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Page 22

by Hayes, Olivia

  "No, you keep it."

  "Martha, I need you to take it. I need to let go completely and this will help me do that."

  She nodded as I placed it in her hand.

  "Falling in love with Mark was one of the best things that ever happened to me and losing him was one of the worst. But now I've realized that our lives had to progress the way they did in order for me to end up here with Luke. Mark was, and always will be, a huge part of my happily ever after."

  She couldn't speak. She wrapped me in her arms, hugging me so tightly I couldn't breathe.

  My parents had decided not to sell my grandmother's house after all and moved in full time, leaving Carson with the house in Savannah. About a week after we left the hospital, Luke and I went over to their house for dinner.

  As we walked up the front porch I noticed the new door had been installed. It was a dark wood door, with an oval beveled glass panel. Etched into the glass was a live oak.

  "What do you think?" Luke asked.

  I reached out to touch it as my dream came into focus right before my eyes.

  "It's beautiful, did you design it?" I asked breathlessly.

  "It's our tree. I designed it a long time ago actually. I just didn't know whose door it was until the storm. I had it commissioned immediately after, knowing it belonged here."

  I stared at him a little in shock before I realized it was just fate playing it's last hand. I smiled warmly at him as he rang the doorbell and we greeted my parents.

  That night, after dinner, Luke and I had wandered onto the porch. We were sitting on the swing watching the lightning bugs when he turned to me.

  "Savannah, I know we've only spent a short time together, but you've always been the girl for me. I've never loved anyone else."

  "While I was out there in the woods I had that dream again," I started.

  "Please, I don't..."

  "Let me finish Luke," I said, holding up my hand to his lips. "I had that dream again. This time when I walked up to the door it looked just like the one you designed for my parents. How could I have dreamt about that before even knowing about it?"

  Luke looked at me but didn't say anything, waiting for me to finish.

  "In all my other dreams I was never able to see his face clearly. But this time I could." I turned to him, taking his face between my hands and looking him directly in his eyes. "It was never Mark, it was you. It was always you."

  He pulled my hands around his neck and kissed me.

  "I love you so much," he whispered. "I always have and I always will."

  I smiled up at him, "I love you too Luke, more that you can ever know."

  He slid off the swing, kneeling in front of me.

  "Will you marry me, Savannah?"

  My eyes welled up with tears as I slipped off the swing into his lap, nodding my head as I kissed him senseless. He pulled out a gorgeous three stone engagement ring and slid it onto my finger.

  "Three stones, to represent our past, present, and future," he said.

  "Luke, it couldn't be more perfect," I told him.

  "I don't want to wait, Savannah. I'd marry you today if I could."

  Martha had helped my mother and I plan an intimate ceremony at my parents’ house. It was gorgeous and we were surrounded by our closest friends and family. Marcus Allen Johnson II was born about nine months later.

  "Anything I can do to help before everyone else starts showing up?" Martha asked, bringing me back to the present.

  "I think we're all set," I said, smiling at her.

  "Where's my grandson?" Luke Senior asked, walking back into the kitchen with another arm load of groceries.

  "Come on, I'll show you," I smiled at him, pulling Martha by the hand, and leading them out onto the back deck.

  Luke was seated in an Adirondack chair with baby Mark sleeping comfortably on his chest. He pulled me down on his knee and snuggled me up against his side, placing a kiss on my forehead.

  We watched Luke Senior as he carefully lifted Mark and cradled him close, cooing to him softly before passing him to Martha.

  "Hi Mark, I'm your Grandma," she said with tears in her eyes. "One day, when you're old enough to understand, Grandpa and I will have plenty of stories to tell you about your Uncle Mark. He would have loved you so much... To the moon and back."

  I smiled as I wiped happy tears from my face. Tomcat chose just that moment to jump up into Luke's lap and snuggle up close to both of us. I stroked his back before kissing Luke, as we both stared at his parents marveling over their newborn grandson.

