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Opposites Attract

Page 4

by Lacey Wolfe

  “Oh my!” she cried out as her hands gripped the sheets.

  Once she relaxed, he sat up and began working on removing her clothes. Her cheeks were flushed and she had a satisfied smile on her face.

  As he pulled her boots off he said, “You’re the only woman I’ve met who can release from that type of stimulation. It’s hot.”

  She reached down and rubbed his cock through his jeans. “It certainly is.”

  Once her boots were off, he began working on her jeans. As he pulled them down, he went ahead and pulled her panties down too, leaving her aroused scent in the air. God, she smelled so sweet. He’d love to have a taste, but wasn’t sure he could last. As Francesca’s hand rubbed his erection through his jeans, he was worried he didn’t have the self-control he’d spent years building. If she didn’t stop, he was going to come.

  He pushed her hand away. She giggled and then sat up. Along with him, she wanted his clothes off. She was less gentle about it. She tugged and yanked until he was naked. As she took in the sight of him, he began to unbutton her blouse. Once it was off, she unhooked her bra and let it drop. She looked up at him.

  Licking his lips, he noticed the position they were in. He was on his knees and she sat with her legs to her side. His aching cock was in line with her big breasts. There was something about the softness of a woman’s breasts that he liked on his dick. Taking it in his hand, he leaned forward and rubbed the tip into her cleavage.

  At first she didn’t move, only watched. Then she leaned forward a bit and cupped her titties together, creating just the right amount of depth for him. He only needed a few strokes before he had to be inside of her.

  Randy shoved her down, forced her legs open, and climbed in between them. His fingers dipped into her folds, and he found her wet and ready. He needed her on the edge though, as he was. He wasn’t going to last long. In a fast motion, he fingered her and thumbed her clit.

  “Now!” she demanded.

  He reached over to the nightstand and grabbed a foil package. In one swift move, he rolled the condom on and thrust his cock into her sweet center. Francesca cried out repeatedly. He’d forgotten how vocal she could be. He loved to hear the sounds coming from her mouth. She said his name, several times. Bringing his mouth back to hers, he picked up speed and began to thrust hard into her. He attempted to kiss her as his climax built, but hers tore through her first. Her entire body arched and her pussy tightened around his cock. Good God! How was she doing that?

  He grabbed the pillow behind her and screamed out as his release hit him. He pumped into her, riding out his release and the pleasure he was feeling. It had been a long time since he had come this intensely. Finally, the vibrating pleasure slowed down and he was able to relax.

  He rolled off Francesca and brought her into his arms. He knew he had a huge smile on his face. He was one hundred percent satisfied, the way he used to feel years ago.

  * * * *

  Francesca lay with her head on Randall’s chest. Had she really just done that? Had sex with the only man she had ever loved? This had been a mistake. A very big one. But as she laid there, his arms wrapped around her, breathing in his musky scent, she had never felt more at home. They fit together like the right puzzle pieces. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d had an orgasm so intense that it was as though each and every nerve on her stood on its end and vibrated. And yet, it was over. There was no way they could be together. There was a history there. And you never repeated history, at least not when things had turned out disastrously.

  Clearing her throat, Francesca sat up. Randal was so handsome. His dark eyes stared back at her. More than anything she wanted to reach out and rub the back of her palm over his stubble and tell him she loved him. But instead, she said, “Well, that was fun. Guess I’ll be on my way.”

  “It was fun.” He lifted himself off the bed and slid on his boxers.

  Letting her gaze follow him, she was surprised he left the room, leaving her there all alone. She sighed loudly and put her clothes back on almost as fast as they’d come off. After slipping her shoes on, she went to look for Randall. The storm had passed and through the back glass door she saw he was on the porch, in his boxers, staring out over the lawn with that look on his face that told her he was seriously thinking.

