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The Unquiet Englishman

Page 72

by Richard Greene

  Panama Papers scandal (2016) 438

  Paraguay 57, 398–400, 401–3, 406, 410, 417, 420, 448

  Paramount 98, 147–8

  Paredes, Rubén Darío 478, 479, 481

  Paris 188, 192, 195, 208, 212–13, 289, 326; GG visits communists in (1925) 29, 70; flat at 130 Boulevard Malesherbes 289, 330, 342, 506

  Parsons, Ian 101, 102

  Parsons, Louella 270

  Paschoud, Jean-Felix 333

  Pasternak, Boris 385

  Pastora, Edén 453, 471

  Pasture (holding company) 331

  the Patriot (right-wing publication) 27

  Patrizi, Bernardo 209

  Paul VI, Pope (Giovanni Battista Montini) 50, 249–50, 407

  Peake, Mervyn 159–60, 252

  Peaky Blinders (television show) 108

  Pearce, David 6, 16

  Péguy, Charles 110, 146, 177

  Penang 247

  Penguin 331, 332, 333

  Peres, Shimon 390

  Perón, Juan 400, 410, 444

  Pershing, John 20

  Peter Jones department store 124

  Peters, A. D. 34, 47

  Pettiward, Daniel 168

  Peyrefitte, Alain 474

  Pham Ngoc Chi (Bishop of Bui Chu) 207, 214, 222, 245, 257

  Philby, Aileen 345–6

  Philby, Eleanor, Kim Philby: The Spy I Loved 382, 425

  Philby, Kim xiv, 75, 142–3, 150, 153–5, 156, 275–6, 329; heads MI6 Section IX 154, 155; My Silent War 154, 275–6, 383, 424; exposure of (1963) 345–7, 349–50; as correspondent in Beirut 346; flees to Moscow (1963) 347, 349, 494; Le Carré’s Haydon based on 382–3; wish to meet GG (1970s/80s) 424–6, 488–9; correspondence with GG (from 1978) 425–6, 489, 497; meetings with GG (Moscow, 1986/87) 488, 489–90, 494–5; death of (1988) 495; television appearance in Russia (1988) 495

  Philby, Rufina 489–90, 491, 494, 495, 496

  Philippe-Auguste (Haitian artist) 360

  Phuong (partner of de Berval) 217

  Piasecki, Bolesław 265

  Pick, Frank 132–3

  Pinochet, Augusto 400, 409, 448, 493

  Pinto, Vivian de Sola 60

  Pio, Padre (Capuchin friar) 210

  Pius X, Pope 176

  Pius XI, Pope 113–14, 215

  Pius XII, Pope 117, 209–10, 216, 249

  Pizzardo, Giuseppe 118, 248, 249–50

  Playboy magazine 419, 421

  poetry 18–19, 24–5, 32, 47, 230, 316; verses on BBC Radio (22 January 1925) 33; poets of the seventeenth century 59–60, 228

  Poirot, Luis 411

  Poland 264–6

  polar exploration 9–10

  Pollinger, Laurence 148, 324–5, 332, 370, 423

  Portocarrera, René 374

  Portugal 142, 149–51, 267, 277, 284, 299, 399, 428; ‘Garbo’ case in 151, 277; GG travels in with Durán 239, 429–30, 433; ‘Carnation Revolution’ (1974) 428–9

  Il Postino (Michael Radford film, 1994) 409

  Potter, Stephen 125

  Pound, Ezra, Personae 18–19

  Powell, Anthony 175, 187

  Powell, Selwyn 97, 101

  The Power and the Glory (1940) xiii, 121, 125, 152, 366, 421; whisky priest in 8, 65, 103, 121, 129–30, 306; Catholic themes in 105, 118, 129–30, 147, 248–50, 318; as critical success 130–1; Hawthornden Prize awarded for 131; dedication to Gervase Mathews 135; denounced by the Inquisition 248–50

  The Power and the Glory (play) 270–1

  Prague Spring 385, 409

  Preminger, Otto 405

  Price, George 453–5

  Priestley, J. B. 67, 71, 97, 102, 290

  Pritchett, Mary (née Leonard) 66, 68, 95–6, 115, 183

  Pritchett, V. S. 189, 371, 487

  Pro, Miguel 114, 123, 130

  process theology 408

  Profumo affair 347

  psychoanalysis 18, 19–20, 31, 49, 94, 147; and GG’s view of Africa 80, 86; GG and Eric Strauss 195, 196, 202, 263; Freudians 196

