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Page 15

by Michelle Hughes

  “I’ll live with you, but I want this place for vacations.” I’d never be able to give up my granny’s home.

  “Then we’ll keep it. I’m sure there is someone we can pay to maintain it, if you don’t want to rent it out.” I knew my granny’s best friend Joe Ann loved the place, and would be a great caretaker.

  We agreed to go talk to her together and then go to my favorite jewelry shop in town. It wouldn’t have all the fancy rings we could find in the big city, but that didn’t matter to me. All I wanted was this man by my side, and the life we were going to build together.

  “I don’t want a big wedding.” I still didn’t like huge groups of people, and I knew I’d have to adjust to that working with Sebastian, but not for my wedding.

  “You may be the only woman in the world who doesn’t.” He grinned at me as we walked out of the store with a ring that I fell in love with at first sight. It was a 1 Carat Diamond Claddagh, and reminded me of one of my favorite shows. It was even more memorable because he’d knelt in the shop and asked me to marry him. There was a romantic hidden inside of Sebastian he’d never revealed.

  “All I want is you. I’m happy with going to the courthouse.” I was worried my billionaire fiancé wouldn’t go for that, but his face lit up at the idea, and we drove from the shop to the courthouse to obtain our license. We had to make an appointment for Friday, which was a few days away.

  With all that taken care of, we drove by my work and I put in my two-week notice. I introduced the friends I’d made to Sebastian and the women were looking at him in ways that had me sheathing my claws. He was mine. Of course, he teased me about my possessiveness and I showed him exactly how bad it could get when we arrived home. We made love for hours before I felt like he remembered where he belonged. In fairness, he’d not looked twice at any of them.

  After two days of pre-wedding bliss, Tom called and I explained that I was getting married. The sweet man I thought might be a part of my life until Sebastian showed up was livid. I was given a litany of reasons why I shouldn’t go through with the ceremony and only when Sebastian grabbed the phone to hang up did they stop.

  “I’m firing him when I return home.” I wasn’t the only jealous one in this relationship and I was quick to let him know it was wrong to terminate employment on someone just because they had the hots for his future wife. We ended up in bed again.

  I was shocked when I woke up the next day and Deshawn, Matteo, and Trisha were sitting in my living room. How was I supposed to feel about this? I knew they all played a very important role in our relationship but none of it was positive. I didn’t let them know that I had mixed feelings, but I pulled Sebastian into the bedroom when I could and explained he should have asked me first.

  “We needed witnesses.” His reply had no validation and I rolled my eyes.

  “The courthouse would have provided those. Trisha hates me, and Deshawn pawned me off like merchandise.” I didn’t like being angry with him, but I also refused to be a pushover.

  “You’re right, I should have asked. We’ll all be working together, though. Unless you want me to fire every one of them?” The fact that he was willing to do that killed my rising temper tantrum instantly.

  “That’s crazy. I don’t want anyone losing their jobs over me.” He’d obviously had good intentions no matter how off their executions were. I was seriously going to have to work with him to make sure he understood that our personal lives couldn’t hurt business. Thankfully, we had a lifetime to do that.

  “You are the only thing that matters to me.” He kissed me and I forgot what we were fighting about.

  “Are we getting married, or not?” A firm knock on the door and Trisha’s curt words, put my mind in the back place. It was obvious she was hoping not from her tone, but I refused to give her the satisfaction of ruining my wedding day.

  “We’ll be out after we dress.” Sebastian took over, and I was glad, because suddenly I was a bundle of nerves. I slid on a white dress I’d bought for the occasion, it was nothing fancy but made it feel a little more like a real ceremony. Sebastian looked dashing in his three-piece black suit, and I couldn’t wait for our honeymoon.

  “If you keep looking at me that way, we’re never leaving this bedroom.” That was fine with me and I walked over and wrapped my arms around his neck.

  “We could just live in sin.” Grinning, I felt the nervousness dissipate and desire take over.

