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Wicked Payback

Page 15

by Daisy Dexter Dobbs

  Flitting the empty glass from her hand and off somewhere into thin air, Dev paced. “As I said earlier, Meredith, I’m truly disappointed in you. I was looking forward to having you stay on. We could be best buddies. Just like you and Karyn—except better, because I’m not dreary and tedious like your tubby dishwater-blonde friend. And look at the tantalizing opportunities I can offer you. Think about it. How many other women do you know who’ve had the chance to experience sex from a man’s point of view, hmm? Be honest now, wasn’t that fun?”

  “It was…different.” Meredith rolled her eyes at the memory, recalling how she’d just barely avoided having to eat Alicia’s pussy. “I admit that it was an eye-opener but it’s not something I’d want to repeat any time soon.”

  “Don’t you see? That’s the beauty of it, Meredith. It wouldn’t have to be anytime soon…you’d have all eternity. Ooh, here’s a thought.” Nodding in contemplation, Dev tapped her chin. “What about something like this for a change?” She gestured dramatically and an erotic scene unfolded before them. Meredith recognized her kitchen-table lover, Cristoval, herself in Ricky’s body and Alicia—all naked, moaning and writhing together. “See, this way you’d be experiencing sex while in a man’s body but with the added enjoyment of adding another sexy man to the mix. Giant turn-on, take it from me.”

  Meredith didn’t want to watch but she felt compelled to look as Ricky fucked Alicia doggy style while Alicia sucked on Cristoval’s cock and he teased her nipples. The grunting, the groaning, the facial expressions, the perceived pleasure of it all had the soft flesh between Meredith’s thighs drenching.

  “Or maybe you’d like to be in Cristoval’s body instead.” With a snap of Dev’s fingers the change took place. Now Meredith was no longer merely a voyeur, she was a participant in the action—inside of Cristoval’s body and experiencing everything he was feeling as Alicia sucked his cock. As the sensations built, Meredith found herself getting carried away with the lusty desire that coursed through the man’s system. She didn’t want this and yet she did. She struggled to bring her focus back to what was important—getting the hell out of Hell.

  “Delicious, hmm? The best of all worlds!” Dev said, beaming a bright smile. Her expression clearly suggested that she thought Meredith would share her glee at being confined together for eons, engaging in all sorts of bizarre sexual adventures.

  “Dev,” Meredith ground out, Cristoval’s body close to climax, “please put me back in my own body.”

  “A foursome, hmm? Why that’s perfect, Meredith. Now you’re getting in the spirit.”

  “No, I—”

  Before Meredith could voice her protest, Dev twirled her finger and the setting changed. Meredith found herself naked, in her own body, being sexually ministered to by Cristoval, Ricky and Alicia. Mouths on her breasts, one cock in her pussy, another in her mouth and fingers kneading her clit. As much as she didn’t want to enjoy it, it was wild, wet and wonderful. Sinfully pleasurable. Except for the fact that, with a snap of Dev’s fingers, the scenario went up in a poof of smoke…the split second before Meredith corkscrewed into a rip-roaring orgasm. Damn, that was evil.

  “And why limit it to just four?” Dev said.

  Meredith clapped her hand over Dev’s outstretched arm before she had a chance to zap up a multi-partner orgy. “No more. I appreciate the offer, Dev, but—” Dev’s hand shot up, clenching a big red stop sign and Meredith sighed.

  “All right, maybe hammering some broad with your very own ten-inch cock or participating in a multi-ménage isn’t exactly your thing—although I can’t imagine why not,” Dev said. “But that’s not your only alternative. Stay here with me, Meredith, and I’ll make every sexual fantasy you ever dreamed of come to life. Just imagine…the actual men of your innermost fantasies…” She snapped her fingers and three gorgeous, well-muscled specimens of manhood appeared. As if they’d stepped right out of Meredith’s secret fantasy life, one was garbed in a brief leather loincloth, one wore a torn T-shirt and jeans that just begged to be ripped from his hard body and the last wore sexy, chest-baring pirate gear and a patch over one eye. Meredith’s personal fantasy men—in the flesh. Their hair, eyes, features, bodies and costumes were exactly the way she’d so often pictured them as she’d pleasured herself with her fingers or a vibrator. Meredith watched them looking at her with their hungry, predatory smiles and she swallowed hard.

