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Vampire's Captive

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by Aurora Rose Lynn

  Brett vowed that this time he wouldn't screw up. He'd do everything in his power to win Sierra back. Even if it killed him.

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  Chapter Three

  "Brett? Brett? I'm ready. Where are you?” Sierra called out again. Brett couldn't decide whether it was his guilt colouring her words or whether she really did sound lost. And vulnerable. As if she wasn't sure whether he'd abandon her or not. Again.

  "Ready or not! I'm coming!” he called out above the crashing waves to make certain she heard him. He should have paid attention to the passing of time instead of sitting in the sand and brooding, wondering how he could make amends. He loved her. Wasn't that enough rather than the continual soul searching?

  With his extraordinary hearing, courtesy of being undead, he knew exactly where she was hiding, but he made out as if he didn't and searched for her for several excruciating minutes. All he could think of was holding her in his arms and never, ever letting her go.

  When he found her, she was hunkered down against one battered structural beam in what had once housed gaily coloured carousel horses. Not many were left. Most had been pilfered as keepsakes, leaving gaping holes and a haunted empty space echoing with remembered laughter from days gone by that nothing short of bulldozing would erase.

  Sierra had slipped out of her wedding dress, which was draped artlessly over one of the remaining horses whose wide open, garish eyes were faded and its teeth rotted against the once festive bridle. She wore nothing more than a strapless bra and white panties that rode low on her sleek hips. He gave a soft whistle and watched her expression closely for any signs of reluctance or fear. If he saw the slightest trace, he'd tell her he couldn't continue to play. The heat still played havoc with the air, and to his chagrin, he realised he was perspiring.

  "Ah,” he said, stepping onto the carousel. “A pretty lady ripe for the taking."

  "What took you so long?” Her eyes twinkled mischievously.

  "I was reminiscing. About our wedding night.” Brett tugged at his tie, wishing the breeze that blew in from the ocean was cooler and would fan his heated skin to a more bearable temperature. It was what it was, he conceded, only too glad to see Sierra's light-hearted playfulness. He could only imagine the heartache she'd felt when Ade hadn't shown up.

  "That was a long time ago,” she chided gently, jiggling her hips erotically. The woman was one fluid line of graceful femininity, grasping the pillar with both hands and giving him a tantalising view of firm, bare arms, a hint of uplifted breast, and smooth skin along her thighs and shapely lower leg. Even the red polish on her toenails made his dick harder. Painfully harder.

  "Now that I've found you,” he began with their game, “I'm going to tie you up and have my way with you.” He kept his voice husky but carefully non-threatening. It had been a while since they'd played together.

  Her eyes widened in mock terror. “You can't do that! I won't let you!"

  He chuckled. He had nothing to fear as far as Sierra's willingness to play. She may not have married Ade, but she still deserved Brett Wolfe giving her a real good time. Brett remembered she liked it when he used dirty words during foreplay. “You want me to fuck you, don't you?"

  She nodded. Her wrists were warm as he encircled them and tied them together on the far side of the pillar with his tie—very loose so she could free herself if she desired. With a sensual energy he hadn't felt in a long while, he ripped her bra away. Barely two scraps of insubstantial material. She looked up at him with a vulnerable expression that almost did him in right there on the spot.

  "I want to see all of you,” he ground out in a hoarse voice. He'd missed her so much. He tore at her panties and threw them to the floor. She was completely and tantalisingly nude now. Bare ass, bare breasts and sheer sexual appeal.

  "The only thing missing,” Brett told her quietly, “are the high heels you used to wear for our games.” The image of spiked heels protruding from behind her rounded ass turned the heat up in his body.

  He knelt down beside her, cupped her face between his large hands. She was so small and fragile compared to his huge size.

  She worried her lower lip with her upper teeth and gave him a coy look, pretending to be the distressed maiden about to have her body plundered by a man from the darkness.

  "Are you sure about this?” He kissed her lips with a feather light touch.

