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Claiming Cooper (O'Loughlin Brothers Book 1)

Page 7

by A. F. Crowell

  Before Ashton could open his mouth, Cooper came out of the shadows and beat him to the punch.

  “You’re good alright.” He smirked and instantly all my problems dissipated. Without trying, Cooper soothed my fraying nerves and I forgot why I was in such a hurry to get out of the truck. With one glance, I found myself in a puddle of my own desire. Dressed in light blue jeans and an Army shirt, the gray, cottony fabric stretched deliciously over and accentuated his well-developed arms. I hated him for teasingly flirting with me. “I’m surprised your jeans didn’t rip in half considering how tight they are,” Coop teased.

  “Ha. Ha. You’d like that wouldn’t you.” I shook my head at him. “You’d get to laugh and make fun of me like that time . . .” I stopped myself before I reminisced about the time I caught my riding britches on the nail coming over the fence.

  Ashton snickered. “You got your pants caught on that nail.” Ash so politely continued where I left off. “You gotta admit, it was pretty funny, Lizzy. Remember your pink princess panties.”

  “Oh my God,” I groaned as my eyes tried to roll completely back into my head. I had walked right into that one. “Shut up.”

  “That’s a day I’ll never forget.” Cooper grinned.

  “What day?” Storm asked, waltzing back with four cans of beer, handing me one.

  “The day Lizzy ripped her pants,” Ashton answered, snagging one of the cans from Storm.

  “Oh!” Storm’s eyes widened. “The day Princess here got her nickname.”

  Shaking my head, I glared at the three of them as I pushed through Ashton and Cooper’s shoulders. “I hate you three.”

  “Ahh, come on, Kins. It was cute,” Cooper called to me as I heard him cracking open his beer. Nothing about the three of them seeing my pink panties with princess written across the back was cute. I tried to suppress the smile that split across my face. Instantly, I relaxed, surrounded by these guys I had never felt safer in my life. They would protect me without hesitation. It was going to be a good night.

  “Yeah, don’t go gettin’ mad, Princess. You were what, thirteen?” Storm called out behind me.

  Walking away from the three overgrown brats toward the poolside, I saw Ethan sitting at one of the picnic tables talking with Steve and Becca. In the distance, I could hear country music. It was loud enough to hear over the crowd, but not enough to drown out the crackling fire. My breaths came easier being there. My safe place. Strolling over, I sat down next to Ethan and popped the top on my beer.

  “Hey, Dollface, what’s new?” Ethan asked, bumping me with his shoulder.

  “SSDD.” I shrugged and took the first gulp of my drink. The ice-cold beer tasted amazing. It slid down my throat, leaving a trail of iciness in its wake, cooling me from the inside out.

  Becca sat across from me with a furrowed brow looking back and forth between Ethan and me.

  “Same shit, different day,” Ethan clarified, elbows resting on the wooden plank of the table as he lifted the beer bottle to his lips.

  “Oh,” Becca muttered, raising her brow. “So, Kinsley, what’re your plans for the summer? Just hangin’ all over . . . I mean hangin’ out with Ashton?”

  God, what a jealous bitch. It was awful, but I decided to mess with her a little. “Actually, yeah. He asked me to help him teach lessons while Maria takes care of Scott.”

  “Interesting. Why doesn’t Cooper help?” Steve asked, next to Becca.

  “Why doesn’t Cooper help do what?” My breath hitched, as the sound of his deep voice sent waves of electricity coursing through my body and settled low in my stomach.

  “Why is Kinsley helping Ashton with lessons? Why aren’t you? You know how to ride.” Becca pouted with crossed arms. She was such a child. I almost laughed at her ridiculousness.

  “I live two hours away at Fort Meade. I’m still in the Army,” he explained. “Besides, who would want me teaching them how to ride?” Inside my head alarm bells were sounding. Me! I would. Please, teach me how to ride. “Riding’s in Kinsley’s blood. It should be her teaching.” Cooper looked to me and winked then turned and walked off to the right toward the bonfire.

  My eyes followed him as he approached a small group standing around another cooler. A blonde woman with her back to me lifted her arm and dragged the tips of her fingers down Cooper’s taut bicep as he stopped next to her.

  I knew that head of bottle blonde hair; too well in fact. My arms tensed as I watched my once best friend flirt with yet another man I had feelings for.

