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The Education of Eva Moskowitz

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by Eva Moskowitz

  educational philosophy of, 342–47

  Education Institute Library of, 342

  educators attacked by parents at, 203–4

  electives program in, 231, 344

  employees’ workload at, 223, 224

  English language learners at, 201–2, 298

  expansion into Brooklyn, 194–202

  facilities needed for, 80, 81–83

  first school of, see Success Academy Harlem 1

  fun activities for students of, 161–62, 344

  gifted children at, 231

  Greece and Turkey visited by students of, 302–3

  growth and budget of, 158, 160, 222–23, 337

  gyms and athletic fields of, 137–38, 168–69, 173, 174, 196, 230, 286

  hand signals used in, 62

  impact of, 305

  journalistic treatment of, see journalists

  Kim as lawyer for, 167–68, 174

  lateness and, 78, 191

  literacy curriculum at, 188–89

  lotteries held by, 59–60, 90, 163, 201

  mathematics curriculum of, 64–65, 79–80

  Moskowitz’s children as students at, 60, 76, 162–63, 204, 207, 233

  Moskowitz’s concerns about managing, 222–27

  Moskowitz’s focus on, 159, 304–5

  Moskowitz’s office at, 161

  Network management organization in, 160–61, 206–8, 224, 229–30, 313, 316

  opening of, 46, 53–54, 56–60, 61–66, 300

  orthodoxies rejected in, 224

  parental participation and, 77–78, 190

  philanthropists and, 339

  and physical interactions between teachers and students, 159–60

  principals at, 33, 45, 64, 78–79, 161–63, 185–92, 203–4, 232, 311–18, 345

  private or suburban schools vs., 327

  safety issues at, 283

  SED and, 53, 56, 65

  soccer program of, 230–31

  standardized test preparation at, 105–9, 206

  standardized test results at, 110, 163, 188, 192, 207–8, 268, 297–98, 300, 318

  start-up costs for, 240, 259

  suspensions at, 308, 309, 311

  teachers at, 61–64, 76, 78, 162–63, 189–90, 203, 345, 346

  teachers’ salaries at, 224

  teaching techniques in, 61–62

  teachers’ unions’ opposition to, 113, 135, 137; see also United Federation of Teachers

  THINK literacy curriculum of, 64

  training for principals, deans, and teachers at, 64

  triumvirate leadership of, 226–27

  Web site of, 342

  see also specific schools

  Success Academy Cobble Hill, 195–202, 263, 327

  light fixtures at, 238–39

  Success Academy co-locations, 81, 83, 84, 86, 143–44, 162, 196–97

  AstroTurf field and, 137–38

  Blue Book and, 138–40

  Building Utilization Plans for, 145, 168, 173–74

  challenges of, 162

  chart on capacities and utilization rates of, 139

  Community Education Council hearing on, 165–66

  de Blasio’s revoking of, 263, 264–69, 270–78, 279–82, 286–87, 298, 304

  Educational Impact Statements and, 129–30, 168, 265

  elderly former teacher and, 162

  fair allocation of space in, 168–69, 173–74

  gyms and, 168–69, 173, 174, 196

  Kappa II, 140, 143

  and law prohibiting city from charging rent or revoking existing co-locations, 275–76, 278, 279

