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Wicked Payback

Page 12

by Daisy Dexter Dobbs

  “Uh, thanks, Mr. McKenna. I’d better get him out of here, downstairs to the main security area. I got you everything from underwear to shoes.” She thrusted the bags at Jack, who clutched them. “It should be everything you need.” She stood with her hand outstretched.

  Meredith watched as it finally dawned on Jack that Alicia was waiting for a tip. “Oh, yeah,” he said, taking a few bills from his wallet and crossing her palm with the money. “Thanks again. I really appreciate all your help.”

  Alicia nodded her thanks. “Come on, Ricky,” she crooked her finger, “it’s time to leave.”

  Meredith folded her arms across her broad muscle-bound chest and huffed, sneering at Alicia.

  An incredulous expression across her features, Alicia walked over to Ricky and took hold of his arm. “Did you get all the photographs and information you needed?” she asked through gritted teeth as she tugged on him.

  “Forget about it.” Meredith shrugged out of Alicia’s grasp. “I’m not doing this, Alicia. And neither are you.”

  “What are you doing, you idiot? Shut up,” Alicia muttered under her breath. Wide-eyed as she returned her attention to Jack, and taking in his perplexed expression, Alicia erupted into nervous laughter. “Seems you were right, Mr. McKenna. Ricky must have got a good bump on the head.” She laughed again and Jack chuckled. “I know you must be eager to clean up and get dressed after your awful ordeal, Mr. McKenna, so why don’t you go ahead and take your shower while I take Ricky back to the security station.”

  “Sounds like a good idea.” Jack nodded with a smile as he tossed the contents of the bags on a nearby chair. “Thanks again for your help.” Selecting the underwear, Jack headed for the bathroom.

  Breathing a sigh of relief, Alicia jerked on Ricky’s arm again, but Meredith didn’t budge.

  “Jack, wait.” Meredith took a step toward Jack as Alicia still clung to her arm. “We need to talk. It’s all a scam. They…I mean we,” she gestured to herself and Alicia, “were planning to sell those photographs to the newspapers and TV.”

  Alicia gasped. “Are you crazy?” Her eyes bugged in disbelief. “For chrissakes, Ricky, shut up!” She clapped her hand over her boyfriend’s mouth.

  “What?!” His mouth in a tight line, Jack looked from the maid to the security guard. “Hey, what the hell’s going on here?”

  “Nothing, Mr. McKenna. Nothing,” Alicia insisted. “Ricky’s just talking crazy because of what happened to him, that’s all. Don’t pay any attention to what he says.”

  “It’s true, Jack. I’m not who you think I am. It’s me, M—” Meredith’s throat constricted. She made horrific gagging sounds as her hands flew to her throat and she choked on her name. Both Alicia and Jack gazed at her incredulously.

  “See,” Alicia said, thrusting her arms toward the choking security guard, “I told you. He’s nuts.”

  Growling in frustration, Meredith cleared her throat and continued. “Please, Jack, you’ve got to listen to me.” She patted her pants and pulled the camera from her pocket, shaking it toward Jack. “Here take it. He …” Meredith rolled her eyes, “I mean I was planning on—” She stopped abruptly when Alicia dove for the camera, securing it against her abdomen as she grabbed it from Meredith and bolted from the room.

  “I’m not going to let you fuck this up for me, Ricky,” Alicia called as she fled the suite.

  “Quick,” Meredith flailed her arm toward the escaping maid, “we have to stop her. She’s going to sell those photos!”

  A look of panic etched across his features, Jack ran after Alicia with Ricky close on his heels. As they reached the suite’s door, Jack stopped short. “Shit! I can’t go out there like this,” he motioned down to his nakedness. “I’ve got to put on some pants first.”

  “Don’t worry,” Meredith said, “I’ll stop her. I won’t let her ruin your life, darling. I promise.” Meredith kissed Jack quickly on the lips before racing out of the room—leaving Jack with a look of astonishment as he wiped his mouth and shuddered.

  Chapter Eight

  When there wasn’t any sign of Alicia in the hall and no indication that the elevator had just departed, Meredith located the door to the stairs and jerked it open. The sound of feet hastily shuffling down the stairs echoed through the stairwell. “Alicia!” she called as she started running after the maid. “Alicia, stop!”

