52. Post Staff Report, “The UFT proves a point,” New York Post, October 11, 2012, accessed June 5, 2017, http://nypost.com/2012/10/11/the-uft-proves-a-point/.
53. “Opened to prove a point, UFT’s charter school could be closed,” Chalkbeat, October 9, 2012, accessed May 31, 2017, http://ny.chalkbeat.org/2012/10/09/opened-to-prove-a-point-uft-charter-school-could-be-closed/#.VnH5I7grLuQ.
54. Danny Wilcox and Michelle Bodden-White, “UFT Charter School 2009-10 Accountability Plan Progress Report,”
55. United States, New York State Education Department, University of the State of New York, The New York State School Report Card: Accountability and Overview Report 2009-2010, February 5, 2011, accessed June 5, 2017, https://web.archive.org/web/20151103144844/https://reportcards.nysed.gov/files/2009-10/AOR-2010-331900860891.pdf.
56. Elissa Gootman, “Moskowitz, Critic of Education Department and Union, Will Head a Charter School,” New York Times, December 10, 2005, accessed May 31, 2017, http://www.nytimes.com/2005/12/11/nyregion/11eva.html.
57. Eva Moskowitz, “De Blasio Allies Counterattack on Moskowitz—the Real Civil Rights Issue of the Time,” FUTURE 231, accessed May 31, 2017, http://future231.blogspot.com/2014/03/de-blasio-allies-counterattack-on.html.
58. “Success CEO Eva Moskowitz builds suspense for Thursday announcement of ‘political plans’,” Chalkbeat, April 12, 2016, accessed May 31, 2017, http://ny.chalkbeat.org/2015/10/07/success-ceo-eva-moskowitz-builds-suspense-for-thursday-announcement-of-political-plans/#.VoAtEMYrLnA.
59. Jillian Jorgensen, “Eva Moskowitz Is Going to Say Something Tomorrow,” Observer, October 8, 2015, accessed May 31, 2017, http://observer.com/2015/10/eva-moskowitz-is-going-to-say-something-tomorrow/.
60. Beth Fertig, “Charter Leader Moskowitz Not Running for Mayor After All,” WNYC, October 8, 2015, accessed May 31, 2017, http://www.wnyc.org/story/charter-leader-moskowitz-not-running-mayor-after-all/.
61. United States, New York City Independent Budget Office, “Comparing Student Attrition Rates at Charter Schools and Nearby Traditional Public Schools,” January 2015, accessed June 5, 2017, https://web.archive.org/web/20160309171319/www.ibo.nyc.ny.us/iboreports/2015schoolattrition.pdf; Beth Fertig, “Harlem Schools See High Student Turnover.” WNYC, October 2, 2012, accessed June 5, 2017, http://www.wnyc.org/story/302691-harlem-schools-see-high-student-turnover/; Beth Fertig, “Top 10: Charters with Highest Attrition Rates,” WNYC, October 4, 2012, accessed June 5, 2017, www.wnyc.org/story/302728-top-ten-charters-with-high-attrition-rates/.
62. “NYC Top Charter Attrition Rates 2010-11,” Google Sheets, accessed May 31, 2017, https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1e48Jl7bNHk06-6AQb4pt3yiTwfQvI3a1e_Df1nRaveA/edit?pli=1#gid=1.
63. “Comparing Student Attrition Rates at Charter Schools and Nearby Traditional Public Schools,” accessed May 31, 2017, http://www.ibo.nyc.ny.us/iboreports/2015schoolattrition.pdf.
64. John Merrow, “Eva’s Offensive,” The Merrow Report, March 20, 2016, accessed May 31, 2017, https://themerrowreport.com/2016/03/18/evas-offensive/.
65. Rishawn Biddle, “Moskowitz, Merrow, and Over-Suspensions,” Frontline, “Dropout Nation,” October 21, 2015, http://dropoutnation.net/2015/10/20/moskowitz-merrow-and-over-suspensions.
66. Alexander Russo, “Some Questions For John Merrow, PBS, & Eva Moskowitz*,” Washington Monthly, October 19, 2015, http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/the-grade/2015/10/some_questions_for_john_merrow058190.php.
67. “Why WNYC’s District-Charter Attrition Comparison Has Gotten So Little Love,” Washington Monthly, May 10, 2016, accessed May 31, 2017, http://washingtonmonthly.com/2016/03/24/why-wnycs-district-charter-attrition-comparison-has-gotten-so-little-love/.
