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Apocalypse Empire (Book 1): Apocalypse Origins

Page 30

by R. A. Neely

  "Shut up, Roland!" David yelled. Roland cut off mid-sentence, surprised at David's outburst. "I'm sorry," he said looking at Greg. "Roland's an idiot. He's so used to being able to throw money around that he doesn't know when to be quiet."

  Greg waved his hand dismissively, putting the matter from his mind. "You asked what you can do," he said looking at Brian. "Simply put, I want your town. It'll become my capital. I want you to sell the idea to your people. I'll need men to swell my army as well as help with rebuilding. Everyone will be put to work."

  "I see," Brian said thoughtfully. Not that there was much for him to think about. Agreeing to the terms kept his people safe. "I agree to your terms."

  "Thank you," Greg replied, "I mean that."

  "Thank you," Brian replied. "I know how this could have gone. So what happens now?"

  "Break the news to your people tonight? I'll give you all day tomorrow to get them used to the idea. The following day we'll having a ceremony where you officially hand over the city and take the oath."

  "The oath?" Brian asked.

  Greg nodded. "Remember the pledge of allegiance as a kid? Same thing, only to Gregoria and myself as its head."

  "Alright, I understand. After that, we'll have a feast. Assuming the hunt goes well everyone should get a chance at some fresh meat."

  "That'll help the sell for anyone that has a problem," Brian said. "We've been eating out of cans these last few weeks."

  Greg nodded, "That was the idea. I'm gonna tell you what we're up against. After I do that, you can tell me if you want to keep your job or not." At Brian's nod Greg proceeded to tell him about Dray and his plans for conquest. Brian listened intently, amazed that one man could be responsible for so much destruction.

  "These are my people," Brian said when Greg was finished. "I want to help however I can."

  "It's gonna be hard work getting order established," Greg said. "I'll be out bringing others into our fold and building alliances with those I can't. I'll need you to run the city. You'll report to Carol when I'm not here. We'll go over the details later, I just wanted to give you an idea of what we're up against."

  Brian nodded and the group made small talk for a bit before breaking up for the night. As they were leaving, Greg pulled Brian aside. "Tell me about Roland," he asked once they were alone.

  "He's wealthy," Brian said, "well he was before the power went out anyway. He's used to getting what he wants. He's been bossing everyone around in Lakeside for years."

  "Does he do anything? I'm wondering if you need him to run the city."

  "Our bylaws required us to vote on certain things and he was there for that. He had a lot of influence over what happened but he isn't essential for anything."

  Greg nodded, "I thought as much. How much influence does he have over the people?"

  "Everyone knew he was the reason our town was staying afloat. He'd always be sure to point that out if someone disagreed with him over something. No one actually likes him though."

  "Good," Greg replied. "I'll be removing him from office. I won't have someone like that making decisions solely for their own profit. I'll get rid of all the trustees actually. You won't have to worry about votes to get things done. If you need something we'll make it happen."

  Brian nodded, "I think this is gonna work out just fine," he said as he extended his hand.

  Greg took it in a firm grasp. "It will. We're gonna build something great here. I'm glad you're gonna be a part of it."

  That evening, Brian called a town meeting. He wanted to make sure everyone was there so he'd had David and his deputies go door to door of the remaining citizens to make sure no one was left behind. To his surprise, the people took the announcement well. Brian wondered if it was the promised feast which implied that there could be food like that on a regular basis. He also thought it might be the idea of security, someone that was willing to tell them what to do. Everything had been so uncertain when the infected showed up. They'd only seen one or two but there were just so many questions. Most of their town hadn't come home from work that night and there wasn't any news from the government. They'd just been surviving, hoping that their loved ones were alright and that someone would tell them what was going on.

  During the dinner last night Brian had learned the extent of the destruction unleashed by the infected. Greg called it the Collapse for good reason. Brian couldn't even wrap his mind around how many people had been killed. And to think, all this had been unleashed by the twisted ambition of one man. Greg had his loyalty. The government had failed them. It was either unable to help or had abandoned them entirely. He had no problem giving him his oath.


