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Filthy Lies_An Interracial Erotic Romance

Page 8

by Kenya Wright


  I rammed my cock into her.

  She shrieked.

  “Shhh.” I smacked that pale plump ass, loving the way it jiggled. “Maybe, one day Logan and I can make that happen.”

  I dove my cock deep into her. “You would like that huh? Him shoving his cock into your mouth while I pounded you from behind?”

  “Oh yes,” she moaned.

  “You can’t get enough?”

  “No, I can’t.”

  “Because you’re a little slut.”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  “You’re my little slut, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, Daddy, all yours.”

  I came so hard in pure violence, spurting all over her. Too drunk, I hadn’t even worn a condom. Part of me didn’t care. Mia had some fucking nerve falling asleep in Logan’s arms when I’d brought her there. It was so disrespectful. I came hard, filled the little lonely slut up and hoped she wouldn’t feel so empty anymore.

  “Yeah.” I growled as I rammed into her one more time. “Fuck.”

  I pulled out and blew out a long breath. “Goddamn, your pussy is magic.”

  For a few seconds, the world spun around me. I had to breathe in and out to get control of my balance. I would’ve lain down on the bed next to her, but I knew I’d pass out and that was the last thing I wanted to do.

  I’m not done with Mia yet. She doesn’t need to find me in here with her best friend.

  “Shit. That was good.” I backed away and yanked up my jeans and boxer briefs, not even wasting time to clean up. I had to get out of there.

  Ashley turned around and sat on the bed. “Umm.”

  “Did you come?”

  She glared at me. “No, and what are you doing?”

  I zipped up my pants and then buttoned the top. “I’ll take care of you next time.”

  “What? Next time? There won’t be a—”

  “Yes, it will.” I picked up her panties and handed them to her. “I would finish you off, but Mia might wake up. If she does, I’ll make her suck my cock and lick your juices off it. Would you like that?”

  She frowned and said nothing.

  What’s wrong? Feeling lonely again?

  I targeted her with my gaze. “Tell me, don’t you like the idea of Mia licking your juices off me?”

  “Why do you have to go now?”

  “I don’t want to get caught. This is too much fun.”

  She blinked. “We can’t do this again.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because it’s wrong.”

  “It was already wrong, and we did it. What will change one or two times of us doing it? Either way, if Mia found out she would be mad no matter how many times we did it.”


  “I need you, Ashley. I’m...feeling you. Tell me we can do this again? Please.”

  She bit her bottom lip.

  “It won’t be like this forever.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked.

  “Let’s see where this goes...while I try to end it with Mia.”

  She turned to the door and stared at it, before nodding.

  “For now, this stays between us.”

  She hugged herself. “Okay.”

  “I will call you when we get back. You can guarantee that.”

  Her expression brightened.

  “Already, you’ve got my head spinning,” I lied. “It’s like...I’ve never known about sex, until I made love to you.” I made a big show of hearing something. “You heard that?”

  “No.” She hurried and grabbed her dress. “Do you think they’re up? Do you think they heard?”

  “Don’t worry. Clean yourself up. I’ll check.” I headed out of there and didn’t smile until the cabin door closed behind me.

  On deck, the wind had picked up. The dark sky held no more fireworks, and Logan remained holding Mia in his arms. In fact, Mia looked too damn cozy as she slept. Logan continued to watch her like a psycho.

  Yeah. I’m not done with Mia yet.

  Right when I was about to wake them up, I noticed Mia jerked her eyes open. I stepped back into the shadows and watched.

  Let’s see if you’re as dirty as Ashley said you were.

  Mia realized that she was lying against Logan. She looked up and had to notice that he gazed back at her. Logan must’ve been happy. How long had he waited for her to wake up? How long had he been trying to sneak a kiss behind my back?

  Their faces were barely three inches from each other.

  “We fell asleep,” she whispered.

  “We did.” Logan leaned in as if to kiss her.