  “Perfect sex…” Dev said with a wave of her hand and immediately three of Meredith’s most delicious covert sex fantasies were being played out right in front of her. And there she was at the center of each mouthwatering scenario, having the most marvelously equipped and skilled lovers seeing to her every need…her every whim. Worshipping her entire body as if she were a goddess. Everything they did was perfect, exactly how she wanted it. An involuntary moan escaped Meredith’s lips. She found her gaze locked on the intensely erotic scenes and felt her knees buckle as her clit quivered and her pussy trickled.

  “Stupendous orgasms…” Dev said, gesturing with a grand flourish. Meredith’s heartbeat raced as she watched herself succumbing to the lusty bliss of pre-climax with each lover. One lover rammed his thick, long cock into her, positioning it so that each time he plunged in and out it abraded her clitoris. The second lover plunged his magnificent cock into her hard and fast while he expertly fingered her clit. The third lover pinched and plucked her rigid nipples while his teeth and tongue worked their magic on the tender, swollen nub beneath her pussy lips. And then suddenly the sensations of each orgasm transferred into Meredith’s body, so that she was not only watching but actively experiencing three separate, mind-boggling orgasms at once. Three! The passion, pain and pleasure were so intense, so all-encompassing, so jarring that Meredith screamed and fell to her knees. Her hands flew between her legs, frantically clutching at her crotch through her dress as wave after powerful wave of shuddering vibrations pulsed through her. It was too much. Inconceivable ecstasy ripped through her being with such magnitude that Meredith was certain she’d die—again. She wanted it to stop. She wanted it to last forever. Such sweet relentless torment.

  When the final quaking jolts subsided, Meredith realized she’d been crying. Tears of joy…tears of rapture and supreme sexual satisfaction.

  “And that’s just for starters,” Dev said, joining Meredith on the floor and sitting cross legged as cigarettes popped into their hands. “Stick with me and your clit will remain in a constant state of heightened quivernation. Oh…quivernation…I like that word. Don’t you? I just made it up. I’ll have to add that one to my sex dictionary. Quivernation. The state of being in continuous quivers. To quivernate.” Dev nodded, clearly quite pleased with herself.

  Feeling more limp, lethargic and sexually fulfilled than she’d ever been before, Meredith lazily studied the lighted object in her fingers. “I don’t smoke.”

  “Why? Afraid it’ll kill you?” Dev laughed. “Go ahead, darling, live dangerously. There’s nothing like a good smoke after a perfect fuck.” She drew in a deep drag and elbowed Meredith, encouraging her to follow suit. When Meredith just sat there, Dev rolled her eyes and snapped her fingers, replacing the cigarette with a candy version instead. “Guess you’ll just have to take baby steps.”

  Meredith frowned. None of this was making any sense—but then not much had since she’d fallen down that elevator shaft. That was the best damned experience she’d ever known. Not the elevator shaft—the triple orgasm. Nothing, not chocolate, not anything could ever begin to touch the unparalleled sensation of that phenomenal experience. She wanted more of it. She wanted to see her fantasy hunks in the flesh again. Touch them. Lick them. Fuck them. She wanted to spiral into…into quivernation and stay there, dying a thousand pleasurable deaths from the utter overdose of bliss.

  But this was Hell.

  And Meredith had a sneaking suspicion that there was more to life in Hell than orgasmic ecstasy and doing lunch with the Mistress of Darkness. Nope. There was a monumental catch somewhere, sh
e was sure of it. Maybe she’d be in the throes of passion with one of her fantasy hunks only to have him morph into a slimy green toad just as he was tonguing her clit. And then she’d hear Dev’s depraved cackle in the background, enjoying Meredith’s horrified reaction. Or maybe all her fantasy men would get some dreaded penis malady that turned their stunning cocks into shriveled pinto beans. Or maybe…

  “So what do you say? Is it a deal? Could you envision yourself spending an eternity ensconced in a permanent cloak of sheer sexual perfection? Having all the Belgian milk chocolate your heart desires, without ever gaining an ounce or getting zits or worrying about developing diabetes? Having the power to change your appearance any way you like—the look…the age…the shape…the height…the weight…the color. Having an unlimited stable of handsome, rigid and ready sex studs eager to satisfy your every whim? You name it and it’s yours. Whatever you wish for, whatever you yearn for…it would be yours. Just like that. All you’d have to do is to wish for it and it would become a reality.” Dev cuddled up to Meredith, squeezing her into a buddy hug.

