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Sleepless in Manchester

Page 8

by Woods, Karen

  “Will you piss off making me laugh. I don’t know where you get your sense of humour from you know, you’re so dry.”

  Lesley jerked her head back and smiled. “I’m just trying to cheer you up that’s all. I’m not very good with things like this, so laughter is the only medicine I have to offer you.” Lesley swallowed hard and choked back the tears. Realising she was ready for crying she pulled herself back up. “Have you spoken to Dalton today?”

  Fallon nodded, “Yeah he phoned me earlier, he sounds like he’s having loads of fun in his new job.” Lesley could see the love in Fallon’s eyes for her boyfriend and tried to keep her positive.

  “Yeah, he should do well, he’s clever and all that isn’t he?”

  Fallon tried to raise a smile but she was struggling. “Yeah, he’s a right brain box, unlike us two.”

  Lesley nearly choked. “Ay you, speak for yourself. I got good exams results at school, and I might even be going to college.”

  Fallon carried on walking and looked at Lesley in more detail, she didn’t know if she was joking or not. “Are you being serious about going to college?”

  Lesley looked proud and stood tall. “Of course I am. I know I might fuck about and all that, but I do want to do well for myself. I mean, come on, what’s around Manchester for me, it’s all doom and gloom. The weather is shit and it pisses down every other day.”

  Fallon looked surprised, Lesley came from a big family and all her brothers and sisters were always in trouble with the police. Fallon just took it for granted that Lesley would follow in their footsteps. Lesley was smiling at Fallon. “Why don’t you come with me? You only get one chance in life, and this could be yours.”

  Fallon was thinking as she neared her house. Just before she entered the back gate she gripped Lesley’s arm. “You know what, you’re dead right. I will come to college with you. This is just what I need, why should Dalton be the only one having any fun.”

  “Game on,” Lesley shouted. “I’m so excited you’re coming with me. I don’t want anyone to know though. Imagine this lot from round here if they found out we were studying, we would be a laughing stock.” Lesley blew a breath and made sure no one could hear them. “Just keep it between me and you for now, I couldn’t stand the drama.” The sound of the back gate scraping open, could be heard.

  Beryl had the plates ready on the kitchen side. She’d buttered a tower of bread for them all. Fallon loved bread and she’d always eat at least three rounds with her tea. Beryl started to open all the food; she nicked a chip from the tray and was blowing it as she placed it in her mouth. “Oh, I could eat a scabby horse, I’m that hungry.” She passed the girls their food and watched as they went back into the front room with it. Beryl picked her fish from the paper; half of the batter was stuck to the greaseproof paper and she didn’t look happy. Lifting it up to her mouth she scraped the batter off with her teeth.

  Lesley was sat eating her food on the floor, when the back door opened, it was Billy. He smiled at her and gave her a cheeky wink. Beryl was just walking into the living room with her food and a plate of bread in the other hand. “Orr Mam, make us a chip butty will you, I’ve had fuck all to eat all day.”

  Lesley held her plate out eagerly towards him, “Here, you can have some of this if you want.” Billy grabbed some bread from the plate and walked to her side. Using her fork he scraped some chips and gravy onto a piece of bread. Placing another one on top of it he shoved the lot into his mouth with one mouthful. “Greedy pig,” Lesley chuckled. They all sat eating when Bob started to stir from the sofa. Lifting one leg up in the air he blasted a fart out.

  Fallon nearly choked on her food. “Ewww, Mam he’s a right minger.”

  Inhaling deeply Beryl, who was sat near him, went green in the face. “Oh, for crying out loud, he’s got an arse like the fucking sewers. Open the door Billy and let some air in here before he gases us all, the dirty bastard.” Billy dragged the back door open. He opened and closed it several times trying to get the smell out. Fallon and Lesley had their tops pulled over their noses, every now and then they came out for air. Bob bolted up from the sofa as if boiling water had been poured all over him.

  Taking a minute to focus he scowled at Lesley. “Who the fuck are you?” Lesley went bright red in the face. She’d met Fallon’s Dad loads of times in the past and couldn’t understand why he didn’t recognise her.

  “It’s me Lesley, Fallon’s friend,” she said in a low voice, she was going bright red. Bob focused on her face more and he scratched at his head with his fat fingers. Looking around the room he looked blank.

