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Sleepless in Manchester

Page 14

by Woods, Karen


  In the end, Brian decided to stay at home and let them all have a girlie day. Maria was stood in the living room waiting for the two girls. She was dressed in cream nylon pants and a pink designer vest top, her sunglasses were resting on the top of head and she looked like she was going on a photo shoot for ‘Hello’ magazine. A blast of perfume hit the girl’s throats as they approached - she must have smothered herself in it. It could be smelt throughout the house. Every hair on Maria’s head was neatly placed and no amount of wind would have shaken her bouffant hairstyle. Brian’s eyes were permanently fixed on the TV screen. He was sat on the edge of his seat looking stressed.

  Fallon and Lesley walked into the front room. They’d made nowhere near as much effort as Maria had for their trip out. The girls were dressed in jeans and sandals. Their hair was casually placed in a side ponytail. Maria looked frantic, “You can’t come dressed in jeans. Oh my God! We’re going to a Bistro bar, not the bloody market. Go upstairs quickly, and smarten yourselves up.” she blew her breath out and waved her hand in front of her body. “Go on then, I haven’t got all day.” Lesley was just about to give her some back-chat, when Fallon pulled her away. Lesley was fuming as they both marched back up the stairs, she was cursing and wasn’t bothered who heard her.

  The girls were dressed and sat in the back of the car. Maria turned the engine on and pressed her CD inside the radio. Barbara Streisand played. Lesley frowned and whispered to Fallon. “What the fuck is this bag of shit?”

  Fallon giggled and dug her knuckles into her waist. “Sssshhh, she’ll hear you.”

  Maria’s eyes were now in the rear-view mirror, she was clocking the girls, and her face was serious as she spoke. “I’m not being funny girls, but when we get in the Bistro Bar, will you make sure you don’t swear. Me and Brian go in here quite a lot, and I don’t want them thinking we have no standards.”

  “No worries,” Fallon sighed as she gazed out of the window.

  Once they reached their destination Fallon and Lesley got out of the car. They were waiting for Maria who was paying the parking meter. “Thank fuck we’re out of the car. Her tunes were sending me under. I feel depressed now, I don’t know about you?” Lesley moaned.

  “I know, tell me about it. At one point I was going to tell her to turn it off. Who does she think she is? My Mam even listens to all the latest tunes, and that’s saying something.”

  Maria’s heels clicked up the pavement. Her handbag was hung from her shoulder and she was putting her change back inside her purse. “Here goes,” Fallon mumbled. Maria glided into the Bistro bar as if she was walking on air. The noise of people talking could be heard, it was packed out. A waiter came over to the ladies and escorted them to their seats after he’d located them a table. Maria requested a window seat and he was doing his best to honour her request. Dalton’s mother smiled and looked at the other diners. Every time she came to this place she felt special and a million miles away from the life she used to lead when she was younger. Sitting in the window was her way of showing the passers-by that she was a changed woman; she wanted the world and his wife to see her. The clinking of glasses could be heard. The waiter placed three sparkling clean glasses on the table and stood waiting to take their orders. Maria flicked her hair back from her shoulders and made sure the girls were listening to every word. “Can I have a glass of white wine please,” she shot her eyes to the girls. “What drinks would you like?”

  Fallon looked blank; scanning the drinks menu her cheeks were going red. “Erm can I have a...”

  Before she could finish Lesley jumped in. “We’ll have a glass of Coke please, it’s too early in the morning for us to be drinking alcohol.” Fallon looked relieved and closed the leather menu in her hands.

  Maria watched the waiter leave and leant over the table towards Lesley. “Everybody has a glass of wine with their lunch in London. It doesn’t mean you’re an alcoholic.”

  Silence filled the table, and Fallon looked uncomfortable. Their drinks were now set down and the waiter asked if they were ready to order any food. “No, not just yet, please give us a few minutes,” Maria answered to him. Dalton’s mother sipped her sparkling white wine. The bubbles inside it seemed like they were ready to explode. “Our Dalton is doing so well at work Fallon, has her told you that he might be getting a promotion soon?”

  Fallon shook her head; they’d hardly had time to talk about his work and she looked embarrassed. “No, he’s not mentioned it.” This was music to Maria’s ears and she sat back in her chair and started to tell them all about her son’s journey to the top.


