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Sleepless in Manchester

Page 5

by Woods, Karen

  “Fuck off, will you. I’ve told you I’m not interested.” Everyone was looking, and silence filled the garden. You could have heard a pin drop. Craig held his head back and ranted so everyone could hear him.

  “You’re just a prick tease. All night long, you’ve been flirting with me, you fucking tart.”

  Lesley staggered across the garden and draped her arm around Fallon’s shoulder. She gritted her teeth together and snarled at Craig. “Listen knob-rash, she said she’s not interested, so just fuck off and leave her alone.” He was white, the colour drained from his face. A few lads that knew Fallon and her brother all started to gather around them like a pack of wolves ready to make a kill. Mark was six foot tall and built like a man of steel. He knew Billy well and often grafted for him. This was his chance to earn some brownie points.

  He ran to Craig’s side and grabbed him by the scruff of his neck. “Who the fuck, do you think you’re talking to? She’s Billy’s sister you daft cunt. Have some respect.” Craig was trying to break free but Mark was too strong. He dragged him towards Fallon and screamed into his face. “Apologise now.” The crowd were all stood around them and Craig knew without any shadow of doubt that if he didn’t apologise his arse would be on the floor within seconds. Craig’s words were low, and everyone was listening carefully.

  “I’m sorry Fallon,” he said in stroppy tone.

  Mark flung his head back and head butted him. Craig dropped to the floor like a sack of spuds. “Go on, fuck off now before I give it you proper,” Mark yelled. Craig crawled along the grass away from him. He didn’t trust him one little bit and knew given the chance he would attack him again. This lad had a reputation and it was a lot bigger than Craig’s. Fallon hid her face away in Lesley’s chest, she hated violence.

  All eyes watched the beaten youth stand up and leave the party. Trickles of bright red claret was dribbling down the side of his cheek. Once he was out of the gate he ran off muttering “Bitch,” under his breath. “Just wait Fallon; just you wait, you fucking slag.”

  The party finished an hour later. Craig had ruined the night for Fallon and she seemed to have sobered up in a flash. “Are we getting off home Lesley or what?” she asked. Lesley had other plans though and the lad stood next to her wasn’t letting her go for love nor money.

  “Just hang on for a bit longer,” she whispered.

  Fallon was pissed off and wasn’t waiting around, she’d had enough. “I’m going home, I can’t be arsed anymore. I just want to get my head down, I’m knackered.”

  “You’re supposed to be staying at my house,” Lesley said in a concerned voice.

  “Nar, I’m going home, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Lesley watched her leave and didn’t put up much of a fight for her to stay around any longer; she had other things on her mind. Fallon lifted her hand over her head and waved as she walked out of the gate.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow Lesley,” she shouted. Her heels made a clicking sound as she walked along the pavement. It was now nearly two o’clock in the morning and the roads were quiet. Cars were passing Fallon, but not very often. She wrapped her arms around her body and headed home.

  Ahead there was the crunching sound of gravel as she cut through the Old Market stalls on Conran Street. Twisting her head frantically she struggled to see, it was pitch black. Her chest was rising with speed and she felt scared. Her pace quickened down the alleyway. The sound of someone behind her made her panic, she knew someone was there but she couldn’t see anyone. Fallon was struggling to run in her high heels and she nearly tripped over a few times. The end of the alleyway was in view and just a few more steps and she would have been out of it. A hand grabbed her by the hair and dragged her to the floor. She was punching and kicking but it was no good she was helpless, her attacker was too strong. A dark figure was hung over her; she couldn’t see his face, only his eyes. The man was dressed in black and his hood was pulled up over his head hiding his identity. Her attacker rammed his flat palm over her mouth, she tried biting him but he pummelled his fist into her face until she screamed no longer. Fallon was barely conscious, but she knew exactly who this man was.