  Greg watched silently as the next group of guards came to stand before them. "I pledge my loyalty to Gregoria and her people," they began in unison. "I will serve with honor and integrity."

  They had already taken the oath Lakeside would be performing in the morning. James had thought that the guards should have a separate oath so here they were. It was after midnight and he wanted nothing more to be in his bed but they decided to get all the guards sworn in before the ceremony.

  "I will uphold her laws," they continued. Greg was amazed that they had come so far. To think, they started out as nothing more than a desperate group of survivors and now they were their own people. Lakeside was just the first step. In a day or two, he'd send out the scouts to look for more survivors. He'd unite whoever remained so they could stand against Dray's plans for conquest.

  "Though it cost me my life, I will defend her from her enemies." Greg smiled as the men continued their oath. They'd started out so small, no they had an army.

  "I will not falter, I will not fear, her enemies will fear my roar."


  Reed looked out the window as they sped through the Wisconsin countryside. They were just a few hours out from his new city. One of Dray's men had contacted him with the coordinates early this morning. Dray was a fool for giving him a new base of operations. Reed would rebuild his forces and take the tower from him. Emerald Falls was the true center of power and he had no doubt this had been part of Dray's plan. The man had probably hoped that he would have been killed by the unchecked spread of the infected but Reed would show him. He'd come out on top and rule from the Emerald Tower himself.

  His suv pulled to a stop and Reed exited the vehicle. There caravan was a sight to see. There were nearly forty identical suvs, each of them filled with loyal men. He was handed a pair of binoculars and brought them to his eyes. His new home sprang into view and he had to admit he was disappointed. He'd been expecting a moderately sized town at least, not some backwater. Yet further insult by Dray but that was alright. He'd make this work.

  "How's it look?" he asked the man standing next to him.

  "We're not seeing a lot of movement at the moment. I'd guess that most of them are holed up in the town. We did notice some tents to the south though. We should probably do some recon to make sure we have an accurate count of their numbers."

  Dray's man had told them they had a fighting force of approximately one hundred men. He had twice that plus his men were some of the best the world had to offer. "We're dealing with a group of survivors, not a trained military force. I sincerely doubt they're any match for us."

  "Of course sir," the man replied.

  Reed nodded, "Let's move, we've got a town to take."


  Greg walked down the street at the head of his Gregorian Guard. Directly behind him walked James and Jackson. Behind them, the Gregorian Guard walked three abreast. Greg was sure they had to cut a dashing image, each of them in the colors of the guard. He saw that many of Lakeside's citizens were on either side of the street and was pleased that Brian had done his part. Fathers held children on their shoulders who waved enthusiastically and even the adults seemed to be pleased. Greg chuckled to himself. Maybe they were just happy about the promised feast. They reached the center of town and the procession came to a halt.

p; Greg stepped forward and moved to stand in front of Brian. He'd officially hand over the town now and they'd then start preparations for the feast. At this moment his hunters were out scouring the woods for game. He had no doubt Byron would at least be successful but hope the other hunters would be as well. After all, he had promised everyone fresh meat.

  "Sir! Sir!" Greg looked towards the source of the shout and saw a guard running full speed towards them. The guard came to a stop and bent over as he pulled in lungfuls of air.

  "What happened?" Greg asked.

  "," he managed to gasp out between breaths.

  Greg frowned, "Why didn't you use the walkie? James asked. "We could have already been on our way."

  "Tyler thought...they might...hear us."

  Greg glanced at James, "New recruit," he replied. "Pretty talented."

  Greg nodded, "Where are they coming from?"

  "From the west. Tyler and...the others are trying to slow them down." The guard stood up straight, recovered enough that his breathing was no longer affected.