  “Son of a bitch,” a voice cursed from the driveway. I knew that voice. Sitting up and stretching my neck, I looked around Steve and Becca.


  My high school sweetheart, Geoff, was stomping like a caveman toward the fire and Cooper, fist clenched at his side. I hadn’t seen him that pissed since he figured out there wasn’t a chance in hell he was going to have his cake and eat it too. The nerve.

  “Oh, shit!” Ethan choked on his beer, wide-eyed. “Geoff just got an eyeful of Sam flirtin’ with Cooper.” He threw his head back and laughed. “If that asshole’s stupid enough to pick a fight with Cooper then I gotta see this.” Ethan leapt from the bench, spilling a swallow of beer in the haste to get a ringside seat. Becca sat across from me, slack-jawed, while Steve jumped up and went after Geoff, grumbling the whole way.

  Steve was a total jock and Geoff’s best friend. Why I never understood, Geoff treated him horribly. It must have been a sports thing. I had nothing against Steve, he was always nice to me and seemed to be one of the good guys.

  “Ethan,” I yelled as he strode toward the group. I watched as Geoff, dressed in gray cargos and a white t-shirt, continued to stalk toward Cooper, still cussing. “Shit.” I stood and carefully ran over to the growing group. Reaching Cooper first, I pushed between him and Sam, glaring at her. “Your boyfriend’s looking for you.”

  “Yo! O’Loughlin, what the fuck, dude? Get the fuck away from my girl,” Geoff shouted, pushing past Steve and two other guys I didn’t recognize tried to hold him back.

  “You’re always causing trouble,” I snapped at Sam. “God. Why are you even here?”

  “Oh, get over yourself, Kinsley. It’s not like you own the place. Ryan invited me,” Sam said smarmily, waggling her head and crossing her arms over her overinflated chest. I can’t believe I ever thought she was my friend. She was constantly talking about others behind their backs. I shouldn’t have been surprised she had been sleeping with my boyfriend. She had no loyalties to anyone but herself.

  “I think you and your little boyfriend there should leave before he gets himself hurt,” Cooper said calmly. He had always been a sit back and wait kind of guy. I had rarely seen him lose his cool.

  “Fuck you, Cooper,” Geoff said, breaking the hold both sets of arms had on him. While Geoff was strong, he was no match for Cooper. Like a raging bull, he ran full force toward Cooper and subsequently me.

  I froze. Stunned, unable to move. It all happened in slow motion but so fast at the same time. Before I knew what was happening, a thick pair of arms grabbed me from behind. Picking me up off my feet, they snatched me out of the way and spun me away to face the pool. I panicked and squirmed, trying to get away. I could hear everyone shouting Cooper and Geoff’s names mixed in with a few stops and a few fuck-him-ups. “Let me go,” I screamed, clawing at the thick arms that were securely around my waist.

  “Chill, Lizzy,” Ashton grunted, then set me down. Pushing him away, I spun to see the scene had already unfolded. Geoff was on the ground, while Cooper stood unscathed, a beer still in hand with a cocky smile.

  “You’re gonna need to get up a lot earlier in the mornin’ to hang with me, bro,” Cooper said, looking down at an embarrassed and highly pissed off Geoff with Sam kneeling at his side.

  “Get your boy and get outta here, Sam,” Ashton warned. Looking back at me, he frowned. “I swear, I didn’t know they were gonna be here.”

  The pitchfork crowd died down and dispersed to th
e poolside and the scattered beer coolers. Glaring at Sam and Geoff, I shook my head and rolled my eyes. “You two are perfect for each other.”

  Looking around, I caught sight of Cooper walking toward the barn. Walking quickly, I was able to catch him as he opened the barn door. “Hey, Coop. I’m really sorry about-”

  “Listen, Kins, you need to turn around and walk back outta here . . . Now.” His voice chilled the humid air by twenty degrees.

  “Are you okay?” I asked as he continued to walk away from me.

  Finally turning around, he yelled, “Jesus, do you ever just listen?” His arm flew up and pointed out the door I had just came through. “Go!”

