reform of, see education reform
science in, 22, 23
Success’s philosophy of, 342–47
tests in, see tests, standardized
see also schools; students; teachers
Educational Impact Statements, 129–30, 168, 169, 265
Education and Youth Services Committee, 199
Education Committee, see New York City Council Education Committee
Education Institute Library, 342
education reform, 10, 12, 13, 132, 135, 145, 197, 261, 305
Democrats for Education Reform, 10, 132–35
Race to the Top program and, 134, 141, 145–46
unions and, 229
Ehrenreich, Annie Einhorn (Eva’s great-grandmother), 47, 69
Ehrenreich, Samuel (Eva’s greatgrandfather), 47
Eichmann, Adolf, 14–15, 179
Einstein, Albert, 245, 341
Eisenstein, Morris, 70
Eleanor Roosevelt High School, 178–79
Ellington, Duke, 121
English language learners (ELLs), 201–2, 298
English tests, 110, 163, 188, 192, 193, 207–8, 297–99, 324, 325, 333, 334
environmental concerns, 129, 168
Epstein, Julius and Philip, 336
Eristoff, Andrew, 150–57
“Eva Moratorium” bill, 130
Evans-Tranumn, Shelia, 113, 116, 299
excellence, 66, 187, 190, 223
Exline, Kristina, 44, 61, 188, 192
expectations, 39, 76, 77
Explore, 261
Families for Excellent Schools, 262, 270
Far from the Madding Crowd (Hardy), 25
Fariña, Carmen, 263, 266, 267, 270, 274, 275
Faust, Drew, 117
federal government:
education spending by, 134, 135
No Child Left Behind Act, 218–19
see also US Department of Education
Fertig, Beth, 318
Fiderer-Margolis, Chaim (Eva’s grandfather), 14–18, 49, 51
death of, 52
Yiddish poems of, 14, 49–52
Fiderer-Margolis, Henriette Strassman, 18
Fiderer-Margolis, Sascha (Eva’s grandmother), 14–18, 49, 51
Fidler, Lewis, 89–90
Fielding, Henry, 341–42
financial crisis of 2008–2009, 134, 135
Finland, 22
Finn, Clement, 47–48
Fisher, Don, 22, 56, 225, 339
Fisher, Doris, 56
Fofana, Salif, 287
Fofana, Sidy, 274
death of, 283–85, 287
food stamps, 100
Ford, Gerald, 93
founder’s syndrome, 223, 224
France, 74, 121–22, 227–28
Paris, 73–75
Franklin, Benjamin, 128, 150
Freedom Rides, 271–72
free speech movement, 69
Freud, Sigmund, 342
Friedman, Jody, 226–27
Froebel, Friedrich, 112
Fruchter, Norm, 198, 263
Fucaloro, Paul, 25, 28, 37–41, 61, 64, 79–80, 107, 109
Seigler and, 186–87
Futsal, 230
Gap, 22, 225
Gassaway, Bernard, 294
Gates, Bill, 198
George, Timothy, 126
Gershkovich, Stacey, 229
Gettysburg Address, 245
gifted students, 231
Gimbels, 71
Girls Preparatory Charter School, 9, 24, 169, 214
Giuliani, Rudy, 2, 147, 155, 236, 243
9/11 and, 183
tuition vouchers and, 177
Williams and, 156
Gladiator, 261
Goldey, Mark, 245, 246
Goldberg, Ms., 70
Goldman, Ilana, 151
Goldstein, Dana, 311
González, Juan, 128, 130, 170
AstroTurf field and, 137–38
Network fee increase and, 206–7
PS 123 and, 125–28
PS 145 and, 165, 166
Success Academy and, 208
Gore, Al, 148, 149
Gotbaum, Noah, 165–67, 266
Government Operations Committee, 179
Grandma method, 78
Grannis, Alexandra (Eric’s mother), 101–2, 117, 151, 158–59
Grannis, Alexi (Eric’s brother), 150–51
Grannis, Culver (Eva and Eric’s son), 159, 163, 216, 217, 230, 340
birth of, 155
community board meetings and, 156–57
Grannis, Dillon (Eva and Eric’s son), 76
birth of, 216
in chess tournament, 207
as Success student, 60, 76, 204, 207
Grannis, Eric (Eva’s husband), 9–11, 23, 60, 100–102, 181, 216–17, 263, 339–40