  "Yes.” She trembled under his hold, blinked then nodded again.

  "It's just that I want you to be happy, and with what happened today, you might be pushing yourself too fast.” And far. “There's no going back after this."

  She grimaced. “I know. Ade's history."

  She'd misunderstood him. He'd meant there was no going back after he'd started to make love to her. Before he could correct the misinterpretation, she whispered, “I want you.” An odd pause. “For old time's sake."

  Brett hardly heard her. She was his for the rest of the night, and he'd deal with forever later. “I love you,” he murmured, still holding her chin in his hands. His tears mingled with the salt air and her warm breath.

  "I want you to fuck me like you never have before."

  His nostalgia-filled regret changed with her request. “You want me to plunge my cock into your cunt?” His mouth curled in a contented smile.

  "I want your fingers in my hole, too,” she added, somewhat shyly and endearingly.

  Brett's chest almost burst with tender affection. This woman wanted him in every way a man could please a woman, and he'd almost allowed another man to take her? Shit.

  He rose and unbuckled his belt. “Before I do you, my lady captive, I want you to suck my dick and make me come in your mouth."

  She licked her lips in anticipation. “Bring it on, my rampaging lord.” Her lips curled into a lazy smile. “You're not wearing a strip of underwear, are you?"

  "I came prepared,” was all he could manage as her tongue darted out and caught the tip of his burning cock. He groaned. She flicked her tongue over the mushroom-shaped cap. “Oh Sier. Oh Sier,” he moaned, barely able to control himself.

  Her tongue continued its urgent but tormenting path down the side of his shaft with tiny, shivering licks, then back up again. He settled his hands on the top of her head against the hairpins projecting from her hair.

  She gave him a brash look of appraisal and giggled. “My hot vampire wants more?"

  "Not like this.” Without taking the time to deliberate, he untied her wrists, yanked them together and fastened them in front of her, then pulled her to the ground on top of him. “I want you to ride me because if you keep licking me, I'll come outside of you, and I don't want anything else but to feel you wrapped around me."

  She rolled her eyes. “I thought I was the captive, ready to be plundered and pillaged by a hunk.” She gave a little sigh. “I see I'm deluding myself into thinking I'm the real captive."

  From between clenched teeth, Brett muttered, “Get on with it, woman. I order you to ride!"

  With the crook of her elbow, she brushed stray strands of hair away from her face. “Your wish is my command, my captor."

  "You're an absolutely rebellious captive. I'll have to whip your fine ass into submission.” As if that would ever happen. Sierra had always done exactly what she wanted. Except for once, when he'd forced her to sign divorce papers.

  "Words, lord captor. Words that mean nothing when you're in this state."

  So aroused he thought he'd go mad, he grumbled good-naturedly, although his patience was quickly wearing thinner than a spider's silk web. “Ride, woman!"

  She grabbed hold of his erection with her bound hands and began to tug on the muscled flesh without an inch of mercy. “Like this?” she asked oh so sweetly.

  "Merciless woman! Mark my words. I will not only whip you but I will make you more helpless than the day you were born."

  A quick, daring smile. “Like I'm not that already when around you.” She lifted herself up slightly, rubbed her moist clit
against the tip of his cock and bestowed him with a sexy pout. “I look forward to my punishment."

  Brett focused his gaze on her breasts as she sat down on him and shifted, fitting his shaft merely halfway.

  "Woman!” He wrapped his fingers on either side of her waist. “Take more of my cock inside you."

  Another inch.

  "Like this?” She flashed a naughty smile with full, white teeth.

  "No!” His fingers dug into her waist. “Down! All the way!"

  She relented, slid over his long length until he was fully nestled in her pussy. Every single, luxurious velvet inch.

  Within seconds, they'd ride the pinnacles of high mountains topped by multiple shimmering rainbows. Some things didn't change—like Sierra's wet pussy encasing his cock in comfortable softness.

  Her hips rode him urgently as his cock plunged in and out, in and out. Her juices mingled erotically with his, creating a slippery lubricant. This was all he desired. Sierra's love and her passion.

