The Education of Eva Moskowitz

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The Education of Eva Moskowitz Page 39

by Eva Moskowitz

  Nazimova, Sarah, 99–100

  Nelson, Iris, 21

  Network, 160–61, 206–8, 224, 229–30, 313, 316

  Network, 96

  Newfield, Jack, 179

  New Left Review, 198

  newspaper racks, 5

  newspapers, see journalists; specific publications

  New York City, 16, 67, 336

  blackout in, 95

  Bloomberg as mayor of, see Bloomberg, Michael

  crime in, 72, 93–96, 122, 147, 236

  de Blasio as mayor of, see de Blasio, Bill

  decay in, 93–96

  Dinkins as mayor of, 122, 147–48

  Eva’s grandfather’s poems about, 50

  Eva’s 1994 return to, 147–48

  financial problems of, 92, 93

  Giuliani as mayor of, see Giuliani, Rudy

  governance structure for school system in, 209–14

  immigrants in, 16, 67, 336

  Independent Budget Office of, 309

  Jews in, 16, 147, 336

  Koch as mayor of, 95–97, 122, 147

  Lindsay as mayor of, 91, 95, 209

  mayoral control of school system in, 130, 137, 146, 213, 217, 245, 259–60

  middle class in, 94, 96, 199, 202

  municipal workers laid off in, 93

  9/11 and, 181–83, 209

  in 1960s and 1970s, 91–97

  Son of Sam in, 94–95

  subways in, 96–97

  teachers’ strike of 1968 in, 209–10

  transit workers in, 91, 95

  union strikes and demands in, 91–92, 95

  upward trajectory of, 97, 122

  Wall Street, 67, 93, 122, 183

  Westway project in, 129

  Whitman on, 336

  see also Brooklyn; Harlem; Manhattan

  New York City Central Labor Council, 250–51, 333

  New York City Charter School Center, 113, 115

  New York City Coalition for Educational Justice (CEJ), 197

  New York City Council:

  charter school co-location hearings of, 85, 86–90

  city budget and, 176–77

  Davis murdered at meeting of, 244

  Government Operations Committee of, 179

  Miller on, 179–81, 183, 184, 215–16

  Miller’s campaign for, 148–49, 184, 338–39

  Miller’s campaign for Speaker position in, 179–81, 183, 184, 339

  Moskowitz on, 176–84, 215, 331

  Moskowitz elected to, 157

  Moskowitz’s 1997 campaign for, 150–54, 184, 339

  Moskowitz’s 1999 campaign for, 155–57

  Moskowitz’s school governance hearings at, 211–13, 216–18, 220–21

  Moskowitz’s union contract hearings at, 221, 244–58, 288–96, 330, 332–35

  New York Times on, 180

  term limits in, 179

  New York City Council Education Committee, 90, 270

  and bill requiring quarterly reports on capital projects, 217–18

  Jackson as chair of, 86, 333

  lack of efficacy in, 179

  Moskowitz as chair of, 4, 6–7, 8, 12, 19, 23, 34, 54, 86, 183–84, 211–21, 331, 339

  press and, 184

  New York City Department of Education (DOE), 162, 217, 240, 285

  Blue Book of, on school building occupancy, 138–40, 214–15

  Building Utilization Plans and, 145

  charter school co-locations scrutinized by, 265

  charter school renovations and, 200–201

  classroom rugs and, 217

  and data on attrition rates and discipline policies, 318

  Educational Impact Statements and, 129–30, 169, 265

  Eleanor Roosevelt High School and, 178–79

  English tests and, 334

  Girls Prep and, 169

  Harlem 1 and, 30, 45

  Harlem 2 and, 126–28

  Life Sciences Secondary School textbooks and, 178

  light fixtures and, 238, 249

  and money wasted on construction and renovation, 219–20

  Moskowitz’s press release on “culture of secrecy” at, 178

  Moskowitz’s school governance hearings and, 211, 218

  Moskowitz’s union contract hearings and, 247, 249, 255, 257

  No Child Left Behind Act and, 218–19

  pre-K and, 111

  principals and, 293, 294

  PS 191 and, 324–25

  PS 811 and, 265–66, 274

  school closures and, 129, 140, 143, 169

  and student assault on teacher, 220

  Success Academy co-locations and, 126–28, 140, 145, 166, 167

  Success Academy schools and, 30, 45, 54, 56–57, 59, 81–84

  teacher payrolls and, 220

  teacher terminations and, 63–64, 255, 289

  teacher training by, 19, 64

  New York Civic Participation Project, 197

  New York Civil Liberties Union, 84

  New York Communities for Change, 167

  New York Daily News, 58–59, 63, 93, 132, 137, 157, 165, 172, 178, 196, 268, 269, 300, 339

