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Wicked Payback

Page 7

by Daisy Dexter Dobbs

  “Yes. Exactly.” Jack kissed Meredith’s fingers back and front and then released them. He visibly relaxed as his spine and shoulders lost their rigidity and he sagged against the back of his chair with a relieved smile. “I have to admit that I was a little worried there for a while but I knew you’d eventually see the perfect logic behind this solution, Meredith. If only I’d thought of it years ago, I could have saved us both a lot of anguish.”

  Yup, no doubt about it…Jack McKenna was a first-class schmuck.

  “Well…okay then.” Meredith plastered a smile across her features. The realization that the payback plan she’d concocted for the evening couldn’t possibly come close to gifting her dear ex-husband with what he truly deserved saddened her. Nevertheless, she’d just have to make do. She breathed a sigh.

  “I just knew you’d understand, Meredith. You’re so smart and sensible…and loving. So unlike most other women.”

  “Like, oh say, the itty-bitty size-two Becky, for instance,” Meredith offered brightly.

  “Oh please.” Jack huffed and made a raspberry sound. “There’s no comparison. Becky is self-centered, demanding and completely lacking in understanding when it came to my needs. And besides, she’s not the svelte little thing she was when I married her. She’s really let herself go and put on quite a bit of weight.”

  “Really?” Meredith asked, genuinely surprised—and feeling not at all sympathetic. “I didn’t realize.”

  “Yeah.” Jack nodded. “She continually rejected my attempts at mentoring and because of it she’s miserable because she’s up to a size four now.”

  “Disgusting.” Meredith shook her head and tsked as she smoothed her hand across the lap of her size eighteen dress. “The woman’s a veritable blimp.”

  Jack did a double take and then laughed. “Still got that great sense of humor, I see.”

  “Yes…I’m just a barrel of laughs.” She tittered a half-hearted laugh. “You know, Jack, after you left me for the nineteen-year-old size-two I ate myself sick and gained nearly fifty pounds.” Meredith’s eyes narrowed at the painful memory.

  “Don’t worry.” With an abject look of pity in his eyes, Jack patted her hand. “You’ll lose it again, Meredith.”

  “I already have.” Her tone couldn’t have been more acerbic.

  “Oh.” Tugging at the knot in his tie, Jack cleared his throat. He inhaled a deep breath and was silent for a moment as he appeared to gather his thoughts. “You’re a beautiful woman, Meredith, with a sumptuous, zaftig body that I adore but,” he paused to scratch his head, “big women just aren’t in vogue now. Please don’t get the wrong idea. It’s not that I care how big you are, because I don’t, sweetheart. Believe me, my darling, you’d simply be so much happier being—”

  “A size two?” Meredith asked through a smirk.

  “Now don’t be silly, Meredith.” He laughed. “You’d be a stunning size four.” Meredith blinked and her mouth puckered into a little O shape. “Or even a six with that broad build of yours. Personally, I’ve always found plump with plenty to grab onto in the bedroom a real turn-on. But out of the bedroom…well, you know how it is. A man wants the woman who’s draped on his arm to be a svelte little thing.” He chuckled. “Another inherent male flaw I guess.”

  Meredith was proud of herself for resisting the palpable temptation to shove the dessert spoon up Jack’s left nostril.

  “Once we’re back together, Meredith,” Jack proceeded to bury himself, “you can visit any of those fancy spas for a month at a time as often as you like so you can get fit. With that and my self-help techniques you’ll lose a ton of weight and be camera ready in no time.” He grinned.

  Furrowing her eyebrows, Meredith slanted Jack a puzzled look. “Camera ready?”

  “Sure. Once my talk show debuts the paparazzi will be hot on my tail. Our photos will be splashed across the media and I’m sure you’ll want to look your svelte best.” He smiled and winked.

  “I’m sure you’ll want me to look my svelte best,” Meredith countered, and Jack nodded.

  “Yes, darling, exactly,” he said confidently, as if he’d made everything just peachy keen by his remarks. “And the great thing is that, unlike when we were starting out, now I’ve got all the money we need to make that a reality for you. Spas, health clubs, plastic surgery, liposuction, stomach stapling, special diets…you name it and I’ll gladly foot the bill.”