biking trips of, 101, 118–19, 122, 227–28, 303
brother’s death and, 150–51
depression suffered by, 151, 154, 155
education as viewed by, 100, 155
European travels of, 118–19, 121–22, 227–28
Eva’s city council campaign and, 150, 152
Eva’s meeting of, 100, 339
Eva’s romance with, 100–102, 117–21
family background of, 101–2
as father, 158
Girls Prep founded by, 9, 169, 214
honeymoon of, 121–22
on kindergarten, 111, 112, 115
law career of, 122, 123, 213–14
learning enjoyed by, 101
marriage to Eva, 121
9/11 and, 182
politics suggested to Eva as career idea, 120, 148–50
Rangel and, 120, 155
and Success Academy legal representation, 21–22, 167–68
and Success Academy negotiations on co-locations, 279, 280, 284
teaching of, 120
Grannis, Hannah (Eva and Eric’s daughter), 227
birth of, 216–17
Grannis, Joe (Eric’s father), 102, 117, 151
Gravier, Juan Carlos Ceriani, 230
Greece, Success Academy students’ trip to, 302–3
Green, Mark, 182–83
Greenblatt, Joel, 9–10, 19–22, 25, 28–30, 43–44, 46, 53, 54, 57, 59, 339
Gregorio, Kathryn, 151
Grimm, Kathleen, 264, 267
Grist, Elaine, 97
Gyurko, Jonathan, 267, 270, 275–78, 301
Hall, Fawn, 120
Hall, Kevin, 261
Hardy, Thomas, 25
Harlem, 120, 122
charter schools in, 81, 87, 110, 215, 336–37
District 5 in, 59–60, 68, 88, 89, 110, 142, 336–37
district schools in, 83, 86–87, 110, 111, 140, 208
drugs in, 93
Moskowitz’s residence in, 26, 60, 87, 88, 129, 142
occupancy data on Success colocations in, 138–40
school choice fair in, 81
Success school applications in, 144
Harlem Parents United, 58
Harlem Success Academy, see Success Academy Harlem 1
Harper, Kamyah, 218
Harries, Garth, 25–26, 65–66
Harvard University, 200
Hayden, Carl, 113–15
health care, 77
Hebrew University, 49
Hechinger Report, 306
Helmsley, Harry, 198
Hester, Megan, 197
Hochschild, Gerhard Paul, 49, 68
Holocaust, 14–16, 51, 336, 338
Hoosiers, 192
hospitals, 241, 242
House Education and Labor Committee, 134
Hoyt, Keri, 160–61, 186, 226–27, 283
Hunter School of Education, 113
Independent Budget Office, 309
India, 341
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 299
inequality, 304, 335 see also poverty
In Therapy We Trust: America’s Obsession with Self-Fulfillment (Moskowitz
), 148
intuitions, questioning, 341–42
intuitive learning, 338
investment managers, 229
Iran-Contra hearings, 120, 211
Jackson, Kenneth, 216
Jackson, Robert, 86–88, 239, 256–57, 333
James, Sean, 83
Jamieson, Wendell, 327, 328
Japan, 22
J.Crew, 225
Jealous, Ben, 173, 174
Jeffersons, The, 70
in borscht belt, 18
Crown Heights riot and, 147
Holocaust and, 14–16, 51, 336, 338
in New York City, 16, 147, 336
refugees, 14–16, 50, 336
JHS 226, 220
Johns Hopkins University, 119–20
Johnson, Craig, 144, 146
Jordan, Kristin Kearns, 155
Jordan, Michael, 43
journalists, 128, 140, 306–19
anonymous sources used by, 310–11, 317
and dominant narrative about charters, 318
editors and, 328
Goldstein, 311
González, see González, Juan
as lacking knowledge about urban public schools, 326–28
Merrow, 306–11, 317, 318
Taylor, 311–19, 320–29
Karney, Anessa, 156
Kasparov, Garry, 303
Katz, Michael, 117
Keefe, John, 318
Kelly, Ray, 147
Kennedy, Ted, 132
Kim, Emily, 167–68, 174, 199, 200, 279, 280, 285–86, 313
age for, 111, 112
charter schools and, 112