  Making love had brought up feelings in each of them, she was sure. If she went out there now, they would talk, and somehow convince each other a relationship would work. But there was a reason she’d left him years ago. It was a selfish one, she’d chosen money over love, but it wasn’t like she could go back now and change things. Randall would never believe she loved him. And the hurtful things she’d said years ago would always be in the back of his mind.

  So she decided to leave. It was easier. Picking up her purse, she made her way out of the house and didn’t look back. She walked in a fast pace. All it would take was for him to call her name, and she would turn around, go back, and be his forever.

  Chapter 6

  Randy slammed the hood down on the white Lexus. Finally, this damn car was fixed. All he had to do now was deliver it and he’d be done with Francesca. It was already done. She hadn’t called all week, and he hadn’t called her. They’d had sex—awesome sex. The only problem was she wasn’t out of his system. That one last time between the sheets he thought would work, didn’t. He wanted her again and again. He wanted to feel her warm breath on his skin, her soft touch as she caressed him, and her little murmurs as he pleased her.

  But did she want him? Sure, he could tell her he was loaded, and she’d be knocking on his door. But he wanted her to want him for him not his money. It was hard to let her go, but somehow he was going to have to.

  In his office, Randy picked up the phone. He needed to know where the truck was so he could swap out the vehicles. He dialed her and as he placed the phone to his ear, all he could hear was the sound of his heart pumping at a fast pace.

  She answered on the third ring. “Hello.”

  “It’s Randy. Your car’s done. Let me know where my truck is, and I can swap the vehicles out.”

  “I’m actually at the gym.”

  “You’re always there. Do you live there or something?”

  “No, it’s customer appreciation week. They have free massages. I’m taking advantage of that.”

  “How long are you going to be there?” he asked, tapping his fingers on his desk.

  “Another forty-five minutes.”

  “When you get done, your car will be there. Make sure you change the oil from now on.”

  “Leave the bill in the glove compartment and I’ll send you a check,” she said matter-of-factly.

  He hated how formal this was. He wanted to know how she was, what she was doing, if her day was going well. Not this business talk. “Sounds good.”

  “Thanks, Randall.”

  He started to tell her once again, it was Randy, but she’d already hung up. Setting the phone down, he moaned. She’d given him what he’d asked for. But this certainly was not what he wanted. Damn, life had been so much simpler before that stormy night Francesca entered his life again.

  * * * *

  “How was your massage?” Skylar asked as Francesca stepped out of the locker room.

  “Heavenly,” Francesca answered.

  “Good, I’m glad to hear that.”

  Francesca started to walk away but then turned back toward Skylar. It was time to really put the past behind them. Amy’s wedding was just around the corner and they needed to learn to like one another. “Want to hang out later?” Francesca asked.

  Skylar raised an eyebrow. “Me? You know, we only have to get along for the wedding, not be best friends.”

  Normally Francesca would’ve said something in a snappy tone and been done, but she remembered Jane had told her one afternoon over coffee that she needed to be the bigger person. “I think it’s time we put the past behind us. I’d like for us to be friends. Not best friends by any means, but friends.”

  Skylar crossed her arms. “What is this all about?”

  “Look, Skylar, quit being so damn stubborn. I never wanted Drew the way you did. You’re married to him. If that makes you feel better, you won.”

  “It does a little.”

  Francesca rolled her eyes. Maybe trying to be anything but civil with Skylar was a mistake. They were never going to be more than they were now.

  “Maybe we can hang out in a group. Perhaps you, Jane, Amy, and I,” Skylar suggested.

  “I think that’s perfect.”

  “We’ll set something up before the wedding.”

  “Great. See ya around.” Francesca turned and headed for the front doors. Progress had been made, and that was all that mattered. Maybe they would eventually get to the friend status, or they wouldn’t. But if not, it wouldn’t be from her lack of trying.

  Placing a hand over her eyes to shield the sun, she looked for the beat-up red truck but didn’t spot it. Then she remembered that her car was done and Randall had said he would drop it off. She skipped across the parking lot and quickly found her car.

