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The Demon Who Loved Me (Big Bad Bite Series Book 4)

Page 12

by Jessie Lane

  “Someone will see!” she gasped.

  Kent cradled her face in his hands and turned it so she was looking at his own. “No one will see a thing. These windows are covered with mirror tint. Remember when I teased you about being a voyeur at the bar and you said you were a people watcher? Well, I’m going to turn you around, slide in your hot wet pussy from behind, and fuck you so that you can watch the sunset and the people on the beach. This is your chance to cut loose and be wild, sweetheart. Trust me to take care of you.”

  To Chloe, it was too naughty for words. Yet, that didn’t stop her intimate folds from becoming slick with desire as she thought about being pressed up against that glass with Kent inside her.

  She was on the ledge, not sure what she wanted to do, when Kent leaned in and whispered the words that would push her over.

  “No one gets to see that beautiful body but me, Amazon. Now take off those panties before I rip them off.”

  Chloe hooked her fingers into the sides of her underwear and slid them down her legs, kicking them off to the side with the dress that had been pooled at her feet.

  “Now take off the bra, beautiful.”

  She unhooked the bra next and dropped it to the floor with the rest of her clothes. Then, leaning back against the glass, she reveled in the hungry look she found in the demon’s eyes as they roamed her body. When his tongue peeked out to lick his firm bottom lip, Chloe decided she was ready for more than just looks. She wanted action.

  She lifted her leg to slide her heels off, when Kent’s smooth voice rumbled, “Leave those on. I want to fuck you in them.”

  Setting her foot back down, Chloe then lifted her hand and used her pointer finger to motion the object of her desires closer.

  Kent closed the space, but he didn’t kiss her as she expected him to do. Instead, he dropped to his knees, looking up at her as he placed his hands on the outside of her thighs. Slowly, making his intentions blatantly clear, he leaned forward until his tongue slid against her sex. Up, then down, then back up again to circle around her clit. All the while, his eyes never left hers as he licked her folds and sucked on her clit.

  It didn’t take Chloe long to be right there on the edge of an orgasm, which surprised her. Usually, it took a man forever to get her to that point. Not Kent.

  Why did things always seem different with him?

  She didn’t have a chance to analyze that thought, feeling a finger enter her, pistoning in and out as he continued to tongue her sex.

  Chloe tipped her head back, gasping at how just that one digit felt inside of her. It had been so long since she’d had a lover, and her body was ready for release.

  “Please, Kent!”

  He started fingering her faster. Then he added a second digit while still dancing his tongue in circles around her clit.

  “God, I need you in me,” Chloe begged.

  Just when she was about to be pushed over that erotic ledge of pleasure, her head tipped back against the glass, eyes shut, panting deeply for breath … he stopped.

  Part of her wanted to cry with having her release withheld like that. The other part of her wanted to kick his ass.

  She opened her eyes, staring at the ceiling for a second, then looked down at Kent, ready to give him her own sort of tongue lashing, and not the pleasant kind. Except, what she found stopped her.

  Kent, in all his naked glory.

  And it was glorious.

  The demon had a dick longer and thicker than she had ever seen, already clad in a condom and ready for action. If she was a lucky, lucky girl, he would know what to do with it, too.

  Chloe thought about dropping to her knees to do some licking of her own, but the demon obviously had other plans.

  Stepping forward, he grabbed Chloe gently by the arm and spun her around, making her face the window, her breasts pressed against the cool glass, her nipples puckering at the chill. Then her legs were spread shoulder-width apart.

  The demon put his hand on her pelvis to tilt her ass out a bit in his direction, asking, “Ready?”

  “If you don’t fuck me this very minute, demon, I will—”

  He filled her in one swift stroke, cutting off her ability to finish her sentence.

  Thank God she was so damn wet, because he was huge, filling her in a way she had never been before.

  “Fuck, but you’re tight.”