  He'd have to meet this Tyler. Greg looked at the guard they had assembled. They were about one hundred and fifty according to James. The rest were either on patrol or guarding the camp.

  "Did you manage to get a head count?" he asked.

  "Tyler said there looked to be about two hundred."

  "Should I call in the other patrols?" James asked.

  Greg thought for a moment. He'd have to leave some men here to guard the town. That would put them down even further but it couldn't be helped. He also doubted there was enough time to call in the other patrols. There was also the possibility that they just weren't being attacked from one direction. No, it was too risky to call in the other patrols.

  "No, there might be others. We'll have to make this work. Brian!"

  "Yes?" Brian asked.

  "Let's get everyone inside. Down into basements if you have them. Jackson, pick some men to remain behind, just in case."

  Jackson nodded and walked down the line, pulling a man here and there. "You're going?" Brian asked.

  "Of course," Greg replied. "I won't stay behind while my men go to fight."

  In that moment he won Brian's loyalty. This man wasn't some bandit looking to gain power. He genuinely cared about his people. "Be careful, sir," Brian said. "We'll hold it down here."

  Greg nodded and turned back towards the messenger. "Can you make the run back?"

  The man nodded vigorously, "Wouldn't miss it, sir."

  Greg nodded, "Good man. James, let's go."

  James nodded, "Alright! Someone's attacking our new home. Let's show 'em what we can do. Remember your training. Lion Guard, form up!"

  Greg glanced towards James with a raised eyebrow. "It seemed appropriate," he replied with a grin.

  Greg chuckled as a dozen men broke from the line and moved to surround him. "Alright, let's move!"

  They took off and set a hard pace. Fortunately, a significant portion of their krav maga training was conditioning. Otherwise, they would've arrived winded and been of no use to anyone. They covered distance quickly and a few minutes later they entered a forested area. Greg called a halt and looked around. It looked like the trees would provide adequate cover here. This was probably the best that they could hope for given that they were outnumbered.

  "Alright, let's set up here." he said.


  Tyler Marlin leaned around the tree and squeezed off a few shots. Turning around he sprinted towards the town and hoped no one would get off a lucky shot. He weaved in out and the trees hoping they would block any shots that managed to get close. He slid to a stop behind another tree and squeezed off a few more shots then took off running again. He doubted that he'd scored any kills but this was the only way he could think of to slow their advance. Shots sounded from either side of him and he knew that the fellow members of his patrol were doing the same. He hoped they all made it through this. He took a deep breath, time to move again.


  Greg peeked around the tree and saw a guard running towards his position. Greg leaned out a bit and made eye contact before returning to his position. The man slid to a stop next to him and Greg pointed to a nearby tree. The man nodded his understanding and took position. Greg heard a few more shots and then silence.

  "Keep an eye out!" someone called. "He couldn't have gone far."

  Greg kept perfectly still and hoped his men were doing the same. As the sound of their footsteps neared him he quietly moved around the tree so he wouldn't be seen. He risked a look out and saw a large group of men, all dressed in military gear. He waited a few moments until the bulk of the group was in front of him and then opened fire. At his signal, the rest of his mean leaned out of cover and did the same. Dozens of men dropped in the first volley and were soon joined by their fellows as Greg and his men continued firing. Maybe he'd feel bad about this later, it couldn't even be called a battle.

  Men threw themselves to the ground in hopes of being spared and just like that, it was over. "We surrender!" one of them called out. "Don't shoot!"

  "Throw us your weapons!" Greg shouted.

  The survivors hurriedly complied and a pile of weaponry was soon formed. Greg looked at the pile from his position and saw rifles, sidearms, and other items he couldn't quite make out from this distance.

  "On your knees, hands behind your head," he called.

  The men complied and Greg and his men left cover, weapons aimed at their targets.

  "Who's in charge?" Greg asked.

  "I am," a man replied. Greg looked and saw a man that appeared to be in his mid-forties. "Ryan Reel," he said.