  Dalton crawled out of bed; he’d been asleep for a few hours now. The sound of his Dad shouting downstairs could be heard. Stretching his hands over his head he looked out of the window. It was a glorious day and the sun was blazing down. Opening his bedroom door he held his head over the banister. His Dad was hysterical. As he listened carefully he realised he was watching the horseracing on the TV. This was usual behaviour for his father and he’d witnessed him bawling at the TV on one or more occasions, he’d even flung things at it too when his horse lost. He headed downstairs. Walking inside the front room he watched his father launch his slipper at the television.

  “It wants shooting, that lazy bastard. Make it into dog food for all I fucking care. The fucking donkey.”

  Dalton smirked. “I take it you’ve lost again Dad.”

  Brian stood up and pointed at the TV. “See that grey horse there,” his finger was ramming at the screen. “It’s just cost me five ton that bastard. It was leading all the way around, and then decided it couldn’t be arsed anymore, the lazy cunt.”

  Dalton plonked onto the sofa. “Dad, you’re always the same. When are you going to realise that gambling is a losing game?”

  Brian became defensive, “Ay, I’ve won a right few bob in the past, so I’m no loser.”

  Dalton knew he was fighting a losing battle. Brian would deny he had any kind of problem until his dying breath. He changed the conversation quickly. “What time are they due back?” Brian was still in a strop, he sighed and dropped back down to his seat, he wasn’t listening to a word his son was saying. “Dad, I said what time is my Mam back. Are you not listening?”

  Brian scowled at him and lifted his newspaper back up from the floor. “How the hell do I know? All I know it’s peaceful in here, so fingers crossed, not for a long time yet.”

  Dalton sat with his legs up on the sofa, he still felt tired. After a few minutes when Brian had calmed down he looked at his son and chuckled. “It’s hard work keeping two women on the go isn’t it son, how are you coping?”

  Dalton looked proud, and knew he had his father’s approval of being a player amongst the ladies. “It’s doing my head in to be honest Dad. I’ll be glad when Fallon goes back home. I can’t cope with all the stress.”

  Brian grabbed at his crotch. “Yep, its hard work, I’ve been there too. You need to make a choice before you get caught,” he held a look at his son and stressed his words. “And you will get caught. It’s only a matter of time.”

  Dalton looked uneasy, “Don’t Jonah me Dad. I really do love Fallon, but I do like Kirsty too.”

  “Well make a choice then, before it’s made for you. Trust me it will end up in tears if you don’t,” Brian warned his son.

  Dalton sat playing with his feet. He knew his father was right, but who did he want? In his heart he knew Fallon was the one, she always was, but since meeting Kirsty his head was all over the place. Standing to his feet he rolled his eyes. “I’ve promised to make tea for them all, so I’d better get cracking hadn’t I?” Brian wasn’t listening anymore; he seemed in a world of his own as he watched the next race on TV.


  Maria sat munching on her Caesar salad; she was like a rabbit nibbling on the Iceberg lettuce. Fallon and Lesley had ordered Lasagne and both of them looked happy with their choice. Lesley had a bit of sauce on the corner of her mouth, and
Maria kept darting her eyes at her, whispering for her to wipe her mouth.

  “Maria,” someone called in the distance. They all turned to the voice and they could see a young girl waving her hand in the air from the other side of the room. Dalton’s mother bolted to her feet and looked like she’d seen a ghost. The female was walking over to the table.

  “Hello Kirsty,” Maria said, her voice was animated. The girl swung her arms around Maria’s neck and pecked her on both sides of her cheek.

  Lesley nudged Fallon in the waist. “Fucking hell, they all think they live in Beverley Hills down here, what’s all that kissing about? Me and you will have to start doing that when we get back home to Manchester.” Fallon sniggered and watched the performance in front of her.

  “Where’s Dalton?” the girl asked. “Is he not with you?” Kirsty shot her eyes about the room as if she was expecting him to come and join them at any second. Maria stuttered and pretended she needed the toilet. Her face was beetroot, there was no way she was letting her son’s secret out of the bag, this could be fatal.

