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Claiming Cooper (O'Loughlin Brothers Book 1)

Page 10

by A. F. Crowell

  “Yeah,” I said, setting the wheeled luggage on the pavement. Sliding it along with me, I walked to the front of the car to get Anna’s purse and cell. Opening the passenger side door, I leaned in and grabbed the phone from the center of the car. Dropping it into her leather purse, I picked up the strap and slipped into place on my shoulder, then straightened myself and closed the door.

  “I can’t believe you’ve left me there with those crazy girls,” she grumbled, setting the other suitcases down next to her before tapping the button to close the hatch.

  “I’m sorry. I can’t imagine the stories going through the house now,” I lamented.

  “Nah, it’s not as bad as you’d think, especially since Julian confessed and all,” she advised, much to my surprise. I was glad to have it all behind me; even happier Anna left it there too.

  I wasn’t sure what it was with girls, but, God, they loved to gossip. They didn’t care if it happened to be a boldface lie or a half-truth. They just lived for the juiciest, most scandalous tidbit they can get their claws on.

  “They were pretty sure that night was all my fault,” I sighed, hanging my head.

  “Come on, Kins, you have to know they moved from you to the next poor, unsuspecting victim within a matter of hours. Which, by the way, happens to be me at the moment,” she laughed as she followed me around the big house to the stairs on the side of the back garage.

  “It’s not funny, Anna.”

  “Actually, it is. Do you think I care what that group of mean girls thinks of me?”

  “Well, considering you’re living with them, you should,” I told her, pushing the telescopic handle down and picking it up by the side handle. We climbed up to the landing where I opened the door and ushered her in.

  “Wow, Kins . . . nice digs.” She whistled, looking around as she continued further in and set her bags down on their wheels. I toed off my sweaty sneakers just inside the door.

  “Here.” I walked around the couch on my right, toward the bedroom at the end of the hall. “This is the bedroom down here. You can put your stuff in here. The closet is huge. My mom said that my dad designed the place, but I think she may have had some influence on the closet.”

  I pushed the door open with my hip and walked across the wood floor to the open closet door.

  “This is definitely a women’s closet,” she muttered, glancing around the half empty hanging rods, mostly filled shoe racks, and countless shelves with a few purses scattered about. “Any place in particular you want me to use?”

  Anna loved clothes. She loved shopping for clothes, but she did not share her clothes. This one time I borrowed a top and she refused to take it back. It was the craziest thing ever.

  “Here, I’ll move these purses to over here and I can put the dresses with the jackets for now and that will give you this whole section,” I said, waving my arm toward the left side of the room. The left wall sat empty with the exception of the four-foot-wide, floor to ceiling shoe display. I had it mostly filled with booties, stilettos, peep toes, sandals, wedges and of course, sneakers.

  I get it, I have a shoe problem. There are worst things to be addicted to, thank you.

  “Perfect, thank you.” She grinned, rubbing her hands together.

  “I’m gonna take a quick shower while you get settled in.” I took her purse off my shoulder and held it out to her.

  “Sounds good. I’m gonna call my dad so he knows I made it here,” she said. She rarely spoke about her family. I wasn’t one to push, but I was curious why she seemed so cagey about them. She called to check in with her dad from time to time and I knew she had a mom, but she didn’t mention her often; less than a handful of times since I had known her.

  “Oh, your cell’s in your bag,” I advised her as I set out for the bathroom. “Do you need to go before I get in the shower?”


  “I only have the one bathroom up here and if you flush the toilet while the shower is running, the water gets scalding hot.” I did not care to repeat that experience.

  “Gotcha. Lock the bathroom door when showering,” she noted, exiting the closet and following me into the bathroom.

  While she used the bathroom, I opened the glass door, reached in, and started the shower. Leaving the door slightly ajar, I walked over and pressed the wall switch, turning on the exhaust fan. It was humid enough outside, I didn’t need to contend with it in here as well.

  * * *

  The day flew by as Anna and I sat around catching up. She told me about the most recent trip to Mexico to visit some family on her mom’s side. She always seemed to be pretty vague about her vacations. I got the feeling she didn’t always enjoy going on vacation with her parents. I finally had the guts to talk to her about the text messages. She urged me to tell my father about them. I was so freaked out by them, I deleted them without thinking, so I had no proof. I promised to show him if I got any more.