  Opening the door, she climbed in. She smiled as she rubbed her hands across the steering wheel. Breathing in deeply, she picked up a hint of Randall’s cologne. For a moment she savored it, then reminded herself that he was out of her system. They had one last time between the sheets and now they were done.

  Francesca leaned over and opened the glove box, revealing her keys. She snatched them out, slammed it shut, and then cranked up her engine. It was quiet…at least compared to that darn ol’ pick-up truck.

  The drive home was smooth, and she was thankful. It hadn’t been long ago that she’d driven this same path in this car and had a much different evening. But not tonight. Francesca pulled into her usual parking spot in front of her apartment. She opened the glove compartment again to remove the bill and see what kind of damage the car repairs were going to do to her savings account. She found a medium size book. Pulling it out she noticed it was a calendar, but it wasn’t hers. She flipped through the pages and saw Randall had taken the time to write in dates that maintenance was needed on her vehicle.

  A warmth filled her chest, and for a moment she gripped the calendar tight against her and smiled. It was one of the kindest things anyone had ever done for her. She pulled the book away from her and opened it from the back where her bill was. She noticed a few other pieces of paper and saw that Randall had included coupons to local oil change shops.

  She took a deep breath, it was time to look at the bill. She unfolded the yellow paper and glanced at the bottom right corner. That couldn’t be right. She scanned the entire bill and saw that he hadn’t charged her for labor and she was positive he’d given her a discount on the parts. But why? Certainly he needed the money. Was he just being nice, or was it more? Could Randall still have feelings for her?

  Francesca laughed out loud. It was silly to think he had feelings for her.

  Quickly, she folded up the paper and stuffed it in her purse. She climbed out of her car and jetted for her apartment.

  * * * *

  Randy set the empty beer bottle on the bar counter and cursed to himself. He’d come down here tonight with the intent of finding a woman to fill his evening with. Heck, he’d even had an offer from a very willing blonde. And for a moment, he’d thought about it. But then he remembered Francesca had blonde hair also and his mind replayed her soft locks brushing against his chest. He didn’t want the blonde woman in his bed. Dare he say it? He wanted Francesca, again.

  Standing up forcefully, he kicked the stool out from behind him, laid a bill on the counter, and made his way toward the front of the bar. She was supposed to be out of his system. He wasn’t supposed to be thinking about her anymore. But ever since he’d had one more frickin’ taste of her, he craved another. He had a suspicion that even if they hooked up again, it wouldn’t be enough. It never was.

  He was once certain he was going to marry that woman, but she’d wanted a rich man. Now he was that rich man. But he couldn’t tell her that. Might be simpler if he did, but he’d be a fool.

  Randy shoved the front door open and made his way across the parking lot to the old red pick-up. After getting his keys from his pocket, he climbed in. The damn truck smelled like her. She’d only had it a week, yet everything from the seat belt to the fabric on the doors smelled like her and that perfume she wore.

  Just as he started the car, his cellphone rang. He pulled it from his pocket and saw it was her.

  “What?” he answered.

  “Not a good time?” she asked.

  “Kinda.” Randy leaned his head back against the head rest.

  “Oh, sorry. I wanted to say thank you for the calendar. It was a nice touch.”

  “Hopefully you’ll remember to take care of the car and change the oil every once in a while,” he snapped. He wasn’t really sure why he was directing so much anger at her, he just knew his emotions were out of whack.

  “I will. I’m sorry I caught you at a bad time. I’ll let you go.”

  He could hear the sadness in her tone. She hadn’t called just to thank him. He was certain she wouldn’t be calling him unless she had another reason.

  “I’m sorry. I’m just having a rough evening,” he said.

  “You could come over.”

  “Really?” No, no he did not want to go over there. Her car was fixed. It was a clean break.

  “Yeah, I had something I wanted to ask you anyway.”

  “Sure, okay. I will be over in a bit.” He hung up.

