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Page 3

by Will Brown

  The most intriguing thing about her were her slanted hazel eyes. Her fingers and toes were perfectly painted, matching the peach colored blouse and skirt that accentuated her slim waist. While carrying bags in both hands and walking right in front of him, one of the bags ripped, expelling most her items onto the floor. Without hesitation he began to help her gather them up.

  “Thank you,” she said. “This is so embarrassing.

  “Don’t mention it. Those bags aren’t any good anyway and as much money as we spend, you would think they would make them stronger.”

  “You’re so right,” she said while trying to rearrange the larger bag. “Is anyone sitting here?” she asked.

  “No. You’re more than welcome to join me.”

  “Thank you. I could use a few minutes to figure out how to make all this work in one bag. Isn’t the music great?”

  “Yes. I’m enjoying it,” he eagerly replied.

  “Me too. Broken bags and all,” she replied.

  “I couldn’t resist listening while waiting on my friends. This is exactly what I needed and this weather reminds me so much of being home.”

  “I guess the weatherman knew what you needed to make your day,” Trey responded with ease.

  She looked at him and gave him a smile while crossing one leg on top of the other.

  “So are you implying that the weatherman prepared all this hot weather just for me?”

  “Where’s home? And by the way I’m Trey Edwards. And you are?”

  “Carlotta Simian,” she replied. “Home? I’m from Alabama”

  “Carlotta Simian. So nice to meet you,” he responded.

  “The pleasure is all mine,” she said while reaching out to shake his hand.

  “So, Alabama is home huh? I don’t hear the southern accent. What bought you to New Jersey? You’re a long way from home, aren’t you?”

  “Yes. I just moved here with an MBA. I speak five languages and work at the United Nations as an interpreter for the office of foreign affairs.”

  Trey continued to look at her, appreciating her features as she continued to talk.

  “Why are you staring at me?” she asked while smiling?” she asked.

  Trey was impressed as he observed the facial expressions from the men who stood around or passed by. He was savoring the moment as he listened to the band whose sax player improvised some hip hop, funk, and jazz.

  At the end of the performance, Trey recognized a few of his staff members who were on their lunch hour and also enjoying the band and walked over to greet him.

  “How are you Mr. Edwards?” one of his employees asked. “I hope I’m not interrupting your lunch but I just want to tell you how much I enjoy working for you. We’re really excited about the company’s success,” he expressed, as Trey continued to smile. He then thanked his employees and afterwards turned back to Carlotta.

  She asked, “So what do you do, may I ask?”

  He hesitated, not willing to reveal that he was the CEO of his company. When he didn’t answer, she changed the topic to her travel plans, telling him she was going to Negril, Jamaica, with her friends, which was the reason she’d been shopping.

  He told her he’d just returned from the West Coast before looking at his watch. .

  Noticing the time, he remembered his plans to meet Q and JJ at the gym.

  “You know, talking to you I almost forgot that I have another engagement. I’m sure every man in here would love to be in my shoes right now the way they’re watching us. And, I perfectly understand. I mean I’d be lying to myself if I denied how attractive you are.”

  Carlotta smiled again and covered her face with her hands. “Folk think I should be modeling or something, instead of using my brain...”

  “..To bad you have to leave. I was just enjoying our conversation. Maybe we can see each other again over a cocktail? I mean if you don’t have any objections? Wait, I hope you aren’t married?” she asked.

  Trey almost broke out in laughter. “Of course not.”

  “Well, I mean I’m just asking. You don’t blame me for that do you?” she continued while going into her purse. “Well in that case, here’s my number,” she said, as she wrote it down.

  He put the slip paper in his jacket. “I tell you what, how about dinner? I know a nice cozy restaurant that on the waterfront in the city.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  “Okay. I’ll call you later.”

  They both got up. As they left in opposite directions, he turned back for one last look and saw that she was doing the same, still in disbelief that he just met the most beautiful woman ever.

  When he arrived at the gym, Q and JJ were already there waiting for him. JJ had called Q, to inform him about Trey’s latest accomplishment and wanted to -have lunch after they all worked out together to get the details. Trey was so pumped up by the experience of meeting Carlotta that he began punching the body bag, to the point of exhaustion.

  "Hey man, are you okay?” JJ asked.

  “Yeah I’m good.”

  They knew something else was going on in his head and began to pick his brain to find out what it was. Finally, he began to tell them about his meeting with Carlotta. Q found it all too good to be true, being that attractive, his concern being that she might be like Octavia.

  Being the player he was, he knew all too well how to spot a diva and a ‘ho.’ even knowing Trey’s weakness Q listened, clearly in disbelief. Trey knew that both Q and JJ wanted the best for him, especially because he’d reached a comfortable level of success with his company.

  “So does she have an apple bottom like that? I mean bigger than Octavia?” Q asked while waiting for an answer. “Because Octavia has an apple bottom, baby!”

  They all laughed, slapping each other high five. “No. I mean I don’t think I’m ever going to find anybody with an ass like Octavia, but Carlotta is a fine work of art. I’m trying very hard not to think about Octavia. Being with her is like a roller-coaster ride. Better yet having too much wine for a glass.”