  light fixtures at, 238–39

  negotiations on, following de Blasio’s actions against, 279–87

  PS 123, 57–59, 65–66, 125–28, 140

  PS 123 protests and, 125, 128–29, 137

  PS 145, 165, 166

  PS 149, 26, 28–33, 54, 86

  PS 165, 167

  PS 241, 81, 83, 84, 86, 138–40, 333

  renovations and, 65, 200–201, 238

  rent and, 240, 259, 261, 275

  and schedules for sharing common space, 65–66

  storage space and, 162

  UFT and NAACP lawsuit against, 168–74

  UFT’s manufactured conflict and protests against, 125, 128, 130–31, 144

  weapons and, 162, 168

  Success Academy Fort Greene, 311–18

  Success Academy Harlem 1, 28–33, 42–46, 53–60, 79, 109, 188

  ACTION values of, 33

  appearance and maintenance of, 31–32, 55

  challenges faced by students at, 44–45

  culture of, 32–33, 35, 44, 76

  dean of, 44–45, 54–55

  DOE and, 30, 45, 54, 56–57, 59

  first days of, 28–30

  founding of, 19–27, 297, 299, 336, 339

  Fucaloro at, 37–41

  library of, 32

  name of, 20, 24–25, 46, 65

  additional schools opened following, 46, 53–54, 56–60

  principal attacked at, 203–4

  principal let go at, 33, 45

  PS 149 co-location with, 26, 28–33, 54, 86

  SED and, 24–25, 46, 53, 56, 65

  students’ behavioral issues and, 34–36

  students recruited for, 25

  Success for All reading program in, 9–10, 23, 37–41

  SUNY and, 53–54, 56

  supplies at, 36–37

  teachers at, 25, 29, 34–37, 42–46, 54–56

  uniforms of, 23, 28, 30, 31

  Success Academy Harlem 2, 81, 84, 115, 140, 143

  in chess tournament, 207

  Success Academy Harlem 3, 162

  in chess tournament, 207

  Fofana’s death and, 283–85, 287

  National Blue Ribbon Award won by, 192

  Seigler at, 185–92

  Yoanson family at, 190–91, 193

  Success Academy Harlem 4, 81, 185

  Success Academy Harlem Central, 264–68, 270–72, 274, 276, 283, 298

  PS 811 and, 265–67, 274, 279–80, 312

  Success Academy Union Square, 265

  Success Academy Upper West, 165, 174–75, 200, 265, 298, 327

  lawsuit against, 167–68, 174

  Success Academy Williamsburg, 196, 199, 200, 202

  Success for All reading program, 9–10, 23, 37–41

  Suh, Sung-Hee, 97

  Sullivan, Brendan, 120

  Sullivan, “Big Tim,” 4

  SUNY, see State University of New York

  suspensions, 308, 309, 311, 343–44

  Szurpicki, Sarah, 21

  Taratko, Tom, 126

  Taylor, Kate, 311–19, 329–29


  American Federation of Teachers, 77

  bad conduct by, in district schools, 325–26

  classroom routines and, 161

  contracts of, see teachers’ contracts

  direct instruction and amount of talking by, 56

  DOE training for, 19, 64

  effects of dysfunctional school system on, 220, 331, 332

  emotions of, 108–9

  fingerprinting of, 220, 331

  at Harlem Success Academy, 25, 29, 34–37, 42–46, 54–56

  hiring process for, 220, 252–53, 290–92, 295

  layoffs of, 93

  lesson plans of, 252, 343

  low expectations in, 76

  at Madison Square Garden rally, 330

  and making things easy for students, 231–32, 347

  observation of, 189–90, 343

  parents called by, 55, 78, 79

  as part of team, 192, 345–46

  pedagogical beliefs of, 62, 192

  physical interactions between students and, 159–60

  planning meetings for, 189–90

  principals and, 162–63, 187

  principals’ guiding and coaching of, 189–90, 346–47

  sabbaticals taken by, 251–52

  school closures and, 129

  seniority system and, 220, 290–92, 295, 330

  student assaults on, 220

  at Success, 61–64, 76, 78, 162–63, 189–90, 203, 345, 346

  at Success, salaries of, 224

  teaching styles and, 62

  tenure for, 6, 12, 129, 330

  termination of, 12, 63–64, 162–63, 252–57, 289–90, 295, 296

  in theoretical ideal, 335

  training of, 346

  transfers of, 255–56, 290–91

  “turn and talk” technique and, 61–62

  unions of, see teachers’ unions; United Federation of Teachers

  U ratings (unsatisfactory ratings) for, 253–56, 289, 290

  see also education; schools

  teachers’ colleges, 64

  teachers’ contracts, 6, 8–9, 12, 42, 86, 189, 221, 333

  Bloomberg and, 6, 12, 42, 236, 330, 334

  length of, 245

  Moskowitz’s hearings on, 221, 244–46, 250–58, 289–93, 295, 330, 332–35

  renegotiation of, 330

  teachers’ unions, 133, 134

  charter schools and, 135

  pre-K and, 113

  see also United Federation of Teachers

  Teach for America (TFA), 62–63, 133

  Teamsters, 92

  tests, standardized, 103–7, 337

  careful work and, 107

  English, 110, 163, 188, 192, 193, 207–8, 297–99, 324, 325, 333, 334

  importance of, 300

  math, 103–5, 107, 110, 163, 192, 207–8, 268, 297–300, 318, 324

  monitoring schools with, 78

  poor children and, 105, 298, 325

  reading, 105–7, 110

  SAT, 104

  SED and, 163

  skills for taking, 104

  Success Academy preparation for, 105–9, 206

  Success Academy results on, 110, 163, 188, 192, 207–8, 268, 297–98, 300, 318

  UFT school results on, 298–300

  university admissions and, 104–5

  textbooks, 178, 331, 332, 343, 345

  THINK literacy, 64

  Thompson, Bill, 241

  Tilson, Whitney, 9, 10, 133

  timeouts, 343

  Tisch, Merryl, 113, 114

  Titanic, 180

  Title 1 students, 298

  transit workers, 91, 95

  Trivedi, Maria Monforte, 193

  Trump, Donald, 152, 157

  Turkey, 302

  Twain, Mark, 267

  Uncommon Schools, 32, 261

  union contracts:

  Moskowitz’s hearings on, 221, 244–58, 288–96, 330, 332–35

  of teachers, see teachers’ contracts

  unions, 4, 9–11, 156, 269, 305

  campaign contributions and, 5

  charter schools and, 81, 82

  education reform and, 229

  front groups for, 197

  New York City Central Labor Council, 250–51, 333

  painters’, 65, 250

  school governance structure and, 210

  strikes and demands by, in 1960s and 1970s, 91–92, 95

  teachers’, see teachers’ unions; United Federation of Teachers

  United Federation of Teachers (UFT), 6, 7, 8–9, 125, 130, 136, 137, 140, 156, 169–70, 197, 210, 241, 262, 267, 270, 288, 333

  ACORN and, 83–84, 128, 130

  Alliance for Quality Education and, 197, 237, 277, 299

  Bloomberg and, 6, 12, 42, 236, 330, 334

  Building Utilization Plans and, 145, 168, 173–74

  charter school hearings and, 86

  charter schools of, 21, 116, 297–300

  contracts and, see teachers’ contracts

  de Blasio and, 140, 241

  and DOE hearings for Success Academy facilities, 82

  Educational Impact Statements and, 129–30, 168

  Harlem Success Academy and, 23–26

  lawsuit against charter school colocations brought by NAACP and, 168–74

  legislation-passing strategies of, 130–31, 170

  Madison Square Garden rally of, 330

  mayoral forum held by, 239

  and Moskowitz as Education Committee chair, 183

  and Moskowitz’s campaign for borough president, 9, 12

  and Moskowitz’s hearings on teachers’ contracts, 221, 244–46, 250–58, 292, 330, 332–35

  NAACP and, 170, 172

  protests organized by, 125, 128, 130–31, 144, 167, 170

  strike of 1968 by, 209–10

  Success Academy schools opposed by, 23–26, 58, 59, 82–85, 125, 128, 130–31, 144, 167

  teacher hirings and, 290

  teacher terminations and, 63–64, 290

  in union-political-educational complex, 87

  Working Families Party and, 11

  United Negro College Fund, 172

  university admissions, 104–5

  University of California, Berkeley, 18, 49, 69

  University of Edinburgh, 118

  University of Pennsylvania, 102, 117–18

  US Department of Education, 201–2

  Race to the Top program, 134, 141, 145–46

  Vallone, Peter, 176, 177, 179

  Vanderbilt University, 123–24

  Vann, Albert, 213

  Vespi, Michele, 313

  Vietnam War, 69

  Vignola, Chad, 255

  Village Voice, 140, 233–34

  Virshup, Amy, 326–28

  vocabulary, 232, 338

  Voskerichian, Virginia, 94

  Wall Street Journal, 218–19, 275–76, 278

  Walton Family Foundation, 56, 339

  Washington, D.C., 120

  Washington Monthly, 318

  Washington Post, 267, 310

  Watson, Pamela, 82

  Wayland, Joseph, 114–15

  Weiner, Anthony, 239, 241

  Weingarten, Randi, 12, 20–21, 41, 42, 90, 229, 245, 250, 330

  McLaughlin and, 251, 333

  school governance hearing testimony of, 212–13

  UFT school and, 21, 297, 299

  at union contract hearings, 288–92, 295, 333

  Weinstein, Tali Farhadian, 303

  Weisberg, Daniel, 257–58, 293–94

  Welch, Jack, 43

  Westin, Jonathan, 143

  Westway, 129

  White, H. F., 16

  White, John, 82

  White, Walter, 172

  Whitman, Walt, 336

  Wilde, Oscar, 61

  Wilkins, Roy, 172

  Williams, Joe, 132, 133, 135

  Williams, Reba White, 156–57, 176

  Witkowski, Teresa, 159

  WNYC, 309, 318–19

  Working Families Party (WFP), 11

  Wright, Keith, 83

  Ye, Jenny, 318

  YMCA, 230

  Yoanson, Christian, 191, 193

  Yoanson, Emile, 190–91, 193

  Yoanson, Segnonble, 191, 193

  Yu, Sara, 205–6

  Zaccaro, Ed, 231

  Zalkind, Paola, 190, 192, 229

  About the Author

  EVA MOSKOWITZ is the founder and CEO of Success Academy Charter Schools and a former New York City council member. She has a PhD in American history from Johns Hopkins University and a BA from the University of Pennsylvania, and is a graduate of Stuyvesant High School. She lives in Harlem with her husband and their three children.

  Discover great authors, exclusive offers, and more at

  Also by Eva Moskowitz

  In Therapy We Trust: America’s Obsession with Self-Fulfillment

  Mission Possible: How the Secrets of the Success Academies Can Work in Any School (with Arin Lavinia)


  Cover design by Robin Bilardello

  Cover photograph by Blair Getz Mezibov


  THE EDUCATION OF EVA MOSKOWITZ. Copyright © 2017 by Eva Moskowitz. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. By payment of th
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