  Purna, Kit 93

  Putin, Vladimir 427

  Quayle, Anthony 289

  Quennell, Peter 10–11, 15, 17, 21

  The Quiet American (1955) xv, 58, 216, 219, 222, 242, 250, 336–7, 366; American reaction to xii–xiii, 269–70; GG has idea for 208, 221–2; dedication to René and Phuong 216–17; theme of American meddling 221–2; Continental Hotel bombing (1952) 258; Liebling’s review of 269; Russian stage version 328; copyright given to Francis 331; Philby on 491, 495

  Quinn, Anthony 199

  race: black soldiers in occupied Ruhr 28; reference to Jews 64, 108; inter-racial couples in Vietnam 217; apartheid in South Africa 235, 312, 419, 420, 465; in colonial Kenya 235; in colonial Congo 310; skin colour in Haiti 353, 364, 365–6, 379; and Panama Canal Zone 436

  Radio Free Europe 384

  Rahner, Karl 337

  Rain Queen in Limpopo Province 420

  Random House 498–9

  Rank Organisation 173

  Ransome, Patrick 101

  Ratcliffe, Michael 421

  Rattigan, Terence 165

  Read, Herbert 94–5, 102, 161

  Reagan, Ronald 439, 442, 460, 465, 477, 480, 483

  Redgrave, Michael 166, 270, 304–5

  Reed, Carol 173–4, 179, 181, 183, 184, 185, 186, 193, 300, 302, 370

  Reid, Josephine 325, 368, 423, 461

  Reilly, Sir Patrick 328

  Reinhardt, Max xiv, 289–90, 321, 331, 338, 368, 385, 461, 474–5, 498–9

  Rhodesia 37, 420

  Ribbentrop, Joachim von 27

  Richardson, Ralph 174, 289, 302, 304, 361, 362

  Richmond, Kenneth 18, 19–20, 21, 49

  Rickards, Jocelyn 232, 266, 502

  Riddoch, George 49, 50

  Rilke, Rainer Maria 119

  Róbért, Lászlo 424–5

  Roberts, Cecil 41

  Robles, Marco 437

  Rochester, Second Earl of 59–60, 174, 210

  Rockefeller, Nelson 448

  Rodgers and Hammerstein 193

  Roe, Thomas 330–4, 366–7, 370

  Romero, Carlos Humberto 463–4

  Romero, Óscar 463, 464

  Roosevelt, Theodore 436

  Ross, Noël 201, 203

  Rossellini, Roberto 233

  Rost, Hilary 11

  Rothenstein, Elizabeth 169, 170

  Rothenstein, John 168–9

  Roturman (Roe’s company) 330, 332, 333

  Royal Shakespeare Company 422

  Royal Victoria Sausage Company 332–3, 366–7

  Royde-Smith, Naomi 18, 24

  Ruane, Kevin 207–8

  Runciman, Steven, The Medieval Manichee 408

  Rupert, Anton 420

  Russell, Bertrand 199

  Ryan, Tony 499, 500

  Ryhiner, Mercia 247, 266, 476

  Sabini, Charles ‘Darby’ 108

  Sackville-West, Edward 24, 177, 195, 199

  Saigon 206–7, 215, 217, 247, 256–60

  Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat 321

  Salamanca 431

  Salan, Raoul 219, 220, 341

  Salazar, António de Oliveira 149–51, 277, 428

  SALT II agreement (1979) 426

  Samoa 326

  San Antonio (Texas) 115, 129

  San Francisco 326–7

  San Sebastián 432

  Sánchez, Waldemar 406

  Sander, Allegra 252, 266

  Sanders, George 333

  Santamaria, Haydée 295, 374, 375

  Santiago (Cuba) 279, 293–5

  Santiago de Compostela 432

  Sarabia, Nydia 293, 294, 295

  Saturday Review of Literature 130–1

  Saunders, Amanda (niece) 324, 345, 423, 507

  Saunders, W. A. 14

  Schack, Baron von 227

  Scharansky, Anatoly (Natan) 385

  Schillebeeckx, Edward 503

  School of the Americas (Panama Canal Zone) 437

  Schweitzer, Albert 310

  Scofield, P
aul 270–1, 304, 362

  Scorsese, Martin 185

  Scott, Robert 23