  “Mmmm.” Meredith nodded thoughtfully. “How exceedingly generous and considerate of you, Jack, dear. I’m truly a fortunate woman.”

  “My woman.” A grinning Jack winked.

  “Yes. Uh-huh. Well, getting back to your ex-child-bride, I take it she wasn’t too keen about your meaningless extramarital affairs.”

  “That’s an understatement.” Rolling his eyes and shaking his head, Jack popped a cookie into his mouth and continued to talk while chewing. “Becky raised holy hell about it even after I explained to her that the trysts were completely insignificant—just something to help me over the hump until she and I could be together again. The woman was totally lacking in empathy.”

  Meredith’s hand flew to her chest and she gasped in mock indignation. “How could she be so selfish? So insensitive? You poor baby.” She shook her head sympathetically. At the same time she wondered how in God’s name it had taken her more than twenty years to realize that Jack was a self-serving giant economy-sized asshole. “And that’s why you divorced?”

  Hiking a shoulder in a shrug, Jack nodded. “That and the fact that Becky started sleeping with one of the other speakers on the circuit. She’d actually argued that if it was okay for me to sleep around, then it was okay for her to do the same thing. Have you ever heard anything so self-indulgent and immature?”

  “Never.” Valiantly resisting the dual urge to applaud with glee while she guffawed in Jack’s face, Meredith’s brows knitted and she tsked. “Oh, Jack, that is terrible.” She shifted positions and crossed her leg over the other knee. Casually weaving her finger through a tendril of her hair and coiling it, she added, “And, of course, you feel safe in the assumption that I’d never react to your affairs with a fling of my own.”

  “You?” Looking at Meredith as if she’d grown two heads, Jack laughed. “Of course not, Meredith. You’re not the type. You’re a rock. You’re too—”

  “Yes, yes, I know,” she interrupted. “Too sensible and understanding.” And Jack nodded. Stroking her chin with her thumb and forefinger, Meredith gazed at him with a narrow-eyed smile, wondering how he managed to squeeze that big fat swelled head of his through doorways. “You’d feel secure if we remarried because you’d know I would always be there for you—the loving, devoted, monogamous wife. Right?”

  “Exactly.” Pointing and winking at Meredith, Jack chuckled a bit. “See what I mean? We’re on the same wavelength. We’ve always had that special connection going for us. We’re meant for each other, honey.” He sipped from his cognac and breathed a contented sigh. “Of course there’d be no reason for you to go bed hopping. After all, you’d have what you always wanted—me,” with a bright grin he slapped his hands against his chest, “as your adoring, devoted husband.” Now he gazed at Meredith with a warm smile. “And with my substantial income you’d have all the security, luxuries and anything else money can buy. You’d be able to stay in lush suites like this one,” he motioned with his hand like a TV game show model as he peered around the hedonistic hotel suite, “anytime you traveled. And when I’m away and you can’t join me you’d have your nice little secondhand shop to keep you happy and occupied.”

  “How…magnanimous of you, Jack,” Meredith said, almost choking on the words and gleefully picturing him sticking his swelled head up his ass. The surprisingly vivid image made her smile, almost giggle. She uncrossed her legs and sat up straight. “You make it all sound so…romantic. So idyllic. So happily-ever-afterish.”

  Jack was at her side in an instant, capturing Meredith’s hand in his, sprinkling kisses along her pal
m and wrist as he knelt on one knee. Meredith willed herself not to cuff his head with the hand he was kissing. “Oh, darling,” he said, his eyes glistening, “then the answer’s yes? You’ll marry me again?”

  “Well, they say that three’s a charm.” Smoothing her fingers through his dark hair and proud of herself for not yanking it from its roots, Meredith looked down at Jack’s hopeful grin and smiled. “What woman in her right mind could possibly resist such a fairytale-like proposal?”

  “You’ve just made me the happiest man in the world.” Jack dug into his pocket and retrieved a honking big emerald-cut diamond ring, which he slipped on her finger. Her gasp of surprise was spontaneous and he smiled. “That’s the first of many diamonds to come, Meredith. But none will shine as bright as your incomparable beauty.” He rose to his feet then drew Meredith into his arms. “Just imagine how wonderful it will be, darling. The two of us together. Forever.”