  “Stay away from me, Ricky,” a breathless voice responded. “You’re crazy.”

  Rolling her eyes, Meredith swore under her breath. “You’re right, Alicia,” she said as she continued her descent. “Temporary insanity from that bump on my head. But I’m all better now. Trust me.” She was amazed at how quickly she was able to bound down the stairs. Ricky’s buff body was apparently in damned good shape. Before long she caught up with Alicia and grabbed her by the arm.

  “Ow, Ricky.” Alicia winced. “Let go, you’re hurting me.”

  “Only if you promise to stay put,” Meredith warned.

  “Yeah, all right already, I promise.” Meredith’s grip slackened and Alicia wrenched her arm free.

  “You can give me back the camera now, Alicia.” All Meredith had to do was to yank the film from the camera, exposing it to the light, and Jack was out of danger.

  Alicia didn’t budge.

  “Come on, I need it so I can give the pictures to my contact.”

  “I don’t know…” Alicia eyed her boyfriend suspiciously. “How do I know that you’re not going to go nuts on me again, huh?” She clutched the camera closed to her chest. “That was Dr. Jack in that room, the famous guy who’s gonna have his own TV show. Jeezus, do you know how much we’d make off these photos, Ricky? A shitload! I can’t take a chance on you ruining this for us. Now I’ve got to get out of here in case McKenna comes after me or calls security or the cops, Ricky.” She turned and started to walk down the stairs again at a slower pace.

  “Tell you what.” Meredith did her best to smile. “Let’s you and me relax over a cup of coffee and we’ll talk about this, okay? You’ll see that I’m okay and there’s nothing to worry about.”

  “Coffee?” Alicia said, scrunching her features as she turned around. “Since when do you drink coffee? See? That proves that you’re still semi-nuts.”

  Meredith gave a nervous laugh. “Hey, I was just joking. Let’s go get some,” she paused, trying to size up the maid, “some shots,” she added hopefully.

  Still clutching the camera to her ample bosom, Alicia smiled. “Now you’re talking, baby. Let’s go back to our place, have some tequila, smoke some weed and do some serious fucking.” She resumed her descent and Meredith followed. “That’ll fix you all up.”

  Our place. Weed. Fucking. With an involuntary shudder, Meredith rolled the words around in her mind. So they lived—and smoked pot and fucked—together. But where? “Right. Sounds good. Uh, but you better drive, Alicia, because I’m still a bit disoriented from the fall.” Meredith rubbed her head for effect.

  Alicia’s exasperated sigh reverberated through the cavernous stairwell as she stopped in her tracks and looked at her boyfriend. “We don’t have a car, Ricky,” she said as if speaking to a two-year-old. “We live in the city, remember?” She tsked. “We take the bus.” She continued tromping down the stairs. “I thought you told me you were off coke. You start up again, Ricky? That why you’re acting so crazy? You better not be back on that shit ‘cause it costs too much money, you hear me?”

  “Coke…you mean cocaine?”

  “Duh,” Alicia answered.

  Meredith laughed. “I can assure you, Alicia, I most definitely haven’t partaken in any cocaine. Perhaps my behavior is simply a sort of…uh, belated consequence of having previously used the drug.”

  “Do you hear yourself?” Raising one hand high in the air and then letting it fall, slapping against her thigh, Alicia looked at her boyfriend as if he’d sprouted a third eye in the center of his forehead. “Shit, Ricky, you don’t even talk like you anymore.” She sighed again. “Come o
n, baby, let’s get out of here so I can take care of you.”


  Surprisingly, the neighborhood looked pretty good and their apartment building wasn’t bad either. The apartment itself was another matter. It was so crammed full of stuff, including Ricky’s barbells and other workout equipment, that there wasn’t much room to move around.

  “What in the world is all this crap?” Meredith wondered aloud as she absently fingered a multitude of items.

  “This crap, as you call it,” Alicia said, “is all the expensive stuff you were supposed to get to that fence so we could make some money off of it. But you’ve been dragging your lazy ass for weeks.”

  “Fence,” Meredith repeated quizzically as she gazed at the stacks and piles of assorted merchandise. “You mean, like a person who specializes in the purchase and sale of stolen property from thieves?” She looked at Alicia whose features were twisted with incredulity again.