  I continued to be amazed at the twists and turns my life had taken over the last year. I would never have believed that I could be this happy. This love was one of a kind. It struck like lightning; sudden, blinding, intense. Branding us both and binding our souls forever.

  Thank you universe, from the bottom of my heart!

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  I look forward to hearing from you!!

  And now, for a sneak peek at Carson's story, "Emergence", coming soon!



  I felt the air in the bar shift and tuned out what my buddy Max was saying; the busty blonde on my arm forgotten as I turned toward the door. The moment I saw her my gut clenched and I felt as if I were a moth and she was the flame. Her dark hair hung in loose waves over her shoulders, stopping just below her full breasts. My eyes drifted lower, noting that her fitted black dress did nothing to conceal her amazingly long and tan legs, ending at her perfectly painted, pink toenails. My gaze moved back to her face, taking in her large, round, strikingly blue eyes, which had just settled on me. My heart rate quickened as she walked in my direction.

  "Is this seat taken?" She asked, her voice sultry, as she gestured to the empty bar stool I was leaning on.

  "It is now," I said, pulling it out for her.

  She gave me a heart stopping smile and sat, gracefully crossing her long legs before tossing her giant handbag onto the bar, and rummaging inside to pull out her phone and wallet.

  Dislodging my other arm from Brandi or Becky, or whatever her name was, I leaned over the bar, my eyes on the raven haired beauty who had just fired off a message and seemed to be a little perturbed by whomever she was texting. I was trying to control the urge to learn all her problems so I could solve them for her.

  "Can I buy you a drink?" I asked, my gaze landing on her full lips.

  She stopped texting and really looked at me for the first time. Her eyes blazing a hot trail from my head to my feet. She licked her lips as if to say she liked what she saw.

  "Vodka grapefruit," she said to me, as the bartender stopped in front of her and put down a cocktail napkin.

  "Put it on my tab," I said to him, not taking my eyes off her.

  She put her phone down and continued to look at me. I could get lost in eyes like hers. They were cerulean blue, and something about the way they looked at me made me feel like she was seeing into my soul. I found it hard to breathe, my blood felt thick pumping through my veins, my body acutely aware of her nearness.

  "You don't have to do that, but thank you."

  "I want to. You look like you're having a bad day." I smiled at her and her forehead wrinkled up before she recovered and her face softened a bit.

  "You don't know the half of it," she said, letting out a sigh. We stared at each other for a moment longer and I had to resist the urge to tuck a loose tendril of hair behind her ear.

  "My name's Meg."

  "Carson," I said.

  I reached to shake her hand, finally getting a chance to touch her, and the sparks that flew when my skin met hers would have rivaled any 4th of July celebration on record. The bartender brought her drink and she lifted it to her lips taking a long sip and closing her eyes as she swallowed. As she opened her eyes, she rubbed the rim of the glass against her lower lip. I had never wanted to b
e a glass so badly in my life.

  "So, tell me about your day," I prompted, with no intention of letting her get away from me. "Do you want to talk about it?"

  She eyed me for a moment and for a split second I didn't think she was going to share. Then she took a deep breath, seemingly gathering her thoughts.

  "Look Carson, you seem like a nice enough guy, so tell me, what do you look for in a woman?"

  Were we talking one night stands or forever kind of traits? She didn't look like a one night kind of girl, so I went with the forever stuff.

  "I'd like to find someone who's smart, funny, enjoys the same kind of activities as me. Hopefully an equal in the bedroom," I smirked.

  She cocked her eyebrow at me. "So you don't like the kind of women who don't speak their minds and prefer quiet missionary sex?"

  I laughed out loud and her eyes sparkled. "Definitely not," I said, picking up my drink off the bar and taking a sip.


  Damn! Now she had me thinking about her bedroom skills.

  I cleared my throat. "I haven't seen you around here before," I said, as she stared into my eyes again.

  "I'm just in town for the night."

