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Roy’s Jaguar

Page 19

by AM Halford

  His lungs burned and his knees were about ready to give out when Roy came to a dead end. He pushed at the wall, searching in vain for maybe some kind of trap door.


  Flipping around, Roy flattened himself against the wall and watched as José closed in on him. He looked left and right, hoping to find something that he could use as a weapon to defend himself. Then again, it wasn’t like he’d done all that awesome of a job with that tray earlier. A door to his right was his only option, so Roy dashed for it.

  Slamming the door behind him, Roy locked the door and began to look around his new prison cell. It looked like a mad scientist’s lab and a hospital nursery all rolled into one. His stomach clenched as he walked farther into the room. Microscopes, beakers, test tubes, flasks, pipettes, Bunsen burners, swabs, needles and syringes, and several large whiteboards were all on one side of the space. On each table, there was a clear plastic basinet, like one you would see babies placed in at hospital nurseries. On the other side of the room, there were even more of those basinets on stainless-steel stands.

  “My god,” Roy placed his hand on his stomach as he looked at the whiteboards. He had no idea what the formulas written on them meant, but he certainly knew it wasn’t anything good.

  A laptop sat on one of the tables, and Roy moved to it. Opening the lid, he was met with a half-finished report. A quick look through had Roy’s heart dropping to his stomach. It was the medical record of his pregnancy. Well, part of it was. Words like “ideal candidate” were used multiple times throughout the document.

  “What is he planning?” Roy gasped as he looked back around the room with a newfound horror seeping in.

  “Roy!” José shouted again, pounding on the door. “Get out of there!”

  Panicking, Roy reached for a Bunsen burner and a striker. He lit the small burner and watched as the door was kicked in, José stalking in soon after.

  “Stay back!” Roy cried, swinging the burner in front of him. “I will not let you sick bastards experiment on my babies.”

  José rolled his eyes and quickly caught Roy’s arm, taking the burner from him. “Be still, nephew, no one is going to hurt you or your cubs.”

  “Liar!” Roy kicked out, managing only to cramp his own toe on José’s shin.

  “I’m here to take you back to Nexus.” José sighed, setting the burner down and turning it off.

  “Why should I believe you?” Roy demanded, still struggling to be released.

  José just looked at him. “Grab that laptop. We need to go.”

  Gaping, Roy watched as José snapped several pictures of the lab. When he was done, he looked at Roy expectantly.

  “Fine,” Roy snipped and picked up the laptop, “I’ll play along. Only because if you hurt me Nexus will hunt you down and kill you.”

  “That is very true,” José agreed as he pulled Roy from the room. “Now, we need to get you and those cubs out of here before the watch is changed.”

  “When is that?” Roy asked, looking about the empty rooms.

  “In ten minutes, when everyone comes back from lunch.”

  “The blood draws they’ve been doing on me.” Roy bit his bottom lip, afraid to finish his question.

  “Yeah, they were for whatever purpose Tyrese has in mind,” José filled in. “Don’t worry though, he isn’t going to get very far. Nexus knows about him now.”

  “What? How!” Roy demanded.

  “I told him.” José’s voice said the answer was obvious. Well, for Roy it wasn’t! Nothing that was happening made any damned sense.

  Wasn’t José supposed to be on Maria’s side? Tyrese was Nexus’s friend and yet he was behind Maria’s insane actions. Purple was green and fish could now fly for all Roy knew at this point.

  They passed by the padded cell Roy had been kept in and headed the opposite direction Roy had run the first time. So, right from the start, he’d been heading the wrong direction. Fucking typical! Roy had to have spent close to ten minutes running through these tunnels, and yet with José leading the way they made it to the exit within two. That just wasn’t fair. Of course, the older jaguar did know these tunnels better than Roy. The only thing he was familiar with down here was his cell, and he didn’t want to have any more knowledge about this place. Just knowing what he did was more than enough.

  Behind the door marked EXIT was a staircase leading up, and that only confirmed Roy’s belief that he was in fact being held underground. Reaching the top, José opened the solid metal door, and sunlight spilled in, nearly blinding Roy.

