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Sweet Promise (The Grahams Book 1)

Page 17

by Jennifer Woodhull

  “Lady Lucas?” I asked.

  “Yes,” he said with a sigh. “Mother.” He shook his head. “I had hoped she would give us a few days for you to rest, but I see that was too much to hope for. If you’re not up for an introduction, I’ll tell her you’re resting.”

  “No, no,” I said, wiping the tears from my cheeks. “I’m happy to meet her…as long as you want me to, that is.”

  His eyes were soft as he looked down at me, and his lips curled up slightly. “You have to meet my family sometime. This is as good a time as any.”

  “Do I look presentable? I mean, I don’t…,” I whispered, “I couldn’t get a bra on, remember? I feel sort of half-dressed. Do I look alright?”

  “You are perfection, darling.” He took my hand and kissed it, then tucked it into the crook of his arm. “Let’s get to it, shall we?” He patted my hand, and we walked down the hall to the drawing room at the front of the house.



  “Mother,” I said as soon as I saw her. She stood immediately. “So good of you to come,” I kissed her cheek. “I’d like to introduce you to someone very special. This is Georgia Graham,” I gestured in Georgia’s direction, and put an arm around her as she stepped forward. “Georgia, this is my mother, Margaret Nash, Lady Lucas.”

  “I’m delighted to meet you, ma’am…,” Georgia put her hand out to shake Mother’s, then hesitated. “I’m sorry, I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do. Do I curtsey, or something?” I stifled a chuckle as Georgia looked to me.

  “Oh no, my dear. Really, a handshake will do nicely. And please, call me Margaret.” Mother took Georgia’s hand in both of hers. “Lucas, she’s absolutely lovely. How are you feeling, dear?” She asked.

  “I’m a little sore, ma’am, and a little run down, but it’s not so bad. Coulda been worse, for sure.” Georgia shrugged.

  “Oh, your accent is so charming!” Mother said, smiling. She was genuine. I could always tell when she liked or didn’t like someone upon meeting them, and she definitely liked Georgia right away.

  “Please, sit. Let’s have some tea,” I urged them. I sat beside Georgia on a settee across from Mother. Edgar brought the tray in, and I poured a cup for each of us. I added milk and sugar and put a biscuit on the saucer before handing the cup to Georgia.

  We made small talk for a few minutes, and Mother dropped the bomb I was afraid might be coming. “Lucas, we’d like you and Georgia to join us for dinner tomorrow evening at Severn House.

  “Mother, I don’t know if Georgia will be up to it. She’s recovering, after all,” I protested.

  “Lucas, it’s just dinner. I’m sure I’ll be fine,” Georgia said, patting my knee. She wasn’t quite prepared for a formal family dinner, but I knew she wouldn’t be deterred.

  “Good, it’s settled then. Lucas, your father, will be so pleased to meet this lovely young lady,” Mother said, smiling approvingly at Georgia. “So, tell me, Georgia, what does your father do?”

  “We have a farm, ma’am, back home in Tennessee. It’s been in our family since the revolutionary war. Daddy has grown soybeans, corn, wheat, and hay. The last few years have been tough…he’s thinking of maybe switching over to livestock.” Georgia smiled and took a sip of her tea.

  “Oh, how wonderful,” Mother exclaimed. “We have tenants with livestock, don’t we, Lucas? Sheep and cattle…pigs I think. Lucas, you must take Georgia on a proper tour of the land. There are the hunting grounds too, of course…”

  “I will, Mother. We’ll be here for several days. We’ve plenty of time for all of that,” I looked at Georgia, and could see she was growing tired. “Mother, you will excuse us, but I think Georgia is a bit worn down from the travel. She needs her rest if she’s going to get well,” I gave her a pleading look.

  “Of course, dear. I should be going. I have a meeting at the hospital anyway. The fall fundraising gala, you know. We have planning well underway. Perhaps you’ll be here for it this year. Everyone would love to see you.” I stood first, then Georgia and mother did as well.