  Q and JJ laughed again as they workout and talked about the business proposal he’d received from the company in Chicago.

  “So what’s your profit margin if the merger goes through?” JJ asked.

  “I’m waiting for the attorneys to review everything and then we’ll see,” Trey answered.

  “Hey let’s go get a bite.” Q said as they headed for the showers and then left to have a salad.

  Saturday evening Trey decided to call Carlotta, to follow up on the possibility of them meeting for dinner. Excited to hear from him, she invited him to come over to continue their conversation. They then began to reminisce on how they met and how good the band sounded. He then began to narrate the details of her sex appeal and what she was wearing.

  She said, “I have to be honest honey. I noticed you while you browsed through the stores on the upper level of the mall. You couldn’t see me, because I was on the opposite tier parallel to you. So I followed you as soon as you got on the escalator going down to the atrium and watched you while you were sitting listening to the band. I decided to walk through the crowd and to your table, hoping to get your attention. I’m glad it worked. I also thought you might be married, which would have been disappointing.”

  “Yes I will have agree, so... how about we meet in, let’s say, an hour? And we can make plans from there.”

  The summer heat was still permeating the air as he got into his topless jeep. DJ Lock Down was toning down the evening on the radio for the next three hours, with slow jams and romancing the night with T-Birds song “Lover/ Lover.” It was the perfect song to set the pace as he pulled up to her front door and rang the bell.

  Carlotta opened the door dressed in a pair of shorts that showed off her hips and legs, and a tank top. She almost jumped into his arms, as she put her arms around him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Once they were inside, they began to talk and listen to music on the radio.

  “So tell me why you were so w
illing to meet with a guy like me?”

  “There’s no rhyme or reason. I just like what I like.”

  Curious he asked, “So what does that mean?”

  She looked at him. “I just find you handsome and interesting that’s all. I think of you as a box of chocolate. You never know how sweet it is until you take a bite.”

  Trey was dumbfounded not knowing how to respond. She stared right through his soul green eye and. “Are you sure you can handle a southern girl like me? She asked.

  “I’ll tell you what. I’m sure as hell not passing up the opportunity,” he said. Nevertheless he was as tight as a cork in a bottle. All of Carlotta’s sophistication was on a shelf as she sat right in his lap while facing him

  “Where I’m from when a woman sees something she likes, she goes after it. I’m really feeling you. Having me around could turn out to be something really special.”

  If Trey was more willing he could have taken her right to her bedroom, instead, he settled by putting his arms around her waist while fondling the chain around her neck.

  “So where are we going to eat?” Carlotta asked. “It’s a beautiful night, although it’s hot. Let’s enjoy it and see what happens.” She continued.

  “I know a nice place but whatever you want to do is fine. I’m certainly at your mercy right now. Even still, in his mind he couldn’t help but think of how she was willing to let go of all her inhibition. Her aggression unlimited, as he pulled her to her feet.

  “So shall we go now?”

  “Yes, let’s,” Carlotta responded.

  With the top off his Jeep she sat beside him enjoying the ride with her eyes closed while listening to the radio.

  He grabbed her by the hand as they pulled up to the valet parking area of a restaurant. When they got out, he left the keys for the driver as they went inside.

  They sat down and the waiter approached. “Good evening Mr. Edwards. How are you?”

  Trey answered, “Just fine and what about you?”

  “Splendid sir and what about the lovely lady? Is there anything we can get for you, miss?

  Maybe a glass of wine?”

  “Yes, thank you,” she responded as the waiter laid a cloth napkin in her lap and handed her a menu.

  Trey often held business meetings at the restaurant and was very well known there and had the perfect table facing out onto the river with a view of the city skyline. During dinner they talked about the value of friendship, family and relationships. Carlotta then revealed that her father was white. She also talked about her struggles of being biracial, although her life was affluent. In contrast, Trey grew up hard knocks, yet they had a mutual chemistry.

  Moments later he received a call from Q who told him he was about to take a night flight up to Martha’s Vineyard and wanted to know if he’d come along for the ride. When Trey explained he was on a date with Carlotta, Q insisted she come along so he could meet her. Carlotta said yes. There was no way she was going to pass up a plane ride.

  Once again he was impressed with her spontaneity, and he agreed to meet Q at the aircraft hangar. Before getting on the plane Q, pulled Trey to the side.

  “I’ve got to hand it to you man. You were right; she is eye candy! I’m proud of you bruh.”

  He turned to Carlotta.

  “Okay Miss Carlotta, this is my main man so make sure you take good care of him. You feel me?”

  “Don’t worry I will,” she answered.

  “In that case let’s go!”

  While in route, Q revealed that he was taking them to a private party given by a client who owned a hockey team in Rhode Island. When they arrived in Martha’s Vineyard, a limo was waiting to pick them up to take them to the party. As they got in, Carlotta leaned over to whisper in Trey’s ear.

  “Is this a close friend of yours?” Trey just smiled.

  “Yeah we’re very close. He’s a businessman and enjoys the perks that come along with the contract when a client wants to impress him.” Carlotta just curled up next to him as the limo driver told them that the bar was open if they wanted drinks before arriving at the party.

