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Gold Digger’s Demise – The Club

Page 10

by Rebelman

  The lamp had come on and she was instantly nervous but sprung into action. She unplugged the light and moved to the door. She pressed her back against the wall so that when he opened the door she would be behind it. Then she waited. After what felt like an eternity, she heard footsteps get closer and then the lock was being turned. The sound of a key sliding into position, probably the padlock, and the click of the metal releasing as it opened. She tensed and prepared to lunge as he stepped in.

  What happened next caught her totally by surprise. The door opened with a bang and hit her head with such force it stunned her. By the time she recovered, the door was slammed shut and locked automatically. At first, she thought he had stayed outside, but then the light came on.

  “Took you long enough,” he said. She shielded her eyes as they became accustomed to the light. When Tina could finally see again she was shocked to see Stout sitting in the office chair as if nothing had happened.

  “What the fuck do you mean by that,” she snapped.

  “It took you long enough to get loose,” he said matter-of-factly, “I was beginning to wonder if you were going to figure it out.” Tina turned bright red as the anger welled up within her. She had been held in a dark room, dirty, hungry, and naked for who knew how long and now he was going to berate her ability to get free?

  “Maybe so,” she quipped, “But I’m free now, and I’m gonna cut you a new asshole.” She started forward but balked as Stout began to roll with laughter. Tina was bewildered by his reaction of her coming at him with the crude blade she had fashioned.

  “Oh shit, that’s funny,” Stout was practically in tears. He laughed some more and then composed himself, “Tell you what, if I have to get out of the chair, I’ll let you go.” If it was possible to say something to enrage the woman further, he had found it. She lunged forward with the full intent of stabbing him in the heart.

  Stout simply kicked at the floor with one foot, and he glided out of the way as Tina’s momentum shot her past him. She stopped a within a few feet and spun around to lunge again with the same result. Stout glided to a stop and smiled at her.

  “Give up yet?” he smirked. Tina almost attacked him again but composed herself. She looked around the room and tried to come up with a solution. She knew a punch wouldn’t faze him but a kick might. She had spent a lot time practicing her moves, and she knew she could land a hard blow.

  She circled left to give her a good angle with her right leg, and Stout rolled back to the middle of the room while watching her closely. Tina began to set up a roundhouse kick but then stopped as she remembered how easily he had countered it and knocked her out. She faked a left hand and quickly unleashed a hard front kick with her left leg aimed at his chin.

  He caught it with both hands and pushed straight up making Tina flail her arms wildly for balance. He placed the toe of his right foot at the back of her knee and used it to keep her off balance in a standing split. Her open crotch was directly in front of him, and he held the extended leg tightly in his left hand thumped her already sore clit with his right forefinger.

  She yelped in surprise and tried to grab onto to pull free but her efforts were easily thwarted when he moved her legs around to keep her from getting her foot firmly set. He thumped her clit again, and she cried out even louder.

  “Are you ready to give up?” he asked condescendingly. She reevaluated her position but couldn’t see a way to get free. There was nothing to grab onto and he was keeping her from moving with just one hand and the toe on one foot. Suddenly she felt tired.

  “Thought so,” Stout said. He lowered her leg and let her crumble to the ground in a beaten heap. Without getting up, he pushed the chair over to the table and pulled out a cigar from his inner jacket pocket. He lit the tobacco and took a few puffs while waiting to see how she would respond to being beaten.

  She stirred after a few minutes and began to look around the room. He could tell she had her eye on the chain that was still attached to the collar and smiled.

  “I’ve been thinking of taking on an assistant,” Stout said between puffs on his cigar, “Maybe you would be interested.” Tina froze as she considered what she had just heard.

  The man had kidnapped and held her against her will, sexually abused, and tortured her, and now he wanted an assistant? She was confused, and she immediately thought it was a trick.

  “You want to hire me?” she asked incredulously, “After all you put me through?”

  “I don’t want to hire you,” Stout said, “I own you now, and we both know it. I’m giving you the chance to learn a few things.” He took another puff on the cigar and waited for her to answer. He could see she was struggling with herself, and it killed her to admit he was right.

  “Fucking, fuck!” she exclaimed. There was no doubt that he knew how to push her buttons, both the good and bad ones. “What would I be doing?”

  “Anything I want,” he replied, “And you already know what I want right now.” He spread his legs and she understood. She crawled to him and unzipped his fly to find his massive cock hard. She grasped it in her hand and pulled it to her mouth before engulfing as much as she could.

  Tina suddenly realized her pussy was very, very wet.


