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Page 6

by Will Brown

  Darnell was the first man she'd slept with since her divorce. He caressed her face, looking into her green eyes that seemed to light up like candles. He knew it would be a matter of time before he heard from Lamar, alerting him that everyone was awake, as they planned to depart.

  “How could I be so lucky to be with you? I’m sure you’ve got men beating down your door at night.” He kissed her fingertips.

  “I’m very balanced when it comes to men. I've got three of them all the time, if you hadn’t notice. Don’t get me wrong, I can date anytime I choose. However, my peace is trying to do what I love most and that’s music. Other than that, you really caught my attention with what a girl would call the TDH factor.”

  Darnell then sat up in bed. “So what is that?” He asked. T-Bird just laughed out loud. “You’ve never heard of the tall, dark and handsome factor? Yeah.. you sure got me with it.” They both began to laugh.

  Suddenly there was a knock at the door. It was Lamar coming to warn him that the girls had called him because Desiree was already arranging her staff for breakfast.

  “I think you better let T-Bird go before someone discovers you two together.”

  “Thanks Lamar. I guess we better get moving.”

  “Yes I agree” T-Bird replied. “I think it's time to go.” Immediately they took the back stairs routing down to the parking deck and shared one last kiss.

  “I can’t wait to see you again," Darnell said. As he held her tight one last time before letting her go.

  “Yeah, me too," T-Bird replied. "I better go now. Call me when you can, okay?” She blew him a kiss while rushing to her car. Darnell had left his mark.

  Desiree called Q the minute after she spoke to Lamar about arranging the breakfast meeting. She’d been busy with business affairs of her own and had no intentions of leaving to return home. She was determined to see him at his office. After all, they hadn’t talked in two days, once T-Bird performed her world premiere showcase. There was only one last thing left to do and that was taking the girls into the city. It was her promise to them, knowing they’d never seen NYC.

  Realizing that, Q arranged for a car to pick them up. Desiree’s staff all met in the lobby of the hotel. Once again the ladies drew attention. They truly represented the diversity of what it means to be a black woman. The doorman and other men who were in the lobby watched in admiration as they began to congregate near the front desk. They were being rated as if they were finalists competing in a pageant.

  All of a sudden, Q became the topic of conversation. Vita then asked.

  “Ladies, is it only me, or did anyone notice that fouine ass nigga that came with T-Bird, the other day?” Everyone just looked at her like the fool she was becoming, to not realize that was her boss Desiree’s boo. She continued on to say, “So who’s going to be the first one to try and rattle Q’s chain?” Everyone looked around to see who would be brave enough to answer.

  “Well, he is cute," Latria said, "But I’ve got a good man.”

  Immediately Asia chimed in. “Tell me something? Why does a brother have to look good in order for you to be attracted to him? Does that constitute a good man? There are plenty of men out here who are attractive, but have no substance. So what you do when you encounter that type of brother?”

  “Personally speaking, it doesn’t mean a lot to me if he’s cute or not," Asia commented. “Now what does matter is how he grew up and does he love his Mama? Then you’ll find out what kind of man he is. And please be responsible enough to keep his clothes clean and possibly take care of himself. I don’t have time to be someone’s maid.” Vita elaborated.

  “You know, looks and substance are okay, but can he just be well endowed and have some damn money?” Patrice then stepped in to say. They all began to laugh hysterically.

  “Now wait a minute” Candice interrupted. “I had the money, good looks, and still all I ended up with was an empty bed. So what’s the damn use? I think I’ll just be content with my toys, thank you. I’m sick and tired of having my needs met half way!”

  “Woo!” the girls all shouted.

  “That really seems like a personal problem girlfriend,” Terri replied.

  “Yes it does. You’ve got issues,” Michelle said. “I’m sorry, but I need the pressure of a two hundred pound man on top of me to take me where I need to go.”

  Audrey just threw her hands up in the air.

  “You see ladies, here is the problem. You’ve all been looking for a man in the wrong place. To find a potentially good man, you’ve got to go to the church or maybe even to the laundromat. At least if you meet him there, he may know how to wash his own clothes. Not to mention knowing he can serve the Lord will surely be a bonus!”

  Shanice, Michelle and Terri, all nodded in agreement.

  “That may be true, but right now a relationship will have to take a back seat to my career. Yes, it’s wonderful to have, but it would be much more rewarding to be able to bring something to the table, when the time is right. I’m willing to wait until making all the sacrifices to get what I need, before meeting an eligible man. I believe it will give me more power and the ability to build something stronger when I’m ready.” Terri said.

  Janice interrupted the conversion. “Ladies, nothing is more important than a man loving you. It’s God’s plan. Let’s not mistake finding a good-looking man or a man with money, more of a priority. Okay? Mr. Right will come at the appointed time. But you know what? Love yourself first!”

  Everyone gave Janice a high five and started to laugh again. Desiree overheard the entire conversation the girls were having while taking care of the bills on the rooms at the front desk and intervened to make her concerns known as she walked up.