  Before I knew it, the sun began to set.

  “Shit.” I leapt off the couch like it had just bit me and ran for the bedroom. I had put my phone on the charger after I got out the shower and got lost in conversation with Anna. “What time is it?”

  “Um, I’m not sure,” she said as she reached for her phone, sitting on the table. “Seven twenty-one, why?”

  “Ashton is gonna kill me,” I told her I ran back into the room. I had a horrible habit of playing with the switch on the side of my phone and inadvertently set the phone to vibrate. I had two missed phone calls and three text messages. Both calls were Ashton, as were two of the texts. The third was from Cooper. Ashton had not left a voicemail, which didn’t shock me. A welcomed surprise was the absence of any intimidating texts. Thank God.

  Ashton: You still coming to help me with the beginner class tonight? The girls are already here and getting tacked up.

  Ashton: Lizzy, where u at?

  The first text came in at 5:35 and the second was fifteen minutes ago.

  Cooper: Where are you? Ashton’s lookin for you. You okay? Call me

  “God, I suck. I forgot I was supposed to teach a lesson with Ashton at five-thirty tonight. He’s probably pissed.” I made my way around the couch, over to where I left my boots the night before near the door.

  Just as I bent down to grab the first paddock boot, a fist pounded on the door.

  Straightening myself, I took a step forward, twisted the doorknob, and pulled back the solid white door.

  “What the hell, Lizzy?” he started in. “Where have you . . . been?” His eyes landed on Anna, who turned around to watch from her cozy spot on the couch. “Shit, sorry. I didn’t realize you had company.” He looked back and forth between Anna and me.

  “Anna, this is, Ashton. Ash, this is, Anna, from UNC that I’ve told you about.”

  “Hey.” Anna smiled, eyes twinkling like she had just been clubbed over the head.

  “Hey.” Ashton grinned his usual cocky smile and lifted his chin. “Sorry for just busting in here, I was worried that something was wrong.” He set his hazel gaze back to me, but continued to glance at Anna.

  “I suck. I’m sorry, Ash. Anna surprised me and came in early. I didn’t expect her until tomorrow.”

  “Sorry,” Anna apologized, kneeling on the couch, resting her chest on the back, making sure her ample breasts were on display. “I didn’t mean to steal her away.” She smiled carnally.

  “It’s all good. I’m just glad you’re okay. Cooper called me when he left and said you seemed a little . . . off,” Ashton addressed me.

  “He really shouldn’t have. I’m totally fine.” Shit. I should have known he would pick up on my anxiety. Sometime over the last few weeks, he seemed to be able to read me like a book.

  “You’re better than me. If the guy who tried to rape me got probation and was free to walk the streets, I’d be madder than a hornet in a coke can,” Anna blurted out.

  “What?” Ashton’s brow snapped together. His hazel eyes bounced back and forth between Anna and me before
they settled back on me.

  Giving Anna the side eye, I met Ashton’s angry gaze. “Anna shouldn’t have said anything.”

  In the seconds before he said anything, I started to drown in the overwhelming guilt and shame that flooded the room. I couldn’t bring myself to even look him in the eye. I knew when I did, I would see the betrayal he must have felt. I had told Anna, but not him, my oldest friend. My throat constricted, and I couldn’t find the words to apologize.

  “What. The. Fuck. Kinsley?” His tone was so harsh, it felt like he had reached out and slapped me. “You were almost raped, and I had to fuckin’ hear about it from some chick I’ve just met two seconds ago,” he roared. “What the hell is that shit? I’m your best friend and you didn’t tell me? Who the hell is he?”

  “This is why I didn’t say anything. I knew you’d freak the hell out. Nothing happened. I’m fine.” I tried to explain calmly and rationally, but it didn’t help.

  The look on Ashton’s face almost gutted me. It wasn’t pity. It was disappointment and hurt. I had not confided in him. “So, this is what you’ve been hiding? I figured you’d tell me when you were ready, but I had no fuckin’ clue you’d hide something like this from me . . . Me, Kinsley.”