  “I, um, I . . . just wanted . . . ,” shaking my head, I could feel the adrenaline pounding through my veins, “never mind,” I said, feeling my heart splinter and fall to my feet. I only wanted to make sure he was okay. Without another word, I spun around and all but ran out. Devastated and embarrassed at his dismissal. Yet another reason I hated parties; there was always some sort of drama.

  Once on the other side of the barn, I heard him swearing. I couldn’t understand why he was pissed at me. I didn’t do anything to him.

  “What the hell, Princess?” Storm asked as I plowed into him, coming around the corner of the barn.

  “Sorry. I’m sorry,” I stuttered, my heart racing. “I was just . . . I just wanted to . . .” I huffed. “Forget it.” I shook my head and threw my hands up and continued toward the pool shed. Ashton always had a bottle of Jägermeister hidden in the freezer where no one else knew about it. Just what I needed to help me forget.

  I was beyond over letting him hurt me and push me away. It was always the same shit with him.

  Fuck Cooper O’Loughlin.

  TWO HOURS HAD GONE BY in a blur of empty beer cans and throat-burning shots. At some point, Ethan and I had snuck off down the driveway to his Jeep Cherokee and took turns sipping on a bottle of Fireball. We always hid liquor at big parties, because that shit would disappear quick if everyone knew about it. Too many people came empty handed, expecting someone else to supply the alcohol. Stumbling back to the party, I had the pleasure of seeing Ashton out by his truck with Becca on her knees in front of him. Well, I just figured out where the Jager disappeared to. His hands buried in her hair as she bobbed her head up and down on his dick.


  He could do so much better than her. He always said he wasn’t interested in her, but from where I stood, he was definitely interested in at least her throat. I hated the sight of them together, but it wasn’t jealousy. I just couldn’t stand her, and he deserved someone who would be loyal. I have always wanted the best for Ashton, but I wasn’t that person.

  Reaching the poolside, I flopped down on one of the tan, mesh lounge chairs. Laying back, the party scene sloshed in my vision like a rough ocean in a port hole. The memories of the night I left Charlotte were tossing around in my mind as I looked around. Taking a deep breath, I reminded myself that I was surrounded by people who would take care of me, not take advantage of me. Between Ash, Storm and Cooper, I had no worries, but when I thought about being around Ethan and Ryan too, all my worries slipped away.

  Ethan sat down with Ryan, Michele, and Pete at a picnic table on the opposite side of the pool. The group laughed and took turns talking as they drank. A few tables away, Irwin and Ashley sat closely, hand in hand, looking adorable with their little fairy tale relationship.

  Irwin and Ashley had been dating since we were all sophomores in high school. They were the perfect couple. Tall and tan, with short golden blond hair styled perfectly, Irwin reminded me of the guy from that movie with the men strippers. Ashley, with her soft amber curls reaching her thin waist, was the Barbie to his Ken. Everyone wanted to either be them or date them.

  After two hours and no Cooper, I started to get a little perturbed. I hadn’t seen him come out of the barn. Storm had gone in behind me and came out just as quick. Cooper normally kept his temper reined in, but when he finally lost it, you didn’t want to be around.

  I thought back to the time when Cooper blew his lid at school. One of the many times he and Maggie had broken up, she showed up to a Friday night football game with Josh Mitchell. She clung to his shoulder like she was dangling from a cliff’s side.

  I still felt bad for the poor quarterback who got annihilated when Coop finally looked into the crowded stands and saw them. He plowed through the offensive line and damn-near ripped the guy’s head off then sprinted off the field. He barreled toward the bleachers and leapt over the four-foot chain-length fence. He got within two rows of them before his dad jumped in front of the raging bull. Scott had this amazing calming effect. I don’t know if it was his choice of words or the composed, steady tone of his voice, but it saved his son that night. Probably Josh too.

  Resting on the lounger, I watched as the party unfolded. Before long, my eyes betrayed me and started to sag. I fought against sleep as long as I could until I finally lost the battle, but I knew I was safe. In that place between conscious and dreams where they seemed to intertwine, one giving way to the other, I thought I heard his voice, whispering to me.

  “Kins, I’m sorry I’m such a dick. I wish I could tell you all the things . . .” His voice trailed off as I fought against the current pulling me under. What was he going to say? I willed my eyes to open, begged my ears to listen harder but all for not. The alcohol induced stupor swallowed me whole.

