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Wicked Payback

Page 23

by Daisy Dexter Dobbs

  Jack whipped his head around to look at Meredith. “What’s going on?” he whispered cautiously.

  “You mean you can actually hear her?” Meredith asked, amazed. Jack nodded almost imperceptibly and she smiled. “It’s my guardian angel, Jack. It’s Annie!”

  “What?!” Jack shook his head. “No…no way.” He grabbed a pillow, covering his naked package, and then he slapped a couple of pillows over Meredith. With lightning speed and pillow in hand he bolted from the bed, snatched his jeans from the floor and hiked them up.

  “Okay, whoever you are,” Jack said, brandishing the nearest object he could find, which happened to be Meredith’s antique porcelain doll, “come on out where I can see you.”

  “My hero.” Meredith slapped her hand over her mouth, struck mightily with an untimely case of the giggles as she watched her big brave man shaking her doll in the air as if to warn off the fiercest intruders. At the same time the room reverberated with Annie’s tittering.

  Jack cast Meredith a sharp look of annoyance. “What in the goddamn hell is so funny?” he barked.

  “Ooh,” Meredith warned, waving her finger at him. “I’d watch my language if I were you, Jack. And, um…if you’re intent on fulfilling the role of my protector, I kind of doubt that Elizabeth is going to scare anyone off.”

  “Elizabeth?” Jack looked clueless.

  Meredith cleared her throat and gestured to the doll Jack held aloft. “Elizabeth,” she repeated, nodding.

  With a sidelong glance, Jack realized what he was holding, rolled his eyes and groaned before tossing the doll back to the chair.

  “Neither you nor Meredith have nothing to fear from me, Jack,” Annie’s disembodied voice said. “Guardian angels protect, they don’t harm.

  “Karyn,” Jack said through gritted teeth, swinging his head left and right so fast he looked like a wind-up toy, “if this is your idea of a joke it’s not funny.”

  Annie’s transparent form shimmered before them. “I’m real, Jack. I’m here because Meredith sent up a prayer. She needed me. And you’re seeing and hearing me right now because you need to believe.” And then she spread her wings in all their angelic glory.

  Jack stood drop-jawed. “Holy fuc—”

  “I’d advise you to listen to Meredith,” Annie said, wagging a chastising finger, “and watch your language, young man.” She chuckled.

  “Who…what…?” Jack stepped closer, hand outstretched and gingerly waving horizontally through the ghostly vision. “No…this just isn’t possible,” Jack said, grasping at air. And that’s when Annie walked right through him.

  “Shit! Shit! Shit!” Looking at his body in disbelief, Jack shivered before scrambling to the bed, jumping in beside Meredith and yanking her into his arms. “An angel,” he sputtered, pointing frantically at Annie. “She’s an angel!”

  “Calm down, my big strong he-man.” Meredith smoothed her hand over his shoulder and kissed his cheek. “I’ll protect you.”

  “Meredith!” he warned.

  “Sorry, I couldn’t resist.” She kissed the tip of his nose. “As for Annie,” Meredith gestured toward her guardian angel, “that’s what I’ve been trying to tell you all along, Jack. But you wouldn’t believe me.” She shrugged.

  Jack shifted his gaze from Meredith to Annie and back again. And then he shook his head as if trying to clear it. “An angel,” he mumbled several times with varying intonation. “I’m sorry, Meredith,” he said, cupping her face. “I promise never to doubt you ever again.”

  “My time here is short, children,” Annie said. “So we’d best get down to business.” Jack and Meredith dutifully nodded. “This is a special one-time-only visitation. While I’ll always hear your prayers, don’t expect me to be popping in and out of your lives in the future.” She winked. “Jack, dear, be comforted in the certainty that Meredith was correct. Love never dies. The two of you will have many long, happy years together before either of you need be concerned about dying.” Annie perched her ample fanny on the edge of the bed. “Now, does that make you feel better, Jack?”

  Wide-eyed, Jack nodded. “Yes, ma’am.”

  That got a laugh out of both Annie and Meredith.