  Second World War: Macleod as news presenter 33; German occupation of Norway 62; French resistance 77, 142, 161; approach of (1938–9) 124–5; outbreak of (1939) 127–8; GG in London during 128, 132–6, 148, 149–50, 164; GG at Ministry of Information 132–3; Clapham Common house bombed (1940) 133–4; the Blitz in London 133–6; GG as ARP warden 134–6, 164; GG’s intelligence work during 137–45, 146, 149–53, 154–7, 277; Portugal during 142, 149–51; Operation Torch (1942) 145; Battle of Kursk (1943) 152; Normandy landings 152; D-Day 154; collaborators 161; Nazi atrocities 161; V-weapons 164; in Indochina 204, 222; and the Congo 310; Comet Line into Spain 318

  Seitz, Charles (Charlie Sykes) 61

  Selznick, David O. 184, 185, 186, 190, 304

  Selznick, Irene Mayer 304, 326

  Senate House, University of London 132

  Sestigers (‘sixtiers’) movement of Afrikaans writers 419

  Seychelles 419

  Shackleton, Sir Ernest 9

  Shades of Greene (Thames Television series) 270, 430

  Shakespeare, Nicholas, Priscilla 275

  Shakespeare, William, Hamlet 336

  Shamir, Yitzhak 390

  Shaw, Glen Byam 304

  Shaw, Run Run (film producer) 201

  Shearer, Jeremy 465–6, 468

  Sheed, Frank 112, 117

  Sheen, Fulton 376

  Shelden, Michael xiv

  Sheringham (Norfolk) 30–1

  Sherry, Norman xiv, 121, 417–18

  Siberia 492, 494

  Sierra Leone xvi, 137, 139, 175, 395–6; GG and Barbara in 84, 85, 86, 396; Krios or Creoles in 85; GG’s WW2 service in 140–5, 146

  Sight and Sound 102

  Simon, Dame Kathleen 82

  Simon & Schuster 370–1, 404

  Singapore 201, 203, 205, 247

  Sinn Féin 25

  Sintra (Portugal) 239, 429, 433

  Sinyavsky, Andrei 383–5, 488

  Sitwell, Edith 24–5, 27, 139, 191, 231

  Six Day War (1967) 388–90, 391

  Skiathos, island of 212

  Skinner, John 343

  Škvorecký, Josef 181, 385–6, 387, 492, 493

  slavery: and Greene family history 4, 81; in Liberia 80–1, 83, 85, 87, 312

  Smollett, Peter 180

  Soares, Mário 429

  Society for Psychical Research 18

  Socorro Juridico 464–5

  Soldati, Mario 233, 234, 395

  Solomon, Flora 346

  Solzhenitsyn, Alexander 385, 488

  Somoza, Anastasio 446–7, 452, 453, 462

  the Sorbonne 91, 188, 440

  A Sort of Life (memoir, 1971) 39, 41–2, 43, 47, 50, 395, 408; childhood and school days in 1, 2, 11, 14, 16, 21; and GG’s writing for Strauss 2, 196; as unreliable 14, 16, 32, 395

  South Africa 419–21, 465–6, 467–9; apartheid 235, 312, 419, 420, 465

  Soviet Union: show trials 62; forced collectivization of farms 63; human rights abuses 63, 65, 383–5, 425, 488, 491–2; and Baltic States 78; and Cambridge spy ring 150, 152–5, 328–9, 382, 383, 425–6, 489; and Philby 150, 153–5, 382, 383; Battle of Kursk (1943) 152; takeover of Eastern Europe 181; support for Viet Minh 205; and Poland 264–5; and the Congo 311; Francis Greene’s visits to 323; GG’s trips to 328, 426, 489–93, 494–6; Writers’ Union 328, 488–9; Golitsyn’s defection to West 346; Cuban alliance with 351, 355, 375; invasion of Czechoslovakia (1968) 375, 385, 488; crushes Hungarian revolution (1956) 385, 488; Gorbachev in 427, 488, 492, 493; Forum for a Nuclear Free World (Moscow, 1987) 490–3; courting of GG 492–3; celebration of GG’s eighty-fourth birthday 495–6