  I awoke to strong arms hoisting me up against a warm, wall of muscles. “Cooper?” I mumbled the name of whose arms I wanted to be in, even though I knew better. Even drunk, I could tell it was Ash. He smelled so good with his familiar leathery, fresh-cut grass aroma. I relaxed into his arms. In that moment, I wished I could make myself feel for Ashton, what I felt for Cooper, but I couldn’t. It wasn’t for lack of trying.

  “No, Lizzy, it’s me,” Ashton sighed, disappointment laced in his tone. “Let’s get you home.”

  “I think I drank too much,” I muttered, cracking an eye to see the ground still sloshing around like a stormy sea.

  “Don’t puke on me, Kins,” Ashton warned. “You know what happens if you puke.”

  A giggle escaped me before I could slam my hand over my mouth. “You puke, I puke.” I remembered the first time I discovered my best friend had a weak stomach.

  “Yeah, something like that. I wouldn’t want to puke on you.”

  “Can’t I just sleep here?” Again, my eyelids drooped as my head rested against Ashton’s hard chest.

  “Nope. You need to sleep in a bed, under a roof. Not on the pool deck on a lawn chair. Besides, Mom would kill me if she came out here and saw you asleep next to the pool,” Ashton said, as he somehow opened the passenger door to his truck without dropping me on my ass. “Come on now, get in.”

  In his arms, I was almost level with the seat. My hand reached up and wrapped around the oh-shit bar, pulling myself the rest of the way in. Reclining back in the seat, I heard the door shut behind me. The interior light slowly dimmed, much like my eyes.

  * * *

  That night, my dreams weren’t plagued with bad dreams about being punched or kicked. Just sleep. When I woke up, before opening my eyes, I rolled over and curled around something hot and way too hard to be my pillow. Oh God, what did I do? My eyes flew open like roller shades on an old window at my grandmother’s house.


  Oh, what the blue hell did I do? Panic set in. What the hell was I thinking getting drunk like that?

  My mind calmed as I realized I was still fully dressed, even though Ashton slept shirtless next to me.

  Slowly, I rolled away, back to my side in an attempt to slip quietly out of the bed. Ba-bump, ba-bump, ba-bump, ba-bump. My head throbbed its protest of any and all movement. Abruptly, I ceased my retreat as my index and middle fingers found my temples and rubbed.

  “I can hear you silently freaking out over there,” Ashton mumbled, lifting his toned forearm from his chest to cover his eyes.
“There’s ibuprofen and water on your bedside table. I’m going back to sleep.”

  “What happened?” I turned to the bedside table, finding the bottle of water and little green gel tabs. Reaching over, I picked up the medicine, popped them in my mouth then grabbed the water, twisted the cap off and lifted the bottle to my lips, washing the pills down.

  “You drank Fireball and God only knows what else with Ethan on top of beer, do I need to continue?” Ashton turned and glared at me.

  My stomach roiled its remembrance and, as if on cue, a cinnamon whiskey-flavored burp escaped and scorched its way up my throat. “Ugh.”

  Flinging back the blanket, I dragged myself from the warm comfort of my bed and set out for the bathroom. A hot shower and toothbrush were the only things in my future that I cared about in that moment. “Remind me to never drink again.”

  “Remind me to never listen to you when you don’t listen to me when I tell you not to drink,” Ashton grumbled as he rolled over and sprawled out in my bed.

  “What? That made no sense whatsoever,” I scowled, as I rounded the bed.

  “You’re still talking.”


  “If I wouldn’t have given in and stayed last night, I’d still be sleeping and not listening to you . . . Still. Talking.”

  “Sure,” I shook my head with a smirk, “keep telling yourself that, Ash”

  Once in the bathroom, I closed the door behind me and walked over to the shower. My head was still pounding as I pulled open the frameless glass door and leaned in. My hand found the silver faucet lever, spinning it half way around to my usual toasty warm setting and closed the door. Yawning, I rolled my neck as I walked to the toilet to pee and undress. Along the way, I caught sight of myself in the mirror and stopped. Yikes. The mascara and eyeliner smeared below my eyes made me look like a raccoon. In the reflection, I could see the steam behind me slowly fleeing the glass enclosure and taking over the room. Faintly, I could see the yellowing of the fading bruises. They were almost completely healed.


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