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Sweetest Kisses

Page 12

by Goode, Ella

  “What is it?” she asks, her beautiful face tipped back so she can search mine. “Is something wrong?”

  “Yes. My heart is sore.” I place her hand against my chest so she can feel my galloping heartbeat. “I have not held you in my arms for over an hour.”

  A shy smile spreads across her face. “A whole hour, huh?”

  “It is far too long. Give me kisses, Kotyonok, so that I once again can be whole.”

  “You’re too much,” she says with a giggle, but when my solemn expression does not change, her face grows serious. “You can’t say those things to me,” she says, her chin falling to her chest.

  I lift her head with a single finger. “Why not?”

  Her cheeks are red. “Because they make me feel things. Things I shouldn’t feel,” she whispers.

  “All of those things that make you pink here”—I tap the apples of her cheek—“and warm here”—I pat her left breast—“are the only things you should feel.”

  I lift her so that her mouth is even with mine. “When I was young, I would often ask my babushka why I was born and she said that one day my purpose would be revealed. And now that I have found you, the answer is clear. I was born to ensure that your feet never touch the ground and that your face is always full of smiles and your heart is full of love. Now kiss me, Kotyonok, and give me a reason to keep living.”

  Chapter 8


  I’m floating on cloud nine after my recent interactions with Victor. He’s been doting on me and making me feel things that I’ve never felt before. His protectiveness, although at times outright absurd, also warms my heart in the best ways. I didn’t realize that I was missing that close connection with someone. Even though I’m friends with Smooth and Nathan, they don’t know everything about me. I’ve kept a lot of things private from them. My family sent me here to protect me but they’ve pretty much severed all ties with me. I know it’s probably intentional so that I stay safe but sometimes it still hurts. It feels as if they’ve abandoned me. I shake my head to rid myself of those negative thoughts and remember the kind words Victor said to me. He wants me. All of me.

  I continue my walk to find Smooth to get my task list in order. Someone brushes past, almost knocking me off the small heels I picked for the day knowing they wouldn’t kill my feet. I gain my balance and turn to see who it is. I swear from the brief glance that it’s Smooth’s mother. I know that can’t be right because those two do not get along from what Smooth has confided in me. It has to be someone that looks like her. I keep walking but get sidetracked by guests and employees that have questions. I’m finally about to reach the dining hall when I practically run into Smooth as she comes around the corner. The look on her face lets me know she’s upset. I’m now sure that it was her mom that ran into me. No one else ever puts that look on Smooth’s face.

  Smooth tells me she doesn’t want to talk about her mom when I ask if it was her that I saw earlier. I do the only other thing I can think of and ask her if she wants to go for a drink. She’s hesitant at first but then she finally agrees. We head to one of the bars inside the resort so we can talk through whatever is going on in her head. She always worries about everyone else. I want the chance to do something for her. She was the one to take me in and give me a new home. I want to be here for her in any way that I can.

  I also need a little space from Victor. The man has me all crazy inside. I need this drink as badly as Smooth does. My mind and body are going haywire when it comes to thoughts of him. I shelve my issues for the moment and try and concentrate on being a good friend to Smooth. That feat is pretty much impossible when I can constantly feel Victor’s eyes on me. He may stay out of my sight but I can always feel him close. It’s actually a reassuring feeling to know he wants to be close to me. It’s nice to have someone keeping an eye on me.

  “Spill,” I demand as the drinks land in front of us. I listen as she tells me all that has gone on. It’s easy for me to see Andrew Lennox is in love with her as she tells me everything. I can’t stop smiling. He’s completely smitten with her.

  “You love him too.” I let out a long, happy sigh. There is nothing I love more than watching people fall in love. One of my favorite things about working at a resort is bearing witness to it often. I know at heart I’m a hopeless romantic. I love the idea of being swept off my feet. I think it’s happening right now but I’m scared it’s too good to be true.

  “I never said that he loves me,” she says. Meh. Words are easy. It’s in the man's actions.