  “I’m so glad to have you home, if only for a few days,” Mother said, kissing me on each cheek. She took Georgia by both hands. “Georgia, dear, it is so wonderful to meet you.” She put Georgia’s hand in the crook of her arm as she picked up her handbag. “See me out, dear. Lucas, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” She nodded at me and walked off with Georgia toward the front door. The sight of them together gave me feelings of both happiness and worry. I was thrilled that mother seemed to like Georgia, but I wasn’t so keen on the idea that the two may become compatriots. They’d be a force to be reckoned with, for certain.

  The few minutes Georgia was gone seemed to pass interminably slowly. She returned, smiling broadly, though she still seemed tired.

  “Well, aren’t you the cat that ate the canary. What was all that, then?” I asked.

  Georgia walked up to me and put her palms on my chest. I slid my hands around her waist. “She said she was glad to meet me, and that you seemed happier than you had in years. She seems to like me,” she smiled. “I hope your father does, too.”

  “I like you,” I said, kissing her, softly at first, then my passion got the better of me, and before I could stop myself, I was breaching her lips, sliding my tongue against hers. She felt soft and warm in my arms. I had missed these moments so much while she was in hospital. I knew I couldn’t do anything about it, but I felt my cock stiffen as she pressed against me. I wanted her desperately.

  Georgia broke the kiss. “Why don’t you join me for that nap?” She said, her eyes soft, giving me a sexy smile.

  “Belle…you’re killing me,” I said, throwing my head back. “You know we can’t – not until you’re stronger.”

  I led her to the bedroom, locked the door, and walked over to the bed where Georgia was standing, having already stepped out of her shoes. “Help me with my dress,” she said, turning her back to me so I could unzip it. I stepped forward, taking the zipper in my hand as she pulled her hair forward. I kissed the back of her neck and the spot where her neck and shoulder met. Whenever I kissed her there, she purred in response, and the sound went straight to my cock.

  “You need rest, Georgia.” I pulled the covers back, and she sat, reluctantly, on the bed. “Just sleep for a bit,” I said, kissing the top of her head. I handed her the pain pill I knew would help her relax, and she swallowed them with a gulp of water.

  She sighed, and pouted a little, but seemed finally resigned to the idea that she needed to recuperate. “This bed is heavenly,” she cooed as she snuggled down into the soft, cotton sheets.

  She dozed for a couple of hours. When I returned with her next dose of medicine, she was just waking. “Hi,” she said, sitting up and stretching her arms out so that the covers dropped, exposing her breasts. “How long was I asleep?”

  “A couple of hours,” I replied, handing her the anti-inflammatory and antibiotic tablets along with a glass of water. “Are you hungry?” I asked.

  “Starving!” She smiled as she swallowed the tablets. “What are we doing for dinner?”

  “Well, I could make you whatever you like,” I said. “In the mood for anything special?”

  “Honestly? I could crush a big, fat, cheeseburger.” She grinned, and I laughed.

  “Cheeseburgers it is. I’ll have to send someone out – I had them do a shop, but don’t have any ground beef or baps on hand.” I replied.

  “Oh! Can’t we go? I’d love to get out and see the town,” she said, swinging her feet around to the floor. “Could you help me get my dress back on?” She asked, nodding to the bench at the end of the bed.

  I retrieved the dress and pulled it up, zipping the back as I deposited a kiss on her neck. “I suppose going out to do a little shop wouldn’t hurt.” I looked at my watch. “We’d better get a move on, though. Things will be closing soon.”

  “I forget things don’t stay open late over here,” she smiled, her eyes brighter from having gotten
some sleep. I was glad to see her looking so much better.

  She freshened up, and we took the Range Rover into the village. I put Georgia out on the sidewalk and parked down the road. As I got to the pavement, Georgia was talking with a woman who was just closing her shop. “But I could be really quick,” I heard her plead as the woman locked the shop door.