  “Oh believe me,” Meredith said, splaying her fingers and watching the dazzling stone sparkle as she moved her hand, “I can imagine.”

  Jack’s voice became husky at her ear. “And think of the two of us engaging in all that hot, steamy sex. You know we’ve always been great together, babe.” He growled and nibbled Meredith’s ear. “Speaking of hot and steamy,” he gestured with his head toward the bedroom, “what say we begin our engagement with a round of passionate lovemaking?” He bent to cover Meredith’s mouth with his but she ducked and backed away, leaving him with a look of surprise.

  “Oh you naughty, impetuous boy,” she teased through laughter, wagging a chastising finger in his direction.

  Jack groaned. “Aw, not fair, Meredith,” he whined through a deep throaty chuckle. “I’ve been itching to rip off that dress and get my hands on that soft, plump, curvaceous body of yours since I first laid eyes on you tonight. I want to feast on those exquisite rosy-pink nipples of yours and then tease that slick little clit with my tongue. I want to hold you in my arms as you quake and quiver in orgasmic bliss… Oh, baby, don’t punish me by making me wait any longer.”

  Closing her eyes, Meredith summoned all of her willpower not to dwell on the erotic delights Jack had proposed. With two big steps he’d closed the distance between them and was about to draw her into his arms when she forcibly flattened her hands against his chest and pushed.

  “Oh, don’t worry, Jack,” she cooed in a seductive tone as she drew patterns across his chest with her finger. “Now that we’ve had our little heart-to-heart talk I’m going to make sure this will be a night that you and your dick,” she emphasized the word by cupping his three-piece combo through his trousers, “will never, ever forget.”

  Chapter Five

  Growling, Jack pulled Meredith roughly against him, attempting once again to mash his mouth against hers.

  “Honestly, Jack,” she broke away from him again, eyeing him with a slow, wicked smile. “You really must learn to be patient. I guarantee that what I have in mind will drive you insane with desire—and let you know exactly how much you mean to me. But we do this at my pace, my rules and on my terms or we don’t do it at all. After all, it is my birthday, Jack.” She winked. “Agreed?”

  Flinging his arms out to the sides Jack cocked his head and gave a broad, hungry grin. “I’m all yours, honey. Do with me what you will.”

  “Hmmm.” She tapped her finger against her chin. “Even if what I have in mind might be a little bit…kinky?” She punctuated her question by dropping her head back and moaning as she cupped her full breasts and then dragged her hands down slowly across them, down her midsection, over her hips, finally bringing her fingers to rest at the vee between her thighs. While she did her best to look smoldering Meredith felt almost cool and mechanical.

  “Oh mama!” Jack ground out, swallowing hard as his eyes all but popped out of their sockets.

  Meredith thought of the horny cartoon wolf with its hanging tongue and bugging eyes and almost laughed. “All we need is an ah-oooogah horn and we’d be set.”

  Jack slanted her a puzzled look. “What?”

  “Nothing.” She engaged in a throaty chuckle as she turned her back to Jack, moving her hands from her crotch to her thighs and then to her ass where she cupped her cheeks and squeezed. “Bet you’d like some of this tonight, wouldn’t you?” She peered at him over her shoulder.

  “You know it, baby.” He grasped his crotch. “My cock must have swelled another two inches just watching my sexy fiancée fondle herself. Looks like my girl has learned some snazzy new techniques since we’ve been separated.”

  “Mmm-hmm,” she purred, stepping closer to run a crimson fingernail along his jaw. “I’ve been fucking my twenty-five-year-old next-door neighbor.”

  Jack’s face fell.

  “In fact, we had the most delicious impromptu sex on my kitchen table just this morning.”

  Obviously stunned, Jack gazed at Meredith for a long moment before his lip quirked and he began to laugh. “Aw, you almost got me there, Meredith.” He pointed at her and winked. “Love that quirky sense of humor. Imagine you ever doing anything like that.” He laughed harder.