68. Beth Fertig and Jenny Ye. “NYC Charters Retain Students Better Than Traditional Schools.” March 15, 2016, accessed June 5, 2017, http://www.wnyc.org/story/nyc-charter-school-attrition-rates/.
69. “Why WNYC’s District-Charter Attrition Comparison Has Gotten So Little Love,” Washington Monthly, May 10, 2016, accessed May 31, 2017, http://washingtonmonthly.com/2016/03/24/why-wnycs-district-charter-attrition-comparison-has-gotten-so-little-love/.
70. Alexander Russo, “Meet the Poster Child for Charter School Burnout,” Huffington Post, September 7, 2011, accessed May 31, 2017, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/alexander-russo/post_2370_b_950392.html.
71. Ibid.
72. Michael Winerip, “Teachers Get Little Say in a Book About Them,” New York Times, August 28, 2011, accessed May 31, 2017, http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/29/education/29winerip.html; Joe Nocera, “Teaching With the Enemy,” New York Times, November 7, 2011, accessed May 31, 2017, http://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/08/opinion/teaching-with-the-enemy.html;
73. “FY 2015 Summary Reports,” August 3, 2016, https://www.nycenet.edu/offices/d_chanc_oper/budget/exp01/y2014_2015/pdf/03.pdf.
74. Ryan Sager, “Mayor On the Edge of a Sellout—Letting Teachers Union Off the Hook,” New York Post, October 20, 2004, accessed May 31, 2017, http://nypost.com/2004/10/20/mayor-on-the-edge-of-a-sellout-letting-teachers-union-off-the-hook/.
The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was created. To locate a specific entry, please use your e-book reader’s search tools.
accountability and responsibility, 332, 334–35, 343
Achievement First, 32, 261
ACORN, 83–84, 128–30, 137, 143, 167, 196–98, 299
Adams, Henry, 143
African Americans:
ACORN and, 83–84
and advancing social equality, 233
in Crown Heights riot, 147
Grannis’s observations on schools and, 155
and grant for diminishing segregation, 165, 166
Manhattan district schools and, 164, 175
and NAACP lawsuit against charter school co-locations, 168–74
in Success Academy schools, 165
Albers, Jackie, 229
Allen, Woody, 2
Alliance Capital, 156
Alliance for Quality Education (AQE), 197, 237, 277, 299
Alps, 74, 75
American Federation of Teachers, 77, 332
Annenberg, Walter, 198
Annenberg Institute, 197–98, 263
Ann Taylor, 225
anonymous sources, 310–11, 317
Ansari, Zakiyah, 299
Apollo Theater, 163
Appropriations Committee, 134
Arnold & Porter, 167, 199
Arroyo, Carmen, 87–89, 172
Arzt, George, 20
Askew, Othniel, 244
athletics, 230
soccer, 230–31
attrition, 318
Audacity of Hope, The (Obama), 133
Avella, Tony, 128–29
Ballen, Morty, 261
Bangser, Vanessa, 283
Bank Street Book Store, 205
Barrett, Wayne, 140
Barron, Charles, 216
Beachy, Larisa, 165–66
Beame, Abraham, 92
behavior, 342
problems with, 34–36, 312–16
beliefs, reexamining, 342
Bellafante, Ginia, 266
Bennett, Kyesha, 58
Benson, Lee, 117
Berlin, Rich, 267, 278
Bernstein, Carl, 328
Big Apple Circus, 161–62
Big Short, The, 10
Bilboquet, Le, 1–4, 335
Bloomberg, Michael, 2, 6–7, 42, 142, 166, 182–83, 197, 217, 219, 235–37, 241, 242, 259, 304, 339
on approval ratings, 236
bill requiring quarterly reports on capital projects vetoed by, 217–18
charter schools and, 130, 136, 201, 235, 242, 243, 265, 273, 281, 286
city council hearing testimony of, 211–13
education as viewed by, 236–37, 304, 334
inauguration of, 209
Klein appointed chancellor b
y, 214, 339
on meetings, 347
Moskowitz’s city council campaign and, 152
New York City bettered by, 236–37
reelection of, 12–13
school closures and, 129, 169–70
school governance structure and, 210, 211, 213, 214
teachers’ rally and, 330
