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Page 3

by Michelle Hughes

  “Are you paying me overtime?” She’d sealed her fate and proven to be just as callous as every other person I’d been in business with. The salary was nothing, she’d more than make it up to me.

  “I am. Now, should we finalize this arrangement?” Run while you can, little girl. Once you’ve agreed, I’ll destroy you.

  Her small nod was all I needed. Walking around the desk I slid a folder over for her perusal and sat down in my chair so she could read it. With every sentence her eyes widened more and when she put her hand to that delicate throat I knew she finally understood.

  “I don’t know what kind of woman you think I am, but I would never allow you to do those things.” The fact that she was still sitting in that chair and reading my sheet of demands told me otherwise.

  “Then you’re willing to let Deshawn go to prison. He was under the impression you’d save him.” Those expressive eyes shot to mine and I could see the shock laced inside those emerald depths. I had to have her!

  “What are you talking about?” Her voice was a soft whisper and the fear that clouded her gaze almost made me feel sorry for her. It wasn’t emotion I would allow.

  “I should have let him tell you, and not leave it up to me to deliver the news of his criminal activity.” I was rather aggravated having to explain his failure. “Your friend embezzled money from me and almost got away with it. Thankfully, my CMO is brilliant and she discovered his scheme.”

  “Deshawn wouldn’t do that.” Her beautiful face was filled with sorrow, and again I felt something stir in my soul that baffled me. Pushing it away, I grabbed the folder and turned to the back page showing the spreadsheet that proved his guilt.

  “People are rarely who you think they are.” I’d learnt that lesson early in life and remembered the betrayal that forced me to turn into the cold hearted bastard I was. I could see the disbelief and picked up the phone dialing Deshawn’s number. When he answered, I said, “Tell her the truth about the embezzlement.”

  “I’m sorry, Ashe. I wanted to tell you.” His sniveling voice irritated me because her hand flew over her mouth as tears filled her eyes. She was bravely fighting them back. That was a point in her favor. I hated weakness.

  “Tell her!” I wanted to end her pain from him and get him off the phone.

  “It’s true. I took the money. I’m going to pay it all back, though. You don’t have to.” I cut him off by ending the call and forced my attention back to the woman before me.

  “I need a minute.” That soft voice was so broken. It made me want to destroy Deshawn for betraying her trust. I balked at the sentiment.

  “Take all the time you need. Open the door when you’ve composed yourself.” I walked out into the hall, closing the door behind me.

  Was I such a callous asshole that I’d use this woman as payment? I knew I was. I’d never wanted to fuck a virgin before. I preferred my women knowledgeable and adventurous in bed. Tenderness was something I didn’t know. I was not inclined to learn. Sex was about fulfilling needs and nothing more. There was something about her, though. I wanted to fuck her until she was ruined for all other men.

  I wasn’t into freaky sex, but I’d tied up a woman occasionally. What I enjoyed was serious power fucking, and edginess. Anything that pushed the boundaries of a woman and left us both so gratified that we wanted to do it repeatedly. I’d never had one leave my bed unsatisfied.

  The door opened, and I wasn’t sure how long it had been. Walking back inside, she’d taken her chair again, and I took mine. “So, have you made a decision?” I saw no need to mince words. I knew what I wanted and she wasn’t here as a friend.

  “Are you going to hurt me?” I didn’t like the timid little girl who’d taken her place and knew I had to get her back in the right mind frame.

  “Only if that’s what you want.” I wasn’t going to beat her, as that was disgusting to me, but I could add a little pain if she asked.

  “You make me sick.” Her words were still softly spoken, even as she insulted.

  “You’ll learn to want me more than any man.” It wasn’t ego talking, I knew how skilled I was in bed. Shrugging, I let her words roll of me, because they didn’t matter. The bottom line did. “Are you agreeing?”

  “I’m a virgin.” Did she think that would save her? I didn’t mind setting her straight.

  “You won’t be for long, if you say yes.” It was rude, but I wasn’t known for my flowery words.

