wasn’t so much an asshole he couldn’t take orders from a woman. Even his younger sister. Antiquated though the pride might be, in this day and age there was no excuse for female inequality.
But Miles. He was an issue all to himself. Stubborn, intelligent, savvy. And so damn sexy. How to work with him? She’d detected a subtle change in his attitude. He didn’t seem so brash or distrustful with her, and he’d smiled at her a time or two, but his caution bothered her.