  “You will make an honest man out of me.” A huge grin spread over his handsome face and I laughed. We kissed but barely, he was serious about this wedding even though I already felt like we belonged to each other.

  “Fine. If you won’t make love to me, let’s go get married.” Pulling out of his arms, I lifted my chin stubbornly and walked back into the living room. It was more than awkward having the three of them here, but I was turned on and my mind was all on having Sebastian later. Thankfully, we took separate cars to the courthouse.

  I know my granny was probably looking down from heaven on Sebastian’s side about this wedding, but I already felt married to him in my heart. He wanted this piece of paper, so I’d give it to him, but true love was more than marriage to me. I was going to do my best to make him happy and enjoy every day we had together.

  That thought left the minute we were standing in front of the judge and he began the ceremony. I believed it wouldn’t mean anything but as I pledged to honor, obey and be with him in sickness and help, and he gave the same pledge to me, my heart felt full. Tears slid down my cheeks as we said I do, and I didn’t want to ever stop kissing him when we were giving permission.

  Deshawn’s laughter and Trisha’s groan of dismay was the only reason I pulled back. We were married. Sebastian Church was my husband! It was overwhelming, and without doubt, the best day of my life. I couldn’t even be mad at the trio that was there to witness the event.

  “I have a little surprise for you, love,” he whispered in my ear as we left the courthouse. The rest of the world slipped away when it was the two of us alone, and I wasn’t sure what could be better than the wedding we’d had. To me, that small ceremony was the most incredible thing in the world.

  “One that involves making love to you all night long?” That’s all I wanted now. I had the man of my dreams, and the promise of a long life together.

  “There’s that, but I think that’s your gift to me.” He pulled the car over, and took a silk sash out of the glove-compartment. “Do you trust me?”

  I’d just married the man, what did he think? “You know I do.” I grinned and gave him a confused look. I had no idea what he was up to.

  He leaned forward and tied the sash around my eyes, then put the car in motion again. “Sit back and enjoy the ride then.”

  My heart raced in anticipation, and I hoped wherever he was taking me wasn’t far away. I liked this blindfold thing because it heightened my senses. “Are we going to make love with this thing on? Because the idea is kind of sexy.” I laughed and flushed, admitting the truth.

  “My dirty little girl, if that’s what you want, I’ll definitely share in that fantasy. Now hush and let me drive.” He chuckled and I forced myself to sit back, but I wasn’t blindly giving in. Reaching my hand over, I found his shaft through his pants, and stroked. He rose to the occasion quite nicely.

  “Mrs. Church, whatever am I going to do with you?” Hearing him address me that way made me want him even more. Taking off my seatbelt, I unzipped his pants, reaching my hand inside and stroked flesh on flesh. “You know that’s illegal, right?” He growled as I pulled his length free and lowered my mouth to suckle him. “Fuck!”

  “That’s exactly what I want.” I lifted off him to speak those words then continued my seduction. He’d turned me into a woman I barely recognized and I loved every minute of it. He twitched in my hand and I knew how close he was to coming, so was shocked when he pulled me off.

  “We’re here, but I’m going to finish what you started soon.” His tone was harsh, but I
knew it was because I’d had him right on the edge. I couldn’t stop the small laugh that left my lips. “Woman, paybacks a bitch.” He gave a chuckle and I felt the car engine turn off, and heard him adjusting his clothes.

  His door opened and shut, then mine opened, and he lifted me into his arms. “I hope you’re ready to keep that promise.” I was ready to take him right there, so if he’d put me down I was happy to prove my intentions. As I clung to him, I pressed my lips against his throat and licked.

  “Can you behave for five minutes?” He chuckled and I had no idea why he was being so standoffish.

  “Everything is ready, Mr. Church.”

  We had company, and I flushed bright red. Didn’t I look like the little trollop making out with my husband in front of someone else?

  I felt myself being lifted, as in upstairs, and was finally curious about where he was taking me. I was lowered onto a soft cushion and my mind couldn’t come up with any ideas. “Can I take this off now?” I needed to see where he was taking me.