  "Oh? Me too," I said, telling a half truth.

  "Yeah, I've got an interview in the morning and then I'm flying out. What about you?"

  "Visiting friends."

  Meg's eyes traveled down my body and holy shit, when she licked her lips I felt my dick twitch in my pants.

  "Where are you interviewing?" I asked, trying to conceal the lust from my voice.

  "Foster & Company Marketing. Do you know it?"

  "Yes, I do."

  Didn't I mention my last name was Foster? Maybe not.

  "What do you do?"

  "I'm finishing my accounting degree this December, and am hoping to find a job starting soon after," she said and smiled.

  My pulse raced as I watched hopefulness and desperation cross her face. She was absolutely beautiful and I loved the way her large eyes simmered as she looked at me, like she couldn't get enough. I wanted her. Bad.

  "So, I already know you're smart and witty," I said, winking at her. "What kinds of activities do you enjoy?"

  "God, I don't even know where to start," she said, pulling her sunglasses off her head and smoothing back her hair.

  "Costa Del Mar, huh?" I asked, gesturing to her glasses, impressed.

  "You know it. They're the best. I used to love fishing with my dad. He had a twenty six foot Blackwatch that we used to take offshore. I caught my first dolphin when I was about eleven. I don't think I could move my arm for two days after I was done. It's nothing like fighting a billfish, but for my younger self it was an accomplishment. It's been years since I've even been out in a boat though. I miss it," she said wistfully.

  "Will you marry me?" I asked her, laughing. "I've never met a woman who loves fishing and boating as much as I do."

  She laughed too, leaning into me with her shoulder. "What if I told you I love football too?"

  "Be still my heart!" I joked. "College or NFL?"

  "College is my preference, but I watch NFL some too."

  "Who's your team?"

  This was the real test.

  "I bleed red and black. Go Dawgs!" She said, and my heart surged. I was in my third year at UGA, and had grown up watching the Bulldogs play.

  "I'd still have to check out your bedroom skills, but with the way this is going, I'm going to go ahead and venture a guess that they're amazing. You are definite marriage material. Are you free for the rest of your life?"

  She threw back her head and laughed and I felt like banging on my chest for being the cause of her joy.

  "I don't know about marriage yet, but I'd be happy to enlighten you on my bedroom skills if you would you like to come back to my hotel room with me."

  Fuck yeah!

  "I'd like that," I said, throwing some cash on the bar and mumbling something to Max, before placing Meg's hand in the crook of my arm.

  We walked to her hotel in silence. I kept watching her profile, long slender neck and perfect nose, dusty rose colored lips. I couldn't wait to taste her mouth and slide my tongue down her delicious body. I wanted to hear her scream my name as she came.

  "Do you go home with a lot of women?" She asked me as she tried the key card in the door for the third time.

  "Is that what you really want to know?" I asked her as I leaned over her shoulder to see the door light up red again. "Allow me," I said and my hand brushed hers as I took the card from her. She visibly shivered, causing me to laugh out loud. "Are you chilly?" I asked, knowing full well that wasn't the case as I slid the key card into the lock and opened the door.

  "I'm not cold," she said, walking past me while kicking off her shoes and pulling her dress over her head, tossing it aside. "I'm turned on. What is it about you, Carson, that makes me want to behave like this?"

  She was more beautiful than I could have imagined. Her soft skin was creamy white, perfect. Her breasts were full and her waist was slender, leading to her rounded hips and gloriously long and toned legs.

  "It's a strange feeling isn't it?" I asked, bringing my hands to her bare waist and pulling her hard against me.

  "What is?" She asked breathlessly, her mouth so close to mine. I trailed my tongue along her lower lip.

  "This magnetic connection between us. We've only just met, but you feel it as much as I do. It's like we're two pieces of the same puzzle." I slid one arm around her back and raised the other into her hair, cupping the back of her neck. "You feel it don't you?" I asked, holding her still so she was forced to look in my eyes.