  He suddenly clocked Beryl and he seemed to remember where he was. “Where’s my fucking tea.”

  The room was silent. Beryl shoved the last bit of fish in her mouth and grinned at her husband. “When you start coughing up some housekeeping money, that’s when you’ll start getting some tea.”

  Bob stood to his feet, he was wobbling. “I’m going to bed. You can shove your tea right up your arse, woman.” They watched as Bob bent down to pick up a can of beer from where he was sat. He gulped noisily. Once he’d necked the last bit of the lager from it, he burped at the top of his voice. “Fucking shower of shite. The fucking lot of ya’s.” His eyes were darting at everyone sitting in the room, Lesley looked scared. Billy sat with his clenched fist at the side of him. He’d chinned his father in the past, and he was aware that he could switch at any moment. Bob swayed out of the front room, he was mumbling under his breath.

  “I hate that man with a passion,” Beryl hissed.

  The family sat talking for a bit, Fallon was tired. Stretching her arms above her head she looked at Lesley. “I’m going up to bed; I just need to lie down.” Lesley nodded her head; she wasn’t tired and kept looking at Billy. Fallon stood to her feet, all eyes were on her. She bent over and kissed her mother on the cheek. “Night Mam.”

  Billy nodded at his sister as she passed him. As soon as she left the room he whispered to his mother. “She looks shocking. I hope she’s going to be alright. Something like this can fuck a girl up for the rest of her life you know.”

  Beryl rubbed at her arms, and held her ear to the door. You could hear Fallon stomping up the stairs. Once she knew her daughter wasn’t listening, she sat forward in her chair. “We’ll get her through this. It’s times like this when a family pulls together and shows they care. Our Fallon’s stronger than you think. She has my blood running through her veins and she’ll come through this, trust me.”

  Lesley nodded slowly. “I’ll be with her twenty- four- seven Beryl. I feel like it’s my fault. I’m going to make sure she’s alright.” Lesley took a deep breath and shot her eyes at Billy. “We’re going to go to college anyway, so at least that will take her mind off things for a while.”

  Billy chuckled as he sat down not far from her. “Who’s going to college? You?”

  Lesley blushed, “Yeah, why do you look surprised?”

  “I thought you hated school, you were never in,” he was winding her up.

  Lesley held her head back laughing. “You knob head, that’s because school was boring, college is different, it’s more relaxed.” Billy loved the way Lesley acted. If she was just that bit older he would have definitely have made her his girlfriend.

  Beryl stood to her feet. “I’d better go to bed,” she looked at the clock on the wall. “It’s nearly midnight.” Lesley and Billy were alone.

  Fallon sat in the bath, no matter how much she scrubbed at her skin, she never felt clean. Tears streamed down her cheeks and she had to cover her mouth so nobody could hear her crying. There was a knock at the door. “I’m just in the bath,” Fallon shouted.

  “Not to worry, I was just going to put my gnashers in the cup on the windowsill,” Beryl answered.

  “Leave them outside and I’ll do them when I get out,” she replied. Fallon lay flat in the bath, her eyes were closed, her mouth was moving but no sound was coming out. It looked like she was praying as her two palms pressed
tightly together.

  Lesley licked her bottom lip slowly. Twiddling her hair in her fingers she made conversation. “Ay John Dolan told me that the police think Craig Jones has been done in by some drug dealers,” she had Billy’s full attention.

  Flicking through the channels on the TV he smiled at her. “The dibble won’t have fuck all on us and there’s no way that prick is going to drop us in it because he’ll have to face a rape charge then won’t he?”

  Lesley smirked, “He won’t grass then will he. John said he doesn’t know if he’ll survive or not.”

  Billy gritted his teeth together. “The bastard can die for all I care; he’ll be a marked man if he pulls through, the word is already out on him.”

  Lesley loved the power this man had. He was at the top of his game and he was never short of cash, he was just what she needed. “Do you want a brew Billy?”

  “Yeah I don’t mind if I do. What’s up with you, getting all caring and that, all of a sudden?” Lesley got up from her chair, and made sure Billy could see her bum cheeks as she walked passed him.