  “Well, duh he loves you.” I look around to make sure no one is in earshot of us. “I might have done some online stalking.” My face warms because I know this makes me a stalker but whatever. For a friend I can do a little bit of snooping. “I also got more information out of Victor,” I add in so she knows I got information from a good source.

  “He doesn't talk.” She raises one of her perfect eyebrows at me.

  “He talks.” I sit up a bit straighter, feeling defensive of Victor. My face flushes as I admit how I get him to tell me things. “If you’re willing to pay the price.” The price is wonderful and she’s seen me have to pay it before so she doesn’t have to ask what it is.

  “He can’t love me already.” I can see Smooth’s inner denial trying to win out.

  “Sure. Whatever you say, Smooth.” I shake my head and roll my eyes at her. “Since I know you’re not going to ask I’m just going to tell you.”

  She picks up her cocktail, taking a drink and waiting for me to give the details. I know she isn’t one to gossip. She’ll listen to it often enough because, well, it is part of the job to know what people are saying around here, but she doesn’t add her own two cents. She passes it off as nothing or fixes whatever it is that’s going on.

  “This isn't normal Andrew Lennox behavior. I went digging and found nothing. My online searches didn’t discover strings of on-again-off-again girlfriends or anything long-term. To be honest, it didn’t produce anything to make me think he did this sort of thing on the regular.” I am a little shocked by my lack of findings.

  “So he’s discreet. He’s built his whole company around that. If he can’t hide his own affairs then no one would believe he could keep the private moments that happen in his luxury hotels under wraps.”

  “I thought the same thing so...” I look over my shoulder and see Victor across the room. He isn't alone either. Andrew is sitting with him. They both have their eyes on us. Andrew looks to be going on about something while Victor just nods his head at whatever he’s saying, his eyes staying on me the whole time. I bet he can read lips.

  “You gave out kisses,” Smooth says, drawing my attention away from the men.

  My stupid face flushes extra this time. As if I am trading sex or something instead of only kisses. Kisses that make the world stop turning and my mind forget about everything else. I’d give them to Victor for free. I don’t need any incentive but it’s more fun this way.

  “Victor has never been asked to keep tabs on a woman for Andrew before. He normally only guards him when needed.” I give her whatever information Victor told me. I was a little surprised at first when he’d given up the information so easily but then I recalled how he popped the lock to Smooth’s place for me. He is making it clear that I come first for him.

  “You sure about that?” she asks as she glances over to where the men are sitting across the bar watching us. “He watches you,” Smooth says with a smile. I think she likes Victor.

  “Hey! Stay on topic. I know what you’re doing. This is about you for once. No changing the subject,” I scold Smooth. The woman can easily shift a conversation somewhere else. It’s how she got her name. She really is smooth about it. You’d never know what she is doing but I’ve been with her too long. I’ve seen how she works. “If you paid more attention to yourself you’d see that man is crazy about you.” I point over my shoulder toward Lennox. “He’s always paying all his attention to you. He’s stayed way longer than he
was supposed to and doesn't look to be leaving anytime soon. He made a freaking office in his suite,” I point out. The man is a hot billionaire. He wouldn’t be chasing down some random woman if he didn’t really want her.

  “I don’t want to leave here. I finally feel like I have roots.” I know the feeling. I don’t want to leave here either.

  “You said he’d stay.” I remind her of Andrew’s words.

  “But isn't that the same thing? I’m sure he has roots somewhere else.”

  “I think you’re his roots now, Smooth.” I let out another happy sigh. My romantic heart wants this for her.

  “Can I get you ladies a drink?” Smooth and I both look up to see two men slide up to the bar next to us. The resort is all inclusive so drinks are free. They look like they’ve come straight from the pool to the bar. It’s easy to spot that they are both drunk. I glance over to Victor, knowing he isn’t going to like this.