  All words left Chloe. She was surrounded in nothing but sensations. The feel of his hand gripping her hip. The way their skin felt electric when they touched as Kent pulled out slowly then thrust back into her. The way he slid his other hand up her spine until he grabbed the back of her neck and squeezed gently, letting Chloe know who was in control. Then he slid that same hand over her shoulder, down her arm, and covered her hand, intertwining their fingers against the glass in front of them.

  It was at that moment, as this sort of sense of rightness descended upon her, that Chloe finally found her words again.

  “Get that ass moving, demon, and fuck me.”

  Was she ignoring the part of her that silently whispered this meant more than a one-night stand? Hell yes, she was! She was afraid that, if she let Kent in, all he would do was break her heart. Nonetheless, she wouldn’t let those thoughts ruin this moment. Not now that she was here in it.

  Chloe moaned as he pulled out a few inches, then thrust back in. She memorized the way he felt inside of her so she would have this memory for the empty nights to come.

  Kent had no clue about the internal war that Chloe was raging. She wasn’t about to tell him, either. Instead, she tilted her ass a bit more so his long length rubbed over her G-spot, causing something like shivers to rack her at the sensation of it.

  The demon bent over her, running his tongue up the side of her neck until he nipped her earlobe. “Never felt anything as good as you, sweetheart.”

  Not wanting to let him know how much she felt the same, Chloe gasped, “Faster.”

  That spurred her lover to indeed go faster, and a little harder, as he buried himself over and over again inside of Chloe’s aching depths.

  Letting go of her hip, he reached around and started circling her clit, instantly sending her over that euphoric ledge that she had been riding for so long now.

  She screamed against the cool glass her forehead lay on as her breath fogged up the window.

  It was only a few thrusts later that he buried himself as deeply as he could get, jerking sporadically with his release as he came inside her.

  Resting his big body along her back, she barely heard him whisper the words, “I’ll never get enough of you.”

  Chloe was too sore and content to call him a liar.



  That night, Kent dreamt. He didn’t dream of fluffy bunnies or butterflies and rainbows. Nor did he dream about having an orgy with a cheerleading squad. No, Kent dreamed of the Ninth Circle Council.

  Go fucking figure.

  Even in his dreams, those assholes wouldn’t leave him alone.

  But his dream became a nightmare rather quickly.

  All the members were dressed in their black ceremonial robes, sitting at the council tables. You couldn’t see their faces, only their hands that were resting on the table in front of them.

  Lulu Ivanov was on her knees in front of the council, hands cuffed behind her back and tears streaming down her face. The body sitting in Councilman Holden’s spot raised his hand and pointed it accusingly at Lulu. He said no words, but no words were needed to know what was about to happen.

  Lulu Ivanov was going to die.

  Kent felt panic fill him. How was he going to save her now? It was too late, and he hadn’t done his job to clear the innocent tigress of the murder charge.

  A man with a black mask and a silver sword in his hand stepped up to stand behind Lulu. Kent wanted to do something, anything, to stop what was about to happen, but he couldn’t move. His body was frozen. Even his lips wouldn’t move to speak a word.

  As the sword
raised high behind Lulu’s head, she started crying harder. Her mouth opened to say something, but she never got the chance to speak because, in the next moment, the sword sliced through her neck cleanly and her head toppled to the floor in front of her.

  When her body fell to the side, all Kent could see was her face, frozen in a look of terror, her mouth held open to say words she would never get to speak.

  Rage and self-loathing filled him as he stared at what was left of the tigress. Her body lifeless, her hope and sweet innocence gone. He didn’t have the words to say anything, but he knew it wouldn’t matter anyway now. It was done. Lulu was dead.

  He was about to stand up and walk out of the room when something on the floor caught his eye. Focusing his attention on the moving object, Kent stared in horror as a coral snake slithered its way toward Lulu’s head and started to curl around it. Another snake appeared, and Kent followed the snakes path backward to see where they were coming from.

  It didn’t take him long to figure it out as more snakes appeared, all from Councilman Holden.