  “I’m a very caring person me, well,” she paused, “for the right man anyway.”

  Billy looked embarrassed. This girl was flirting with him, he was sure of it. As she walked into the kitchen he rubbed at his crotch, “Down boy,” he whispered under his breath as he pressed his erect penis down in his pants.

  Fallon lay in bed, her eyes were looking out of her window and she seemed lost in thought. Holding the necklace in her hands she lifted it up and stroked it over her bottom lip. “I love you Dalton,” she whispered, “Please, please help me get through this.” The moonlight seemed calming, and before long she drifted off to sleep.


  Dalton stood outside his house waiting for Kirsty to pick him up; he looked edgy as he stretched his neck out from his shirt. Kirsty was eighteen years old and had everything he’d ever dreamt of. His father Brian came to his side rubbing his hands together in excitement. “Where you two love birds off to then?”

  Dalton snarled. “She’s not my girlfriend Dad, she’s just taking me out into town and showing me the ropes, that’s all.”

  Brian chuckled and ran his fingers through his son’s hair. He checked no one could hear him from inside the house and whispered down into his ear. “Don’t give me all that crap son. I’ve seen the way you look at her,” he lifted his eyes. “She’s an experienced girl, so be prepared.” Dalton looked distraught, was it that obvious to everyone else that he fancied the arse off her. He tried to defend himself.

  “I don’t fancy her at all, we’re just friends.”

  Brian rubbed his son’s shoulder. “Yeah whatever, I believe you if nobody else does.”

  His mother was now in the hallway hovering. Once she saw them together she marched towards them with a smile on her face. “You just make sure you treat this girl right tonight. Her Dad can open lots of doors for you and your Dad, so remember that.”

  Dalton huffed, she was at it again. “I love Fallon, have you forgotten about her already, mother.”

  “Oh, why are you still going on about her? She’s back in Manchester with your old life. This is your new life now so you should make the most of it. Mark my words son, Fallon won’t be sat crying over you for long. Girls like her move on faster than you think. It wouldn’t surprise me if she’s pregnant soon anyway,” she looked at her husband for support. “I mean, what else does she have going for her.”

  Brian grabbed his wife by the waist; he knew more than anyone how harsh she could. She didn’t think before she put her mouth into gear, he stepped in. “Maria, don’t be saying things like that, our Dalton loves Fallon. Kirsty is just his friend,” he gave a cunning wink to his son. She shrugged her shoulders and gasped her breath. Dalton looked distraught and she knew he was ready for a full blown argument. She backtracked.

  “Oh, you know what I mean. I just want you to go out and have some fun. There are loads of girls out there, so I can’t see why you’re putting all your eggs into one basket with Fallon.” Brian knew he was fighting a losing battle and dropped his head low. He was defeated and knew he could never win an argument with his wife. The sound of a car honking its horn outside could be heard. Dalton felt anxious and pulled at his clothes, he was hot. Brian was pulling his wife back inside the house by the arm. He knew without any shadow of doubt that she was itching to go over to Kirsty to introduce herself.

  “Come on nosey parker, get back inside the house and leave them to it,” Brian joked.

  Maria was stretching her head over his shoulder trying to get a look at the Director’s daughter. She quickly turned and hurried to the bay window in the front room. Her hand slowly peeled the blinds back from the window trying to get a glimpse of the new girl. Brian plonked down in his chair watching her. “Ay fucking plant-pot, come away from the window.” His laughter filled the room.

  Maria looked serious as she peeped at her son getting into the car. “Oh she’s stunning Brian. Look at her car, it’s a new one. I bet it cost a right few bob you know.”

  Brian threw a pillow from the sofa at her. “Stop spying on them. Do you know what you look like hid away behind them curtains?”

  Maria jerked her head back as she watched them driving off, her head was stretched back from the window “I hope they get on. Kirsty is just what our Dalton needs right now.”


  The music was playing inside the car as Dalton clicked his seat belt into the socket. As he inhaled he could smell the aroma of her expensive perfume. Kirsty smelt so clean and fresh, and like nothing he’d ever smelt before. He wanted to eat her she smelt that good. Fidgeting in his seat he wound the window down, he was sweating and wet patches were appearing under his arms. “You look nice,” Kirsty said. Dalton turned his head back to her and smiled. He’d never had this much attention from a woman before.

