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The Trouble With Scarecrows (The Trouble With Men Book 2)

Page 7

by Dorlana Vann

  His feet stopped; his heart sped up.

  “Would you like to come inside for a drink?”

  He swallowed as he turned around. “Are you sure a drink is what you want right now?”

  She played with her lower lip and let her fingers slid down her neck to her throat. “I’m awfully thirsty.”

  So was he, but still, he had to make sure. “You’ve already had a lot of wine.”

  “I promise, I know how much I can handle.”

  Neal took the step toward her, no longer able to hold back the craving that had built up inside him. And Brenda’s quiver on impact let him know she had the same repressed desires. The softness of her lips and the taste of her tongue and the feel of her body crushed against his was everything he’d imagined, only he had no idea how much more he would want her after he knew she wanted him too.

  Something nagged at him though as he backed Brenda inside the apartment. But letting reason emerge was too much to ask of his brain at the moment because he’d already made his decision the second he’d taken that step toward her. And now he kicked the door shut behind them without letting go of her, backing her up until they ran into the couch.

  Without parting lips for more than seconds at a time, they removed each other’s clothing until the heat of their bodies meshed. But then, as much as he wanted her right that second, he wanted to enjoy every inch of her. He scooped her up into his arms and carried her to the bedroom.

  Chapter 11

  Brenda yawned and stretched her arms above her head, causing the sheet to slide down to her waist, exposing her bare chest. “Oh!” She usually didn’t sleep in the nude, preferring a silky nighty against her skin. When she heard Neal stir beside her, the memory of the night before flooded her mind. She squeezed her eyes together as regret made the pleasure of the evening seem insignificant.

  She put her hand over her mouth. Before he’d only seen her naked for a second, but last night he’d explored. She hadn’t been ready for any man to see her, especially one as perfect as Neal. But he hadn’t seemed to mind, quite the contrary. Before she let herself think any further about it, she remembered something else and let out a small moan. Why had she said all those things last night? Did she really tell him she had been a fat kid? She hadn’t had that much to drink! And, even worse, she’d told him all about Larry.

  “Shit,” she said under her breath. Neal had felt sorry for her. It had been pity sex. She jumped out of bed, taking the bedding with her.

  “Hey,” he said, his back to her, attempting to grab the sheet as it slid off of him. He lay there completely naked. She eyed him swiftly from his shaved head on the pillow to his cute butt, which appeared small and pale compared to the rest of his very masculine tanned body. He turned over to face her, and she couldn’t stop the sigh that escape her lips from the full sight of him.

  And then he smiled up at her. “Good morning.”

  “Get out.”

  His smile went limp and she wasn’t going to check to see if anything else did. She turned to her suitcase on the floor and pulled out random clothes.


  “You heard me.” She went to the bathroom and shut and locked the door.

  She stared at herself in the mirror. She was a mess. Her makeup was all smeared and her pores were uncovered. Stepping back, she opened the blanket and examined her body but then jumped and covered herself back up when she heard Neal pounding on the door. “Out, Neal! I’m not going to discuss this.”

  “I gotta pee, then you can throw me out.”

  “Go to your own apartment and pee.” She grabbed her brush and yanked it through her hair.

  “Seriously? I don’t know what your trip is this morning, but I’m not leaving until you let me take a piss. I swear I can’t hold it much longer.”

  “Uhh!” She wiped under her eyes with a washcloth before opening the door.

  Neal actually did seem like he was about to bust as he squirmed.

  “You’re such a child.”

  He stuck his tongue out at her.

  She moved out of his way, still holding all the clothes and the sheet in her hands as she maneuvered back to her room.

  The bathroom door slammed.

  What the hell had she done? This was so unlike her. She hadn’t intended on sleeping with Neal. This had not been planned! She had not thought it through. She had not thought of the morning after or anything. This was bad. This was horrific. This was going to change everything.

  As she put her clothes on, she tried with all her might to stay mad at herself. The night before, however, kept seeping into her thoughts. She exhaled as she sat on the bed, the memory of him gently laying her down on the bed sent tingles up her spine. He’d been so different than any lover she’d ever been with. He’d been so powerful and masculine, yet gentle. Even the feel of his hands against her skin had been this new fascinating sensation. She was used to smooth on smooth. Neal had a working man’s hands. They were the hands of a real man: textured, roughed . . . skilled.

  Neal stormed out of the bathroom. He stood there, his face and entire head all mad-red, as if he wasn’t completely naked. “What the fuck? Is there something you’re not telling me? You have a split personality or something?”

  She cleared her throat, and her mind of her silly thoughts. “Yeah,” she said but couldn’t look him in the eyes. “And they both don’t like men who seduce vulnerable women.”

  “Vulnerable, my ass. You begged for it.” He put his hands on his face and dramatically rubbed them down his face, distorting his voice while saying, “I’m soooo thirsty. And you’re a cold drink of water. I want to drink you up.”

  She looked at him now. “You are such an exaggerator. What happened was, you told me, when I was inebriated, that I had a perfect body and said my ex—who dumped me—was a jerk. You did that on purpose.”