  “Come on, just have one.” The guy gives a smile like he knows he’s going to get what he wants. One of the two men pushes himself between Smooth and me. I’m not surprised when all hell breaks loose.

  I watch as Lennox grabs the man. “Hey. Hey. What’s going on?” the man in his grip stutters as Lennox marches him outside. “I’m a paying guest here,” he declares loudly. “I have rights.”

  It’s the last I hear as all my attention goes to Victor, who goes for the other man. He grabs the drink from the man's hand he was trying to offer me. It shatters in his grasp.

  “I don’t know my strength.” Victor flexes his hand and the man takes off running. Victor is looking to Lennox, who is just outside the doorway. I pat him to get his attention.

  “Anyone would’ve made the same mistake. Come here and let me patch you up.” Victor looks down at me. The anger he had a moment ago slips from his face as he gives me a smile.

  “With kisses?”

  My face warms. We both know there will be kisses. I’m too turned on by his aggression toward another man for hitting on me. I shouldn’t like it but I do.

  I dip my head, peeking up at him through my lashes. “We’ll see,” I tell him as I lead him from the bar. Maybe there will be more than kisses this time. Victor has given me more pleasure than I know what to do with. I should return the favor.

  Chapter 9


  Violet keeps sliding wicked glances in my direction and the plan to keep my cock in my trousers becomes more difficult by the passing second. I shut the door to the suite and walk over to the drink cart.


  “No. Hungry though.” Her unexpectedly sultry tone skitters down my spine and heads straight to my balls. I keep my eyes pinned on the counter and pour myself two fingers of whisky. As of right now, I’m off duty.

  “I’ll order you some room service.”

  A heavy sigh gets me to turn around. Violet stands in the middle of the living room with her hands planted on her hips and pins me with a narrowed, frustrated gaze. “Don’t you want me, Victor?”

  I clench the glass tighter. “Of course, Kotyonok. Of that have no doubt. I wake up wanting you, go through the day with you on my mind and fall asleep only to visit you in my dreams.”

  “Then why do you have that”—she points to my cock tenting the fabric of my pants—"but have never done anything with it? Seems suspicious.”

  Her last words are spoken with a joking tone but underneath I hear a hint of hurt. Immediately, I set down my drink and cross the room to her.

  “Kotyonok. I will not take what is not freely given.”

  Her brow furrows. “What are you talking about? We’ve done everything else so you know that I—” She breaks off, her courage suddenly deserting her. The familiar pink tint colors the apples of her cheeks.

  “Want me,” I supply, not wanting her to expire of embarrassment but also loving her adorable shyness.

  “Yes,” she says to the floor. “I do want you.” It’s almost a whisper.

  I place a finger under her chin and push her head up until our eyes meet. “And I want you. Badly.” With my free hand, I take hers and press it against my erection. “Is this not evidence of my want? It is difficult to be around you because I grow hard just breathing in your scent.”

  Her fingers curl around my shaft. I swallow and try to take deep breaths so that I don’t tear off all of her clothes and fall upon her like an animal.

  “Why won’t you...why don’t we—?” She struggles to say the words, my sweet innocent.

  “Because when I take you, I want there to be no barriers. I want my seed to plant in your belly and a child to grow. I want my cock to be the only one in your body ever. I want to claim you as mine now and forever. That means more than just this.” I drop my finger to her chest where the diamond necklace dangles. “I am a possessive man. I will want to own you, mind, body and soul. Are you ready to give me everything?”

  Her violet eyes widen at my stark declarations. “I…”

  She’s not ready to make the commitment. I knew that but it still stings. She needs to resolve things with her family; only then will she believe in my words. Still, I cannot bring myself to disappoint her.

  “On your knees, Kotyonok,” I order in a brusque voice. I drop my hands and step back.


  “Kneel and take out my cock. Let me see how badly you want me.”

  The challenge makes her bristle.

  “You think I don’t want to suck you off? Is that what you’re suggesting?” Her chin comes up. She’s a proud girl.