  In less than thirty minutes, they pulled up in front of the house where greeters were standing to welcome them inside. Guests were all over the house, including an outside deck where a waiter pouring everyone glasses of Champagne, and in the back was a pool filled with women, as waiters refilled their glasses. Trey noticed Carlotta was all in as they all made their way past the pool.

  Q’s client yelled out from the lower deck, waving his hand to get his attention. Taking another sip from his glass he turned to Trey and Carlotta. “Come on guys. That’s him. Let’s go down so I can introduce you and afterward you can enjoy the party while I handle my business.”

  The moment they approached, his client offered Q a cigar, as Q introduced Trey and Carlotta, as his friend and that Trey was the CEO of Vision Mobile Net. Immediately he offered him a cigar as well, as a welcome to their social circle, praising his company’s reputation.

  A woman walked over to Carlotta.

  “Isn’t this a wonderful view of the beach? It’s the only reason I come here every year. I’m so tired of these parties. They’re just simply boring, darling. And who are you here with?”

  “I’m with those two gentlemen over there talking.”

  “I see. You know they’re talking to my husband. Don’t let them get caught up over there too long,” she said while sipping from her glass.

  “Enjoy yourself darling I need to go get another drink.” As she walked away.

  Before it was all said and done, Q had acquired a few extra contacts while talking with his client. Afterward they all went back upstairs to enjoy the party and immediately two white girls from the pool came over and surrounded Q dripping wet. They all began to dance. One of them poured a portion of her drink into his mouth from the remains of her glass. He considered flying them back to New Jersey with him but reneged, sparing his reputation with Carlotta being Trey’s guest.

  Needless to say, he wasn’t passing up the opportunity to get his freak on and escorted them to the beach to have sex. An hour had passed before he found Trey and Carlotta.

  “Hey man, are you ready to leave yet? You better let me know before I get into more trouble with these two hotties. It’s already passed five a.m. I don’t want to keep you guys out too late on your first date. Just let me know when you’re ready and I’ll have the limo driver take us back to the plane.”

  Looking at Carlotta, Trey could see she was beginning to tire and agreed it was time to leave. After getting back on the plane, Carlotta immediately laid her head on his shoulders and closed her eyes as they took off. Trey leaned over to whisper in her ear. “Are you asleep?”

  “No not quite. Just resting my eyes,” she replied.

  “Okay. How would you like to go back to my place for breakfast?”

  “I can barely keep my eyes open, but if you’re cooking, I don’t have a problem with that. I may be a southern girl, and we’re known for getting to a man’s stomach but not today..." Trey couldn’t help but smile while caressing her.

  After leveling off, Q turned around and called out.

  “Some party huh? You don’t know how much I appreciate you guys coming along for the ride and having some fun with me. I saw you, Carlotta, talking to my client’s wife. I heard she’s an alcoholic, you know. She even had her lover there too. Can you believe that? Well as they say, it is what it is. It’s a shame some people just can’t enjoy the good life.” Q was talking so much he didn’t even realize Carlotta had already drifted off to sleep.

  When they arrived at Trey’s house, they drove through the gate past a pond full of ducks and around a horseshoe driveway leading to the front door. Getting out of the Jeep, she followed him inside and immediately lay on the sofa, still tired and half asleep.

  “Would you like me to get you a t-shirt to put on so you can be more comfortable?” he asked.

  “Sure,” she answered.

Okay I’ll be right back.” And immediately returned with the shirt, “Here you go. This should be a little more comfortable.” He smile, as he handed it to her.

  “You can use a room upstairs to put it on and I’ll be in the kitchen.”

  Putting on the shirt was the least of her worries because being in his house was infatuating enough as she wandered from room to room then navigated her way outside to the pool and into the garage.

  Contemplating whether to go inside, she couldn’t believe her eyes, marveling over the car of her dreams. It was Trey’s Bentley. She couldn’t resist the opportunity to sit inside.

  Suddenly, he appeared and opened the passenger door to get inside, attempting to rub a piece of strawberry on to her lips.

  “I thought you were tired?”

  Without hesitation she pulled him toward her to give him a kiss and then another after sharing the strawberry he just given her.

  “Nice,” he said while caressing her face. “I think you should come back inside before the food gets cold.”

  He grabbed her by the hand to lead her into the house. The minute they got out she stopped.

  “Wait, don’t move,” she said and put her arms around him.

  “Are you trying to tell me something?” he asked, as he leaned back on the car.

  “I’ll let you figure that out for yourself,” she answered, grabbing him by the hand to continue walking back inside. Once again she sat on the sofa. The smell of omelets permeated the air as he collected plates from the kitchen and returned. He then filled the fork with eggs for her to eat as she opened her mouth.

  “Come and sit here next to me and get comfortable. I need to talk to you. I don’t even know where to begin but, Carlotta I’m really impressed with you. I really like how risqué you are but with class. I’m very protective of my personal life and relationships because of my previous experiences. I own a cellular company that is growing faster than I can keep up with,” he explained as she attentively looked into his eyes.


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