  “God! Yes, okay. Just promise me that Deshawn is no longer indebted to you.” The tears made me angry, and I wanted to demand she stop them.

  “I’m the only religion you’ll ever need. Leave your precious God out of this. Now, get yourself together woman.” Standing up, I walked over to the bar and poured her two fingers of scotch and brought it back. “Weakness is something you should never show your opponent.”

  She took the glass from my hands, downing the contents in one gulp. I poured her another. “Is that what I am to you? Something you need to conquer?”

  “Maybe. I’m not sure what it is about you that makes me want this so bad.” I could have denied it, but why bother.

  “Are you always so honest?” She took the second glass I offered and sipped on it, her tears drying and a strange mix of sadness and humor filled her eyes.

  “I won’t lie. There’s no reason for me to. You’ll learn, I never make promises I don’t keep.” It’s true, I was a sonofabitch but people always knew where they stood with me.

  “I don’t know how to do this, Sebastian. Any of it.” She clenched her small hands around the glass and she fidgeted nervously. I didn’t want to deal with her crying again.

  “Then I’ll teach you.” Taking the glass from her hand, I put it down then pulled her out of the chair roughly. Hauling her against me, I kissed her with a savageness that was probably too much for an innocent. I didn’t care. I wanted her and she would learn.

  My tongue plunged into her mouth, demanding she respond, and after a few seconds, she did. She tasted like strawberries and scotch and I wanted to rip off those jeans and see if the rest of her tasted as good. There was no doubt in my mind it would. Virgin pussy was a new delight and I wanted to indulge. I’d force myself to refrain, for now.

  Pulling away, she stumbled back slightly and I righted her. “Let’s go over the details.” I forced myself to walk back to the desk and sit because if I didn’t I was undressing her and taking her on it. I was a man who demanded control of himself and this would be no different.

  “This is simple. You’ll live here with me, go to work when I do, and be at my beck and call always. I think you understand that?” At her nod, I continued, and it gave me great satisfaction to see the shock on her face. “I will fuck you when I want, how I want, wherever I want until I’ve decided this arrangement is over. Are we clear?”

  Her arms crossed over those luscious breasts, and I saw the fire returning to her eyes. “Yes.” Her full lips had tightened and I knew she was angry but she’d get over it. Or not.

  “When I decide I’m done, you can work for my company either as my personal assistant or in another capacity, which we’ll discuss when that time comes.” I hadn’t planned to keep her on, but I could be fair. She didn’t deserve to lose her job when she no longer held my interest sexually.

  “Any questions?” She shook her head , and I was pleased that she was being respectful and not giving into female emotions. “Good. Let me show you your room.” The fear that filled her eyes was unacceptable and I knew I had to work on that. I wanted her trembling in anticipation about fucking me, not acting like some scared school girl.

  She followed me up a long ruby-carpeted staircase, and I led her to the room that would be her private sanctuary. I enjoyed my privacy, so while we’d fuck in my bed, I didn’t expect her to sleep in it. I didn’t want to give her the impression that this was anything other than a mutual exchange of pleasure.

  I opened the door and motioned for her to walk in, not following. “This is you
r room while you’re with me. I won’t enter it and when you’re in here, your time belongs to you.” She looked surprised but I couldn’t read her mind so I didn’t know what she truly thought. “Get some rest tonight. We have an early morning.”

  Closing the door, I left her alone, knowing I needed to have a plan before I claimed what was now mine. The satisfaction of having her giving in was enough for now. My cock wasn’t on the same page, but it would let me lead. A man didn’t make it to my level without controlling his baser instincts. Walking to the end of the long hall I entered my room, and stripped down.

  Normally, I didn’t rely on self-gratification, women were easy to find, but for the moment, there was only one I wanted. Climbing into bed I lowered my hand down and gripped the wide width of my cock, stroking the long length as I imagined a green-eyed beauty using her hand to please me.