  * * * *

  Francesca ran through her apartment, tossing anything that was out of place in a closet or drawer. Why had she invited him over? All she had planned to do was ask him a question over the phone, but then he sounded so angry. Was he mad at her? What had she done?

  Before she had time to think about it further, the buzzer sounded, letting her know she had a guest at the gate. She hit a button by her front door to allow him in. She glanced over the apartment one last time. It looked tidy. She wasn’t a housekeeper, that was for sure, but the place was acceptable. Not anywhere as neat as his place though.

  Knock knock.

  He was there. She straightened her shirt, cleared her throat, and opened the door with a smile. Holy hell, he looked hot. He still had a brooding expression on that made him look damn sexy. He wore a tight black t-shirt and a pair of light jeans that hugged all the right places. She licked her lips, and before she had time to think, he was inside, kicking her door shut and yanking her into his arms. His mouth pressed against hers and she immediately opened.

  The kiss was filled with anger and need. She wrapped her arms around his neck and jumped up, her legs hugging his waist. Two firm hands gripped her ass as he carried her to the couch. Slowly he sat, placing her in a straddling position. He was hard and pressing right into her center. She couldn’t wait to feel his thick cock inside her. He was just the right size that he could make her come as he entered her.

  “I want to taste you,” he said against her lips.

  He toyed with her pants until he got them unbuttoned. Like a pro, he pulled them along with her panties off her hips and she lifted her legs so he could slide them off. A finger pressed against her clit and her breath caught. He kissed her neck, and she expected him to push her down, but instead, he pressed into her in an upward motion as he kissed his way down her body.

  Before long, she was no longer straddling him, she was kneeling above him as he licked her belly button and then started a pathway to her pussy. Gripping the back of the couch, she braced herself, and boy was she glad she did. His tongue dipped in between her folds and lightly swept from back to front repeatedly. His mouth closed around her clit and gently sucked it.

  Her knuckles were most likely white from how tight she held on as she leaned into his face. One of his strong and callused hands rubbed along her inner thigh while the other one found her opening and entered her pussy.

  “Oh my God,” she managed
to speak.

  “Are you enjoying this?” he asked.


  He began fingering her in a rapid motion and his tongue teased. Her breathing was shallow and fast, and she could feel an intensity building. She was going to come and there was no stopping it.

  “Oh my God, Randall,” she called out as a wave of pleasure shook her body.

  His rhythm slowed slightly and it kept her right on the edge. It was as though he was doing whatever he could to delay her orgasm. But she couldn’t stop it. It felt too good. She had to come. Not knowing what came over her, she began to grind into his face and he rewarded her by picking the pace back up. His free hand urged her to continue her motion.

  “Oh my!” she screamed as the orgasm raced through her. She continued to moan and cry out as she rode out one of the most intense forms of pleasure she had ever experienced.

  Once she couldn’t take any more, she stopped pumping her hips into Randy and felt herself begin to relax. She dropped down into his lap and laid her head on his shoulder. Taking in deep breaths, she hoped for the strength to return the pleasure to him that he had just given to her.

  “That was amazing,” she said.

  Randall picked her up and laid her on the couch. She looked at him and then down his body to his cock. His rock hard cock wanting to break free from his pants. He unbuttoned his jeans and lowered them down along with his boxers. His dick was long and swollen. She found herself licking her lips again.

  He took a condom from his pants, and as he rolled it on, she found herself wet and ready again. He nudged her legs open and leaned over her. Quickly, she grabbed the hem of his shirt and yanked it over his head, revealing his well sculpted chest. God, this man didn’t hit the gym, but boy was he built. The six-pack on him was better than any she’d seen at the gym.

  He placed his cock right at her opening. Francesca wrapped her hands around his neck and kissed him. Right as her tongue found its way into his mouth, he entered her in one hard thrust. Her legs clutched his waist and with each pump into her, she felt the climax build again. She didn’t think it was possible to be able to come so soon after the intense orgasm she had just had, but she was wrong.


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