  “Get to the car,” José instructed, letting go of Roy’s hand. He made it halfway to the red muscle car before Roy turned around and watched as José tossed something down the staircase. He pivoted and gaped at Roy just standing there. “I said get to the car!”

  “What did you throw down there?” Roy asked, following the man to the red vehicle and getting in. José didn’t even wait for him to be buckled in before he peeled out and sped off down the dirt road.

  “It was a bomb,” José said.

  “A bomb?” Roy startled, finally getting his seatbelt on. “Dude! Drive!”

  “What do you think I’m doing?” José demanded.

  “I’m sorry if I don’t feel like getting stuck in some fucking action movie escape scene!”

  José said nothing at that. He glanced at the clock on the dash and pressed the gas to the floor. Roy gripped the door handle and center console as his heart decided to lodge itself in his throat. He closed his eyes and silently prayed they made it far enough away.

  They didn’t. The explosion shook the car and rattled Roy’s ears. Looking in the side mirror, he felt his blood run cold at the sight of smoke and debris being thrown above the trees. Some of that debris rained down on them as they continued to drive.

  “How long until I’m home?” Roy whispered.

  “Tyrese and Maria were fairly confident in themselves,” José answered. “We aren’t that far from the Regulus’s mountain. You should be back with Nexus in thirty minutes. Let’s just hope he survives, as well.”

  “Survives?” Roy turned back to look at José. “What do you mean, hope he survives?”

  “They’re going to challenge him,” José explained.

  Roy’s stomach roiled, and his babies chose that moment to kick at his insides. Holding back the nausea he felt growing, he instead wrapped his arms around his stomach and just prayed that his husband was okay. They still had so much to say to each other. Roy didn’t want his last words to Nexus to be that he was still mad at him.

  * * * *

  Nexus stood on his front porch, his eyes assessing his uncle and sister. He took several deep breaths, hoping to get a better idea of where they had just come from. The scent of antiseptic clung to all of them. Behind that though was a trace of something Nexus knew like his own self. It was Roy.

  Growling, Nexus stepped down from the porch to the first stair. “State your challenge so we can get this on with and I can get to killing you all for taking my mate.”

  Maria flinched, a hiss bubbling up from her chest.

  Miguel looked stunned by Nexus’s words.

  Tyrese just stood before him with confidence.

  “You want to talk about taking someone’s mate?” Maria approached him. “Let’s talk about Lane then!”

  “Maria, back off,” Tyrese ordered.

  “No,” Maria shouted. “I’m tired of all this bullshit. That little human asked about him, so I’m guessing you know something, don’t you, brother?”

  “Lane was my friend, and it pained me to kill him,” Nexus answered honestly. “I don’t see how this has anything to do with you.”

  “We were going to get married!” Maria declared, tears in her eyes. “He wasn’t going to kill you. When he won, he was going to spare your life. Instead you ripped his throat out in front of me.” Bitter tears rolled down her cheeks, smearing her mascara.

  Tyrese sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Miguel
, deliver your speech.”

  “I challenge you, brother.” Maria beat him to it. “To avenge the death of my beloved, I challenge you to a duel.”

  “Maria, what are you doing?” Miguel demanded. “That isn’t the plan.”

  “Screw the plan,” Maria snarled. “It’s obvious he knows we took Roy. The plan is off the table. Right, Tyrese?” She turned to look at the lawyer, and Nexus roared upon realizing he was gone.

  “Danyal, take my uncle and sister into custody and find that fucking snake!”

  Danyal nodded, and with a wave of his hand, two men approached and grabbed both the remaining traitors while others ran off into the forest to find Tyrese.

  “I demand justice by right of combat!” Maria continued to shout as she released herself from the guard holding her. Knocking the poor man to the ground, she charged Nexus, shifting halfway to him.

  “Nexus!” Stylianos warned, but it was too late. Nexus was tackled to the ground, his sister snarling and snapping above him. Her paws clawed at his stomach, cutting deep.

  Pain laced through his system. Adrenaline started flowing and, with probably more strength than need be, Nexus kicked his sister off him. Standing, he called on his own shift, the magic of the change healing his wounds enough so he could fight her head-on.