  “Yeah…imagine.” Meredith joined him in laughter. “Actually,” she sighed, “I’ve been sitting all by myself reading sex manuals as I pined for you, Jack. All in the hopes that you’d come back to me one day and I could learn to pleasure you so much you’d never want to leave me again.” She batted her eyelashes demurely and grinned. It was an Oscar-worthy performance and she was damned proud of herself.

  Nodding, Jack beamed a condescending smile. “My sweet, darling Meredith. Always putting me first.” He craned his neck to kiss her but Meredith dodged him.

  “First rule.” She backed up a few steps. “No touching or kissing unless I give you permission. Understood?” She began to unzip her dress, pausing until she heard Jack’s answer.

  “Understood.” Jack bobbed his head enthusiastically. “It’ll be damned hard but…yeah, I promise.” He crossed his heart and held his hand aloft in a vow.

  “Good.” Fully unzipping her dress, she shimmied so it glided down her hips and pooled at her feet. Hands on hips, she stood in front of Jack in a saucy black demi-bra, a lacy scrap of matching panties and a black satin garter belt. Sheer stockings, heels and marcasite earrings completed her bewitching ensemble. Meredith did a slow pirouette, splaying her hands across her ass as she presented it to her former husband. “So, Jack, what do you think?”

  “Oh God. You’re fuckin’ killing me, Meredith,” he rasped.

  “I wish,” she mumbled, rolling her eyes skyward. Noting Jack’s injured expression, she laughed. “Just kidding, darling. You know my quirky sense of humor.” She winked and Jack’s features relaxed. Blowing him a kiss, she crooked her finger, beckoning him to follow her to the bedroom. He was at her heels like an obedient pup. “I want you to strip naked, Jack. All except for that adorable custom tie you’re wearing.” She flipped the charcoal gray tie out of Jack’s vest and bit the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing as she eyed the length of silk, liberally sprinkled with tiny images of Jack’s smiling face and the title of his upcoming talk show, On the Right Track with Dr. Jack.

  Working at breakneck speed, Jack tugged, fumbled and yanked until he was naked except for his silly vanity tie. After one longing look at his marvelous equipment, Meredith sighed and did her best to ignore the wetness pooling in her panties. She drilled home the reminder that Jack was a jerk and that she was on a mission. Pity. The man had such a sublime body. A body designed to satisfy a woman…to satisfy her. What a shame that his warped and twisted brain had to go and spoil it all.

  “Get on the bed, Jack. Just plant yourself right in the center of the satin spread so I can feast my eyes on your gorgeous cock.” Jack wasted no time, immediately hopping onto the bed. His jolly cock bobbed up and down as he settled against the mattress. Meredith almost laughed at the shit-eating grin on his face.

  “You know, Jack, we never experimented with bondage when we were together.�
� She saw his eyes widen in expectation.

  “I’d love to tie you up, Meredith.” He licked his lips.

  “Ummm…no.” She shook her head. “That’s not what I had in mind. Actually, I thought it would be really hot to tie you up to the bedposts so we could play dominatrix and slave.” She bent over the bed and spiraled her finger up Jack’s erect cock, circling the swollen tip and then licking her finger. “Are you game for something a little different?”

  “Hell, yes!” he said without hesitation. “Sex with us was always terrific but I never dreamed you’d do something this inventive.”

  “Good.” Meredith gave a throaty chuckle as she walked around the bed. “Then from this moment on you will address me as Mistress. Any objections?”

  Jack frowned. “No…I guess not.”

  “No what?”

  “Huh? Oh. No, Mistress,” Jack corrected. He looked like a big dopey dog slobbering in expectation of a beefy bone. Oh boy, she was going to love this.

  “Turn over on your stomach so I can see your ass,” she instructed.

  Groaning as he adjusted his rigid penis, Jack complied, giving a surprised little yelp when he felt the stinging slap from Meredith’s hand across one ass cheek.

  “Jack, you were a very bad boy leaving me for that little blonde bimbo after all I’d done for you. Weren’t you?”

  “Hey,” Jack countered, “let’s not get carried away with this, okay? If there’s any spanking to be done, I’m the one who’s going to—”

  “Address me properly when I speak to you,” Meredith barked, cutting him off. “I asked you a question, now answer it!”

  “Yes, Mistress,” Jack said half-heartedly. “A very bad boy.”


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