  González’s articles in, see González, Juan

  and Harlem Central/PS 811 colocation, 266

  Moskowitz’s op-ed in, 215

  Son of Sam’s letter to, 94–95

  New Yorker, 63

  New-York Historical Society, 216

  New York Hotel and Motel Trades Council, 5

  New York Observer, 157, 295

  New York Open Meetings Law, 166, 299

  New York Post, 6, 12, 90, 157, 179, 268, 269, 339

  New York Public Library, 29, 30, 118

  New York State Education Department, 275

  New York Sun, 215, 217–18

  New York Times, 3–4, 6, 13, 141, 142, 167, 178, 184, 199, 216, 239, 241, 333

  charter school rally and, 273

  on de Blasio, 241–42, 277

  and de Blasio’s revoking of Success co-locations, 276

  Harlem Central/PS 811 co-location and, 266

  Internet home page of, 326

  on Moskowitz as mayoral candidate, 304

  Moskowitz’s borough president campaign and, 8–12, 339

  Moskowitz’s city council campaigns and, 152–53, 157

  Moskowitz’s contract hearings and, 247

  and Moskowitz’s founding of Harlem Success Academy, 20

  New York City Council and, 180

  9/11 and, 182

  profile on Moskowitz in, 217

  Taylor’s articles in, 311–19, 329–29

  New York Times Magazine, 97

  New York University, 68

  9/11 attacks, 181–83, 209

  Nixon, Richard, 70

  No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act, 218–19

  Nolan, Catherine, 275

  Norman Thomas High School, 220

  North, Oliver, 120

  Norvell, Wiley, 267

  Number Stories, 79

  NYCC, 197

  Obama, Barack, 10, 132–35

  Damon and, 194

  views on education, 132

  Obama administration:

  financial crisis and, 134

  Race to the Top program of, 134, 141, 145–46

  Obey, David, 134

  O’Connor, Flannery, 101

  Oestreicher, Martin, 247–50

  O’Hanlon, Sean, 204, 207, 232, 344

  Orwell, George, 128, 210

  Osgood, Charles, 43

  Paige, Rod, 218, 219

  painters’ union, 65, 250

  Panel on Educational Priorities, 263

  Paper Bag Players, 162


  charter school hearings and, 86

  children’s behavioral issues and, 34–36

  disputes between, 55

  educational philosophies and, 346

  educators attacked by, 203–4

  investment in children’s education, 77–78

  poor, 77

  school choice and,

  teachers’ calling of, 55, 78, 79

  Paris, 73–75

  Parker, Rosemarie, 292

  passing the lemon, 256

  Pataki, George, 136, 243

  Paterson, David, 83, 136, 141, 144, 243

  Paul, Weiss, 173, 199

  Paulson, John, 339

  PBS, 309, 310

  PCBs, 238, 239

  Peiser, Brett, 261

  Pelé, 230

  Perelman, Ron, 1–4

  Perkins, Bill, 130, 137, 141–43, 165, 172

  Petry, John, 9–10, 19, 20, 22, 29, 30, 43–44, 46, 53, 54, 59, 65, 132, 339

  Phipps, Henry, 151

  Plato, 235

  Poindexter, John, 120

  political advertising, 5

  poverty, 77, 81, 100, 196, 241, 331

  standardized tests and, 105, 298, 325

  Powell, Ann, 267, 316

  Powell, Michael, 239

  pre-K, 111, 113, 241, 242

  charter schools and, 111, 113, 303

  de Blasio and, 270, 273, 275, 278, 303

  DOE and, 111

  in Harlem district schools, 111

  Prep for Prep, 154, 195

  press, see journalists

  “Pretty Good” (Osgood), 43

  Princeton Review, 160

  principals, 258, 295, 345

  assistant, 293–95

  culture data and, 78–79

  experience of, 186, 345

  leadership of, 186, 91, 345

  planning sessions of, 189–90

  salaries of, 247

  at Success, 33, 45, 64, 78–79, 161–63, 185–92, 203–4, 232, 311–18, 345

  teachers’ contracts and, 245, 246, 257–58, 292–93

  teachers guided and coached by, 189–90, 346–47

  teachers hired by, 252–53, 290

  and teachers’ needs vs. students, 162–63, 187

  teachers observed by, 189–90, 343

  teacher terminations and, 162–63, 252–57, 289

  tenure for, 153, 156, 293

  private schools, 100, 326–27, 345

  PS 6, 70–71, 177, 263

  PS 7, 59

  PS 15, 196

  PS 24, 219

  PS 29, 196

  PS 36, 68, 70, 98, 331

  PS 55, 298

  PS 58, 196

  PS 65, 10, 21, 25

  PS 87, 58, 166, 167

  PS 101, 59, 326

  PS 123, 57–59, 65–66, 82, 84, 125–28, 140, 239

  protests at, 125, 128–29, 137

  PS 145, 165, 166

  PS 149, 26, 28–33, 54

  PS 154, 23–26

  PS 165, 167

  PS 186, 219

  PS 191, 324–25

  PS 194, 81, 83, 84, 86, 89, 325

  PS 241, 54, 81, 83, 84, 86, 87, 138–40, 333

  PS 261, 199, 202, 219–20

  PS 290, 217

  PS 811, 265–67, 274, 279–80, 312

  psychological thinking in American culture, 148

  Quimby, Phineas, 148

  Quinn, Christine, 179–80, 212, 237, 241, 242

  Race to the Top program, 134, 141, 145–46

  Rangel, Charlie, 83, 120, 155, 246

  Rashid, Karim, 5

  Ravitch, Diane, 266–67, 286

  reading, 29–31, 37, 331

  book selection and, 204–6

  English tests, 110, 163, 188, 192, 193, 207–8, 297–99, 324, 325, 333, 334

  literacy curriculum designed by Moskowitz and Lavinia, 188–90, 192

  Success for All program, 9–10, 23, 37–41

  tests on, 87, 105–7, 110

  text-to-self connections in, 106

  Reagan, Ronald, 95

  real estate industry, 152

  Recchia, Domenic, 257, 292

  regulations, 25, 299–300, 303, 345

  responsibility and accountability, 332, 334–35, 343

  Reyna, Diana, 199

  Rivers, Joan, 2

  Robertson, Julian, 339

  Robin Hood Foundation, 32

  Rodriguez, Angel, 183

  Roosevelt, Eleanor, 166

  Roosevelt, Franklin, 96

  Rosenbaum, Yankel, 147

  Rosenblum, Ian, 285–86

  Rosenfeld, Lucinda, 199, 202

  Rossi, Ralph, 115

  Rubber Room, 63, 64

  Rubin, Judy, 156

  Rubin, Robert, 156

  Rushdie, Salman, 303

  Russo, Alexander, 318

  sanitation workers, 91, 92

  SAT, 104

  Scarborough, Joe, 274

  Schiff, Drew, 148, 149

  Schnur, Jon, 132–34

  School Construction Authority, 285

  School of Art and Design, 177


  accountability in, 332, 334–35, 343

  Blue Book on capacity and occupancy of, 138–40, 214–15

  charter, see charter schools

  class size in, 59, 90, 140, 144, 332–33, 335, 344–45

  closures of, 81, 129, 130, 134, 140, 143, 169–70

  community, 77

  construction and renovation of, 219–20

  content and curriculum in, 343

  custodians in, see custodians

  evolution of Moskowitz’s views on, 177, 330–31, 334–35

  failing, 83, 87, 89, 100, 111, 129, 134, 141–42, 164, 169–70, 172, 208, 269, 293–94, 331

