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Combust: A Devil Chaser's MC Romance

Page 7

by Wilder, L

  “Why don’t we go for a walk? Get out of the house for a while.”

  “Give me a minute to grab us some coats. I think I have one of Dad’s old hunting jackets that will fit you in the back closet,” she says as she heads down the hall, looking excited about our walk. She quickly returns with her arms full of clothes. She drops everything on the sofa, looks at me, and says, “Wrap up. It’s really cold out.”

  I shake my head and grab a green down jacket and a pair of black gloves. Then, I watch as she transforms herself. She puts on so many layers she looks like a walking laundry basket. Damn, she’s so cute.

  “Ana, it’s not that cold,” I laugh.

  “You say that now. No complaining when you’re freezing out there,” she mumbles as she puts on her toboggan.

  “I’ll survive,” I insist as I grab her hand and pull her into me, placing my lips against hers. She moans lightly as I wrap my arms around her shoulders, the kiss becoming more intense. I feel myself getting carried away, so with some willpower, I pull back and release her from our intimate embrace. All I can think about is how I want to drag her down the hall and make love to her again… and I want to fuck her, hard and unrestrained, but I fight the urge, knowing that she still needs time to recover from last night. I grab hold of her hand and lead her towards the door, “Let’s go if we have to.” I say the words as if this is a chore, but truth be known, I’m excited.

  I was right. It is so good to be out of the house. We spend several hours walking down by the tranquil lake. All the wildlife is scurrying around and digging for food. They look happy, playing in the pure white, soft snow. We watch as they run and hide, being spooked by their own shadows, leaving thousands of little footprints in the untouched carpet of snow. Everything is covered in white… a true winter wonderland created by Nature herself.

  Gripping my hand tighter, Ana leads me to the spot where she found me. I don’t recognize any of it. Her face is filled with sadness as she starts to tell me all about it. I listen for a few minutes, and when I can’t stand to hear any more, I decide it’s time for a distraction. I bend down and scoop up a handful of snow. She doesn’t even notice as she continues telling me the story of her rescue, not just talking but reliving it with all of her cute mannerisms and arm gestures. I remove my gloves and use my bare hands to form the snow into a perfect ball. She’s still staring at the water when I throw the snowball at her chest. Snow covers the front of her jacket, and the look of shock on her face is perfect and makes me laugh. She stands frozen, staring at me, unable to believe that I just creamed her with a snowball. That makes me laugh even more. I am bent over laughing when I feel the cold sting of ice glide down my back.

  I instantly stand up straight and give her a look that lets her know she’s about to get it. She takes off running, and I can hear her nervous laugh echo through the trees. I reach down to grab more snow to make another snowball and start tracking her down. “You’re going to pay for that, Angel.”

  “I’m sorry!!!” she shouts as she runs back up the hill. I’m having a hard time catching her, but I finally reach her. I throw my arm around her waist and collapse to the ground, bringing her with me. The snow crunches and compacts under us, cushioning our fall as I pull her on top of me.

  Our laughter is silenced when we hear Ana’s name being called from back at the house. I look up the hill and see Ana’s dad frantically running in our direction. The horrified look on his face tells me that something isn’t right.

  “Daddy? What’s wrong?”

  Everything falls silent as her father tries to catch his breath and says, “There’s been an accident.” He walks over to Ana and places his hand on her shoulder. “It’s Steven.”

  “What kind of accident? Is he okay?” she asks, her voice cracking as tears fill her eyes.

  Her father looks to the ground, and I know it’s going to be bad. “It doesn’t look good, honey. They had to take him to the hospital.”

  “What?? They can’t take him there! Something…” Ana begins.

  “Ana, they didn’t have a choice. He was in bad shape, and the paramedics had to get him to the closest hospital,” her father says as he steps closer to her.

  “But what if they do something to him?! We can’t trust them!”

  “Ana, they may be crazy, but they aren’t stupid. I don’t think they’re going to do anything. They already think you know something,” he says as he places his hand on her elbow. “It will be okay.”