UFT contract and, 6, 12, 42, 236, 330, 334
union contract hearings and, 295–96
Blue Book, 138–40, 214–15
Bozic, Boris, 230–31
Brandeis High School, 167
Brearley School, 23, 214
Brewer, Gale, 165
Brill, Steve, 63
Broad, Eli, 339
Bronx Preparatory Charter School, 155, 219
Crown Heights riot in, 147
middle class in, 199, 202
Ocean Hill-Brownsville area of, 209–10, 213
Success Academy Bed-Stuy 1, 298, 318
Success Academy Cobble Hill, see Success Academy Cobble Hill
Success Academy expansion into, 194–202
Success Academy Williamsburg, 196, 199, 200, 202
Brooklyn Bridge march for charter schools, 261–63, 274
Brooklyn College, 48–49
Brooklyn Tech, 240
Brown, Candido, 311–18, 329
Brown, Michael, 232–33
Brown University, 142, 197
Buery, Richard, 278
Building Utilization Plans (BUPs), 145, 168, 173–74
Bush, George W., 134
business operations managers (BOMs), 188
Cambodia, 70
refugees from, 98, 150, 331
campaign finances, 5, 11
Camp Hurley, 69–70, 75
Canada, Geoffrey, 142, 173
Capital New York, 301
Caracappa, Michele, 229, 342
Carey, Mariah, 2
Carnegie, Andrew, 151
Carrión, Adolfo, 212
Carter, Zachary, 280
Casablanca, 336
Castro, Fidel, 198
Cat in the Hat, The (Seuss), 204–5
Cato, Gavin, 147
Catskills, 18
Ceriani Gravier, Juan Carlos, 230
Chabad-Lubavitch, 147
Chalkbeat, 85, 128, 306
Challenge Math series (Zaccaro), 231
charter school co-locations, 23–26, 58–59, 81, 87, 129–30, 137–38, 236, 237, 241, 265
Building Utilization Plans for, 145, 168, 173–74
city council hearings on, 85, 86–90
de Blasio and, 242, 243, 259, 260, 263, 264
law prohibiting city from charging rent or revoking existing colocations, 275–76, 278, 279
Moskowitz’s proposal of idea, 214, 215
as “separate and unequal,” 241
UFT and NAACP lawsuit against, 168–74
see also Success Academy co-locations
Charter School Growth Fund, 261
charter schools, 9, 10, 19–20, 32, 58, 136, 169, 237, 243, 305
accountability in, 334–35
Annenberg Institute and, 197–98
Bloomberg and, 130, 136, 201, 235, 242, 243, 265, 273, 281, 286
Brewer on, 165
Bronx Preparatory, 155, 219
Brooklyn Bridge march for, 261–63, 274
Charter Schools Act, 115, 136, 155
co-locations for, see charter school co-locations
compared to ideal vs. actual public schools, 335
Cuomo and, 272–73, 276, 278
de Blasio and, 237, 238, 240, 242, 243, 259–63, 269, 277, 278, 282, 286
demand for, 144
Dickens and, 57
discipline policies in, 318
DOE survey and, 325
educators’ ability to experiment in, 297
evolution of Moskowitz’s views on, 177, 330–31, 334–35
funding for, 84–85, 87, 177
Girls Preparatory, 9, 24, 169, 214
in Harlem, 81, 87, 110, 215, 336–37
hiring flexibility at, 206, 232
kindergarten and, 112
KIPP, 215
law requiring city to provide facilities or rent subsidies for, 275–76, 278
limits on opening, 130, 131, 135, 136, 137, 140–42, 144–46
lottery admissions at, 57, 224, 240
Moskowitz’s Daily News op-ed on, 215
pedagogical philosophies in, 192
Perkins on, 165, 172
pre-K and, 111, 113, 303
press and, 128, 318
Race to the Top program and, 134, 141, 145–46
rally held for, 270–76
ranking increases and, 337
regulation of, 25
rent requirement for, 240, 243, 259, 261, 263
replication of, 46, 53
renovations by, 201
Sizer and, 198
Success Academy, see Success Academy Charter Schools
teachers’ unions’ opposition to, 113, 135, 137; see also United Federation of Teachers
teacher terminations and, 64
UFT, 21, 116, 297–300
Chavous, Kevin, 172
chess, 204, 207, 232
Cheung, Kris, 285
Chicago Bulls, 43
change and variety as benefit to, 75
idealization of, 342
learning in, see learning
literature for, 204–6
molding of, 343
see also students
Christian, Michele, 82