  The two clashed, claws and teeth vying for purchase as they both tried to take the other down. Nexus desperately fought to not kill her and yet put her down at the same time. Every move Maria made was with the intent to end his life. It made trying to save her near impossible. When she went for his throat, he reacted by swiping out at her, his large paw cutting deep into her side.

  Maria staggered back, breathing heavily as she snarled at Nexus. Her legs shook, and her head hung low from exhaustion. Nexus stood out of her reach as he watched her. He could tell she wasn’t done. Her eyes were filled with anger and the desire for revenge. In a way, he guessed she had a right to it. If only he’d known of Maria and Lane’s relationship, maybe this would’ve never happened. Their situations could’ve ended differently.

  A roar pierced the air as Maria prepared for another attack. She lowered herself to the ground and started circling. Nexus moved in tandem with her, never allowing her to leave his sight. The blood lust was all but suffocating as Maria licked her lips and lunged for him again.

  Nexus dodged the flying attack, sending Maria careening over his back and crashing into a tree. He heard the snap of her ribs and winced.

  He didn’t want this!

  The roar of a car engine filled the air and pulled everyone’s attention away from the fight. Nexus growled as the red Shelby parked just to the left of him. He recognized the vehicle.

  “Nexus!” Roy’s voice echoed across the property as he got out of the car and ran toward him.

  Elation unlike anything Nexus had ever known filled him at the sight of his mate unharmed before him. Tears glistened unshed in Roy’s large brown eyes, but he was smiling at him all the same. That smile faded as Roy took in more of the scene, worry seeping into his expression.

  Iago and Bram closed in on Roy, blocking him from Nexus. “Stay back, Roy.”

  “Iago? What’s going on?” Roy demanded, trying to get around them.

  “Maria cha—”

  Iago’s explanation was cut short by Maria’s furious scream, her jaguar crying out before she changed her direction and headed for Roy. Iago and Bram snarled and shifted, a large hyena and wolf taking their place and putting themselves in front of Roy.

  Nexus didn’t hesitate. He jumped onto his sister’s back, his teeth sinking into her neck. She twisted and avoided a fatal bite. The motion sent Nexus tumbling from her back. Getting back to his feet, he placed himself between Roy and his enraged sister. He growled in warning as she made a feint to the left to get around him.

  She didn’t heed it and raced to the right. Nexus met her, the two clashing again. This time he wasn’t thinking about saving her life, but protecting his mate and unborn children.

  “Nexus!” Roy screamed.

  Managing to pin his sister, Nexus sank his teeth into her throat. He crushed her windpipe and snapped her spine at the same time, ending her in a split second. One final pained whimper left his sister as she shifted back into her human form and looked up to him with a mix of pain and peace in her golden eyes.

  Sorrow flooded him as Nexus shifted back and pulled his sister’s lifeless body into his arms and cried. He screamed in frustration, anger, and sorrow at the surrounding forest as he accepted the fact of what he’d just done.

  “Move!” Roy ordered, and Nexus heard him run past his guards. He felt his mate’s arms encircle him from behind. “I’m so sorry. Nexus, I’m sorry.”

  Nexus said nothing. There was nothing he could say. His sister was dead, and he’d once again taken the life of someone he loved.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Roy dialed his mother with shaking hands. Nexus was in the shower, washing off his sister’s blood. Danyal and the others had returned and taken Maria’s body off to be prepared for burial. After everything that had happened, Nexus still refused to lay his sister to rest without a proper funeral.

  “Roy?” His mother sounded relieved as she answered her phone. “Is that you? Are you okay? Why haven’t you answered any of my calls?”

  “Hi, Mom,” Roy smiled.

  “What’s wrong?” Leave it to his mom to notice immediately that something was off.

  Unable to lie Roy broke down and told his mother about his sister-in-law passing. He somehow managed to leave out the truly important details like him being kidnapped and Nexus being the one to kill her. All he said was Nexus’s sister was dead, killed by someone close to them.

  “Oh my god,” his mother gasped. “I’m sorry, my boy. How is your boyfriend?”