  Maybe I was wrong to have never have fucked a virgin before. It might be interesting to teach a novice how to pump the monster I was packing and telling her how I liked my balls fondled as she got me off. Working my hand faster, I imagined a set of plump pink lips stretching wide to take me in and hitting the back of her throat, forcing her to take as much as she could.

  Keeping the fantasy going, I imagined sliding between her silky thighs and my cock ramming into the tightest pussy imaginable then fucking her until she was screaming out my name in pleasure. My hand was moving so fast as the pleasure mounted I knew it wouldn’t be long now. I was going to claim all of her. Her mouth, her pussy, even that fine ass that looked so damn good in those jeans.

  Ashley Mulder would be mine! I came hard, streams of my white pearly essence covering my hand. I’d teach her to drink that down too. Chuckling at the mess I made, I slid out of bed and walked to the bathroom to clean up. I hadn’t come that hard in a long time.



  I stood in this elegant room built for a princess, not moving. My mind was overwhelmed with shock, betrayal, and fear. Losing my virginity to save my friend was a worthy cause, I supposed, but would I survive Church? How could Deshawn do this to me? I knew I owed him, but this? I wasn’t sure I could ever forgive him. Part of me wanted to run back to Alabama and make him deal with his own mess.

  If my granny was still alive, she’d tell me to do just that. She wasn’t, and I had nothing to return home to, except her house full of memories that hurt so bad to remember because she’d been my world. I’d transferred all that love to Deshawn when we’d met and it saved me from sinking into a depression so deep I doubted I’d be able to escape. I wished she’d wrap me in her arms right now and take away all this agony that drenched my soul.

  I didn’t know who to turn to for advice. Deshawn was my confidant, but he’d betrayed me. Sinking down on my knees in the plush white carpet, I let all the emotions I felt seep through me at once. Tears fell like rain down my cheeks and I covered my mouth as I screamed behind my hand at the injustice. When there was no emotion left, I felt numb and continued to kneel and finally prayed. I hadn’t done that since I’d lost her. The truth was I felt betrayed when she was taken from me.

  Did God even hear my prayers? I’d been raised to believe he answered all of them, but he was failing big time in my life lately. Angry at everything, I stood up and a coldness seeped into my heart. Maybe there was no God, and you could only rely on yourself to make it through this unbearably cruel world where no one could be trusted.

  An inner calm came over me, or maybe it was a bleak nothingness, but I decided. Sebastian Church might take my body, but he would never break my spirit. No one would ever again! I wasn’t a frightened little girl who people could bully anymore. I’d show him, and anyone else that stood in my way, that I was capable of doing great things and didn’t need to cower any longer. He was damn well going to make this worth my time, too. Walking out into the hall, I felt the sanity leave.

  “Church!” I bellowed out, my rage growing as I saw my entire life played out in my memories and seeing how I’d let people run over me my entire life. I was done! When he didn’t answer, I screamed louder. I’d shake down the entire house if he didn’t answer me.

  “What the hell is it?” He stomped out of the room a few doors down dressed in nothing but a towel. The sight of his incredible body shocked me into silence until he walked forward.

  I held a hand to ward him off, and forced myself to be brave. “I want a better negotiation.” My courage began to drain as he walked up until my hand was pressed against that steel flesh. He was still damp from a shower and I shivered in awareness from the thrill his body made me feel.

  “Interesting.” His full lips turned up into a smirk and he looked down on where my hand met his chest. It was a stark contrast between his skin and mine. I hadn’t been in the sun this year and he was darkly tanned. “What deal are you offering, and hurry up my ass is freezing.”

  “The money Deshawn owes you goes to me, I deserve it.” It was no better than calling myself a prostitute getting paid for sex, but I was past caring.

  “You think your pussy is worth two hundred thousand?” His blue-green eyes were taunting me and I refused to let him bait me that way.

  “I think it’s worth more, but that’s the deal you made.” I wasn’t sure how I stood there making that demand when my legs were shaking, but I refused to budge. That kind of money might not mean anything in his world, but in mine it gave me safety. “Take it or leave it.”