  “This isn’t something I offer to just anyone, Meredith. A deal like this is only for the cream of the crop. Like you. I see vast potential in you, Meredith.” Dev brought her lips to Meredith’s ear and whispered, “You have the ability to rise up in the ranks of Hell and be among my inner circle. A ruler rather than a minion. All you have to do is to agree. Just say yes and it will be done.” And then her voice became even quieter as if it were a mist of thought floating across Meredith’s mind. “So easy…so perfect…so simple…you can have it all…”

  Ahhhh…such sweet, palpable temptation. Dev painted such an idyllic picture. Everything and anything that Meredith could ever desire. Maybe she could do it. Maybe whatever price she had to pay would be worth it. Sound, logical reasoning warred with lust and yearning deep in Meredith’s soul. It was almost as if she had a tiny cartoon devil whispering of untold gratification and excess in one ear and an angel whispering in the other, reminding Meredith that this was Hell. And Dev was the Devil…Satan—or his wife or whatever. And Satan was an evil trickster.

  Meredith shuddered. “And what exactly would you expect of me if I agreed to remain here, Dev? You make an eternity in Hell sound like my idea of…” By now she knew better than to say the H word. “Of the upper dominion,” she said, carefully measuring her words. “And I know it can’t be like that. Come on, Dev…what’s the catch? Because I know there is one.”

  Dev dropped her arm from Meredith’s shoulder and chuckled. With a snap of her fingers they were both sitting at a gilded mahogany desk with a sheaf of papers unfurled before them.

  “You don’t have a thing to worry about. Everything’s in the contract, Meredith. Right at the bottom in the fine print. Trust me, it’s nothing you need to bother yourself with.” A feather quill pen appeared in Meredith’s hand. “Now all I need is your signature and your new life of incalculable pleasure within this glorious domain can begin. Just a tiny prick of your finger and we’ll have all the blood we need to make your signature official.” As Dev spoke the words, Meredith felt a stinging sensation in her finger and looked down to see a trickle of blood.

  “I’m a stickler for detail,” Meredith said, flipping through the lengthy document until she reached the last several pages. “Whew, that’s an awful lot of fine print, Dev.” She squinted. “And it’s so small.” Meredith held the paper close and then again at arm’s length, trying to focus.

  “Presbyopia.” Dev shook her head and tsked. “Pity.”


  “It’s an age-associated progressive loss of focusing power,” Dev explained with a shrug. “It happens about the time people turn forty and that’s why they need reading glasses. Of course…” she studied her crimson nails and blew on them, “you won’t have to worry about that or any other age-related woes once you sign the contract.” She smiled and patted Meredith’s shoulder.

  “Mmm-hmm. Just the same, I think I’ll read it first. Can I have a magnifying glass or something?”

  Dev patted her dress, as if searching for the object. Then she opened the desk drawer and felt around inside. “Sorry, dear. Looks like I don’t have one handy. Believe me, Meredith, the fine print is nothing to worry about. Just a few teensy stipulations, that’s all. Now go ahead and sign it before the blood dries and we have to prick your finger again.”

  “Cute, Dev. Anything else I think about immediately pops into view whether I want it to or not. But when I need something to decipher miniscule writing on this contract, all of a sudden you come up empty.”

  Scratching her head, Dev chuckled a bit. “Yes, I suppose it does seem that way. As perfect as I try to make things down here, occasionally things do go awry. However, I promise you that I’ll have the person in charge of miscellaneous office supplies punished. Maybe a red-hot poker in the eye or an afternoon spent licking up excrement from my Hell hounds.” She flicked her wrist. “I’ll think of something. In the meantime, please do accept my apologies for not being able to accommodate you, Meredith. Now why don’t you sign before you give yourself a nasty case of eyestrain.”

  Meredith set the quill pen down, ignoring Dev’s insistent urgings and worked to focus. “Let’s see…non-rescindable…quota of one hundred fresh souls converted each month…” Meredith looked up at Dev who smiled innocently.