  Roy shook his head despite the fact she couldn’t see him. “I don’t know what to do, Mama. I don’t know what to do for him. He’s not talking to me.”

  “Okay, give him some space. I know it hurts, but give him time,” his mother instructed. “I wish you were home. I would come over and help you with this.”

  It pained him that he couldn’t tell her he was home and not overseas like she believed. “So do I,” was all he could say.

  “If you need me, I’m here,” she said. “Also, if you want to come home you can. Your grandparents won’t argue about it.”

  Smiling, Roy declined her offer. His hand rubbed his stomach as he explained he wanted to be here for Nexus. Plus, it wasn’t exactly like he could just come home while pregnant. There was no way his mother wouldn’t notice.

  “Call me tomorrow.” She made him promise before saying she loved him and ending the call.

  Setting the phone on the table, Roy looked to the bathroom. He could still hear the water running in the shower. He needed to do something. Nexus had already been letting the guilt from killing Lane fester inside him. Maria’s death would only add to the pain he already felt and the blame he attributed onto himself.

  With a deep breath, and half a plan, Roy stood and undressed as he moved to the bathroom. He found Nexus leaning forward with his forehead pressed against the tile while the water beat down on him. He couldn’t tell if Nexus was crying, but he wouldn’t doubt it.

  Roy opened the shower door and stepped inside. Nexus barely twitched as Roy reached out and ran his hands up and down his body. He grabbed the soap, poured plenty onto a washcloth, and started washing Nexus’s back. Once done with his back, he gently pulled on Nexus’s arm, making him turn around. His husband easily followed his silent instruction, and Roy set to washing Nexus’s chest, arms, and finally moved down his legs. He was careful as he washed his dick and balls.

  When he was done the water ran clear, and no more traces of what had just happened lingered on Nexus.

  He tried to offer Nexus a smile but knew it wasn’t enough, so when Nexus reached for him Roy didn’t fight it. If anything, he wanted to feel his husband’s touch more than anything.

bsp; “You’re home,” Nexus whispered, his lips ghosting a kiss across Roy’s ear.

  He knew he shouldn’t be reacting, but the feel of Nexus holding him, of his lips so close, had Roy trembling, his cock rising and ass clenching. “I’m home,” was all he said, trying to hide his body’s inappropriate reaction.

  “My mate,” Nexus purred, the sound making Roy’s cock only harden more. “My minha alma. Mine.”

  Roy nodded and clung to Nexus as his hands started mapping out his body. So much for fighting it. Nothing in Nexus’s touch was innocent. Every path he took sent shocks along Roy’s nerves. Tiny pulses of desire raced to his cock, making it harder and harder with each second that Nexus explored him.

  “Nexus,” Roy gasped when he slid his leg between Roy’s, grinding his hard cock against Nexus’s muscular thigh, and backed him up against the wall.

  “Please,” Nexus begged softly into his ear. “Need you.”

  How could he deny him that?

  Grasping Nexus’s face with both hands, Roy forced him to look at him. There was so much torment in those golden-brown eyes. Roy wanted to take it away. He wanted to replace it with happiness and himself. Maria had made her own decisions, and Lane had been an unfortunate loss created by circumstances neither of them could control. Nexus shouldn’t have to hurt himself over this. Over them.

  “I’m yours,” Roy promised, kissing Nexus softly. “I’m not going anywhere.” Another kiss. “I’m here for you.” One more kiss. “Whenever and however you need me.” Roy smiled at Nexus. “I love you, Nexus. My mate.”

  Nexus whined before sealing his lips over Roy’s and pressing him a bit firmer against the wall. One of his hands delved into Roy’s hair while the other went down his back and slid between his ass cheeks. Roy moaned as Nexus’s finger circled his hole and pressed in. His body reacted instantly, loosening up and opening to his invasion. His dick rose to full mast and throbbed between them. He could feel Nexus’s own cock pressing into his other leg, hard and heavy.

  Roy clung to Nexus as he made short work of stretching him. Thankfully they had waterproof lube in the shower, and Nexus remembered to grab that halfway through.


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