  “No, miss, I’m so sorry, but we do close at six, you see. If you could come back tomorrow…,” I heard the woman explaining as I walked up.

  “Everything alright, darling?” I asked Georgia, putting a hand on her back.

  “Yeah, it’s fine. I just saw that dress in the window and thought it would be perfect for dinner with your parents tomorrow. It’s more conservative than anything else I’ve got with me. Oh well.” She shrugged.

  The woman looked to me, and I saw the recognition creep across her face. “Oh, your Lordship,” the woman bowed her head slightly. I didn’t recognize her by name, but her face was familiar. “I’m so sorry, sir. I didn’t realize! Please, do come in!” She hastily opened up the door, locking it behind us as we walked into the shop.

  Georgia looked at me, and I shrugged, whispering, “You do want the dress, don’t you?”

  She smirked and told the woman, “Thank you, ma’am, for openin’ up for us. I really appreciate it.”

  “Of course, madam,” the woman said, “whatever you need. We are at your disposal, I’m sure.”

  Georgia showed the woman the dress in the window that had caught her eye and chose a few more once we were inside. “Of course, madam, and what size?”

  “Oh,” Georgia said, looking to me, “sizes are different here, aren’t they? I have no idea. I’ll have to try them on…,” she cast her eyes worriedly at me.

  “Madam,” I said to the lady running the shop, “may I ask, are there cameras in your shop at all?”

  “No, sir, no cameras. We are very discreet for our clientele, of course,” she smiled, bowing her head at me again. It was all over the top and very unnecessary, but I guessed that she didn’t often interact with customers who had names like mine.

  “I see. Madam, you may not recognize my girlfriend, here, Georgia Graham? She is dressed casually today, as you see. She had a terrible accident a few days ago. We’re at Watling Park for a few days so she can recuperate in peace, without the eyes of the press checking up on her, you understand,” I flashed her my best smile, pouring on the charm.

  “Oh, of course, Lord Lucas! Of course! I would never! I mean, we will be very discreet.” She said.

  “Excellent, thank you. I knew I could count on your discretion. I will have to help her try her things on, though. She has injuries that she would prefer not be seen…you understand. Darling, what size are you in American clothes?” I looked at Georgia.

  “A six, maybe? Sometimes a four? Depends on the cut,” she was idly looking at another dress on the rack next to where we were standing.

  The woman got the appropriate sizes and set up the dressing room, giving us privacy. The dress that had caught her eye was of thicker fabric, making it difficult to tell that she could not be able to wear a bra beneath it. Georgia liked all of them but one. I took her by the hand after we got her back into the dress she had worn in.

  “Madam, we’ll take all of them except the pink one. Could you please have all of them laundered, pressed and delivered to Watling Park by four tomorrow afternoon? We’d be very grateful for your assistance. Please add whatever fees are required.” I put my credit card down on the counter as the woman took my information.

  Georgia shot me a look when she saw me put the card down but didn’t argue in front of the shopkeeper. “Oh, and that necklace, there,” I pointed quietly to a beautiful spray of pearls in the case behind where she stood.

  “Yes sir, what a good eye you have,” she said. “Those are antique. They’ve just come in.” She was clearly proud to have such an excellent piece in her shop.

  “I’ll take those too. Our little secret?” I winked at her, and she blushed. “Thank you so much. Please do call the house if you have any trouble, but the items must be ready tomorrow afternoon. Miss Graham wants to wear one of the dresses to dinner at Severn House tomorrow evening.”

  “Oh, how lovely! Of course, sir. You can count on us. If you need anything else, you need only ask. Have a lovely evening.” She let us out the front door, and as soon as we stepped onto the street, Georgia let me have it.

  “I can buy my own clothes, ya know! I don’t need lookin’ after!” She rolled her eyes at me and walked toward the market in a huff.