  He was surrounded by them now, yet he wasn’t afraid. On the contrary, Kent instantly knew that Holden was the master of these snakes. What did it mean? Sure, he had been the one who had accused Lulu of his brother’s murder, but was there more? Was he the one behind the giftbox left on Romano’s doorstep? Did the connivance go even further? Had Holden been behind his brother’s murder himself?

  Julian Desouza’s words came back to him in a haunting whisper. The man is nothing but a snake in the grass, and I would hate to see you get bit.

  A hand on his shoulder had him turning from the horrific sight before him, and there was Chloe, placing both hands on the sides of his face.

  She looked at him with determined eyes and said, “Together, we can save her. Apart, she will die.”

  Looking into those eyes, Kent knew the dream for what it was—a premonition. A warning even. Lulu’s time was running out, and if Kent and Chloe didn’t work together, the snake in their midst would kill Lulu soon.




  The Next Day…

  Chloe lay there, staring at a sleeping Kent, wondering just what in the hell she had gotten herself into with the demon, when her cell phone chimed with a text message. It was from Elena.

  Going to see psychic.

  Say what? Why in the world would her ever practical sister be going to a psychic? She could see Delta doing something like that, but not Elena.

  WHY? she texted back.

  Because I want to know how many babies there will be to see if my vagina will survive in one piece. Oh, and I want to know their genders, too.

  Kent suddenly moaned in his sleep and rolled over to face Chloe. It made her paranoid that he might wake up any moment, and Chloe so didn’t do the morning after situation well. The awkward, “it was nice, thanks” always seemed pitiful somehow. Could she honestly look at Kent and say that what they had done had been “nice”? Hell no.

  It had been phenomenal. Earth-shattering. As in, she was worried that no man would ever be able to compare. That was way too many feelings for Chloe. They were also three damn good reasons she needed to get the hell out of here.

  And the best part was that her sister had just given her a legitimate reason to bolt.

  If Elena was going to a psychic, then Chloe would tag along to ask the psychic about Lulu’s case and how Delta was doing.

  Be there in twenty. Don’t leave without me, she texted Elena back.

  Gingerly getting out of the bed, trying not to wake the demon, Chloe grabbed her clothes and dressed herself in two minutes flat. Holding her shoes in her hand, she then tip-toed out of the bedroom and made her way toward the front door. Once she was safely outside, she called a cab, and then not so patiently waited for it to show the hell up, telling herself the entire time that she was doing the right thing by leaving Kent without waking him up.

  The man had gotten his one and done, and she didn’t want polite platitudes this early in the morning to know he was finished with her.

  Not that she cared, she told herself quietly.

  Funny how her heart squeezed a little after the thought, as if it was calling her a liar.

  An hour later, she was standing in the home of the psychic, doing her best not to laugh at every other word the woman said.

  “You want me to tell you if you’re pregnant with more than one baby, and also what the genders are? I’ll do the best I can, but I won’t make any promises. My powers can sometimes be fickle, and I might not be able to answer all your questions.”

  Chloe snorted, which earned her three annoyed glares from Elena, Gage, and the crazy-ass “psychic” woman who was sitting across a table from them.

  So far, this little trip had been the epitome of entertaining.

  Totally worth sneaking out of Kent’s bed for.

  Gage and Elena were sitting across the table from the “psychic,” whose name of all things was Rainbow Sky, for God’s sake, while she gave them a big toothy smile and waved a sage stick in the air around them.

  “This sage will help cleanse the area of negative energies. I’ll be done in just a second, and then we’ll get started. You should clear your mind in preparation to begin.”

  She couldn’t help herself; Chloe snorted, trying to hold a laugh back and failing.

  As usual, her mouth ended up overriding her brain and she blurted out, “The only way you’re going to clear his mind is to give him an enema.”

  Gage growled, baring all his teeth at Chloe, and Elena punched him in the arm. “Don’t be mean to my sister.”