  “Did you guys know Q and I were going out tonight? He’s giving me a personal tour of his company. Well, I guess if anyone is going to be rattling his chain, it’s going to be me. I’m quite anxious to find his weakest link and after that, I’ll find out what else rattles.” She then looked right at Vita.

  All the ladies looked at each other in surprise and were so quiet you could have heard a pin drop as the car pulled up in front of the hotel. The minute they got inside, they took a minute to re-evaluate the conversation they’d just shared minutes earlier, realizing that they had false expectations of themselves and their impression of men.

  Meanwhile, T-Bird was just returning to her office to check on the progress of the foundation and couldn’t believe the support, resources and contributions that was steadily coming in. People in the community were being blessed and lives changed through the efforts of the foundation. There were programs to increase literacy by providing fundamental resources in math, reading, SAT test preparation, and variety of secretarial and technical courses.

  Changing Faces

  Quincy Anderson, better known as Q is 38-years old. He is the CEO of a private jet service. His career began after working for a major airline.

  Growing up he wanted to follow in his father's footsteps to become a pilot. His father was a pilot in the U.S. Air Force for more than thirty years. As for Q, his time was consumed with going to air shows and aircraft exhibits at the base or the Convention Center in the city. After seeing JJ and Trey leave for college, he knew there was no way he was going to be left behind in the hood. The only thing that was keeping him out of trouble was his talent on the basketball court. He had earned street credibility on the courts and everyone wanted him on their team. More importantly, his father wasn't going to let the depravity of the streets kill his son, so he encouraged “Q” to enroll in flight school.

  That was the best decision he could have ever made. He was able to get his pilot’s license at the age twenty. Nothing meant more than being able to fly out to the campus where Trey was studying. To say the least, Trey was in awe that he was getting a personal plane ride before Q joined the U.S Air Force Reserves. Eight years of flying experience, afforded him the opportunity to become employed by a major airline carrier. There was nothing more rewar
ding than being able to travel all over the world and experience life and other cultures. That alone was a life lesson.

  He realized just how fortunate he really was and why so many foreigners are so eager to migrate to the U.S. Nevertheless, he was living the good life, traveling, making a good salary and having access to the most beautiful women you could lay your eyes on. In most cases most of them were right under his nose working as flight attendants. It was like being a candy shop and became one of his worst habits. He was living a player’s life and demanded his women to take care of him. Life was just one big party. The bachelor life was just too good to let go, especially after watching his closest friends. They had experienced so much chaos, trying to manage relationships.

  After completing a three day trip to Tampa, he saw an old classmate from flight school at the bar. He was working for a commuter airline and informed Q that the company was about to go bankrupt. To say the least he would be out of a job.

  Q always desired to make something out of his life. He listened to his friend as he drank until numb, but Q paid close attention to the conversation and obtained all the necessary information he needed to look into the company's assets. When he returned home, arranged a meeting with Trey and JJ to tell them about a potential venture. All he needed were a few strong investors to jump start him in the right direction. Trey and JJ listened to the pros and cons to determine the possibilities of making an investment with Q. However, he did not leave any stone unturned. He did due diligence with his homework, even down to knowing how many aircraft were involved in the deal. JJ and Trey were impressed.

  JJ recommended Q meet with a fellow attorney and associate to prepare a proposal and Trey agreed to prepare the business plan. Everything was moving perfectly, researching the airlines assets and the fleet of aircraft for their value.

  JJ’s associate informed him and Q that the company was in fact moving quickly with the bankruptcy proceedings and that it would be a great investment. This was an opportunity of a lifetime, to buy the company before going public. They always had resources to federal or government funding, and who could be a better attorney than JJ? If anybody could make it happen it was going to be him.

  The price for the building and fleet of aircraft totaled 200 million dollars. Q almost jumped out of his skin when he heard how much the investment would cost.

  “Where am I going to get that kind of cash?” JJ listened patiently, not realizing he and Trey had already found a way to get the money.

  “Q, no one said it was going to be easy. You’re going to have to put a little work in that’s all..."

  Sitting in JJ’s study and listening to all the numbers, Q was still dismayed over the process involved with the business. As several months went by discouraged, until his doorbell rang. His mailman was dropping off the usual mail. Ironically included in the stack, was a letter from the government for three million dollars. The money was a fund for minorities needing investments in business. When he saw the amount on the check, he fell to the floor. Surprisingly within minutes, Trey arrived at his house to encourage him. The attorneys were still working through a lot of paperwork. Meanwhile, Q hands was beginning to saturate in perspiration still holding the letter and holding it up to show him.

  “JJ told you everything would work out, didn’t he? How does it feel now Mr. Entrepreneur?” Trey said to him while putting his hand on his shoulder.

  Q was speechless as he sat back down in a chair. “Trey, you guys are the truth. I would cut off my right arm for you. You are my brothers and that’s real. We have been down for each other since we were kids. I don’t know what I’d do without you. I mean that.”

  Trey just smiled. “Well, that’s what friends are for, isn’t? We help each other, hold each other up and I know you would do anything for me right?”

  Q looked at him and held out his fist. Trey did the same for a fist bump. “What? You damn right!”

  Simultaneously, JJ pulled up while ending a business call on his phone. Q and Trey couldn’t wait for him to get in the door, possessing excitement on their faces.