  It had been several days since Bull had dropped off Kim at Chip’s house. She had arrived nude and literally dripping with semen and sweat. Her hair was matted, and she was so exhausted she had to be helped to the door. Chip wasn’t home yet so Bull left her on the front porch and she curled up behind a shrub to wait.

  When Chip arrived he was shocked to see how bad she looked. She had been well-used to say the least, and he almost felt sorry for her. He unlocked the door and as soon as she was inside she handed him a digital flash drive. He had let her go take a shower because she reeked of sex and alcohol from her night with Bull.

  On the disk were photos and video of what she had been put through. There appeared to be at least four very large drunken black men that took turns using her in every way imaginable, and Chip immediately copied the contents onto his computer and hid the file in a password protected location. He would have plenty of time to view them over and over again.

  Today, Kim was wearing a colorful summer dress and stood in the kitchen awaiting Chip’s orders. She was unaware that five pairs of eyes were watching her through the hidden cameras that we being monitored in an office building downtown.

  The men sat in the lounge area of their converted office. The big screens had revealed Chip’s antics over the past few days, but now it was time for payback. David was enjoying a cigar from the humidor that had arrived the day before, and Steve seemed content to sip the expensive Brandy. Larry still hid in his office and Jerry paced quietly behind the overstuffed couch with a half-empty beer bottle in his hand.

  The one they all worried about was Matt. He sat on the couch without a drink and stared at the image of Kim on the screen with a hatred that dripped off him. They all knew he would need to be watched closely, and the others had considered postponing the night’s events because of his attitude. The last thing they needed was the problem of disposing of a dead body.

  They watched as Chip followed their instructions and stripped Kim before tying her hands behind her back. He used the blindfold and headphones they had provided and then pushed her onto the bed. Her feet were tied to her hands and he stood back to check his work. Glancing at his watch he left her on the bad and left the house. The men watching the monitors could hear the throaty growl of the Porsche as it was started up and then driven away. Moments later two more figures appeared on the screen.

  One was obviously Stout, but the woman with him was unfamiliar to everyone but David. He immediately recognized Tina from the photos that Stout had shown him after the abduction. It hadn’t taken long to turn her to their side, but it wasn’t a surprise either. Stout could be very persuasive.

  The two worked quickly in preparing the woman on the bed. They discarded the ropes around her wrists and used hand
cuffs before her feet were untied. Stout held Kim down while the headphones were taken off and earplugs inserted. Tina opened a bag that she had carried with her and pulled out a different set of very slim headphones that she clamped tightly against woman’s head. She adjusted some dials on the side before moving to the blindfold.

  The men in the office watched without comment as Kim’s eyes were covered with duct tape and then her entire head was covered with a leather hood. It left her mouth open but her eyes and ears were definitely immobilized. Stout then hefted her over his shoulder, and the trio disappeared from the screen. Thirty minutes later, they arrived at the office.

  The plan had been to bring her to the building around midnight to avoid the possibility of anyone seeing them. Larry had disabled the security cameras for the five minutes it took them to get up the stairs, and then she was in front of them. Deaf, blind, and wrapped up like a present, she stood in front of them naked with her hands cuffed behind her back.

  Matt was the first to move. He walked up to her and punched her in the stomach as hard as he could. Kim had no idea the blow was coming and crumbled to the floor as Matt reared back to kick her in the head. Stout was already on him though, and he was pulled to one side, safely away from their captive.

  “Fuck you bitch!” he yelled as he struggled futilely with Stout, “Fuck you!” He didn’t seem to have any other way to express himself at the moment, so he just hurled the insult a few more times. Finally, the built up frustration had been completely released, and he fell quiet and stopped fighting. The one punch had been cathartic, and he felt better because of it.

  “Sorry guys,” he apologized. They all nodded in understanding, and Stout released him. Matt immediately went to the liquor cabinet and poured himself a drink as the focus returned to Kim. She was still on the floor and gasping for breath.

  “Chip?” She coughed, “What the fuck Chip? Let me go!” There was both anger and fear mixed in her voice. Tina grabbed a ring on the top of the hood and hauled the woman to her feet before perp walking her to the back of the couch. She was then pushed forward and allowed to fall face down on the couch in front of her. The position made her ass jut into the air in a very inviting way.

  Stout and Tina made short work of securing her hands and feet to the legs of the couch, and when they were finished, David stepped up behind the helpless woman. He dropped his pants without hesitation and sank his hard cock into her pussy without warning. He grasped her hips and began to bang away as the other watched on in lurid fascination. The reality of their plan coming to fruition was a bit shocking to the others, but David was used to getting his way and intended to use her to the fullest.