  “You don’t look too bad yourself. It’s amazing what a bit of soap and water can do isn’t it,” he chuckled. She nudged him in the waist.

  “You’re so cheeky you are. You’re a proper northerner aren’t you?”

  Dalton sighed and looked proud as he played with the cuff of his shirt. “It’s like my Dad always says, you can take the boy out of Manchester, but you can’t take Manchester out of the boy.”

  Kirsty sat thinking for a minute as the car came to a halt at the traffic lights. She turned her head to Dalton and gave him a gentle pat on his knee. “That’s what I like about you; you tell it like it is, don’t you?”

  “I sure do,” he giggled.

  Kirsty and Dalton had already been on a few dates together, but they were just friends. Well, that’s what Dalton kept on telling himself. She’d already introduced him to her circle of friends and he seemed to be fitting in nicely. Tonight they were going to some club Kirsty had planned. Pulling up in a car park near the town centre they got out of the car. Dalton started to walk to the path when she shouted him back.

  “Hold on, I’ve just got to wait for someone!” She looked stressed. Dalton walked back to where she was stood.

  “Who are you meeting?”

  “Erm, just some guy, for some pills,” she mumbled. She couldn’t look him in the eyes, he looked puzzled.

  “What kind of pills, are you ill or something?” She looked uneasy and played with her fingers.

  “Just some Ecstasy tablets.” His jaw dropped. He’d heard about Ecstasy before from his friends back in Manchester, but he’d never tried one. Dalton stood kicking his foot into the grey gravel looking apprehensive.

  “Who are they for?” Kirsty came to his side and draped her arm over his shoulder, she was grooming him.

  “They’re for us. Have you ever had one before?” Dalton looked sheepish, he’d had a blast of weed in the past but the strongest thing he’d ever taken was a Paracetamol and a few Co-Codamol. He’d also experimented by mixing a ‘Lemsip’ with four painkillers, but that was as far as he’d gone with his drugs intake.

  A black car pu
lled into the car park. The tunes were pumping from inside it. Kirsty dug her hand deep inside her leather handbag and searched for her purse. Opening it, she pulled out a ten pound note. “Hold my bag for a minute will you?”

  Dalton shot his eyes to the black man sat waiting in the car; he looked as hard as nails. He dropped his head low; he didn’t want any part of this drug deal. He gripped the handbag in his hands and watched her run over to the car. The sound of crunching gravel could be heard. Kirsty bent down into the driver’s side window. He could see her talking. After a few minutes she reached her hand inside the vehicle and passed him the cash. Dalton had seen deals like this on the TV before and he looked fascinated by it all. The car started its engine and Kirsty was on her way back to him with a smile spread across her face. He looked relieved.

  “Come on then, let’s go and party,” she grabbed his hand and started to walk towards the club. Before they got inside she opened her hand slowly and revealed the two white pills. “Are you going to have one?” Her eyes were burning into his face, his cheeks were going red, she’d put him on the spot.

  Dalton didn’t want to come across as a prude, he stuttered. “Erm what, right now?” she held her head back and laughed.

  “No, you plonker, once we’ve had a few beers.”

  Dalton needed to think about this and played for some more time. “Yeah, alright then, let’s get inside first.” The two of them walked inside the nightclub. The music was pumping and they struggled to hear each other.

  Kirsty held his hand and pulled him towards the bar, she was acting motherly towards him. “Shall we have a bottle of Champagne, to get us started or what?” Dalton nodded, he’d already borrowed half his wages off his father and the way it was going he wouldn’t have a penny left by the time his pay day was due. This lifestyle was so expensive. Back home in Manchester, he could have gone out on a tenner and got pissed out of his head. He was well out of his league with these big spenders. The barman passed the couple, two glasses and an ice bucket with the Champagne hanging out of it. Dalton paid the bill and carried it over to a nearby table where Kirsty was sat. Checking his change in his hand he sighed. He hardly had any money left from the thirty pound he’d just given the barman. Dalton poured two glasses of the bubbly. He was checking the bottle to make sure it would last for at least another few drinks each. “It’s mega busy in here tonight,” Kirsty shouted across to him.


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