  “Hey, why are you two looking like you just won the lottery? Is there something to celebrate about?” Trey looked at Q before taking the letter out of his hand and passing it over to JJ.

  “I told you to be patient; that everything would work out. I’m proud to see things are going well. You will be okay. Hey, did you tell your dad yet? I think we need to call T-Bird too. I know they’ll be ecstatic to hear about this, baby boy..."

  During their conversation his phone rang. “Well I have to get going, got another contract to sign, so I’ll check in with you later.”

  JJ turned around to look back at Q smiling before getting back in the car.

  “Hey Q! Congratulations Q, keep your head up. I’ll see you later.” Trey reached out to shake JJ’s hand.

  “Well, I guess that’s my cue as well. I’ve got some follow ups to take care of as well. We will talk later Q.”

  The one thing he had to do was talk to his dad; he needed his blessing as any son would. After contacting him on the phone, Q’s dad insisted that he come over because he was having his car repaired. When he arrived, they sat out on the patio and pull out two beers from the cooler.

  “So what’s on your mind son?” his father asked, while popping the lid off the can. Q told him about the business deal and about receiving the letter, thanks to JJ and Trey.

  His father shook his head, while listening attentively.

  “Congratulations son. Stay here, I’ll be right back. I have something for you.” He went into the house and returned with a bank book, handing it to him.

  “Son, this is for you. I’ve had this bankbook since you were born. Look like it’s about bout $900,000 maturing over time. I wasn’t going to give it to you until you gave me a grandson...” he laughed.

  "..Judging how you always with a different woman, I can’t see that happening right now. Hearing what you’re trying to do, I guess it’s time I turn it over to you. You’ve done well in my eyes and I’m proud to have you as my son. Now get out of here. I’ve got things to do. And where are those friends of yours? You know I love those boys like they were my own. Tell them to come and see me... You hear.”

  “I love you dad," Q said, while grabbing his father’s shoulder. “Don’t tell me that crap. Tell your mother. If she knew I gave you that money she’d kill the both of us. Call me if you need my help...”

  Leaving his father’s house, Q took a slow ride, letting all the events of the day sink in. He was about to become a business owner with a multi-million dollar company, just like his friends Trey and JJ.

  Later that evening, the attorney called, telling him that the seller wanted to do an accelerated contract and reduce the price of the sale of the company to $150 million dollars. Q had made out like a bandit due to JJ’s associate’s superb negotiation skills. Corporate Travel Jet Services was now being born.

  Finally moment of truth as he met with Trey, T-Bird and JJ. They couldn’t have been more proud, as they advised him they would help him establish a client base, through their network. They were affiliated with businessmen and women in the music, sports, and corporate industries. Everyone began to put their thoughts together and create a marketing campaign to bring in potential clients. They began arranging tours for potential clients to see his new complex, quality and design of the aircraft. More importantly, the services that would be offered. Finally, he reached success in establishing a client base and getting flight plans approved by the FAA.

  His entire fleet was remodeled with plush leather seats, workstations, mini bars and hideaway sleeping beds. He took the time to tailor his business to his clients’ personalized needs, including any special requests and meals. He hired the friend who had given him the information about the company and made him senior pilot.

  After three years of hard work, Q had made a name for himself and the company’s growth. His clientele list gave him no choice but to incorporate a limousine s
ervice because of the business need for car service. Putting that into place, he then renamed the company to Corporate Travel Jet and Limousine Services. He now had ten planes, twenty cars, and ten vans with a staff of two hundred people working for him.

  Putting the business aside, Q loved every minute of his life as a bachelor, especially being with the most influential women you could think of and having them in his bedroom. He compared his freedom and his relationships with women, to the taming of wild horses. "Once you got on.." he said, "hold on tight no matter how hard she bucks, and just go for the ride. Sooner or later they submit..." With that being said, he wanted to try and tame every woman he encountered...

  One evening, after two cars broke down in the city and had to be towed back to the shop for repairs, T-Bird dropped by for some casual conversation. “So, how do you feel about Desiree after meeting her and having a minute to talk to her?” she said.

  Q was caught off guard and wasn’t ready to reveal the fact that he was attracted to her. He attempted to gather his thoughts. He knew Desiree had gotten his attention but his pride wouldn’t let him reveal that and certainly not to T-Bird. However, she was only going to be another casual sex partner.

  “I think she is nice," Q replied. "I guess we’ll have to see where it goes. We’re supposed to meet later tonight. I’m going to show her the facility.”

  “Is that right? Well, I just want to say, if you’re really going to continue having your little adventure with her, I’m letting you know now, I’m staying out of it,” T-Bird warned.

  Q used his cars as an excuse to end the conversation.

  “These cars are getting a lot of mileage since I added them to the limo service. Thanks for stopping by, but can we get together later?" Q asked. "I have to get the mechanic moving his ass on fixing these cars.”

  “Sure that’s fine. Even though I noticed how you’re avoiding answering me, it’s all good. I have to start setting up the rehearsals for my band and dancers to put together my show before the tour starts anyhow.”


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