  And that she'd be his until the end of his life or forever. Whichever came first.

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  Chapter Four

  Brett caressed Sierra's bare ass as she pumped her hips. She'd freed herself of her bonds, thrown the tie to one side and now he edged his fingers towards her enticing hole. At her request, he'd done her a few times like that, inserting one finger, then two past each ring in her anus.

  The tension in his already wired body began to crescendo like a symphony orchestra playing a loud and fast-paced piece of music. The cymbals began to clang in his head with ear-splitting accuracy and then they went off amid the sound of thunder and flashing lightning. His semen spurted into Sierra's pussy just as her allegro rose to a height where it split into shimmering rolls of molten heat.

  He pressed his fingers hard against her ass, not caring that come morning, she'd have nail marks on her tender skin. Through blurry eyes, he observed her as she threw her head back and screamed her finale into the air.

  She collapsed against his chest, her rapid heartbeat racing his own. His shirt was soaked with perspiration and he exhaled several times in an attempt to steady his erratic breathing. Brett raked his fingers through her hair, combing through the silky strands, simply enjoying her presence. Sex had never been like this. Not with any woman. Sierra made him feel whole again.

  "Are you okay?” he asked, noting the blotch of pink on the cheek nearest him.

  She nodded, but her pulse continued to gallop. “Brett?” Sierra lifted her face slightly to gaze into his eyes.

  If only she could tell him that she loved him, that they could be a couple once again. Then he'd feel even more complete. “Yes?"

  Deliberately, she lifted her hips off his spent and half-flaccid cock. The loss of contact left him oddly bereft and empty.

  "You know this was a one-time event, don't you?"

  Her words burned into his sated mind. Then he remembered what she'd said earlier. “For old time's sake."

  He lifted himself up on one elbow, his heart twisting with pain. “I'll take you home,” he said quietly, but he didn't dare take a quick look at her face. He was afraid of what he'd find there.

  * * * *

  The dawn arrived with a vengeance in a spray of muted purple and vibrant pinks. In his lonely house, Brett stripped out of his clothes and sat on the edge of the king-sized bed, his elbows on his knees and his forehead resting on his palms. He'd taken Sierra home. She hadn't spoken one more word to him on the drive. She'd played with him, for old time's sake, but he had to accept the fact there would never again be anything between them. Just sex. She deserved more than he could give her. Much more.

  Like a stable family life. Children. A marriage that wasn't buried in furtive secrecy where they could go out together during daylight hours and let all her friends and family know they were a couple. The obstacles seemed to mount as he considered them one by one. He'd lived four hundred years, long enough to know that women wanted one-hundred-percent commitment. He'd given the best he could. Until Sierra found out what he was. Her horror and the loathing in her eyes had pained him to his very core. They'd fought bitterly and the next day, he'd filed for divorce.

  "My beautiful Sierra,” he moaned. “What have I done?” He'd made love to her, played their game as if nothing had come between them to separate them, then she'd told him this had been a one-time event. A mistake, in other words.

  He couldn't face the rest of his life without her. How would he survive the solitary nights in a bed made for two? There wasn't another woman in the whole universe quite like Sierra. Sure, he'd had sex with quite a few women in the last four hundred years, but there was a difference between sex and making love.

  His feet seemed to be made of stone on the tan plush carpet under his feet. Vampires were cursed to live for an eternity, weaving in and out of the short lives they merely touched with their dark presence. People came and went. The relentless ages passed by and a vampire could honestly say he'd seen history made hundreds of years earlier. However, history was dead and lifeless, a sort of fiction without living embodiment. So unlike a soft, warm body nestled against his, like the real, breathing, filled-with-life woman he'd had but carelessly lost.

  As he stared at the carpet and the hunter green triangles interwoven with rigid squares, a plan formed in his beleaguered mind. If Sierra thought she'd never see him again, she was quite mistaken. Brett Wolfe didn't easily take no for an answer. Never had, never would.