  Her pants were ragged down her legs. The rapist was on top of her and he was biting her breast as he entered her. Fallon lay lifeless; her eyes were staring at the brick wall at the side of her and her fingertips were gripping the cold gravel. Groans could be heard. The man quickly jumped from her body and stood over her. Swinging his foot back he surged it deep into her ribcage. “Dirty bitch, I told you I’d pay you back.” He clocked the surrounding area and started to run from the scene of the crime, the gravel crunched as he made his getaway. As he came out of the alleyway the rapist pulled his hood down from his head and walked away as if nothing had happened. The attacker was Craig Jones.

  Fallon lay still. She was in shock; her teeth were chattering together, she looked perished. After a few minutes she rolled onto her side. Holding her ribs she dragged at her ripped clothes with one hand. She was weak and dizzy. Blood was trickling down her face and she was struggling to keep her eyes open. Her fingers gripped the wall at the side of her and she managed to crawl back up to her feet. Sobbing noises could be heard. Fallon took her shoes off and wobbled from the dark alleyway. She was confused and didn’t know which way to turn. A black cat ran under her feet and she screamed at the top of her lungs. “Help me! Somebody help me!” Her body folded in two as she melted to the floor, nobody heard her call for help.

  Finding the strength, she staggered home and pummelled her fist on the front door. You could see lights being switched on from inside. A face appeared at the window looking annoyed. Beryl opened the door and Fallon fell inside at her feet. She screamed at the top of her lungs. “Billy, Bob, someone help me.” Thunderous footsteps stomped down the stairs.

  Billy stood in his navy boxer shorts, he was half asleep. “What’s up with her? Fucking hell Mam, move out of the way so I can get to her,” he yanked his mother away by the arm. Billy bent his knees down and lifted his sister’s head up slowly. Once he saw her battered and bruised face he screamed out at full pelt. “Who’s fucking done this to you? I’ll fucking kill them stone dead.” He picked her up in his arms and carried her into the front room.

  Beryl was shaking and her lips were trembling. “Billy what’s up with her, is she dead?” Fallon could hardly talk, she was in shock. Beryl lit a cig and stood with it hanging from her mouth, her hands were shaking at speed and her breathing was shallow. Billy placed a pillow under his sister’s head and sat on the edge of the sofa. His voice was calm. His eyes shot to the thick black mud over her clothing, her ripped top made his blood boil. “Fallon, listen to me carefully. Who’s done this to you?”

  Her voice was low and he had to place his ear next to her mouth. “Craig Jones raped me,” she mumbled.

  Billy bolted up to his feet and shot a look to his mother. “Did she just say Craig Jones raped her?”

  Beryl shrugged her shoulders. “Oh, I don’t know, ask her again.” Billy was white in the face, his body was full of goose pimples and the hairs on his arms were stood on end. He went back to his sister’s side.

  “Did he rape you Fallon, just say it one more time and he’s a dead man.” They were hanging on her every word.

  Bob walked into the room scratching his head. His hair was like wire wool, and it was all stuck up at the front. “What’s all the fucking noise about, I was trying to sleep.”

  Beryl gritted her teeth at her husband and held one finger up to her mouth. “Be quiet for a minute will you.” Bob was frozen as he clocked his daughter lying on the sofa. Fallon sobbed and tried to sit up.

  “It was him Billy, I know it was.”

  Her brother melted to his knees, he dragged his fingers through his hair, and looked like he was going to pass out. “I’m gonna kill the bastard. I swear to you, he’s a dead man walking.” His words were slow and they sent shivers down her spine. Jumping to his feet he marched about the front room in a panic. “This stays in the
se four walls. No one is to know a thing about this, do you hear me?” Beryl nodded her head as did Bob.

  Fallon crawled up from the sofa and wobbled. Beryl ran to her side, “Come on love let’s get you cleaned up.” They both left the room.

  Bob looked at his son and growled. “Cut his fucking bollocks off son.” Billy inhaled deeply and his ribcage expanded twice its size.

  “Don’t you worry Dad, it will be sorted. Mark my fucking words, it will be sorted.” Billy ran about the house looking for his clothes. He was ready in a flash. The sound of the front door slamming could be heard. Bob sat alone. Dropping his head into his hands a single tear fell onto his cheek.