  “There you go again,” Alicia said, shaking her head, “talking all weird. You sound like a fuckin’ encyclopedia, Ricky.”

  “You and Ricky are thieves too?” Meredith continued, ignoring Alicia’s comment.

  “Oh for chrissakes, yes,” Alicia spat back. “Of course me and Ricky,” she shoved hard against her boyfriend’s chest, “are thieves.” And then she laughed. “Now you got any more dumbass questions, you big jerk?” She eased by Meredith with a disgusted huff and left the room.

  When Alicia returned she was wearing a cropped T-shirt and a scanty pair of panties.

  Meredith blanched when she saw that the camera was conspicuously absent. “Where’s the camera, Alicia?”

  “Maybe if you’re real nice to me I’ll let you know,” she purred and then rubbed her backside against her boyfriend. “You get the Sherlock and the weed and I’ll get the tequila.” Alicia headed for the kitchen.

  “Sherlock?” Meredith mumbled, scratching her head and looking around the crowded room. Maybe it was some sort of in thing young people did nowadays, she speculated—smoke marijuana while watching old Sherlock Holmes movies. Maybe it enhanced their high. Meredith shrugged as she scanned the room for videotapes or DVDs. All she found were three long-overdue horror DVDs from a video store.

  In a moment Alicia returned with a half-empty bottle of tequila and a couple of shot glasses. Shifting her weight to one foot, she indulged in a loud tsk. “Well why are you just standing there like a bump on a log? Do I have to do everything around here?”

  “Uh…there’s so much stuff piled around here that I couldn’t find the movies…or the weed.”

  Alicia set the bottle and glasses down, rolled her eyes skyward and sighed. “What movies, Ricky?”

  “Eh…the Sherlock Holmes movies…” By the disgusted look on Alicia’s face, Meredith had a strong hunch that she’d just made an ass out of herself again.

  “Ricky, I swear to God, if you weren’t such a good fuck I’d be outta here so fast it would make your head spin.” She walked over to an end table, opened the drawer and returned with a colorful glass Sherlock Holmes-style pipe and a bag of pot. “Are you planning to sit there in that ugly uniform? Come on, baby, strip it off for me and get comfy.”

  Swallowing hard, Meredith shook her head. “No, I think I’m going to leave it on. It’s kind of cold in here, don’t you think?” She rubbed her meaty arms. “In fact, maybe you should put on a sweatshirt or something.”

  Alicia wasted no time striding over to Meredith and unfastening the buttons on Ricky’s security guard uniform. “You just wanted me to do it for you, huh, babe?” She gave a throaty chuckle. “Okay, I don’t mind, Ricky.”

  And then Alicia grabbed Meredith’s man-crotch and squeezed.

  Wide-eyed and yelping, Meredith leaped back from Alicia. “Don’t do that,” she said in a strained voice.

  “Quit fuckin’ around, Ricky. You half scared the shit out of me.”

  “Yeah, well that makes two of us,” Meredith said, crossing one hand over her crotch and the other over her chest.

  Alicia gave her another one of those dubious looks. “You get a hit on the head and all of a sudden you’re acting like a queer.”

  “No, I’m not a lesbian.”

  “Well of course you’re not a lesbian. You’re a man for chrissakes! At least I thought you were. What the fuck is the matter with you? Now either you strip down to your underwear or I’ll get a knife and slice that fuckin’ uniform off of you.” Alicia directed a venomous glare at her boyfriend. “Of course…if you don’t want the camera then you can leave your clothes on and just get the fuck out of here instead.” Flipping her hair, she smiled wickedly.

  Gulping hard to dislodge her heart from her throat, Meredith unbuttoned the rest of her shirt, shrugging it off to reveal a white sleeveless tank-style undershirt. She looked down at her masculine chest, closing her eyes and groaning with angst as she spied the shirt molding itself to an impressive set of bulging pecs. After a moment she kicked off her shoes, tugged off the socks and then removed her belt, unzipped her trousers and stepped out of them, leaving her in a well-fitting pair of briefs.

  “Mmm, now that’s more like it,” Alicia said, stepping closer.

  “I’ve, uh, I’ve got to go to the bathroom.” Meredith backed away abruptly.

  Throwing her hands up into the air, Alicia breathed a sigh. “So go already.”