  “Ashton,” I breathed as I stretched my hand out to touch his forearm. Just as my fingertips met his skin, he jerked away and shook his head. My stomach dropped. “I’m sorry.”

  “Yeah . . . me too,” he said softly. I literally felt like I had my heart ripped out of my chest and stepped on. I was such a jerk. Ashton took a step back, turned, and reached for the door knob.

  “Ash, Wait.” I felt the first tear fall. “You can’t leave. Not like this.”

  With his back turned, he stopped and stared ahead at the door. I watched as his shoulders dropped, and his head sagged. For a second, I thought he might have changed his mind, but the door opened, and the warm breeze blew all my hope away.

  The door closed softly behind him. In his wake, the silence was deafening. Tears streamed down my face while I stood there unmoved until I felt Anna’s slender arms encircle me from behind.

  “Kins, I am so sorry. I had no idea,” she whispered. “Maybe I could go talk to him,” she offered with her bony chin digging into the top of my shoulder. Anna was a fixer. If there was a chance she could fix it, she would try. No matter how much of a lost cause it was.

  “No,” I sniffled. “He needs some time to process everything. In Ashton’s mind, I didn’t trust him, but I did you. Going after him would just make it worse.”

  She released me and turned my shoulders to face her. A hopeful smile spread across her beautiful face. “We should get sushi and get shit-faced.”

  It had been a trying day to say the least. Getting drunk was probably the worst idea, but a drink sounded really good. “I could go for a drink or two but no getting trashed.”

  Maybe I could forget what an asshole I had been. Doubtful. Ash was pretty pissed, and he had every right to be mad. I just hoped he would forgive me for not confiding in him.

  Thankful Anna was with me. After what had just happened, I could use a night to drink the pain away with Anna. I should have told Ashton, but some things were not an easy burden to bear. The thought crossed my mind that it hadn’t been an issue to tell Cooper. I might not have told him the full story, but I told him.

  Why Cooper and not Ashton?

  I think in my mind I wanted Cooper to ride to the rescue and save me, but he could only do that if he knew what he was saving me from.

  TWO HOURS LATER, AFTER FINALLY giving in and agreeing I needed to occupy my mind with something other than my attack, Anna and I were dressed and on our way to Howard’s. I insisted on driving since she wasn’t familiar with the area and had just driven all the way here. If I was being honest, it also meant that I couldn’t get trashed. I wasn’t the type of person that could drink away their sorrow, but I needed to unwind a little.

  By sheer luck, I pulled up and found an empty spot on the one-way street directly in front of Howard’s. “They don’t have sushi, but they have a pretty good burger and, if Ethan is working, one helluva margarita.”

  We climbed out of the car after I put the convertible top up because it looked like any second the skies could open up and pour down. The warm, damp air swirled around with a fresh, earthy aroma; it was almost therapeutic.

  Dressed casually in tight faded blue jeans, a white ribbed tank, and brown cowboy boots, I looked the complete opposite of Anna. She looked fantastic, dressed in black skinny jeans, a flowing cerulean blue top, and the sexiest blue four-inch pointy toe, ankle strapped stilettos I have ever seen. Anna was flawless and all sexy city while I was casual country. We complimented each other well despite our difference.

  Pulling open the door, I ushered her through in front of me. To our left, the majority of the barstools toward the front were occupied, so I stepped around Anna and tipped my head toward the back. “We should be able to get a seat in the back. You want bar or table?”

  “Bar,” she said, looking around, surveying the prospects for the evening. I had already warned her there would be a bunch of immature, but fun to look at, locals. For the most part, people grew up here and stayed here. Sure, some went away to college, but most came back to raise their families in the quiet, peaceful town.

  Walking toward the back, I saw James behind the bar, but no Ethan. “Dang, I thought Ethan would be here tonight.”

  “Who’s Ethan again?” Anna asked, trailing behind.

  “My good friend from high school, we worked together for a few years at the liquor store,” I reminded her.

  “Oh, right.”