  I formed my fingers, ready to punch the shit out of him. I didn’t care if it was his boat. At some point, I wasn’t going to let him disrespect me.

  Right when Logan moved in another inch, Mia edged away and left his arms.

  Good girl.

  She cleared her throat. “I should go check on Tyson.”

  Defeated, Logan didn’t even look at her. “Okay.”

  She walked off, headed to the stairwell, and I remained in the shadows. She rushed past me and went down the stairs. I couldn’t help it as I moved out of the shadows and watched Logan sit there stunned on the deck.

  You can’t have them all, man.

  “Fuck.” Logan ran his fingers through his head and leaned back in the lounge chair. “Fuck. Why did I do that?”

  This whole Mia thing might be fun after all.

  She’d been dragging me on the fucking, never letting me come to her apartment or put my hands in her jeans. One would’ve thought we were in high school. I’d been ready to break it off once I picked her up this morning and she had those ugly ass braids on her head.

  But Logan’s pissed off look right now is fucking priceless. Thanks, bro. Mia can stay around for a few weeks more.

  He had it all—the American Boy looks, the money, and loving family. Even though his parents died early, they still loved him more than mine did. He’d been given it all without working for one damn thing.

  Well, you won’t get Mia. And trust me, asshole, I’m going to rub your face in it, every damn minute.

  Chapter 8


  Filthy bastard.

  Logan shut Tyson’s notebook right as the waitress set our waters down.

  “Are you ready to order?” she asked.

  I shook my head. “No, I’m not hungry.”

  Logan nodded. “Me either.”

  “Okay. Signal me, if you two get hungry.” The waitress left.

  Logan handed the notebook back to me. “There you go. I’m going to kill Tyson and hide his body.”

  “He’s disgusting.”

  “Apparently.” He reached his hand over the table and covered mine. “I’m sorry. You don’t deserve this bullshit. They’re both two miserable, sad people.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Damn, Mia. I’m really sorry.”

  “Don’t apologize.” I gave him a half smile. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “I know. I’m just saying sorry for all men.”

  “My hope is that Tyson is not all men.”


  “But, thanks anyway, and I’m sorry about ruining your day.”

  “You didn’t ruin it. We bought the books before they sold out.” He leaned back in his chair. “We drank a little Oxi which is probably why I’m still riding a sugar rush. I even got to dance with you and show off my fabulous moves to the world.”

  A chuckle left my mouth. I’d been trying to remain upset, but it was hard when Logan was the best at cheering me up.

  But then, anger decorated Logan’s face, and the sweet guy transformed into a cold killer. His gaze held an edge as he formed his hands into fists. “And now, I get to take out violence on my ex-best friend who’s been a filthy bastard around my sisters and mistreated my...” he cleared his throat. “And mistreated my best friend.”

  I wondered what he was going to say instead, but then my p
hone buzzed. I pulled it out and checked the screen. Tyson had texted.

  Tyson: Sorry about the double shift tonight, baby. I’ll be in late. We can have that talk in the morning.

  Fuck that. You’re just stalling. My brother was right.

  I texted him back.

  Me: There’s no need for conversation. Take a break from work, get your stuff out of my house, and leave the keys in the mailbox. TONIGHT! If not, they’ll be on the sidewalk. I’m done.

  Tyson: Why? You can’t just kick me out like that. You must give me at least a week notice or something. What happened, baby? I love you.

  Really? Do you even know what love is?

  Frowning, I typed fast into my phone.

  Me: You have until nine tonight to get your stuff or it’s going on the street.


  I shut off my phone. It didn’t matter what his response was. His crap—those boxes of sneakers and junk—would finally be out of my place. I’d let him stay with me for two weeks due to him mourning a make-believe aunt. Sometimes it didn’t pay to be nice. It had been a hard lesson learned.

  I would play the fool no more.

  Concern covered Logan’s face. “Was that Tyson?”