  Meredith looked to the left and then to the right before choosing a direction—the wrong one.

  “That way, lamebrain,” Alicia said, giving her head a toss in the right direction.

  Once in the bathroom, Meredith leaned against the door and took a series of deep breaths. “How the hell am I going to do this?” she whispered to herself. She stepped to the mirror and looked at the reflection, studying it carefully. “Ricky, you sure are some hunky piece of work. Look at that hard sculpted body. It’s no wonder Alicia can’t keep her hands off of you.”

  Looking in the mirror and seeing a buff young man staring back at her was unnerving to say the least. She lifted the undershirt high on her chest and gazed at the very masculine fleshscape before her. Meredith haltingly ran her fingers across the extraordinary set of pecs—her pecs.

  Ricky’s muscular body reminded Meredith of Cristoval de Medina’s deliciously sexy physique, making her remember the tantalizing kitchen-table fuck that had started her day. Was that really just this morning? It seemed like a lifetime ago.

  After examining Ricky’s chest, her fingers traveled down across the washboard abs and then to the waistband of Ricky’s briefs. Swallowing hard, Meredith hooked her thumbs in the elastic and tugged down. Even limp, the size of Ricky’s equipment was enormously promising. Meredith tentatively wrapped her fingers around the dormant shaft, twisting her features with disbelief at the peculiar experience. Allowing her gaze to slowly journey from her groin, back up across her abs, to her chest and then up to Ricky’s handsome face, Meredith found herself getting turned on. This was definitely way too weird!

  Shit! The thing in her hands was swelling!

  Gasping, Meredith let loose of Ricky’s burgeoning cock as if it were a red hot steel poker and yanked the briefs back up over it, hoping that maybe it would just go away. After tugging the undershirt back down, she leaned over the sink and stared at her reflection. Yesterday afternoon she was carefully applying makeup to her feminine features and now she was eyeing her five-o’clock shadow. She shuddered.

  “Ricky? You fall asleep in there or something?” Alicia’s voice called out, breaking through Meredith’s reverie. “Come on, baby, I’m feeling lonely here without you.”

  Meredith sucked in a deep breath. If she went out there chances were that she was going to have to have sex with Alicia. Her jaw dropped in horror as she felt her cock swelling further. She shuddered again. How in the goddamned hell could she get turned on by thinking of another woman naked? She felt the torturous cock expand yet again at the thought and groaned.

  Apparently it was true—men’s cocks really do have a mind
of their own!

  If she had her druthers she’d certainly rather be fucking Ricky than Alicia. Meredith choked out laughter at that thought. Hell…in her present condition she’d be fucking herself! Of course, in order to do that she’d have to masturbate—jerk herself off.

  Ricky’s eager cock grew bigger.

  “Jeezus,” she said, looking down at the enthusiastic penis bulging in her pants, “enough already! What’s with you, anyway?”

  “If you don’t get yourself out here,” Alicia called, “I’m gonna leave and take that camera with me, Ricky, you hear? I’ll bring it downtown to your media contact myself!”

  Meredith heaved a mighty sigh. “Yeah. I’ll be right there,” she called out in her deep voice. “You can do it,” she whispered to her bizarre reflection. “Just stick that impatient thing between your legs into Alicia’s vagina and pump.” She swallowed and rolled her eyes at the ultra-weird mental image. “Remember, this is for Jack. You’ve got to do this for Jack!”

  Chapter Nine

  “That’s more like it,” Alicia said, patting the floor beside her. “Come on and sit down.” She held out a tall double-sized shot glass full of tequila as she took a long pull on the Sherlock.

  Meredith joined Alicia on the floor and tossed back the liquor in two swallows, closing her eyes as the fiery liquid coursed down her throat. God she hated tequila but she was definitely going to need a hefty dose of mind-altering assistance to get through this. Alicia shoved the pipe at Meredith. She looked at it as if it were an alien.

  “You got some really decent bud this time, Ricky. Nice and fluffy.”

  As a former goody-two-shoes, Meredith had never smoked pot before, but she’d seen it done often enough that she had a rough idea how to do it convincingly. She finally took the pipe and brought it to her lips, taking a deep drag. And then she felt Alicia’s fingers wrap around her dick.


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