  “What? What is that supposed to mean? I did that on purpose? I said those things because . . .” He glanced to the side, his tongue scraping the inside of his mouth.

  She knew it. “You felt sorry for me. You were going to say you felt sorry for me. Weren’t you? Well, guess what? I don’t need or want your pity. I don’t need anyone’s pity!”

  “I wasn’t going to say that. I was going to say—”

  “Shh.” She put out a ‘be quiet’ finger. “I don’t care what you were going to say. I had too much to drink, you took advantage of the situation, and this was all a colossal mistake.”

  “You’re delusional. I did not . . . Never mind! Forget it! It’s clear you regret last night and you know what? So. Do. I.” He left the room.

  A second later, Brenda jumped when she heard the front door slam.

  She plopped down on the bed. “That’s right. I regret it.” Brenda fell back and closed her eyes. The image of Neal bending over her made her want to melt into the bed. She licked her lips at the memory of his kiss, deep, wanting, all consuming. Last night, she’d felt the heat from his body before it had touched hers, making her crave that contact more than anything. There was nothing in this world that would have stopped her last night.

  She wished she had ‘being drunk’ as an excuse, but she would have never put herself into such a helpless state. Then what the hell had it been? She’d never let lust rule her either, but that had to be it because what else could it be? The break-up with Larry had crushed her. She’d felt so alone for such a long time, and Neal had been so understanding, and shit if he wasn’t hot. Smoldering, even. The way he had stared at her at the bar, like she was the sexiest woman on earth . . . that’s how he made her feel. He had wanted her, right? Because last night she’d felt it with everything she had. Yes, Neal had seduced her, but she had allowed herself to be seduced. “Nope.” She sighed. “I don’t regret it one bit.” But the last thing she wanted or could even handle right then w
as a shallow physical relationship. She needed more, and she didn’t think Neal was capable of giving her want she really needed.

  So she knew she had to try and put the night behind her and move on. Somehow.

  Chapter 12

  Neal stumbled as he pulled up his pants and crossed the hallway to his apartment. “It was just sex. It was just stupid sex. I knew better. I knew better than to get involved with another woman I can’t have.” Then his words disgusted him. “I don’t want her!”

  He went inside his apartment and slammed the door.

  “What an arrogant bitch! Took advantage of her, my ass! She threw herself at me after a couple of compliments. I didn’t even have to buy her a drink. Not technically anyway.” He fisted his hands at his side. He could feel the anger that had built surge through his body and he wanted to hit something. He was headed toward his weight bench but then stopped when he heard his name.

  He relaxed his hands, thinking for a second that Brenda was there to apologize. He turned toward the door.

  Zadora stood in the open doorway. “I thought I heard you say come in.”

  He hadn’t even heard her knock.

  “Are you okay?” Zadora asked, not making a move out of the doorway.

  He shook his head. Of course Brenda hadn’t followed him. She was still in her apartment sharpening her claws. “Just stupid,” he said, his anger returning at the thought that he’d wanted Brenda there even now.

  “What’s the matter? You seem upset.”

  “I don’t mean to be rude, but you’re walking into a bee’s nest right now. I’m liable to say something you don’t want to hear.”

  “You can talk to me.” She stepped inside and shut the door.

  “That fucking bitch,” he yelled and felt all his blood rush up to his face. “That’s what the matter . . . sorry.”

  “Did she say we had to leave again? Did she go back on her deal?”

  “No.” He stopped at the couch, falling back and closing his eyes. A few seconds later, he felt Zadora sit down next to him.

  “Well, what did she say?”

  He rubbed his eyes trying to ease the tension. “My cousin Rocky couldn’t make it last night, so I went in his place to play scarecrow. Well, one thing led to another and last night . . . well . . .” Neal waited for Zadora to put the pieces together. After she didn’t say anything, he looked at her. She stared at him, like she was waiting for him to finish his sentence. So he did. “We had sex.”

  Her mouth curled up in disgust and let out a little, “uh,” from her throat. “Really? Why?”

  “It just happened.”

  “With Brenda? I doubt anything just happens with her.”

  Neal sat up, giving Zadora his full attention. “What are you saying?”

  She frowned and then a second later, she shook her head and smiled. “Nothing. I’m not saying anything. It’s none of my business.” She stood up. “I’ve got to go.”

  “Okay? Wait. Why’d you come over?”

  She picked up a clean plate from his coffee table. “I brought this back to you. You know, for a refill.”

  “Thanks.” He took the plate, and she didn’t look him in the eyes. Somehow things had become awkward between them. He wondered if he’d embarrassed her, and he suddenly felt bad for saying anything.

  He thought about apologizing, but by the time he’d opened his mouth, she was at the door saying goodbye.

  After she’d left, he let his head fall in his hands and growled to himself for a moment. The day was already horrible and it wasn’t even ten A.M. He jumped up and went to take a shower. As he washed his body, he tried to think about the evening prior and found himself wondering if he had actually done what Brenda had accused him of doing.