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  Chapter Five

  Two evenings later, he drove by Sierra's apartment, calculating how best to kidnap her. Brett had considered a number of options, from chloroform, to slipping a sleeping pill into her wine glass to throwing her over his shoulder and carrying her off to the wild blue yonder.

  He grinned in the dark. Okay. To his house. He'd take her there and ravish her over and over again until she finally saw sense and agreed to marry him again. First, he'd utilise the commonsense approach. Ring her doorbell and ask her out to dinner. If that didn't work, then things could get iffy, but it wasn't like he didn't have Backup Plan A in place. And Backup Plan B. And Backup Plan C, too. None would work worth a damn if Sierra was with another man.

  Brett picked up his cell phone and dialled her number. If the answering machine picked up, all plans were on hold. If she answered, she was his.

  On the other end, the phone rang once. Twice. A third time and on the fourth ring, Sierra picked up. “Hello?"

  "I'm coming over in five minutes to kidnap and ravish you,” he blurted. So much for calculated plans.

  A slight pause but she didn't hang up. Which was a good sign. “Who is this?"

  Brett made a heavy bet with himself that she knew perfectly well who it was. “Wanna come play?” he asked, already in trouble. The sound of her evocative voice was enough to give him a hard-on and press images of erotic scenes on his starving mind. Her long legs entangled with his. Her hair falling over her shoulders and barely covering one rosy nipple. His lips sucking, tugging on that nipple. Sierra crying out as an orgasm gripped her. Lying spent on silk sheets, her head nestled against his shoulder. The scent of musky sex lingering on his tongue and in the air. Man, he was in a bad way.

  "What will you do if I don't?” Sierra's curiosity had come out to play too.

  "I'll break down the door with my hands and bleed all over your clean floor.” So much for any backup plans. They'd all gone up in smoke.

  "How many backup plans did you have in place?” A tinkle of laughter came through the phone line.

  "You caught me there. I lost count,” he said sheepishly, keeping an eye on the second floor apartment window. The lace curtains rippled. She was observing him. Or trying to in the darkness.

  "You're too funny. What else do you have up your sleeve?"

  "I want to make love to you.” The clean, honest truth. Couldn't go wrong with that.

  "I'm wondering if I should hang up on you, but I don't t
hink you're going to go away that easy. Right?"

  The curtains moved aside. Her bedroom was lit by the overhead light and created a shadow of her at the window. A shapely shadow as she turned in profile.

  "No, not that easy."

  She had turned on purpose. She wasn't wearing a thing. He swallowed hard. Her nipples jutted out from round globes and she tossed her hair back over her shoulders coquettishly. Wild, wild woman.

  "That's good, because I've been waiting for you."

  The blood in his veins seemed to pump harder at her husky, come-and-get me invitation. He climbed out of the car, unable to speak, the cell phone to his ear and only able to stare at her nudity in shadow.

  He finally found his voice. “You mean I don't have to bust down the door?"

  He saw her shake her head as she said, “No. I don't think the landlord would be too happy about that. I'll buzz you in."

  After the short beep opened the main door, Brett made short work of the three flights of stairs. His breathing even, but his heart racing at the erotic images of Sierra flooding his mind's eyes, he stood at the door. She'd already cracked it open a few inches.

  He pushed it open, but she wasn't in the living room or small kitchen. “You're going to make it hard for me to find you?” he queried, enjoying the chase, even if it wouldn't be much of one.

  He stuck his head in the bathroom door even though the room was dark. Nope, no Sierra. He found her in the bedroom, wrapped like a Christmas present in white satin. Around her slender throat, she wore the pearls he'd given her for their first anniversary. She'd rolled over on one hip, one long leg out over the sheet which was tucked up over the swell of her breasts.

  "Wowza, lady,” was all he could say.

  "What was this about kidnapping and ravishing me? Or are you too tongue-tied to tell me?” With her forefinger, she traced an invisible line across the top of her left breast.


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