  Spadafora, Hugo 486

  Spain: GG’s holiday in (1921) 20, 432; Carlist wars in 40, 57–8; Civil War (1936–9) 62, 111, 123, 128, 153, 431; Franco regime 149, 429, 430, 431; ‘Garbo’ case in 151, 277; GG travels in with Durán 239, 429–34, 465; Batista flees to 299; Valle de los Caídos (Valley of the Fallen) 431

  Spark, Muriel 288–9

  Special Operations Executive (SOE) 141–2

  Spectator 68, 77, 92, 97, 98, 102, 134, 247, 272, 484

  Spellman, Cardinal (of New York) 216, 225, 258–9, 376

  Spender, Stephen 306

  Spinks, James 108

  spiritualism 18, 19, 66

  Squire, J. C. 47

  St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London 195

  St Francis Xavier 201

  St John of the Cross 433

  St John-Stevas, Norman 272

  St Kitts (West Indies) 4, 81

  St Teresa of Avila 432–3

  Stafford, John 233, 251, 277

  Stalin, Joseph 62, 433

  Stavisky, Alexandre 77

  Steinbeck, John, Travels with Charley 404

  Steiner, Rudolf 38

  Stellar Press 474–5

  Sterling, John 40

  Stern, Karl 279

  Stevens, Siaka 396

  Stevenson, Robert Louis 5, 8, 307, 410

  Stockholm 228–9, 266, 267–8, 284, 295–6; Royal Dramatic Theatre 268, 284–5

  Stonor, Jeanne (née Stourton) 302, 352

  Stonor, Sherman (6th Baron Camoys) 288, 291, 293, 302

  Stopford, Richmond 151

  Stoppard, Tom 405

  Strachey, Oliver 150

  Stratford, Philip 417

  Strauss, Eric 15, 195–6, 202, 263, 329

  Stroessner, Alfredo 399, 400, 402, 406, 448

  Subotica, border crossing at 64

  Sun Yat Sen 207

  Sunday Express 272, 499

  Sunday Telegraph 351, 353, 360, 388

  Sunday Times 236, 239–40, 242, 247, 261–2, 264–5, 272, 361, 475

  Sutro, Gillian xv, 233, 274–6, 303, 320, 368

  Sutro, John 233, 272, 273, 274–5, 303, 330, 350, 368, 372

  Suzman, Helen 420

  Svanström, Ragnar 266, 267, 284

  Sweden 73, 228–9, 266, 267–8, 284–5, 295–6

  Swinnerton, Frank 58

  Switzerland 416, 457, 474, 504; GG and Yvonne move to (1990) 505–6

  Sykes, Christopher 417

  Tabasco (Mexico) 33, 117, 118–20, 129–30

  The Tablet 247, 434

  Tagle, Ernesto Gomez 117, 123

  Tagore, Rabindranath 400

  Tahiti 326

  Tal, General Israel 388–9

  Tallinn 78–9, 277, 329

  Taylor, Elizabeth 374, 378, 379

  Teignmouth, Lord 48

  Temple, Shirley 102–3, 123, 124, 137, 273

  Teresa, Mother 389

  Texas 273–4

  Thatcher, Margaret 165

  Thé, Trinh Minh 222, 258, 259

  The Times 36, 46–7, 52–3, 55, 65, 66, 82, 92, 153

  Theatrecraft Limited 166

  Thomas Tilling Ltd 338–9

  Thompson, Francis, ‘The Hound of Heaven’ 130

  Thompson, G. H. 83

  Thorndike, Dame Sybil 281, 282

  Thriplow (Cambridgeshire) 191, 230, 458–9

  Thurmond, Strom 445

  Time magazine 213, 226

  Times Literary Supplement 41

  Tito, Josip Broz 234

  Tomic, Radomiro 411

  Tontons Macoutes 253, 354, 356–7, 358, 359, 360, 362–3, 364, 370, 373

  Topolski, Feliks 101

  Torres, Camilo 401, 405

  Torrijos, Omar 437–9, 440–1, 450–1, 467, 469; GG’s friendship with 88, 426–7, 442–9, 452, 455, 462, 465, 466, 470–1, 473, 477–8; self-destructive nature of 442–3, 470–1; Getting to Know the General 446, 473, 477, 483–4; treaty signing in Washington (1977) 447–9; and Belize 453–4, 455; and hostages in El Salvador 462, 463; death of (1981) 470–1, 477–8, 486