  “I don’t like it,” she says with concern.

  “I know, but I’ll keep an eye on things,” he promises, trying to reassure her.

  I take her hand in mine as we follow him up the hill. We go straight to his truck, so he can take us to see Steven. He explains everything on the way, telling us it was one of the worst car accidents he’d ever seen. Apparently, Steven wasn’t able to stop the car and was hit by a semi-truck. One of Ana’s father’s friends from the police department called him as soon as it’d happened. When her dad arrived on the scene, the paramedics told him that they didn’t expect Steven to live. In fact, they were amazed he was alive when they cut him out of the wreck. He had lost a lot of blood and had a fractured left femur. I could see the dismay on Ana’s face; one of the drawbacks to being a surgeon is that they know when the situation is bad.

  I know she’s worried about Steven being at the same hospital that has caused her so much trouble, but it couldn’t be helped. Steven needed immediate medical attention, and there wasn’t any other option. Still, she doesn’t like it. She knows there’s something going on, and she doesn’t trust anyone working there. Hopefully, it won’t be an issue, but either way, I trust Ana’s dad. I know he will keep an eye on things.

  As we make our way into the main part of town, something just doesn’t seem right to me. Unlike the back roads, all of these roads are clear. It looks like they’ve been clear for a while, so it doesn’t make any sense for Steven to have had problems stopping the car. After listening to the rest of the story from Ana’s dad, and judging by the fact that Steven doesn’t come across as clumsy, I figured there had to be another explanation.

  “Where is Ana’s car now?” I ask.

  “The wrecker service came and got it.”

  “Can you drop me off there? I’ll meet you both at the hospital after I look it over.”

  Her father nods. Ana looks over to me, and I’m sure she wonders why I want to see her car. There’s no reason for me to worry her, so I keep my thoughts to myself. When he pulls into the lot, I squeeze her hand, give her a reassuring smile, and get out of the truck. They leave me there so they can go check on Steven.

  Her car is sitting out front, waiting to be taken to the scrapyard. It was totaled, unable to sustain the massive impact, and there is no way it can be salvaged. I waste no time and begin looking the car over. It’s a complete fucking wreck, but I know what I’m looking for. After just a few minutes, I’m able to locate the problem. The soft copper brake pipe had been tampered with. It was a professional job, not just a cut. The pipe had been warmed and pinned, then sealed. When pressure was applied, the pipe blew. Anger surges through me as my doubts are confirmed. This was no fucking accident.

  I’m done with this shit. It’s time to find out what the hell is really going on. First, I need to look into this Jason guy. From everything Ana’s told me, I know he’s behind this. It’s time to get Ana to the clubhouse. She’s it for me, and there’s no way I’m going to take a chance on something happening to her. I know in my gut that she isn’t safe here.

  I get a cab to take me over to the hospital. Ana is talking with one of the doctors, so I take that opportunity to talk to her dad.

  “Her brakes were tampered with, and it was someone who knew what they were doing,” I tell him.

  “Are you sure?” he asks with panic.

  “No doubt. The car is totaled, but there is no way that the crash was an accident. Someone was trying to kill to Ana.”

  “Damn it. They’ve gone to
o far now.”

  “You’re right. I know you don’t really know me, but I do have your daughter’s best interests at heart.” He nods in agreement as I continue talking. “That’s why I’m going to take her back to my clubhouse with me. I need to know that she’s safe while I figure out what to do about this.”

  His demeanor immediately changes as he shouts, “No! No, she can stay with me. I can look after her. I don’t need you getting in the middle of all this. She’s my daughter, Dillon.”

  “Too late, sir. I’m in it now… whether you want me to be or not, and I’m going to take care of it. You can count on that, but there’s no way I’m leaving her here. It’s just too dangerous,” I explain.

  I can tell he isn’t happy when he speaks again. “I’m just supposed to be okay with you taking my Ana to some clubhouse in Tennessee? You’ve only known her a few days, and we don’t know anything about you!”