  Billy sprinted to his car. His hands were shaking as he tried to place the key into the ignition. “Come on you bastard,” he moaned. The silver Vauxhall Astra screeched from the car park in front of the house. Billy’s hands gripped the steering wheel and his knuckles were turning white, his teeth were clenched tightly together as he spoke to himself. “Oh I’m going to hurt you Craig Jones; just you wait and see you prick. You’re a fucking dead man.”

  Billy pulled up at his friend’s house. Running to the front door he hammered his fist onto the door. Bending his knees he stuck his face to the silver letterbox and shouted in a distressed voice. “Skids, it’s me Billy, open up.” The house was in silence. Standing looking anxious, he paced the small walkway in front of the house. He walked back to the door and kicked his foot at it with force. “Fucking hell,” he ranted. “Where the fuck are you Skid?” Billy stood still and focused on the front door, he could see a light from inside. Someone was coming. He pushed his head against the glass panel and looked closer, he rapped on the letterbox with speed. “Open the door, it’s me Billy.”

  Skid was Billy’s partner in crime. They were good friends and went back years. Both of them watched each other’s backs and they’d said in the past they would die for each other. Skid was over six foot tall with dark brown chestnut hair. He looked like he worked out regularly because his bulging biceps were in tip-top condition. Stood in the hallway in his black Lycra boxer shorts he looked confused. “Billy, what up mate? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Billy barged past him and headed into the living room. Searching for his cigs out of his jacket pocket he reached over to the pine table and grabbed the brass Zippo lighter. Skid was hovering over him as he watched him light his fag, he looked edgy. “Mate, you’re scaring me now, will you tell me what’s fucking wrong?”

  Billy inhaled deeply and a thick cloud of grey smoke filled the space around him. “It’s our Fallon, she’s been raped.” Skid stood for a minute taking in what Billy just said. Looking at his friend he knew he heard him right. Silence filled the room. Skid lit a cigarette and plonked on the sofa next to him. The house was clean and you would have thought a woman lived there; everything was so neat and tidy. The smell from the brown leather sofa told you it was still new.

  Billy sat cracking his knuckles as Skid sat forward in his chair, he was waiting for Billy to speak. Fallon’s brother coughed and cleared his throat. His eyes closed slowly as he jerked his head forward. “It was Craig Jones.”

  Skid, whose real name was Carl Jackson, clenched his teeth together. “Do you mean that little runt from the Shiredale Estate?”

  “Yep, that’s him, I’m going to hurt him bad” Billy snarled. “I’m going to cut his cock off you know, who the fuck does he think he is, raping my sister.” Billy let out a heart wrenching scream. Skid’s jaw dropped, his hand was twisting around his neck as he spoke.

  “We need to do this proper Billy, if we go in now all guns blazing, we’ll end up in nick doing life.”

  Billy stared at the brown shag- pile carpet. He looked menacing. “I know mate, that’s why I’m here. We need to Shanghai surprise the bastard, and let him think he’s got away with it.”

  “Correct, Billy,” Skid said in a stern tone. “Let’s think about this properly.”

  As morning light cracked through the beige cotton curtains in Skid’s front room, Billy looked tired; he’d not slept a wink all night. Skid was rolled up on the sofa being kept warm by three red fluffy pillows placed at the side of his body. Billy was chain-smoking, his chest was rising frantically. Stubbing his cig end out in the marble ashtray he walked over to his friend and poked him in his ribs with his fat pink finger. “Oi, ball bag. Come on wake up, we’ve got some plans to make. I need you with me on this. I can’t do it on my own.”

  Skid rubbed his knuckles into his eyes and squinted at the wall clock. “Fucking hell, what time is it?”

  Billy smirked and rubbed his hands together. “It’s payback time mate.”


  Dalton stood admiring himself in the mirror, he was unsure of his new look. This was his first day on the building site with his Dad Brian, he didn’t look comfortable and he was fidgeting constantly. Maria came into view and started tucking her son’s collar down at his neck, she looked so proud of her son. “Mam, will you just leave me alone. I’m not a baby anymore you know,” he pulled away from her with a stressed look on his face.