  He pounded her from behind in short punishing strokes as Jerry stepped to the front of the couch. He slipped a finger into the ring on top of the hood and jerked her head up and back before slapping her leather clad face. He then let go while dropping his pants only to regain his hold on her when his cock was free. Jerry put the head of his member against her lips and when she refused to open her mouth he slapped her again, harder this time. She got the message and opened to allow him access.

  The two men built a rhythm between them and violently fucked her over the couch. She bounced around like a rag doll while the men used her hard and fast. She felt Jerry cum first and had no other option but to swallow since his cock was buried in her throat. David was still hammering into her like a teenager, and she could feel his cock swelling as she coughed and gagged on Jerry’s cum.

  Finally, David’s body tensed, and he began to climax. He punctuated his ejaculation with several hard smacks to her upturned ass that left bright red hand prints. He staggered back a few steps and pulled up his pants, allowing Steve to take his turn. The night continued this way for several hours until everyone had used her twice. Even Matt had grudge fucked her in the ass under the watchful eye of Stout and his new assistant.

  The only one that hadn’t touched Kim was the very shy Larry. He stood at the far end of the room and watched but he didn’t join in. When it was obvious everyone was finished, Steve went over to Larry and spoke to him away from the rest of the group.

  “Let’s give Larry some privacy,” Steve said when he returned, “He deserves a shot at her too.” They all readily agreed and moved to one of the bigger offices that Matt had been using to keep up with his work. When they heard the sound of the couch leather creaking, they relaxed and waited for him to finish.

  “Did you bring the stuff?” Jerry directed his question at Stout. The big man nodded and Tina opened the bag of tricks she had been carrying with her. She pulled out a leather case and passed it over to her new boss. He opened it to reveal what they assumed was a tattoo gun.

  “AHHHH!” Kim was screaming in obvious pain and they all piled out of the office and into the lounge to see what had happened.

  Larry was standing behind the couch completely naked with a belt in his hand. He was bringing it down hard and fast as it contacted in sickening wet slapping noises against her ass. Kim was screaming in pain and thrashing as much as her bonds would let her but it was not enough to avoid the blows that were raining down. Stout reacted immediately, closely followed by Tina, and they quickly crossed the room to tackle the tech geek. The rest of them stood dumbstruck and surveyed the scene.

  Kim’s hood was on the floor and scattered around it was half of her hair. It appeared that Larry had hacked off the locks with a set of scissors, and they too lay off to one side of the couch. Kim still could not see or hear and it was probably a good thing since Larry obviously had no training as a hairdresser. There were chunks missing in different places and the scalp was showing, while other parts had not been touched and were still long and flowing.

  “It’s the quiet ones you have to watch,” quipped David.

  Chapter 11

  Steve and Matt sat in the boardroom waiting for Kim. It had been two weeks since they had fucked her silly in their offices and then had her dumped a few blocks from Chip’s house. Stout and Tina had simply unlocked her hands and dumped her on the deserted sidewalk at 4 a.m. By the time she removed the hood and tape over her eyes, the car was long gone.

  It irked Matt that she was late for the meeting but not as much as before. He took great satisfaction in knowing under her blouse and across her stomach there was a large tattoo that said WHORE in block letters. Any man she tried to seduce in the future would think twice before giving her access to anything. Steve called it truth in advertising.

  The door opened, and Kim walked in followed by her new lawyer. She was wearing a head scarf to cover her newly close cropped haircut and very expensive designer clothes rather than the simpler garments she had worn to fool Chip. There was a scowl on her face, and she didn’t make eye contact with either of them. The men exchanged pleasantries, but she brooded in her chair without comment.

  “What’s this all about?” asked Steve when they had settled down.

  “Ms. Cross has a claim that she is owed compensation for the design of the velocity fuse being sold by Mr. Daniel’s company,” the attorney opened a file and started to continue but Steve stopped him.

  “You’re not the first person to represent her in this matter,” Steve said, “We know all about her claims. We also know it’s a lie, and she can’t prove it.”

  “On the contrary,” the lawyer retorted, “We have very good evidence that shows she was involved. In fact, she knows the original name of the valve that no one else had access to except for Mr. Daniels, and you of course.”

  “Really,” Steve said, “If that is true, then you must have an offer.”

  “Well yes,” the attorney seemed surprised that there wasn’t more debate, “We will accept a settlement of $700,000 in lieu of going to court. I think you will agree that is more than fair.”


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