  “Georgia, I don’t use my title, as you know, but when there are times when people prefer to interact with Lord Lucas, rather than me, Lucas. It’s a point of pride for them to do business with someone who has a title, and I’m not going to take that away from them. She expected me to use my card, expected me to request delivery to the house, and she’ll get to go back and tell all her friends that Lord Hereford shops here, and she got to visit Watling Park, and she’ll be thrilled.” I looked at her, raising an eyebrow. “Things work differently here, especially in the country.”

  I put my arm out as we walked toward the door of the market, and she took it. “I’m sorry,” she said, understanding that what I had said was true. “You’re right. But please, don’t feel like just because you have…well, a lot, apparently…I don’t need you takin’ care of me. If I can’t pay for somethin’ myself, I don’t need it.”

  “Right then, you can buy the beef and baps for dinner. Would that make you feel better.”

  She giggled. “Yeah, it would.”

  Back home, I made Georgia a cheeseburger and fried up some chips. We ate outdoors, and she cleaned her plate. I was happy to see her appetite back. We sat outside for a while after dinner, enjoying the quiet, country air.

  After a while, she looked at me and took my hand. “Let’s go upstairs, Luc.” She said, her voice sexy and low.

  “Georgia…,” I looked at her. I wanted to argue – tell her it was too soon, but the truth was that I wanted her so badly that she was wearing me down.

  She stood, and took my hand, urging me to rise as well. “We’ll be careful. Take it slow…it might be kinda sexy.” She kissed my jaw, the side of my neck, and my throat. “Come on, baby…I need you so bad. I ain’t gonna take no for an answer.” She tiptoed up, nibbling on my ear before whispering, “Lucas, I want you to fuck me, and if you don’t, I’m gonna have to take matters into my own hands, and that won’t be near as fun as it will be if you join me.” That was it. I was done. She turned, taking me by the hand, and led me inside and up the stairs.

  She was so damned sexy, and though I knew we had to be careful, I would have to be gentle, all I wanted was to be inside of her.

  In the bedroom, I unzipped her dress, and it dropped to the floor. She cocked her head further to the side, begging me to kiss her neck and shoulder. I happily complied, sliding my hands around her body to hold her breasts, rolling her nipples between my thumbs and fingers as she cooed in response. With her good hand, she reached behind her, stroking the outline of my cock through my slacks. It felt so good to have my hands on her – feel her wanting me.

  “That feels so damn good, Luc. You’re making me so wet,” she moaned the words more than said them.

  “Lay back on the bed,” I said, unbuttoning my shirt and dropping my slacks and shorts to the floor.

  She complied, and I laid down beside her, gently tracing my fingers across her skin as I looked up and down her beautiful body, marred by swollen bruises and cuts. It broke my heart to see her like that. “I wish I could make these disappear,” I said as I carefully swept a finger down her leg, avoiding the black and purple contusion that was bigger than my whole hand.

  She put her good hand up to my cheek, scratching at my whiskers with her nails. It drove me nuts when she did that. “I know you would, but they’re temporary,” she kissed my lips sweetly. “So, this bed…have you ever…,” she trailed off, but I knew what question
she was asking.

  “No, not here. I’ve only had this house about four years, and as I said, I never spent the night here with…anyone else. No woman has ever been in this bed.” I cupped her face in my hand. I laid beside her, kissing her deeply, then moving my lips to her ear, and throat. “You make me happier than I’ve ever been,” I told her. It was true. Now that she had come back to me and I knew she would be alright, I never wanted to be away from her again.

  I kissed down her chest, taking her nipple into my mouth, trying to remember to be gentle, and stroked the pert bud with my tongue. She ran the fingers of her right hand through my hair and leaned forward to kiss the top of my head.

  I started to kiss down her belly, and she reached for me. “No, baby, I want you inside of me now. I can’t wait a minute longer,” she said, her breathing heavy as she looked down at me, her eyes filled with desire.


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