  “You’ll always be my baby, even when you’re old and grey, so stop moaning.” She held her head back and giggled.

  Brian came down the stairs and quickly checked his wristwatch. “Are you ready son, we need to make a move. I don’t want you being late on your first day do I?”

  Dalton gasped his breath and shot his eyes to the phone in the hallway; he was edgy and was debating his next move. “I just wanted to phone Fallon first, just give me a minute ay Dad.” Maria growled and rolled her eyes at her husband.

  “You don’t have time, bloody hell; she’ll still be in bed at this time anyway. You can ring her later, just go to work.” Dalton stood and looked at his father who was stood with the front door open waiting to go. He trudged towards him looking deflated.

  Maria screamed at them both as they started to leave. “Wait, you need your lunch boxes.” The sound of her running into the kitchen could be heard; cupboard doors were being opened and closed. After a few minutes she was back holding two boxes out in front of her, she smiled. “Come on then, come and get them.”

  Brian smirked and walked back to his wife. He picked her up in the air and squeezed her waist. “You’ll make someone a good wife one day you will.” Screams of laughter could be heard.

  Dalton sighed, “Oh my God, get a room will you.”

  Brian kissed his wife on the cheek; he took the two lunch boxes from her hand. Maria stood straightening her clothes looking flustered; her husband was a right horny git. “Try and smile ay Dalton, it’s not all doom and gloom you know.” Dalton was mumbling under his breath as he walked down the garden path towards the car..

  Brian drove to the building site. Half built towers could be seen. Once they drove through the security checks Brian parked his car up in his designated parking space. Dalton got out from the passenger side and stood taking in the view. His eyes were all over the place. Workers were walking past him and they seemed in a hurry to get to their destination once they saw Brian. Dalton was dressed in black pants and a neatly pressed white shirt. His original job should have been a labourer, but his Dad had sorted it out so he could work in the offices. Brian knew that if he put his son on the building site as a worker it would have been like feeding him to the lions. The men would have made his life a misery without any shadow of a doubt. Smoothing his pants down, Dalton walked to his father’s side. “Where do we go then?”

  Brian draped his hand over his sons shoulder and chuckled. “Take a chill pill son, you’re with the boss now, there’s no rush.” He rubbed his flat palm through his son’s hair. Dalton moved away from him quickly and straightened his hair. He’d taken ages this morning getting it right and his Dad had messed it up.

  “Dad, stop being a nob- head, people are looking.” From the corner of his eye he could see a young girl stood at the top of the stairs in the distance, she was smiling at him for sure. Dalton twisted his head around and chec
ked she was looking at him. She was, there was nobody else about, he looked embarrassed.

  Brian followed his son’s eyes to where the girl was stood. He held his head down and whispered so no one could hear him. “Keep your hands off son, that’s the Director’s daughter. You never piss on your own doorstep, do you hear me?”

  Dalton shrugged his shoulders, “I’ve not done owt have I? It’s her smiling at me, not the other way round.”

  Brian looked serious, “I’m just saying that’s all, we don’t need no drama in our lives, do we?” Dalton chewed on his bottom lip as they started heading towards the stairs where the girl stood. As they trudged through the thick brown mud the girl disappeared back inside the offices.

  Dalton sat behind his new desk; he was spinning about on his chair looking pleased with his new job. His eyes were staring at the phone and his fingers were itching to call Fallon. Checking no one was about he pressed her number into the telephone. Listening to the ringing tone he kept checking the area, his neck was stretched over towards the door. “Hello is Fallon there Beryl,” he asked in a low voice. The phone line was silent for a few seconds and he had to repeat himself. Fallon’s mother was coughing and he held the receiver away from his ear with a screwed up face. When she’d caught her breath he began to talk to her again. “Hiya Beryl is Fallon there?”

  “Yeah just hang on a minute I’ll shout her for you she’s upstairs in bed.” Dalton checked his watch on his wrist and pulled a face, it was nearly midday. He could hear Fallon’s mother’s voice shouting at the other end of the line. The sound of someone walking towards the phone could be heard. Fallon’s voice was low and you could tell by her voice she’d just woken up.


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