  “No big deal. It’s just that little turning-souls-to-the-dark-side thing we touched on earlier,” Dev said sweetly.

  Meredith went back to reading. “Memory of friends, family and loved ones forever erased…” Her head popped up and her eyes widened. “What does this mean?”

  Dev shrugged. “Nothing really. You’re simply no longer burdened with memories of people you knew while living on Earth, that’s all.”

  Slanting Dev a perplexed expression, Meredith asked, “You mean I won’t have any recollection of Jack or Karyn or my parents or grandparents or anyone else I ever cared about? For all eternity?”

  “Uh-huh.” Dev nodded. “Once you’re a permanent resident of Hell there’ll be plenty to keep you occupied. We don’t want you to get mired down in lovesickness or longing for past relationships. Makes things much easier that way. You’ll see.”

  “Having all thoughts of Jack obliterated…” Meredith shuddered. “Oh no. I can’t agree to that.” Without waiting for Dev’s reaction, she continued to read aloud. “Where was I? Oh yes… Deep, tender, ineffable feelings of affection and solicitude toward any person, pet or object, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of eye-catching qualities or a sense of underlying oneness—otherwise known as and henceforth referred to in this document as love—shall be excised from all residents of Hell.” After a long pause, Meredith slowly raised her head. “You don’t allow people down here to feel or experience love—is that what this means?”

  Dev laughed. “You’re looking at me as if that’s a bad thing. Love is nothing more than a weakness, a flaw of the human heart and soul. Our residents are much stronger and better adjusted because they never have to deal with the pain that love inevitably involves. Once it’s expunged from your soul you’ll never miss it. I promise you.”

  “I’d be like an empty shell,” Meredith whispered, shaking her head. “Devoid of all the characteristics that make me who I am.”

  “And then we take that empty shell and fill it with all the things that truly matter, Meredith. All of the potent qualities that will help you to succeed as a perpetual dweller of the Underworld. All extraneous concerns and interfering feelings are eradicated, leaving you free and unencumbered to focus on the primary objective—worshipping and obeying your new lord and master. Satan.” The last word hissed through Dev’s lips as if she were the cunning snake offering Eve that fateful apple.

  Meredith’s system jolted with a disquieting shudder, alerting her sluggish senses back to a state of logic and reason. How could she have been so brainless as to forget where she was and who she was conversing with? How could she have been
so weak as to have allowed herself to be tempted by Satan’s smooth-as-silk words? To consider, even for a millisecond, the prospect of signing away her soul? To live an eternity without love and without even the memory of past love would be a hell in itself. All the perfect sex she could ever imagine…but devoid of emotion or romance or love or compassion or any of the other basic feelings that made her human.

  “I think I’ll pass.”

  Dev’s face fell. She looked so lost and forlorn for a moment that Meredith thought Dev was going to cry. She almost felt sorry for her. The poor thing seemed lonely, in need of companionship. Friendship. Love. Meredith wished she could help…wished she could make Dev see the error of her ways, but—

  Snarling as she thrust her arms into the air, Dev’s expression morphed from one of human sadness to one of grotesque malevolence. Her flawless porcelain skin took on a gnarled, reddish appearance and her attractive features grew warped and hateful. And then a set of horns fully sprouted from her head while a tail slapped back and forth beneath her dress. The transformation was so alarming that Meredith felt herself tremble right down to her toes. In fact, she almost peed in her pants.

  All goody-two-shoes feelings of reaching out to help Dev find love and companionship dried up like a chunk of year-old beef jerky.

  “Fine!” Dev bellowed, blowing hot sulfur-tinged breath that blew the hair back from Meredith’s face and made her gag from the fumes. “Have it your way.” And then she grabbed Meredith by the throat, lifting her off the desk chair and into the air until her feel dangled beneath her.

  Meredith cringed as Dev’s malicious features drew closer and the putrid breath grew stronger. When Dev’s mouth opened again thick, sharp, yellowed fangs had replaced the pearly-white teeth there just a moment before. And the tongue… Meredith shivered again. It was forked, worm-gray and bubbled with what looked like pockets of pus. No doubt about it…this was, indeed, the epitome of the term scared shitless.


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