  “Don’t you dare.” His threat was laced with humor and I wasn’t getting the joke. I felt his hands wrap around my waist and heard the buckle of a seatbelt. “I’ll be right back, so don’t move.” His lips came down on mine firmly and I wanted more but he pulled back quickly.

  Frustrated by his strange behavior, and having my vision obscured, I wasn’t feeling very patient. It felt like he was gone a long time, but that could be attributed at being lost in the dark. I was about done with the blindfold thing.

  “Now, where were we?” His voice made me jump, and I heard the sexy chuckle that made my skin tingle. Strong hands raised the hem of my dress, and I lifted my hips without thought helping him push it to my waist. “Lift again, Mrs. Church.” I felt his hands on my panties and didn’t need to be told twice. They were eased down my legs and over my heels.

  After spreading my legs wide, he wasted no time coming between them with his mouth and loving my body until I came with a soft cry of ecstasy. Not being able to see made me feel every stroke of his tongue more intensely. My seatbelt was undone, and I heard the sound of his zipper sliding down, knowing where this was going.

  “I should wait, but I need you now!” He lifted me into his lap, my legs straddling him and I felt him guide his huge length inside. I pressed down hard impaling myself fully and felt a strange lurch that reminded me of something but I couldn’t place it.

  “Fuck me like you mean it.” He gripped my hips and whatever was happening in the outside world no longer mattered. I couldn’t get enough of him and rode him with abandon, it felt like the ground had fallen out below us and I still didn’t care about anything other than making our bodies sing.

  I came hard and he still was maneuvering my body to take his rhythm bringing another orgasm to the surface. As I clung to him desperately, I attempted to keep up, not sure my body could do that again, but he proved me wrong and I felt his seed against my womb. He ripped my blindfold off and I knew now we were on his plane.

  “How was that for a takeoff?” He kissed me again, and I returned it.

  “Maybe we should do that every time we fly.” I certainly hadn’t been nervous that time. My mind had been fully occupied on loving him. “Wait a minute, where are we going? I have to be at work tomorrow.” He was still inside me, and I’ll admit, work was the last thing I cared about.

  “We bought the company, and they have someone covering your spot.” He what? I wasn’t sure whether to hug of slap him. The man had no boundaries. In the end, I decided he was uncontrollable, and I laughed.

  “I guess that’s one way to get a vacation.” Rolling my eyes, I lifted off him with a moan. Even soft the man did something to my body I couldn’t explain. “So where are we going?”

  “That’s the surprise, the other was just a bonus.” He stood up and adjusted his clothes, and I hated seeing him dressed. “Don’t worry, Mrs. Church. Where we’re going, we can stay naked all week.” He winked and I was really confused now. Where could we go that didn’t require clothes?

  Several hours later, we landed on what looked like a private airstrip in the middle of an island. “Where are we?”

  “Marilyn Isle. It belonged to my mother.” We stepped off the plane and a dune buggy was waiting with a handsome African male smiling and waving. He walked over and Sebastian gave him a warm greeting, which was surprising.

  “It’s so good to see you again, my friend. This is my beautiful wife, Ashley. Ashley this is Shemar. He takes care of this place for me.” Instead of shaking hands, Shemar hugged me and I returned it.

  “I’ve waited a long time to see him return to the isle. You must be an incredible woman.” Shemar took our bags from the pilot, which I hadn’t packed anything so was confused, and put them in the buggy. Ushering us into the vehicle, he drove us into the tropical oasis and my mouth fell open. Surrounded by palms and white beaches, the salty air filled my lungs and I was instantly mesmerized.

  “It’s breathtaking.” I couldn’t imagine anyone every leaving this place. When I saw the house I knew I’d landed inside some fairytale. It was a three-story, white-washed mansion that was stunning architecturally since it was built into a large mountain. “How can you not want to be here every waking minute?” I turned to Sebastian, still enthralled.

  “This was our summer house. Shemar and I spent every summer and holiday here playing together as children.” I understood without him explaining anything else. He hadn’t set foot inside a church since his mother died or here. It was like he was hiding from the memories being in familiar places with her made him recall.