  “Good. Neither of you will fully remember that I was here but you’ll both keep the knowledge of my message in your hearts after I leave and that will bring you peace when you need to draw upon it.”

  “So,” Jack said tentatively, “after we die we’ll be together again up in heaven, right? I mean, I guess since angels are real that means heaven is too…right?” He shook his head. “I can’t believe I’m even having this conversation,” he muttered, half chuckling to himself.

  “There is a heaven, indeed. But,” Annie cautioned with a raised finger, “there is also a hell. As of now neither of you is in danger of going there but don’t get too complacent and overconfident. Always be on your guard to avoid the palpable temptation to do wrong. That’s what Dev waits for and then,” she clapped her hands together with a thunderous whap, “she’s got you in her clutches, right where she wants you. Isn’t that right, Meredith?”

  With a sharp intake of breath, Meredith shuddered at the memory. “Yes. And I will never, ever do anything that foolish again. Trust me.”

  “Do what?” Jack asked, searching Meredith’s eyes. “What are you talking about?”

  Annie huffed, waving a dismissive hand. “She’s referring to the whole unfortunate sock-puppet fiasco,” she said matter-of-factly.

  Jack’s jaw dropped in an incredulous expression and Meredith suspected he was actually blushing. “You were sent to Hell for that?”

  Meredith patted his knee. “It’s a long story. We’ll talk about it later.”

  Annie gazed warmly at her charge. “You’ve always wanted a child, my dear.”

  “Yes.” An unexpected tear trickled down Meredith’s cheek as she nodded. “We both did.” She held Jack’s hand, squeezing tight.

  “We kept trying,” Jack added, smoothing his fingers over Meredith’s, “starting on that first wedding night but we weren’t able to have any.”

  “Life grows within you as we speak, Meredith,” Annie said, extending her hand palm up toward Meredith’s stomach.

  “You mean…?” Meredith squeaked, clapping a hand over the pillow covering her belly. “I’m pregnant?”

  “A baby?” Jack said with reverence. “We’re going to have a baby?”

  Annie smiled and nodded. Jack and Meredith exchanged gasps of amazement before falling into each other’s arms and embracing.

  “Twins. One boy and one girl. Conceived with great passion and in a moment of true unselfish love,” Annie said. “Just a few moments ago, in fact,” she added in way of explanation.

  “Twins…” Meredith grinned. “I always dreamed of having twins.” She frowned then. “But, Annie, I’m forty,” she noted, her face etched with concern. “Isn’t that too old?”

  “Bosh.” Frowning, Annie waved her hand through the air. “Of course not. I had the first of six babies when I was just your age. This child will keep you young and young at heart. And you will both remain on this plane long enough to welcome each of your grandchildren into this world.”

  “We’ll get married tomorrow,” Jack announced excitedly.

  “We can’t, Jack. Not tomorrow.”

  Jack looked stricken. “Why not? You have to marry me, Meredith. Our babies need their father and mother together. Please say you’ll be my wife…” now he definitely blushed, “again.”

  Meredith chuckled. “How can I refuse? After all, they say the third time’s a charm.” She winked. “But not tomorrow. I want to wait until Karyn is here so she can be my maid of honor.” And then she laughed. “For the third time.”

  Jack expelled a sigh of relief. “Sure, sweetheart.”

  “You’ll be standing up for her next,” Annie announced.

  Meredith slanted her a befuddled look. “Karyn? Karyn’s getting married?” Annie nodded and Meredith squealed with delight. “Oh
that’s wonderful! But to who? When?”

  “She’s with her intended soulmate as we speak,” Annie said, breaking into a wide grin.

  “Cristoval?” Meredith asked with incredulity.

  “The exterminator kid?” Jack followed.

  “They are destined for each other.” Annie nodded. “Cristoval de Medina is a good man. He’ll cherish Karyn always. He will become an integral part of Abundant Finds and of your foundation as one of the model spokesmen or, to borrow Karyn’s term, beefy young hunks.” Annie paused, nodding and smiling at the looks of wonder on Jack’s and Meredith’s faces. “The de Medina and the McKenna children will grow up together.”