developmental, 112–16, 299, 303
Grannis’s ideas on, 111, 112, 115
history of, 111–12
KIPP (Knowledge Is Power Program), 32, 215
Kittredge, Jeremiah, 262
Klein, Joel, 6, 12, 19, 42, 57, 85, 115, 132, 133, 166–67, 215, 217, 219, 330, 333
appointed chancellor, 214, 339
in union contract hearings, 295
Klein, Karen, 97
Knapp Commission, 247
Koch, Ed, 95–97, 122, 147, 336
city council hearing testimony of, 211, 212
Koons, Jeff, 2
Kopp, Wendy, 132, 133
Kravitz, Lenny, 70
Kuklick, Bruce, 117
La Guardia, Fiorello, 16, 18, 147
Land Use Committee, 1
Lane, Eric, 211–12
language acquisition, 232, 338
Lao Tzu, 287
Lasher, Micah, 140–41
Lavinia, Arin, 188–90, 192
Lawrence, Bryan, 9, 214
Lazard Frères, 214
learning, 337–38
intellectual challenge in, 38–39, 232, 344, 347
language acquisition, 232, 338
learning disabilities and special education, 265–67, 298, 317
LeClerc, Paul, 30
Ledley, Charlie, 10
Lee, Spike, 2
Lehrer, Tom, 64–65
Lennon, John, 99, 336
Levy, Jill, 294
Lewis, Bertha, 299
Lewis, Beverly, 126
libraries, 345
Harlem Success Academy, 32
New York Public Library, 29, 30, 118
PS 6, 177
Robin Hood Foundation, 32
Life Sciences Secondary School, 178
Liman, Arthur, 120
Lincoln Towers, 164
Lindsay, John, 91, 95, 209
Liu, John, 237, 239
Loeb, Daniel, 195, 229, 303, 339
Loeb, Margaret, 195, 339
Lomax, Michael L., 172
Lombardi, Tony, 251–57, 289, 292–93, 343
Lopez, Sheila, 21
Lottery, The, 163
lotteries, 57, 224, 240
Success Academy, 59–60, 90, 163, 201
Loving, Danique, 313
Lucchese crime family, 65
Machiavelli, Niccolò, 136, 261, 303
Madison Square Garden, 330
maintenance workers, 4–5
Malone, Andrew, 264, 271–72, 329
Maloney, Carolyn, 148–51
managers, start-up founders vs., 223
Moskowitz’s campaign for borough president, 7, 8–12, 19, 42, 261, 339
Silk Stock District of, 2
see also New York City
Manly, Jim, 161
Marcus, Judith, 148
Marenholtz-Bülow, Bertha Marie von, 112
Margulies, Raice, 338
Marshall, Thurgood, 172
mathematics, 22, 56, 64–65, 84
constructivist approach to, 64–65, 79–80
tests on, 103–5, 107, 110, 163, 192, 207–8, 268, 297–300, 318, 324
mayoral control, 130, 137, 146, 213, 217, 245, 259–60
McCurry, Doug, 261
McLaughlin, Brian, 250–51, 333
McLeod, Sydney, 76–77, 105, 110, 302
on Greece trip, 302–3
media, see journalists
Melvin, Thomas, 21
Merriman, James, 113–15
Merrow, John, 306–11, 317, 318
Metropolitan Museum of Art, 71, 215
Mill, James, 337
Mill, John Stuart, 337
Miller, George, 132, 134, 135
Miller, Gifford, 211, 212, 215–16, 237, 244, 333
campaign for city council, 148–49, 184, 338–39
campaign for city council Speaker, 179–81, 183, 184, 339
Mitchell, Ted, 132
Monserrate, Hiram, 181
Morning Joe, 274
Moskowitz, Andre (Eva’s brother), 97
birth of, 52
childhood of, 67, 68, 70–74
Moskowitz, Anita (Eva’s mother), 11, 23, 49, 67, 68, 120–21, 155, 338
art history career of, 49, 68, 71–72
birth of, 14
California trips of, 68
European travels of, 49
Eva tutored by, 70
and Eva’s plan to enter politics, 151
immigration to America, 15–16
in Israel, 49
marriage of, 49
mother’s death and, 17–18
move back to city, 97
move out of city, 72
New York City crime and, 72
political activism of, 69
schooling of, 18
upstate New York home of, 71–75, 91
Moskowitz, Emil (Eva’s grandfather), 47
Moskowitz, Eva:
biking trips of, 101, 118–19, 122, 227–28, 303
birth of, 52
on California trips with parents, 68
Cambodian refugees assisted by, 98, 150, 331
catnip jelly made by, 73
and challenges of managing Success, 222–27
childhood of, 67–75
childhood teacher incidents, 71
children of, see Grannis, Culver; Grannis, Dillon; Grannis, Hannah
children of, as Success Academy students, 60, 76, 162–63, 204, 207, 233
City Council campaign in 1997, 150–54, 184, 339
City Council campaign in 1999, 155–57
as City Council Education Committee chair, 4, 6–7, 8, 12, 19, 23, 34, 54, 86, 183–84, 211–21, 331, 339
as City Councilmember, 176–84, 215, 331
at community board meetings, 156–57
constituent complaints and, 177–9, 217, 219, 331
dissertation of, 120, 122, 123
documentary made by, 123
education of, 68, 70–71, 73–75, 88, 97–99, 102, 117–20, 331, 335
European travels of, 118–19, 121–22, 227–28
evolution of views on public education, 177, 330–31, 334–35
family background of, 14–18, 47–52
fertility treatments of, 150, 154, 181
as Harlem resident, 26, 60, 87, 88, 129,
hearings on school governance held by, 211–13, 216–18, 220–21
hearings on union contracts held by, 221, 244–58, 288–96, 330, 332–35
history as interest of, 69
honeymoon of, 121–22
husband of, see Grannis, Eric
In Therapy We Trust: America’s Obsession with Self-Fulfillment, 148
at Johns Hopkins, 119–20
Manhattan borough president campaign of, 7, 8–12, 19, 42, 261, 339
marriage of, 121
as mayoral candidate, 237, 303–5, 336
Metropolitan Museum of Art and, 71, 215
as Miller campaign volunteer, 148–49, 184, 338–39
motherhood balanced with work by, 156–57, 158–59, 163, 216
in Paris, 73–75
political activism of, 69–70, 118
politics as career idea for, 120, 148–50, 155
pregnancies of, 154–55, 181, 216
press conference announcement of, 305
at PS 6, 70–71, 177
at PS 36, 68, 70, 98, 331
skiing of, 74
at Stuyvesant, 97–99, 117
Stuyvesant yearbook and, 98–99
Success Academy as focus of, 159, 304–5
Success Academy founded by, 19–27, 297, 299, 336, 339; see also Success Academy Harlem 1
summer camp attended by, 69–70, 75
as teacher, 37, 41, 42, 122–24
teaching as childhood interest of, 68–70
testimony and questioning at charter school hearings, 85, 86–90
town clock and, 74–75
at University of Pennsylvania, 102, 117–18
Yoanson family and, 190–91, 193
Moskowitz, Frances Ehrenreich (Eva’s grandmother), 47–49, 121
Moskowitz, Martin (Eva’s father), 11, 47–49, 67, 68, 338
California trips of, 68
career in mathematics, 48–49, 67
childhood of, 47–48, 71
Columbia University position of, 67
European travels of, 49
Eva’s city council campaign and, 153
and Eva’s plan to enter politics, 151
Eva’s teacher and, 71
Eva’s wedding and, 121
Eva tutored by, 70
in Israel, 49
marriage of, 49
move back to city, 97
move out of city, 72
New York City crime and, 72
in Paris, 73–74
political activism of, 69
upstate New York home of, 71–75, 91
Mother Cabrini High School, 284
MS 172, 326
MS 198, 218
Mugabe, Robert, 216
Murray, Bill, 2
lawsuit against charter school colocations brought by UFT and, 168–74
UFT and, 170, 172
Nader, Ralph, 182
Napoleon, 112, 340
National Assessment of Educational Progress, 334
National Blue Ribbon Award, 192
Navemar, SS, 15–16, 338
Nazi Germany, 14–16, 51, 336, 338
The Education of Eva Moskowitz Page 38