  “Most people know better than to threaten me.” The intensity in his face almost made me back down, but this was my body we were talking about. I would make the choices for it.

  “It’s not a threat. I’m making a different arrangement. Call it a mutually acceptable business deal if you like.” Part of me hoped he’d call my bluff and turn me down. I could go back to my pitiful existence and force myself to face the demons that had held me back my entire life.

  “I want to see what you’re offering before I accept.” Humor and cockiness spread over that gorgeous face that could be so cruel and I knew what he meant. Sort of.

  “Fine.” Whatever he was asking, I knew it would be humiliating, but I was past the point of caring about that. This was my first step toward independence and if I could survive Church, nothing would stop me from having what I wanted.

  “To my room.” He turned and walked away, and I hated that my eyes went straight to his ass. Even covered by a towel, I could see what a beautiful one it was. Every inch of him was male perfection and for a moment my inadequacy came forward. I followed, knowing I could never be as cocky.

  Entering his bedroom, it was all dark gray and black which I felt suited his cold heart. He shut the door behind me and it made a resounding noise, making me jump. “Don’t lose your balls yet, little girl.” That mocking voice made me want to slap him. Instead, I pulled back my shoulders and faced him with a glare. “Much better. Now strip.”

  I faltered then. No one had seen my body before, and I considered myself a very modest person. “But?” Did I expect a reprieve from this monster? I wasn’t that gullible.

  “Show me what I’m paying for or get the hell out.” There was no compassion in his voice, only demand for compliance. I felt like a cow being put up for auction as I pulled the t-shirt over my head. The insecurity I felt made me livid. Why should I care what this jerk thought about me? Sliding off my shoes, I quickly unbuttoned my jeans, slid the zipper down, and angrily stepped out of them. Left in my lacy bra and panty set, I put my hands on my hips, and forced myself to stand proudly.

  “Finish the job.” The heat in his eyes was enough to burn me alive, and I hated him for not letting me stop there. I wasn’t going to beg for a reprieve. If he accepted my offer, he’d see every inch of me, anyway.

  “I hate you.” The words lacked the heat they deserved as my hands fumbled behind my back with the clasp for my bra. Tossing it aside, I forced myself to lower my panties and step out of them.

  “Do you think I care?” The way he looked at me told me he c
ared about something. He was eating me up with his eyes and my body instantly responded. My nipples hardened and the weight of my breasts grew heavy. “Don’t move.” The words vibrated through my body making my sex clench and I didn’t understand these strange sensations he made me feel.

  He moved inches away from me and his large hands reached out to cup my full breasts. “Fucking beautiful.” Pinching the pale pink peaks, I cried out at the shock that moved from my breasts to my pelvic bone at his action. “Spread your legs.”

  “Why?” Hadn’t I given enough? I was standing here naked to his gaze and my bravado was slowly fading.

  “Because I told you to and don’t like asking twice.” His fingers pinched my nipples hard and I did what he asked. Crying out at the odd mix of pain and pleasure I was glad his hands slid away. That lasted until his hand cupped my sex and I jumped. “Those sweet little curls won’t protect you, in fact, I think I’ll have them waxed. I don’t like anything in my way when I tongue-fuck a pussy.”

  His words shocked me, and I knew that was intention. What I didn’t expect was him to tug those curls and my body to respond by growing damp. The soft moan that left my lips made my face burn hotly and he chuckled. “I really do love that color on you, maybe we’ll keep them.”

  Spinning me around quickly, those large hands cupped my ass, squeezing lightly. “I’m fucking this, too, every hole you have will be owned by me.” He moved his hands around to my stomach and pressed against me to whisper in my ear, “I’ll make you pay out this debt, you understand that, little girl?”

  A long finger inched down to press against my clit, and I gasped out my answer. “Yes.”

  When his thumb began making circular motions around that part of my anatomy I’d never gotten familiar with, my knees folded. Only his arm around my waist held me up. “You’ll enjoy every minute of it, too. That sweet little cunt is already soaked. Do you have any idea of the things I’m going to do?”


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