  “Yes. I told him we were done and to get his stuff by nine tonight or it would be on the curb.”

  “Good.” He nodded. “You can stay with me until then or I can go over there and wait with you—”

  “No, I’m fine. You already had plans.”

  “They weren’t plans and this is more important. After reading that stuff, I don’t even know who Tyson is. I want to make sure he doesn’t bother you or try something stupid.”

  “Don’t worry. My brother will be there.”

  “Are you sure?” he asked.

  “Yes.” I turned my phone back on. “I’ll text him now to make sure.”


  We didn’t even order. The notebook had ruined both of our appetites. I messaged my brother and he was happy to come on over to my place and wait for Tyson to show up. After hearing about the notebook and its contents, he was happy to deliver Tyson’s stuff to him, possibly shoving some of the shoe boxes up his ass.

  We left the café in silence. When we entered the car, Logan took his book out and gave me the bag.

  It sucked that Tyson had ruined the day, or more like I’d let him ruin it. I vowed that any other time I hung out with Logan, I would stay in the moment and just enjoy my time with him. If anything, regardless of Tyson’s deceit, I’d gained a good friend. Unlike Tyson, I trusted Logan and never got an icky feeling around him. If anything, I remained comfortable and enjoying myself.

  I’ll never second guess my gut again.

  Logan dropped me off at my apartment and walked me inside, checking the area like Tyson was in there hiding and waiting to jump out.

  I smiled. “You don’t have to do that.”

  “Tyson’s been full of surprises.” He checked the bedroom, even glancing under the bed and in the closet. “I don’t want you to have anymore.”

  “All clear?”

  He left my bedroom, ducked his head in the kitchen, and checked the living room. “Yeah. All clear.”


  “If Tyson arrives before your brother, call me. I don’t want him here without another man around.”

  I started to speak, but he cut me off.

  “Mia, I’m not saying you can’t handle yourself. I’m just saying that he’s proven to be a slime ball with his own words. Who knows what he would do when pushed into a tight corner? He’d probably been planning on staying with you for a while—rent free.”

  “Well, now he can go stay in Ashley’s little messy studio.”

  Silence hit us for a minute.

  And then he slowly walked to the door. “I’m sorry about Ashley too. You’ve lost a boyfriend and a friend today.”

  “After what we read, neither was ever a boyfriend or friend.” I opened the door. “It’s good that I found out now, instead of later.”

  Logan stood in my doorway, towering over me. I thought about the things that Tyson had said in his book—the way Logan wanted me, the way he looked at me. Was it all true? I’d felt this insane pull towards Logan the very second I’d met him, but Tyson had shown interest while Logan had gone off to talk to Ashley.

  Still, I could never ignore that pull between us, no matter how much I tried.

  The more I hung around Logan, the more I found we had the same things in common from books to foods, our love for travel, and this insane passion to just learn crazy shit. We were always yapping away about this or that interesting article online—how NASA had found a new planet, how Japan had opened cuddle bars where people paid to be held, and even the state of our political system in America remained a huge topic we debated on.

  His gaze rested on me and I felt safe. His deep voice passed between those sexy lips. “I want to stay and make sure you’re good to go for this evening.”

  No. You unbalance me. I wouldn’t be able to think with you alone and in my apartment...and me...wanting revenge...and to stop feeling so...used.

  I almost said yes, but then like a coward I shook my head. “No. My brother texted me back when we were in the car. He’ll be here in twenty minutes.”

  “I could wait until he arrived.”

  “No, Mr. Knight in Shining Armor. I’m good. Besides, with my brother’s mood, he’ll be in super protective mode. After a break up like this, he treats me like a crime scene, taping me off so no one can disturb the evidence, hovering over me as if analyzing the mystery.”

  Logan smirked. “And does he ever find his killer?”

  “Always, which is why I also call my savings account, Rob’s bail money.”

  “Well, you won’t need any bail money tonight. Something goes wrong, call me no matter what.”