  Finding two seats at the end of the bar, I pulled my barstool out then ponied up, Anna following suit. We were only a few feet away from the large, arched pass-through into the pool room. Leaning forward, resting my forearms on the bar in front of me, I tried to get James’ attention.

  “What are you drinking?” I asked Anna.

  “Not sure, what about you?”

  “She’ll be havin’ one of my incredible margaritas, isn’t that right, Kinsley?” Ethan’s voice came up from behind me and took me by surprise.

  “Eek! You’re here.” I pushed off the bar, spun, and wrapped my arms around Ethan’s waist. “Ethan, this is my friend, Anna, from school. Anna, meet Ethan.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Anna smiled politely, tipping her head. “I hear I need to try your margarita.”

  “I can definitely make that happen.” He nodded. “What are you doin’ out tonight?” Ethan questioned, coming around the bar and standing in front of our seats.

  “Anna just got into town this morning and we decided to celebrate,” I explained, taking my seat once more.

  “Celebratin’ huh, Kins.” Ashton appeared with bloodshot eyes from around the corner of the pool room with a bottle of Yuengling in hand.

  “Ash . . .”

  “Don’t worry,” he scowled, “I’m not here to interrupt. Just gotta piss,” he grumbled and all but stomped past, sitting the empty bottle down on the bar in front of me as he went.

  I stood and followed him. “Ashton, wait.”

  “Kinsley, I said gotta piss. I don’t feel like doing this with you right now.” Now, I know he’s pissed. He never called me Kinsley unless he was upset with me. My heart hurt at his brush off, but I’d be damned if I let him know it.

  “Ashton Madsen O’Loughlin, I swear to God, if I have to follow you into the men’s room I will,” I warned, using my hurt to push my agenda.

  Ashton laughed as his hand flattened against the door and pushed it open. “Yeah, right.”

  “Ugh,” I sulked. I hated when he was right. No way in hell I would go into the men’s bathroom. Chewing the inside of my cheek, I glared hatefully at the door then returned to my seat. I had no interest in making a scene.

  “You good?” Anna asked.

  “No. He wouldn’t talk to me.”

  “Ladies,” Ethan returned and placed our drink in
front of us on cardboard coasters, “you guys wanna order any food?”

  “Yeah, can I get a menu, please?” Anna smiled, reaching out and sliding her drink back to her. Lifting the pint glass to her mouth, her tongue darted out and licked the salt-encrusted rim before sipping the cocktail. “Mmm, that’s good.”

  “Thanks. Kins, you need a menu?”

  “Nah, I know what I want.” I picked up the glass, pinched the clear straw, and sucked down a good quarter of the tart drink, still stewing.

  “Cool, I’ll give you a minute then I’ll come back and get your orders,” Ethan addressed Anna then turned and walked down the bar to the next patron waiting.

  “So much for not getting shitfaced.” Anna chuckled behind her menu. “You gettin’ the burger?” she asked, lowering the menu enough to see the whites of her chestnut brown eyes.

  “Yeah,” I answered, pulling the straw from my lips, setting my drink back down. The lull between songs on the jukebox allowed me to hear the rain pounding down on the roof of the small bar.

  “You wanna talk, fine. Then let’s talk,” Ashton whispered. The warmth of his breath on my neck caused me to shiver slightly. “Anna, I hope you’ll excuse us for just a few minutes. Ryan, can you hang here with Anna?”

  “Sure.” Ryan smiled deviously as he appraised Anna.

  Standing, I gave up my seat to Ryan but not before Ashton could quietly warn, “Don’t get any ideas either.”

  Ryan held up his hands feigning innocence. “Me? I’m harmless.”

  Unable to hold it in, a laugh escaped my lips. Slapping my hand over my mouth, I apologized and followed Ashton into the pool room. He walked to the back corner and stopped at a table scattered with several empty bottles and shot glasses.

  “Looks like you’ve had a little party back here.” I sat down on the barstool closest to the wall.

  “Yeah, I may have needed to clear my mind,” he countered, taking the barstool across from me. We were tucked away when he finally launched into it. “I cannot believe I had to hear about this shit from her. What the hell’s that about, Kinsley? Why didn’t you tell me?”


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