  The hospital is getting busy, and it’s hard to talk privately. I do understand where he’s coming from. She is his daughter, the person he cares the very most about, and he feels like I’m trying to take her away from him.

  He clears his throat and continues, “I like you, Dillon. You seem like a good man, but I’m not just letting you take her off to god knows where. I need a lot more information and reassurance if you expect me to be okay with this.’’

  “I understand, sir, and you’re right. All I ask is that you give me a chance to make this right for her. She deserves to have the life she’s always dreamed of. I’m not going to let them take that away from her.”

  Ana’s dad sighed, then started to talk more slowly and with less agitation, “You may be right, Dillon. This trouble Ana is in, whatever it is, has some connection to that hospital. I know that the people after her have a lot of power and influence, not to mention, money. A safe place out of town is probably what she needs. I’m just worried about her.”

  “I can tell you this… I know that Ana is special to you, and I know you only want the best for her. I feel the same way. Without even meaning to, that woman stole my heart. She holds it in the palm of her hand. I’ll do anything in the world for her. I give you my word… Ana will be safe with me.”

  Chapter 12


  My head is spinning. Everything is happening so damn fast, and I haven’t had time to really think. I’m in dad’s truck with Dillon, heading to his clubhouse in Tennessee. I didn’t want to go. I tried to explain to Dad that I couldn’t just leave Steven. I didn’t trust the people at that hospital, but he wouldn’t listen. He said Dillon was right. They both decided that this is the best way to ensure my safety. As much as I hate leaving right now, I know Dad will watch over Steven. He’ll make sure that nothing happens to him. Steven is like a son to him, and he’ll make sure he has everything he needs. He promised to keep me updated on everything, even calling a few minutes ago to tell me that they moved him out of the ICU. I am so relieved that he is doing better. I just hope he will forgive me for leaving him.

  When Dillon notices the worried look on my face, he takes my hand in his and says, “Trust me, Angel… I told you that you were mine. The minute I claimed you, you became part of our MC family. That means more than you realize. We take care of our own, Ana. My brothers and I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe.” There is something in his voice that convinces me. I truly believe that he is the answer to my prayers, and I have to trust that he will take care of me.

  “Okay,” I tell him. “Thank you for all this.”

  “Nothing to thank me for, Ana. You’re it for me, baby.” The truck falls silent after that. Both of us are lost in our own thoughts as we drive along the Interstate. My nerves go into overdrive as we cross over the bridge into Paris. Butterflies start fluttering all through my stomach. I try to calm myself by looking out the window, distracting my mind from all the anxiety I feel. My eyes are drawn to the beautiful lake, running for miles on both sides of the bridge. It’s gorgeous. Just as I think we are about to drive into town, Dillon turns off on a side road that looks a lot like the road I live on. After several sharp curves and turns, he pulls into a long driveway. There is a large gate, but it’s open, allowing us to enter the almost empty parking lot.

  This place is nothing like I’d imagined it would be. I’ve never seen anything quite like it before. There is a huge car garage attached to an amazing rustic warehouse with a silver tin roof. The large windows make it look more like a home rather than a clubhouse. Dillon puts the truck in park and takes a deep breath before he looks over to me and asks, “You ready for this?”

  “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

  “Ana,” he says as he takes my chin and turns me to look him in the eye. “Do you trust me?”

  “You know I do.”

  “This club is my world. The day I told you that you were mine, you became my world as well. Ana, you’re going to see and hear things that you may not understand. There are going to be questions I can’t answer…. I need you to trust me.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “I know I told you about the club, but we don’t do things the way you’re used to. When I made you mine, I claimed you. To my club, that makes you my Old Lady.”


  “In my world, that means I’ve made you mine... that makes you my wife.”

  As soon as the words come from his mouth, I feel suspended in time. The whole world seems to stop, and everything around us stills. I love the thought of being his, and the fact that he is claiming me like this makes me feel complete in a way I’ve never known.