  I saluted. “Yes, sir.”

  “I’m serious.”


  He studied my face and let out a long breath.


  That concern deepened on his face. “Do you need a hug?”

  “What? No. I’m a warrior, Logan. I’ll see you later.”

  “Hey, it’s okay to admit you need a hug.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Okay.” He backed out of the door a little. “Oh yeah, don’t read the Kingmaker until you tell me. We’re synchronizing pages.”

  “Of course, we are, because that isn’t weird at all.”

  “It isn’t.” He winked at me. “Besides, whenever you read ahead, you spoil the book.”

  “I don’t.”

  He batted his eyes and impersonated me. “Oh, Logan, wait until you get to chapter five. I can’t believe they killed him off. Oh God, did you get to chapter ten? That twist with the mother being the killer came out of nowhere.”

  “Lies. These are all lies.”

  He pointed at me. “If you spoil this book for me, I will never forgive you.”

  “Fine. I’ll let you know the moment I start, and I will keep silent.”

  “Promise.” He extended his hand and showed me his pinky.

  “Oh God.” I wrapped my pinky around his. “Yes, I promise.”

  And then he hit me with that heated gaze, the one I thought I’d imagined, the one that Tyson had clearly seen him do many times and had described in his notebook.

  What is he doing?

  Confusion hit me as he bent toward me. My breath lodged in my throat. My chest tightened in anticipation.

  He’s going to kiss me.

  Shocked, I drew in a breath, and the sound made him blink as if he hadn’t realized what he was doing either. Part of me shifted to relief. The other was a little disappointed.

  He froze and shifted his posture, reaching out to give me a bear hug instead. “I don’t care if you don’t need one, I’m hugging you anyway.”

  Logan let go of my pinky and pulled me into his arms. I melted right there in his hold. He rubbed my back with his hands,
stopped, and then held me closer, encasing me in hard muscle. His warm breath brushed on the pulse of my neck.

  Damn. I did need this.

  He smelled like the sun and an earthy, masculine musk. I wanted this whole situation to disappear and just escape with him. But he was also Tyson’s friend, not that I cared about hurting my ex’s feelings right now. But I had to deal with this mess first before rushing to savor someone else’s arms.

  He lowered his voice and whispered in my ears, “Stay safe, Mia.”

  He released his grip, then brushed my hair back from my face.

  It was so tender I almost begged him to kiss me. “I will.”

  He let me go and I instantly felt lost without him.

  “Call me, if you need me,” he said.


  I watched him walk off. That muscled ass of his shifted in those snug jeans and for a few seconds, I almost screamed for him to come back. Instead, I shut the door.

  When Tyson came, it wouldn’t be pretty. I was going to curse him the hell out, rip another asshole with my words. I didn’t want Logan to see that side of me, the part of me that lost control.

  I headed to the side of my living room that I’d designated my office and turned on my laptop. Before getting to today’s wedding cake, I had invoices to file and send to my suppliers. I also needed to order more pastry bags, cake boxes, liners, and paper dollies. I’d been running low and didn’t want to be caught off guard in the middle of the busy weeks ahead.

  Too bad, I couldn’t get my mind off Tyson and his damn notebooks. I’d only read ten pages of the first notebook and he’d disrespected me more than any man had, and Ashley had helped him. What else had they done?

  He’s been a fraud this whole time, and she’s been a lying, backstabbing friend.

  He’d lied about his dead aunt. One...she wasn’t dead and two...she didn’t even exist. What else did he lie about? What else did he do to me?

  My throat swelled as I fought back tears. Tyson wasn’t worth crying over and tears never fixed anything, but still, they fell. I wiped them away, feeling like an emotional wreck. I blamed Logan and his sweet hug. That show of affection rattled me. After reading up on Tyson, I wanted to hate all men, but there Logan stood in front of me, offering only to protect and be there for me.

  I wasted so much time with Tyson. What was that all about? Why did I stay for so long?


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