  Toussaint L’Ouverture 253

  Toynbee, Philip 335

  Tran Van Huu 259

  Tran Van Soai 257–8

  Tran Van Van 259

  Trevor, William 435

  Trollope, Anthony
116, 120

  Trollope, George 4, 42–3, 44, 45

  Trotsky, Leon 115

  Trudeau, Margaret 376

  Trudeau, Pierre Elliott 376

  Truffaut, François, La Nuit américaine 415

  Trujillo, Rafael 356, 364, 478

  Trump, Donald xiii

  Turner, G. D. 70–1, 127

  Turner, Vincent 169, 192

  Turnier, Charles 355

  Tutin, Dorothy 229

  Ukraine, Holodomor in 63, 65

  Ulmanis, Kārlis 78

  Unamuno, Miguel de 431, 433

  United African Company 320

  United Nations (UN) 420, 467

  United States: foreign policy xii–xiii, xvi, 382, 399–400, 409, 411, 436–8, 442, 444–9, 463–4, 465; GG’s anti-Americanism xii–xiii, xvi, 115, 349–50, 374, 382, 384, 412, 478, 486; Cold War mentality xii, 205, 222, 226; GG’s tangles with immigration authorities 29, 224, 254–5; rubber production in Africa 81, 88; GG in (early 1938) 114–15; Brighton Rock as success in 124; The Power and the Glory as success in 130–1; GG in California for The Third Man 184; and French claim to Vietnam 204, 205, 206, 214, 216, 242; increased involvement in Vietnam 221–2, 242, 258–9; McCarran Act (1950) 224, 225, 254–5; black ops in Indochina 269; and Cuba 294, 298; truck break-down in Utah (1960) 327; and Duvalier’s Haiti 354–5, 357, 378, 379; and Dominican Republic coup (1965) 365; and ‘Operation Condor’ 399–400; backs coup in Chile (1973) 409; and Panama 436–7, 438, 439, 442, 444–6, 447–9, 471, 504–5; and El Salvador 463–4, 465, 504; invasion of Panama (1989) 504–5

  Updegraff, Allan 77

  Urquhart, F. F. ‘Sligger’ 22

  Vallejo, René 376

  Valli, Alida 185, 233–4

  Van Molle, Paul 314

  Vance, Cyrus 445

  Vandenberghe, Roger 221

  Vanderslaghmolen, Père Hendrik 314, 315

  Vansittart, Sir Robert 98–9

  Vanunu, Mordechai 390–1

  Velarde, Fabian 440

  Venice 233–4

  Ventura, Esteban 279, 299

  Verdant (holding company) 330, 331, 332, 333

  Verschoyle, Derek 68, 134

  Vevey (Switzerland) 416, 504, 506

  Vicentín, Francisco 407

  Vidal, Gore 491

  Videla, Jorge Rafael 448

  Vienna 179–81, 184

  Viet Minh 204–5, 214, 215, 216, 241, 242–6, 256, 260

  Vietnam: French colonial forces in xi–xii, 33, 204–5, 206–8, 214–16, 218–21, 222, 241–6, 247, 257–8; GG’s trips to xi–xii, 205–8, 213, 214–15, 216–23, 241–7, 257–62; Phat Diem xi–xii, 207–8, 216, 220–1, 226, 244, 245, 257, 389; Catholicism in xi, 207, 208, 214, 215–16, 221–2, 226, 241, 244–5, 256–7, 258–9, 261; ‘strategic hamlets’ used in 200; Haiphong 204, 206, 218, 223, 260–1; Battle of Route Coloniale 4 (1950) 205; enclave of Bui-Chu 207, 214, 241, 244–5, 257; UMDCs in 207; Sûreté Fédérale in 216, 219, 242; GG dive-bombs in B-26 plane 218–19; American Economic Mission 221–2, 242; GG’s brush with land mine 241, 244; Thui-nhai (fortified village) 241, 244–5; Dien Bien Phu 243–4, 246, 247, 256; Geneva Accords (1954) 243, 256, 257; division at the 17th parallel 256; ‘Northern Migration’ 256, 257; coup d’état (1963) 257; Binh Xuyen (criminal gang) 259; Francis Greene reports from (1967–8) 391–2; GG’s view on American policy 393; see also The Quiet American (1955)


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