  I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him to me, and say, “Thank you.” My lips crash against his, showing him how much his words mean to me. His arms wrap around my waist, lifting me off the ground. When he releases me, he looks at me and smiles. I can’t believe he’s mine.

  He slowly lowers me to the ground and says, “Come on. Let’s do this, Angel.” He takes my hand, leading me towards the clubhouse.

  I follow him around to the side entrance, and as soon as he opens the door, my hearts starts pounding in my chest. I can hear the faint rumble of voices as we step into the clubhouse, but I can’t make out what they’re saying. The muted smell of beer and leather fill the air, and my eyes quickly wander around the room. It looks like a regular bar… several people are sitting with their backs to us at the L-shaped counter drinking beer and talking to one another. There’s a beautiful redhead standing behind the bar, serving everyone drinks. She is the first one to notice us. She freezes, staring at Dillon like she’s seeing a ghost. Her eyes are filled with disbelief as she stands motionless and stares at him. She’s absolutely dumbfounded.

  “Sheppard?” she whispers. In a trance, she says his name again… louder. “Sheppard?”

  All at once, the men who were occupied with their own conversations stop talking and turn to look at us. Their faces are marked with shock and confusion as they sit frozen in their seats. Dillon takes a deep breath and starts walking towards them, pulling me along with him.

  “What the fuck?” several of the men mumble as we approach. They are more than stunned. The man they thought had been dead for weeks is walking into the room like nothing has happened, and they just can’t make sense of it.

  “Fucking hell… Shep, is that really you?” one of the men asks as we stop in front of him. He’s tall, with a muscular build, and he’s wearing a black leather jacket.

  “None other,” Dillon replies.

  Sheppard? I haven’t heard that name before.

  I glance over to Dillon, and he’s smiling. “You miss me, Renegade?” he asks with pure happiness in his voice.

  The man he just called Renegade quickly stands up and hugs him tightly. “I can’t believe it, man. We thought you were dead.”

  “I would be if it wasn’t for Ana,” he says, motioning his hand over in my direction. Renegade releases Dillon from his bear hug and looks over to me.

  “You found him?” he asks.

I did. He wasn’t exactly in good shape, but he was just stubborn enough to live through it,” I tell him.

  “That’s him alright. Stubborn as hell, but damn… it’s good to have him back.”

  Excitement crackles through the air as the other men all take their turns giving Dillon hugs and slapping him on the back. I try to make note of each of their names as they talk… Doc, Otis, Bulldog, but it’s no use. They’re all in shock, talking a mile a minute. It’s just too hard to keep up with what they are all saying. Someone else walks into the room, and everyone falls silent. He’s tall, too, but that’s not what makes him intimidating. His posture commands respect, but the emotion that spreads across his face leads me to believe that he has a softer side. All eyes are on him as he approaches Dillon.

  “Bishop…” Dillon says as he steps over to him. “It’s good to see you, brother.”

  Bishop doesn’t say a word as he wraps his arms around him, hugging him tightly. They stand frozen in their embrace for several moments, neither of them speaking as they hold on to one another.

  His voice filled with anguish, Bishop says, “I’ve prayed that you’d make your way back to us. Never stopped praying, brother.”

  I can’t stop the tears from streaming down my face as I watch them like this. It reminds me of a father finding out his son is still alive, and my heart just can’t take it. There is so much love in this room, and I can see why Dillon cares so much about each of them.

  Bishop finally pulls back from Dillon and gives him a stern look. “Why didn’t you contact us? You owed us that much. We’ve spent the last few weeks thinking you were dead.”

  “I couldn’t. I gave my word, Bishop. I’ll explain everything later,” Dillon says as he reaches out for me, tucking me into his side, and says, “This is my Ana. She’s the reason I’m standing here right now.”

  I brush the tears from my eyes as Bishop looks at me. He cocks his head to the side as he looks me up and down. It’s like he’s trying to make sense of why I’m here, and he doesn’t know what to say.


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