Churchill, Winston, 96
chutzpah, 336
City College of New York, 81
City University of New York, 19
civil rights movement, 233
Cleary Gottlieb, 122
Clinton, Bill, 134, 149
Clinton, Hillary, 5
Cognitively Guided Instruction, 79
College Board, 104
college preparation, 32–33
college students, 62
Collegiate School, 142
Columbia College, 102
Columbia Law School, 122
Columbia University, 67, 69
Common Core, 104, 205
Communists, 118
Community Education Councils, 84, 165–66, 199
community schools, 77
Constitution, U.S., 245
Cooper Union, 18, 48
Council Notes, 245
Cox, Ed, 53, 113, 115, 339
Crouch, Stanley, 172
Crown Heights riot, 147
Cuomo, Andrew, 145, 243
charter schools supported by, 272–73, 276, 278
in negotiations on Success colocations, 280–85
Cuomo, Lydia, 203
Curry, Boykin, 9, 10
Curtis High School, 219
custodial budgets, 248
custodians, 217, 221
light fixtures and, 249
minimum requirements for, 248–49
Moskowitz’s hearings on union contracts of, 221, 244, 246–50, 295, 296
and painting classrooms, 249–50, 295
retainage and, 247
salaries of, 247, 248
transfer of, 256
Cymrot, Pete, 285
Daily Beast, 269
Damon, Matt, 194
Darling-Hammond, Linda, 133
Davis, Belinda, 83
Davis, James, 181
murder of, 244
DC 37, 92
de Blasio, Bill, 140, 216, 237–43, 300–301
Alliance for Quality Education and, 237
anti-Moskowitz campaign of, 238–41, 243, 263, 265, 267–69, 270, 273–74, 276, 277, 303
and Brooklyn Bridge march for charter schools, 261–63
campaign platform of, 241–42
charter school co-locations and, 242, 243, 259, 260, 263, 264
charter school rally and, 270, 273
charter schools and, 237, 238, 240, 242, 243,
259–63, 269, 277, 278, 282, 286
children of, 261–62, 282
elected mayor, 243, 259
Fariña appointed chancellor by, 263
Gyurko coalition and, 267, 270, 275–78, 301
leadership of, 304
and Moskowitz as mayoral candidate, 304, 305
Moskowitz’s press conference and, 305
Moskowitz’s union contract hearings and, 257–58, 293
New York Times article on, 241–42
Panel on Educational Priorities appointments of, 263
pre-K and, 270, 273, 275, 278, 303
PS 811 and, 265–67, 274, 279–80, 312
Success Academy Harlem Central and, 264–68, 270–72, 274, 276, 298
Success co-locations revoked by, 263, 264–69, 270–78, 279–82, 286–87, 2983, 304
UFT and, 140, 241
union campaign contributions and, 5, 150
de Blasio, Dante, 261–62
Declaration of Independence, 245
Delgrange, Philippe, 3
Democratic Party, 4, 8, 10, 11, 132, 149, 153, 156, 176, 182, 184, 246, 259
Working Families Party and, 11
Democrats for Education Reform (DFER), 10, 132–35
Department of Education, see New York City Department of Education; US Department of Education
developmental kindergarten (DK), 112–16, 299, 303
Dial, Charlotte, 320–22, 325, 328, 329
Dickens, Inez, 57, 89, 143
Dimon, Jamie, 2
Dinkins, David, 122, 147–48
city council and, 211
discipline, 311, 318, 342, 344
suspensions, 308, 309, 311, 343–44
District 5 schools, 59–60, 68, 88, 89, 110, 142, 336–37
District 75 schools, 312
PS 811, 265–67, 274, 279–80, 312
DNAinfo, 239
DOE, see New York City Department of Education
dogs, 5–6
Douglass, Frederick, 260
Drexler, Mickey, 225
Dromm, Danny, 270
Dr. Seuss, 99, 204–5
Duane, Tom, 138
Dukes, Hazel, 172–73
Duncan, Arne, 133, 135, 144, 201–2
Durrett, Deanna, 313
Easton, Billy, 277
Economist, 295
Bloomberg’s views on, 236–37, 304, 334
evolution of Moskowitz’s views on, 177, 330–31, 334–35
funding for, 134, 135, 332–33
Grannis’s views on, 100, 155
idealizations about, 342
kindergarten, see kindergarten
management in, 343
math in, see mathematics
Obama’s views on, 132
openness to ideas about, 341
pre-K, see pre-K
The Education of Eva Moskowitz Page 37