  Had he taken advantage of her? She had been drinking, true. Brenda was in a very vulnerable state of mind right now because of Larry, but putting Brenda and vulnerable in the same sentence was somewhat of an oxymoron. And Neal knew how sexually charged he’d felt ever since he’d first laid eyes on her. But he would like to think that he wasn’t that much of a jerk-off to take advantage of someone who wasn’t in her right mind.

  “No,” he said out loud. She’d been into it as much as he’d been. There had been no hesitation when he’d kissed her. No hand going up to stop him from laying on top of her. No “waits,” no “stops” when he’d explored her gorgeous, smooth body. Not one time had he ever gotten the idea that she did not want him. Not once had it crossed his mind that she’d been too drunk to make a clear decision. They were two consenting adults who’d had a couple of drinks and then enjoyed being together. Now she had to go and accuse him of taking advantage of her. “That’s messed up.”

  As he dressed, he kept thinking about the Brenda from last night. The one who’d made him realize how empty his life had become. Last night’s Brenda had been soft and feminine and free from inhibitions. She had not been that uptight bitch she’d turned into overnight. As far as he was concerned, she needed alcohol all the time. And he should tell her that.

  But really, what would that accomplish, except getting him kicked out of the house? She still had control of the situation, and there was nothing he could do about it. Because she did seem like someone so easily lit that she’d turn around and renege on the plan they had set forth. He yanked up his pants as he realized what he had to do. He had to apologize. “Shit.”

  He walked through his apartment and opened the front door to Brenda. He wasn’t about to make any assumptions as to why she stood there, but he did want to get it out before he changed his mind. “I’m sorry you think I took advantage of you.”

  She tilted her head to the side. “Was that supposed to be an apology?” She waved her hand in front of her face. “Already forgotten.” She pushed past him and into his apartment.

  Neal stared out into the empty hallway and blinked the cobwebs from his head. Women. After a moment, he shut the door and went to the living room where Brenda sat with a stack of papers in her hand.

  “This is a list of things I want completed,” she said all business-like. “I’m going to give a copy to Zadora. It’s like a mini-contract. It says what we’ve discussed. But I’ll understand if you want to run it by a lawyer first.” She held out the papers and a pen to him.

  He glanced at the papers and then back at Brenda’s solemn face. So she was going to pretend like nothing happened last night. He shrugged. All right. Maybe it was a good idea. The best solution. After all, he’d gotten her out of his system, so there shouldn’t be problem. He grabbed the papers and the pen.

  He flipped through the contract until he found the part where it said he got to stay rent-free until his graduation date, whether he graduated or not. However, if the work was incomplete as to how she saw fit by that date, he’d have to pay rent or move out but still complete the job. Her house renovated, free meals, and a dating service. He signed the papers and handed it back to her.

  “The food part starts tomorrow,” she said, “and the scarecrow clause continues until I find the right man.”

  Ouch. Hit ’em while they’re down, Neal thought, but bit the inside of his mouth to keep from saying anything that might give her any more satisfaction.

  “You said you knew of a place that would be better for meeting men?”

  “I’ll text you a list.”

  “By the way, your truck should be here soon. I’m having it towed from the bar. Thanks for the ride.” Brenda stood up. “Well, that about does it.”

  “I guess so.” He watched her walk out of his apartment, and then he sat back on the couch with a huff. He’d gotten what he wanted, a place to stay for free while he went to culinary school. He should feel happy. But for some reason, happy wasn’t what he felt at all. Neal closed his eyes and shook his head. Empty . . . now that’s how he felt.

  Chapter 13

  Sunday night, Brenda sat at the bar in one of the downtown restaurant/bars Neal had recommended. She sipped a beer, even though she didn’t like beer, but that was what this place served. Three hundred different types. She’d had no idea what to pick and was offered to sample as many of them as she wanted but knew it wouldn’t do any good. No matter the beer, she wasn’t going to like it.

  She roughly calculated a sixty/forty men-to-women ratio. So the place did seem a better fit for the purpose of meeting men. But the bar was loud, small, and crowded. All of that didn’t bother her as much as the demographics: young, rowdy, and immature. Not her crowd. But it was probably Neal’s, and she thought it would be a good place to apologize. She’d spent most of the day thinking about her behavior and the reason behind it. Now she felt a little bad for accusing him of taking advantage of her. Neal had even looked a little hurt, which had put the first spark in her mind that she shouldn’t have reacted like that. Plain and simple—she had panicked. She didn’t regret sleeping with Neal, she would do it all over the same way. Truthfully, it had been what she’d needed and wanted. She’d wanted that closeness. She had needed to feel appreciated and cared for . . . loved, even if it was a fantasy.

  But she couldn’t allow herself to think like that. No matter how she felt, Neal still wasn’t the man for her. So taking the contract over there this morning had been to show him that they could still be cordial business partners without even saying it. If she would’ve waited, it would’ve been awkward.

  Even so, she could have been a little less Brenda. She really wanted to start being nicer, especially to the people she cared about. Even though they were incompatible as a couple, she cared about Neal. She wanted to be friends. So she had to apologize. But he’d been gone all day, and she hadn’t had a chance to talk to him.


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