  “You and the missus can fill this place with lots of little people to make it a happy place again.” Shemar drove us in front of the mansion and pulled to a stop. “My mother and wife have longed to see you again. I have two little people of my own now.”

  It broke my heart knowing he’d given up this part of his life, and apparently, it had been years if he didn’t know his friend had children. A full-figured woman ran down the steps with two little kids trailing behind her. She was beautiful with her cocoa-colored skin and a bright smile on her face. “My boy, you’ve stayed gone too long! Come give me some love.” To see Sebastian running into the woman’s arms made tears of joy fill my eyes.

  He picked her up and spun her before putting her down. “It’s been way too long, Mama Jalissa.” He kissed her cheek and she swatted him lightly.

  “Don’t go picking me up and straining that back. I should be cross with you, but I’ll forgive you since you brought a beautiful wife home.” She held out her arms for me and I felt embarrassed but walked into them for a hug. “We’re going to fatten this one up so she gives you beautiful babies.”

  “Not too much, she’s beautiful just the way she is.” Sebastian put his arm around me, and I swear, it was like being with a completely different man. He seemed so carefree and at home here.

  “These are my babies, Dante and Corine.” They were hiding behind Jalissa peeking out with their beautiful faces. I waved to them and the little girl giggled while Dante held onto his grandmother’s skirt. “You’ll meet my wife later. She’s taking a nap.”

  “Because you keep putting babies in her belly.” Jalissa shook her finger at him. “I love my grandbabies but you need to stop populating the island.”

  Sebastian threw back his head and laughed and I loved seeing him this way. “Maybe my wife can take over now so you won’t have to fill this place up.” I was shocked when Shemar tackled him and they rolled around in the sand like teenagers.

  “Best let them get it out of their systems.” Jalissa grinned and I couldn’t stop laughing. “I’ll give you a tour of the house while they catch up.” The transformation in him was amazing, but I was curious about the inside of the mansion.

  It didn’t disappoint. Instead, it made me more in awe of the place. Everything was done in soft pastel colors, even the furniture. The mansion was so airy and light it made you want to soak it all in and never leave again. We w
ould be spending all our free time here.

  Shemar’s children seemed to warm up to me as she took me through the huge kitchen, movie room, dining area, and finally to our bedroom. The little boy even held out his hands and I picked him up. “Don’t be spoiling him or he’ll want you holding him all day, that one.” Jalissa grinned. I didn’t mind. The little guy didn’t weigh much, and it felt nice to be hugged.

  “If you need anything at all, you let me know. We live in the guest houses by the pool.” I wondered why they didn’t live inside this huge house, but felt it wasn’t my place to ask.

  “Thank you.” I didn’t know how to feel about having people wait on me. With Sebastian’s status, it was something I’d have to get used to.

  “We’ll let you get settled in.” Her warm smile made me feel right at home and in a way this was my home now, too. It was hard to imagine that this place belonged to us, along with his huge penthouse in New York. I put Dante down, and they left me in peace so I sat on the bed, overwhelmed by all the changes in my life.

  That’s where I was sitting when Sebastian joined me again. “Everything all right, Mrs. Church?” He lowered himself onto the bed, taking my hand in his.

  “It’s more than I ever dreamed of, Sebastian.” I looked at him in awe, wondering how things had turned out so perfectly in my life.

  “You’re everything I’ve ever dreamed of, lover.” A sweet kiss turned into hours of lovemaking and then a week of wedded bliss on this incredible island I could now call home.

  Returning to New York was almost disappointing because it meant reality and working again. I say almost because it didn’t matter where we were, Sebastian always made sure to let me know I was the one thing that helped him find salvation again. I was sure he had saved me more.

  Being his wife came with all kinds of different social responsibilities, and that was the only hard part for me. I had to force myself to be around people that were completely different from myself. I adapted and even discovered I could be a great host after all the practice I had. Even selling real-estate in the big city was proving to be fun.


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