  “I’m saying that you profess to want me, to want my cock but I have yet to feel your hand on my skin or hot mouth around my cock. If you want me, get on your knees.”

  Violet’s color turns from pink to violent red. Her nostrils flare and her tits heave as her breathing becomes hard to control. The commands are turning her on, as is the need to prove herself. As she sinks to the ground, my own skin grows hot. My balls tighten close to my body. I could come just from her looking at me with that angry, needy expression. Just from her kneeling in front of me. Just from the pure, uncontrollable want that radiates from every bone in her body.

  Her hands reach up to undo the fastenings of my pants. The backs of her fingers brush against my cock. It’s torture—pure and utter torture. I bite the inner flesh of my cheek. The zipper placket falls to the side. Her soft palms reach up to push my pants down, just far enough for my cock to be free. It twitches, eagerly thrusting toward her face.

  Her tongue snakes out to wet her lips. Precum drips out in response. I cup her cheek.

  “Kotyonok, are you testing me?”

  “Maybe?” She licks her lips again. “What should I do? I’ve never done this before.”

  I close my eyes and send out a plea for control. The desire to have her hot, wet mouth around my cock overrides the need to paint her face with my cum.


  She obeys, her small mouth parting just slightly. I take my shaft in my hand and squeeze it tightly, then rub the wet head across her lips. She opens wider. “Take in as much as you can.” I stroke her cheek. “Let your tongue cup my cock.”

  She does as I tell her, allowing me to slide the first few inches of my throbbing dick inside the humid cavern of her mouth. “Now suck.”

  The command comes out harsh, almost mean, but Violet doesn’t care or doesn’t notice. Instead she begins to draw me in, gliding her lips up and down my shaft, her moves taking on a natural rhythm so erotic that I gasp.

  “That’s right, Kotyonok,” I tell her. “Suck my cock. Take me deep. Soon I will be penetrating your cunt. Soon I will fill your channel with my seed. Soon I will own you.”

  The words don’t scare her like they should. Instead, she takes me deeper, sucks me harder, until the light blinks out, my breath dies in my throat, and I come harder than I thought a man could come.

  Chapter 10


  The last week has been filled with new experiences as far as Victor and I
are concerned. Every day is full of surprises when it comes to him. I never know what extreme he’s going to go to in order to “protect” me but I have to say I enjoy how ridiculously over the top he is sometimes. Each day that we spend together is filled with so many moments of happiness. He wiggled his way into my heart and now I can’t imagine my life without him. I’m still hesitant in letting him fully in because my time here could be cut short at any moment. I always have that in the back of my mind. My family could call for me to go home at any point. These things have me feeling restless. I don’t want to go anywhere. Would I have to? I’m a grown adult. Do I have to go anywhere if I truly don’t want to? They’ve all but forgotten about me. The phone my dad gave me never rings to check on me. To see how I might be. Nothing. Still, as much as that hurts I really don’t know that much about why I was sent here and if me having contact with them could hurt someone.

  Before Victor I don’t think I would have had second thoughts about heading home. I mean, I would miss my friends here but I longed to see my family, especially my sisters. I miss them the most out of everyone. We might fight but we love each other. Life has been going on without me there for so long now and I’ve already lost so much time. Now that I have Victor here, I can’t imagine leaving. I never want to be anywhere that he’s not. I grab hold of the necklace he gave me and hold it until I calm down. I try to push the thoughts I’m having to the back of my mind and think about something else.

  A smile forms on my lips as I remember all of the naughty things that Victor has been doing to me over the last few weeks. I have to say I haven’t been any sort of innocent angel either. I’m trying to get him to break and finally take my virginity but the man has the strongest willpower I’ve ever seen. He’s insistent on not taking me until I’m totally his. It’s frustrating but I respect him for it. It proves to me that he’s in this for the long haul, which both excites me and scares me at the same time. It also makes me trust him. I should tell him everything but in truth I don’t know much. I was told just to keep my trap closed and to trust no one.


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