  Grabbing Kirsty’s arm softly she guided her away from the table. “Oh, come to the toilets with me, our Dalton’s not here sweetheart.” They walked away and left the girls sat at the table. Fallon’s eyes were all over the pretty girl she’d just seen, she was stunning.

  Lesley finished the last piece of garlic bread and dipped it on her plate wiping it clean. “That was mint that. I could get used to this life, me.”

  Fallon nodded, “I know, it’s posh isn’t it.” Swigging their drinks they waited for Maria to return. Fallon was thinking.

  Maria returned to the table; she gulped the rest of her drink and seemed in a hurry to leave. Lesley was a nosey person and wanted to know the ins and outs of a cat’s arse-hole. “Who was that girl Maria?”

  “Oh, it was Kirsty, her Dad is the Director of the company that Brian and Dalton work for.” Lesley’s face dropped.

  So this was the tart that Dalton was cheating with? “Did I hear her asking where Dalton was?” Lesley enquired.

  Maria waved her hand in the air for the waiter to bring the bill; she was trying to brush her off. She repeated herself and this time she made sure she got an answer. “Yes, she was just saying every time she sees me in here, he’s always with me,” Maria couldn’t maintain eye contact with Lesley and she knew she was covering up for her cheating son. Kirsty was sat on the other side of the room and Lesley was clocking her. Fallon didn’t stand a chance against her; this girl was in a different league.

  The journey home was endured more or less in silence, except for Barbara Streisand singing about her broken heart and how she could never love again. Lesley was gazing out of the window and looked in deep thought, in fact, all three of them did. Pulling up at the house, Maria turned the engine off and seemed in a hurry to get inside before the girls did. She looked flustered. The front door opened and Maria could see Dalton stood in the kitchen cooking; she waved the girls into the living room and went to join her son. Whispering could be heard as she closed the door behind her.

  Dalton was cooking the meal as promised. The aroma smelt tempting as it bubbled away in the pan on the stove. You could smell all the herbs and spices throughout the house.

  A little later everyone was sat in the garden and Maria, as always, was waffling on about her new life. Fallon was sat facing Dalton and out of the blue she brought everyone to complete silence. “Oh tell Dalton, that you saw his friend in the Bistro bar. What was her name again, was it Kirsty?”

  Even Brian was listening now, and Fallon held everyone’s attention. Maria swallowed hard. Lesley sat forward, eager to hear her answer. “Oh yes Dalton, I saw Kirsty, she was just asking how you were doing, nothing important.”

  Lesley gritted her teeth. Did this shower of bastards think they could have her best friend over, not on her watch, she jumped in without thinking? “I thought Kirsty worked with you Dalton, that’s what Megan told me in the nightclub last night.”

  She watched him crumbling, his lips were dry and he was looking at his family for help. He was sinking fast and needed a lifeline. Brian stepped in. “Yeah you know who she means, the Director’s daughter. I think you’ve seen her a few times, she’s very rarely there.”

  Dalton nodded slowly, his words seemed stuck in his throat and he had to cough before he could talk. “Why was she asking about me Mam?”

  Maria’s eyes were wide open. Her son had passed the baton back to her in the hope she could diffuse the situation. “Oh, she’s like that. I think she was just making conversation that’s all.” Fallon seemed happy with the answer, but unknown to them all she could smell a rat. She was holding her cards close to her chest. Slowly she could see the conspiracy around her. Lesley was fuming; she knew Dalton’s family were covering up for him.

  After dinner they all went their separate ways. This was the last night for the girls in London. Lesley was already eager to get home; she was missing Billy like mad and just hearing his voice on the phone was breaking her heart in two. Dalton and Fallon were upstairs in his bedroom. Lesley was sat downstairs with Maria and Brian watching some film she’d put on about a love triangle.

  Dalton seemed lifeless; he was plonked on the bed staring at the ceiling. Fallon lay beside him and seemed lost in her thoughts. Her hands twisted the small silver necklace in her hands, she looked sad. “So where’s your chain then?” Dalton shot his eyes to the bedside cabinet at the side of her.

  “It’s in there.” The sound of the drawer opening could be heard. Her hand disappeared for a second and a clutched fist came out. Slowly her fingers unfolded, the silver heart necklace was in her hands. It didn’t look as shiny as hers. It looked dull. She gripped it and placed it next to the one around her neck. Once it was fitted together she raised a smile.