  "Who sent you?"

  Reel sighed, "Dray. William Dray sent me."

  "Give me a reason why I shouldn't kill you right now," Greg said. "One of you escaped last time and I find an army on my doorstep weeks later."

  "I've been played," Reel said.

  "What?" Greg asked.

  "The infection you've seen, it's all over the U.S. All over the world really. I was in charge of the west. Long story short, it didn't work out and I had to come here. Dray told me I'd be able to take you out and I could keep your town for myself."

  "That just makes me want to kill you more," Greg replied.

  "I can help you," Reel said.

  "Help me how? You would've killed us given the chance."

  "True," Reel replied, "but I'm practical man. I can clearly see that I've lost and I'm trying to bargain for my life."

  "What can you do for me?" Greg asked.

  "I can buy you time. You've got a nice sized force here but Dray has way more. This trick won't work against what he can bring against you. I can give you time to build up your strength so that when you go against Dray you'll be ready."


  "Let me go back. Dray sent me here to keep me out of the way. I'll go back, tell him that I killed you and that your town wasn't to my liking."

  "We were obviously being followed for you to find us here. How do we know he just won't send more?" Greg asked.

  "He might, that's possible. But if you let me go back he'll be busy with me. I intend to take the tower from him. If I succeed, I'll stay in Illinois and leave you alone. If I fail, then I've bought you some time."

  Greg sighed, "James? What do you think?"

  "I'd rather finish the lot of them but he's kinda making sense. If Dray is gonna come at us again we could use some time to prepare. Not that this is all we've got mind you, but it wouldn't hurt to be safe."

  Greg nodded and thought that was a good move on James' part. No need to admit this was most of their military strength. Greg didn't trust this Reel but maybe it wouldn't hurt to have someone distracting Dray. "Alright," he said. "I suppose that makes sense. You can go but all your weapons are staying."

  Reel nodded, "That's understandable. Thank you."

  Greg nodded and Reel and his remaining men headed back the way they came as quickly as they could. Th
ey were about twenty men remaining by Greg's estimate. "Have some men follow them, make sure they leave."

  James nodded and started calling names.


  Reel walked as swiftly as he legs would carry him. That had been a close call. Add this to the list of indignities Dray had put him through. He'd walked directly into ambush! Only his smooth talking had seen him survive the day. He should've aborted the plan when they had been fired upon. He saw now that those men had been buying time for the rest of their forces to set up the ambush. He'd miscalculated, thought that a bunch of survivors couldn't possibly out maneuver he highly trained men. He'd survive this though. He'd return to Emerald Falls and take it over from within. Surely he could subvert some of Dray's men to his cause. Then, he'd return and crush this upstart. The man thought he'd buy him some time and that would be true to some extent. But he'd return and crush him once Dray was out of the way and the tower was his."


  The Gregorian Guard returned to a hero's welcome. They'd radioed ahead to announce their victory and everyone was back in the streets by the time they arrived. Greg walked at the head and Brian knew he'd made the right decision. Everyone quieted as the guard came to a halt and Greg took a few steps forward.

  Brian watched as Greg came to stand in front of him. He had to admit the man cut a dashing figure the way he stood with his hand resting on the hilt like a king of old. Brian nodded to himself, that was it right there. This man wasn't a mayor or governor or anything like that. He wasn't a politician at all. This man saw what needed doing and did it. You could either go along with it or not. Brian got down on one knee. "Kneel before your king!" he called out.

  There were a few moments where people processed what he said then one by one, everyone got down on one knee. Greg looked around and saw that everyone was kneeling, the people of Lakeside and the guard alike. Everyone from camp was here as well. He caught Carol's eye and she smiled. He hadn't been expecting this but it was fitting. Hadn't he led them here just as he said he would? Hadn't he fought to keep them safe?

  "On behalf of Lakeside," Brian began, "we accept your authority as our king. Lead, and we'll follow."


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