  When Chloe got tired of Gage glaring at her, she murmured, “What? It’s not my fault you’re full of shit.”

  The tiger-shifter roared at her, the noise full of frustration and anger, but stopped suddenly when Elena started petting his hand with its claws sheathed into the table.

  When Elena saw that she had her ornery tiger’s full attention, she rubbed her belly and pouted. “I’m hungry. Do you have anything to snack on out in the truck?”

  Gage moved so fast that he knocked his chair over and didn’t bother to right it before racing out of the house to get his mate food from the cooler he kept fully stocked in his vehicle especially for her. The man was determined to feed her every chance he got, swearing his mate needed more “jiggle.”

  As soon as he cleared the door, Elena looked at her and snapped, “You owe me now, heifer! He’s going to be shoving food in my face for the rest of the day. So, do me a favor by shutting your big mouth and behaving!”

  Unable to resist the temptation to needle her little sister some more, Chloe pouted back. “What fun would that be?”

  A delicate snort sounded from behind her. Turning her head, Chloe looked at the psychic again with a more critical eye. The woman laid her still smoking sage stick lit end down inside an oversized blue glass ashtray that sat on a mahogany antique buffet that would make any hardcore furniture collector drool for years. Rainbow Sky then stepped over to stand in front of a large matching Victorian glass bookcase that was embellished with fantastical engravings of gargoyles.

  Chloe wasn’t a furniture collector in any way—she would much rather collect purses and shoes—but she had seen that unique, elaborate engraving on furniture before in the home of a man who thought he could impress her with his wealth and buy her affection. Chloe had listened to the man brag for almost an hour about the rarity of the pieces and how they had cost at least five figures or more, depending on what you bought. The psychic’s quality of furniture matched his.

  With her high quality, superior shopping alarms now going off like crazy, Chloe looked back at the large round table her sister sat at and had to suppress her gasp at what she did and didn’t see. The table was also from the same expensive line, which was easy to see by the large, elaborate gargoyles ringing the table’s base. But the surprising part was what was missing from the table: Gage’s claw marks from when he had just
lost his temper and buried his nails in the wood. Now the surface looked impeccable, as if the whole thing had never happened. How could inch-deep grooves in a hard wood just disappear? Nothing short of magic could accomplish something like that. And that realization had Chloe looking back at the psychic with narrowed eyes.

  What was a shabby hippie doing with some of the most expensive furniture in the world that was obviously magically protected? She might not be Sherlock Holmes, but it was starting to become obvious that a game was afoot.

  Chloe continued to watch Rainbow Sky as she quickly and efficiently pulled a key out of her skirt pocket and unlocked the bookcase’s doors. The psychic was completely concentrated on what she was doing as she pulled down seven small white candles, oblivious to Chloe’s inspection.

  In profile, Chloe could see that the woman looked confident and intelligent as she stood with her back perfectly straight and her movements smooth and competent. Nothing like the shy, hesitant, clumsy persona she had been playing since the moment they had shown up at her house.

  As Chloe heard Gage come back inside and hand Elena some sort of food, Chloe watched Rainbow Sky as she turned to face them, reverting to the hunched posture that gave the impression she was harmless, and pasted a timid smile on her face again.

  Mama Demos didn’t raise a fool. One time, Chloe had come home and tried to lie about how she had gotten her bruised face from her then boyfriend Jimmy Butowski. That was when Mama had told an angry, young Chloe, “You can’t bullshit a bullshitter.”

  Ever since the Jimmy incident she had been conning men. This meant she had spent years making others dance to her proverbial tune. So, the con artist in Chloe was now recognizing the psychic for what she was: a fellow hustler.

  When Rainbow Sky saw that she had everybody’s attention, she shuffled toward the table, and then proceeded to trip over her own feet. Gage shot out of his chair and caught the woman before she could hit the table, and Chloe analyzed the woman’s production as he helped the psychic stand up straight again.


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