  failing, student transfers out of, 218

  firsthand experiences of, vs. reading about, 331

  funding for, 87

  highly segregated, 196

  inequality in, 335

  innovation lacking in, 331–32

  joyfulness in, 161–62, 344

  low expectations created in, 76

  in New York City, occupancy data on, 138–40

  No Child Left Behind Act and, 218–19

  pedagogical philosophies in, 62, 192

  in poor communities, 203, 331; see also poverty

  private, 100, 326–27, 345

  providing resources to, 32

  problems with getting in touch with, 219

  regulations and, 25, 299–300

  rent and, 240

  rugs in, 217, 295, 296

  safety in, 344

  textbooks in, 178, 331, 332, 343, 345

  theoretical ideal vs. reality of, 335

  union-political-educational complex and, 87

  vouchers for, 100, 132, 177

  see also education; principals; students; teachers

  Schumer, Chuck, 152, 190–91

  Schurz, Margarethe Meyer, 112

  Schwartz, Arthur, 198–200

  Schwartz, Larry, 281, 282

  Scorsese, Martin, 2

  Scully, John, 339

  SED, see State Education Department

  Sedlis, Jenny, 21, 24, 167, 193

  Seeger, Pete, 70

  Seigler, Richard, 185–92, 283, 287

  September 11 attacks, 181–83, 209

  Serpico, Frank, 247

  Seuss, Dr., 99, 204–5

  Shabazz, Khari, 45, 54–55, 77, 108–9, 232

  Brown shooting and, 232–33

  Shakespeare, William, 245

  Shanker, Albert, 332

  Shannon, Natasha, 25

  Shorris, Tony, 280–84

  sidewalk cafés, 1–4, 335

  Silver, Sheldon, 145, 210–11, 213

  Singapore, 22

  Sizer, Theodore, 198

  Slam the Exam rally, 206

  Slate, 269

  SMART Board, 345

  soccer, 230–31

  Socratic method, 40

  Songs of a Refugee (Fiderer-Margolis), 14, 49–52

  Son of Sam, 94–95

  Sotheby’s, 178

  special education, 265–67, 298, 317

  Speliotis, Ismene, 196

  Spitzer, Eliot, 2, 136, 243

  start-up, parable of, 223

  State Education Department (SED), 145

  Harlem Success Academy nam
e change and, 24–25, 46, 65

  standardized tests and, 163

  Success Academy co-location negotiations and, 280, 284

  Success Academy developmental kindergarten program and, 113–16, 299

  Success Academy school openings and, 53, 56, 65

  State University of New York (SUNY), 141, 198–99

  Harlem Success Academy and, 53–54, 56

  Network fee increase and, 206–8

  and pre-K and developmental kindergarten programs, 113–15, 303

  Steiner, David, 113, 114

  Stephanopoulos, George, 303

  Stern, Henry, 176

  Sternberg, Marc, 167

  Strauch, Chuck, 226

  Strauss, Valerie, 267

  Stringer, Scott, 9–12, 42, 129

  student activism, 69


  active listening in, 40, 61

  American, achievement gap between students in other countries and, 22

  behavioral issues in, 34–36, 312–16

  careful and precise work and, 107

  and caring about academic work as much as other things, 108

  classroom routines and, 161

  discipline policies for, 311, 318, 342, 344

  effort of, 38–39

  gifted, 231

  hand signals for, 62

  medical needs of, 77

  parents of, see parents

  physical interactions between teachers and, 159–60

  poverty and, 77, 105, 196

  special education, 265–67, 298

  suspension of, 308, 309, 311, 343–44

  teachers assaulted by, 220

  teachers making things easy for, 231–32, 347

  teaching styles and, 62

  testing of, see tests, standardized

  “turn and talk” technique and, 61–62

  violent, 308, 311

  see also education; schools

  Stuyvesant High School, 252

  Eva at, 97–99, 117

  Eva’s father at, 48

  Lasher at, 140–41

  Success Academy Bed-Stuy 1, 298, 318

  Success Academy Bronx 2, 298

  Success Academy Charter Schools, 46, 76–80, 217, 273

  accusations and predictions about, 143–44, 163, 202

  attrition rates at, 318

  book selection at, 204–6

  business operations managers at, 188

  Candido Brown at, 311–18, 329

  challenges faced by students at, 44–45, 77, 110, 327

  Charlotte Dial at, 320–22, 325, 328, 329

  chess program of, 204, 207, 232

  children of color in, 165

  classroom routines in, 161

  class sizes and, 59, 90, 140, 144

  co-locations of, see Success Academy co-locations

  crises and, 223

  cultural and professional opportunities for students of, 302–3

  culture of, 76

  culture data tracked at, 78–79

  “cupid policy” on romances between employees of, 159

  developmental kindergarten and, 112–16, 299, 303

  documentary about, 163

  DOE and, 30, 45, 54, 56–57, 59, 81–84


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