  “Look, two hearts becoming one again.”

  Dalton lifted his head and his heart sank, he was so mixed up. He knew he loved her, but something was pulling his heart away from her. Slowly she kissed his lips; they both seemed lost in the moment. Fallon knew deep down inside that this would be the last time she’d kiss him and mean it. Rolling from him she lay down and started to close her eyes, she could feel him watching her. As her eyes closed a vision came into her mind, she could see herself crying, and holding her heart. The love the two teenagers once shared was gone.

  Fallon and Lesley were ready to leave. It was teatime and their trip to London was nearly over. Dalton helped his Dad get the suitcases out of the boot of the car, and all that was left was for them all to say goodbye. Lesley dragged her case to the entrance of the train station and stood waiting for Fallon. Brian sat back in the car and watched the two teenagers through his rear-view mirror. Fallon seemed strong, there were no tears and her face looked stern. “So this is it, time to say goodbye and all that.”

  Dalton placed his arms around her neck and you could see him smelling her hair. He inhaled deeply as if he wanted to suck the life out of her. A quick kiss and Fallon started to walk away, she kept turning her head waiting for him to run up behind her and beg her to stay, but it never happened. Lesley and Fallon waved as they watched them drive off. Dalton could hardly look at them, and struggled even to wave. Both girls went inside the station. Fallon never muttered a word. Lesley kept patting her friend’s arm. “Don’t be upset, you’ll be back up here before you know it.”

  Fallon kept her eyes focused on her train ticket; it was an open ticket that meant she could travel back to Manchester whenever she wanted. “He’s changed, he’s up to something. I can feel it in the pit of my stomach.”

  Lesley wanted to reassure her she was wrong, but she kept schtum. She knew she was right. Fallon chewed on her bottom lip; she was twisting her fingers rapidly. “I can’t leave it like this. I mean, if it’s over, it’s over isn’t it. How can I move on, I need to know, don’t I?”

  Lesley nodded, the sooner she was rid of the prick the better. “What do you want to do then?”

  Fallon shot her e
yes to her suitcase. “Right, he said he’s going out tonight in that club we went to, let’s go and surprise him.”

  “What are we going to do with our cases?” Lesley asked.

  Fallon looked at the left luggage department. “I’ll take the cases over there and later on we can come back and reclaim them.”

  Lesley blew a hard breath. “We need to get ready first. I’m not going in no nightclub dressed like this. I look like a right scruff.”

  “Let’s get in the toilets over there then and get ready.” Fallon looked happy. “Oh, he’s gonna fall down dead when he sees me.”

  “He sure is!” Lesley agreed. The girls ran to the toilet dragging their luggage behind them.

  Lesley and Fallon headed back to the town centre. They’d decided to go in a few bars first whilst Fallon got some Dutch courage. The pub was lively and they both sat in the corner of the room looking slightly uncomfortable. Lesley stood up and went to the phone near the exit. “I’m just going to phone your Billy to tell him we’ll be home in the early hours tomorrow.”

  Fallon nodded, “Yeah tell him to tell my Mam too, because she’ll only be sat up waiting for me.”

  “No worries will do,” Lesley shouted back.

  The music in the bar was loud. As the night went on they were approached by a few men looking for some entertainment. Lesley let the guys buy them a few drinks but that was a far as it went. Fallon clocked the time, it was late. “Right, come on, let’s go and surprise my true love,” she chuckled. Lesley stood up and did a few dance moves on the spot. Fallon joined in too, they were drunk as skunks.

  The club was hammered, they could hardly move. Fallon’s eyes were all over the place searching for Dalton. “Fucking hell, I’ll never find him in here; it’s like finding a needle in a haystack.” People pushed past them and Fallon was now stood with a wet patch all over her blouse where someone had barged past her making her spill her drink. Her hand wiped over her top, and you could see her white lacy bra through it. Lesley was giggling at her misfortune, but suddenly her face changed. She could see Dalton in the far corner of the club, he was with Kirsty and they were all over each other like a rash. Taking a few seconds, she made a decision. She dragged Fallon by the arm and held her face in her hands.


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