  Jack slapped his knee. “Well, I’ll be dam—”

  Annie clapped her hands together again and the room vibrated. “Uh-uh,” she warned. “Be very careful what you wish for, young man. And watch that language when you’re in the presence of an angel.”

  “Sorry,” Jack said. “What I meant to say was, golly! Gee whiz that’s great!” He laughed and Annie and Meredith joined in.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever been happier than I am at this very moment,” Meredith breathed a sigh of perfect contentment. “I’m with the man I love. We’re going to have the family we always dreamed about. My…” she looked at Jack and smiled, “our best friend has found her soulmate. And,” she grasped both of Jack’s hands and squeezed tight, “now Jack and I both know that we’ll be together forever.”

  “I agree,” Jack said. “I’ve never been happier. I love you with all of my heart and soul, Meredith. I couldn’t possibly love you any more if I tried.” He cupped Meredith’s face in his hands and kissed her. It was a sweet, tender kiss full of love and promise that said more than words could ever convey.

  Annie got up from the bed, gracing the pair with a genuine smile that warmed their hearts. “Good.” She nodded. “Then my work here is done.” She started to fade.

  “Thank you, Annie,” Meredith whispered.

  “Yes, thank you,” Jack echoed. “For everything.”

  “Be good to each other always, children,” Annie called as she grew fainter. “You can both call on me anytime you need me and I’ll answer directly to your hearts.”

  Before she fully disappeared, Annie waved her hand over Jack and Meredith and they both fell into a deep, restful slumber.

  And then Annie and the lavender light that preceded her were gone.


  “Look at them all snuggled together. Have you ever seen anything more pathetic? It won’t last. He’ll cheat on her again. You’ll see.”

  “Nonsense, Dev,” Annie said. “He’ll never risk losing her again, I guarantee it.”

  “Baloney, Annie. Once their little twin brats are born and he’s had a taste of diaper changing and middle-of-the-night bottle feedings that meat-missile of his will be itching to zero in on a fresh new target.”

  Annie sighed. “As usual, Dev, you’re crass, crude and indubitably wrong. Not to mention being a sore loser. Jack and Meredith are under my protection so don’t even think about trying to work your wicked ways with them or any of their offspring, you hear me?”

  Now it was Dev’s turn to sigh. “Spoil sport.”

  “Don’t you have some coal that needs tending to? Why don’t you stop annoying me and go back to your catacombs?”

  Dev cackled. “You think you’re such a smarty-pants, don’t you? Well, I’ve got news for you, Annie. The next case on file won’t be nearly as cut and dried as this one.”

  “Is that so?” Annie said with indifference.

  “Yup. Because this time the soul in question is not, was not and never will be a goody-two-shoes. Mine,” she said with glee. “All mine!”

  “I’ve always enjoyed a challenge,” Annie said with enthusiasm. “Bring it on.”

  About the Author

  Imagine frantically trying to file your way out of a locked bathroom door with a teeny nail file, dressed in nothing but a too-small towel while you’re waiting for a real estate agent and a family with three small kids to arrive for a showing of your house.

  Okay, now picture the contents of a box of just-delivered sex toys (purely for research purposes, you understand) strewn on the bed just outside the same locked bathroom door.

  Welcome to the madcap real world of award-winning author Daisy Dexter Dobbs.

  With her works hailed as the best in screwball romantic comedy, Daisy firmly believes in the healing power of love and laughter, although she’s quick to disavow any notion that the often hilarious foibles and mishaps that frequently happen to befall her have any connection whatsoever with the zany predicaments of the characters in her romantic comedy novels.

  Uh-huh. Right.

  A Chicago native, Daisy now lives in the Pacific Northwest. She is happily married to her high school sweetheart, and has one child.

  Daisy welcomes mail from readers. You can write to her c/o Ellora’s Cave Publishing at 1056 Home Avenue, Akron OH 44310-3502.

  Also by Daisy Dexter Dobbs

  Caroline’s Christmas Viking

  Polly’s Perilous Pleasures

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