  "I do," she said, as she pressed herself against me and rose on her tip toes. She snaked her tongue across my lips, bringing her palms up flat against my chest. Her mouth opened slightly and I took advantage, plunging my tongue inside to tangle with hers. I pulled her closer to me, trying to consume her, and fighting the urge to throw her against the door and fuck her until she screamed in pleasure.

  I pulled at the straps of her bra, lowering the material so that her breasts popped free of their confinement. They were beautiful, creamy globes, with pert nipples that matched the rose color of her lips. She looked at me through dark lashes and I couldn't help but lock eyes with her as I lowered my head and pulled one dark pink nipple into my mouth. She threw her head back, moaning in pleasure, and arched into me as I suckled harder, drawing more sounds from deep within her.

  "Damn baby, you're so responsive."

  She tugged my shirt up and I released her so she could pull it over my head. Raining kisses over my collarbone, she trailed them up my neck to my ear. "I need you inside me," she whispered seductively, and I groaned.

  Fuck yes.

  She leaned away from me as I eased her back against the door, frantically pulling at my belt and unfastening my jeans. Then she slid her hand under the waistband of my boxer briefs, taking hold of my dick.

  "Fuck, Meg!"

  She quickly shoved my clothes down my legs, then removed her panties as I toed off my shoes and stepped out of my pants. She paused a moment, looking up at me, before she settled her arms on my shoulders and lifted herself to put her legs around my waist.

  As soon as I felt the heat of her entrance my pulse picked up, and I tried to still my rapid breathing. I had never felt so overcome with sensation. I knew I needed to go slowly so I didn't hurt her. She would need time to adjust to my size, and plunging into her with one stroke wasn't going to be acceptable. Plus, I wanted to savor the feeling of her in my arms.

  She looked at me as if she were unsure of why I had paused.

  "Please," she begged as she rocked her hips against mine, trying to bring herself down on me.

  She gripped my shoulders, loosening her legs' hold on my waist and gained an inch of me before I tightened my hold on her ass.

  "Stop. I don't want to hurt you," I groaned against her ear.

  "Please, I need you inside me. You won't hurt me. I need this.
Please, I want you."

  "Fuck," I said, staring at her beautiful mouth, before taking a deep breath, and thrusting fully inside her, drawing groans from both of us.

  "Shit, you're so wet and so tight."

  Fucking heaven. There is no other way to describe how she felt. Her tight little sheath fit me like a glove and I knew at that moment that I was ruined for any other woman. No one would ever compare to her.

  Slowly she rocked against me, taking more. She bucked against me again, harder this time, moaning at the pleasure and causing my eyes to roll into the back of my head.

  "Slow baby, slow. I'm not going to last with you trying to ride me like that. I want to enjoy it. I want you to enjoy it," I said, gripping her hips and pulling myself out of her. I missed her warmth immediately.

  "No! Please," she said, trying desperately to bring me back inside her.

  I swept her up into my arms, pulling her bra all the way off, as I walked to the bed and laid her down gently. She pushed herself up onto the pillows as I crawled onto the bed between her knees.

  She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. I watched her chest as it rose and fell quickly and stared at her, willing her to open her eyes and look at me. When she did I lightly circled her slick opening with my finger, drawing a moan from her, and then slipped two inside her hot wet entrance, pumping lightly. She bucked off the bed and I felt heady with desire for her. Then I covered her body with mine, leaning down to kiss her as I slowly moved my hips forward and entered her again in one long thrust.

  "Christ, you feel good," I whispered against her mouth.

  Her body felt perfect against mine, sheathing me tightly, driving me to amazing heights of pleasure. The world fell away as I began to move within her, her lips lingering on mine, my hands tangled in her hair. She worshipped me with her hands, grazing her nails over the muscles in my back, gripping my biceps as I drove into her with strong and steady strokes. She lifted her hips as I felt the pressure building in my spine. Arching into me, she took everything I had to give and gave just as much in return.


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