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Sin and Magik

Page 7

by Sin

  "CJ, did you find her?" Matthew, Cedric’s friend, called out from just inside the cabin. It was still strange to hear people call Cedric CJ. He had decided it would be best to go by his initials instead of his name. His accent was bad enough. Mine was too. We both spoke with noticeable accents that were tinged with Gaelic. We drew enough attention to ourselves as it was. Part of me wanted to drop the act and scream out to the world that we not only existed, but also had cared for their precious earth from the beginning of time. I would never do that, but the thought of it did make me smile.

  Cedric dropped his magik and I landed on both feet. He grabbed me around my waist to steady me and glanced back at the cabin. Matthew ran out, looking around for Cedric. He spotted us and ran his hand through his short blond hair. It was obvious that he wanted to say something but held back, stopping and turning around. He’d known Cedric four months now and knew that Cedric was about to explode with anger. I had little doubt that Matthew didn’t want to be in the line of fire.

  Smart man.

  I should have followed his lead.

  I stared up at Cedric and felt my stomach tighten. Tiny pinpricks of pleasure danced along my back. They caressed me, making my nipples hard and my inner thighs damp. Every time he touched me I felt the same sensation. It never went away and it never got old.

  He pulled me close to him and let out an exasperated breath. “Where the hell have you been, Mackenzie?"

  I reached up and touched his hair. I was still getting used to the fact that he’d chopped his long auburn hair off. It was now short, and stylish, with a messy, yet sexy look to it. When it was wet, it hung just past his ears that now had earrings in them.

  Something had changed in Cedric during his time in captivity at the Unblessed Court. He had hardened. It wasn’t a bad thing, just different. As much as I wanted to dislike his new look, I couldn’t. I found him even sexier now. He had to cut his hair every few days because of how fast it grew. It could be back to his waist in a month’s time.

  I ran my hands down his shoulders and then over his muscular arms. I moved his black tee shirt up a little and kissed one of the tribal tattoos that ran around his upper arms. They looked real and didn’t wash off, but were only an illusion. I used my glamour, my magik, to hide the scars he’d gotten during his torture, and also helped him ad a few touches that would throw anyone looking for us off. Faeries didn’t have earrings, tattoos, or short hair. Cedric looked like a human now. I even managed to hide his curved ears with my magik. I hid mine too, but that was about as far as I’d gone on the changing my appearance. I told Cedric it was because I wasn’t comfortable pretending to be something I’m not. Truth was, I was too drained to keep up any more glamour. Cedric’s was already costing me a great deal of energy. I had nothing left for myself.


  I looked up at Cedric and blinked myself back. "Sorry, I was daydreaming about you again."

  Cedric didn’t smile. "I thought that something happened to you. I thought that he found you."

  "Rowan doesn’t know where I am."

  Cedric turned my body around. "Don’t even say his name aloud. You know how bizarre the Unblessed Court’s magik is. I can’t risk him finding you. I can’t lose you, Mackenzie."

  I nodded and put my head on his hard chest. "I’m sorry. I went to the shelter and...."

  "The shelter?" he asked, sounding like he was on the verge of making a scene. "Did you walk home?"

  I pulled my bottom lip into my mouth and bit on it softly, trying to give him an innocent look, but he wasn’t buying it. I made a move to pull his lips to mine, but he kept me at bay long enough to ask me again if I walked home. Shaking my head, I stood very still. I wouldn’t lie to him.

  "Not all the way. The closest bus stop is only a twenty minute walk from here."

  He tipped his head back and screamed out, nothing that made any sense, so much as a tension reliever, but he got his point across all the same. He stormed away from me and then spun around to face me. "Why would you put yourself at risk like that?"

  "I, umm...." I searched for an answer that wasn’t there.

  Cedric flung his hand to the side and a gust of wind shot out and away from his fingertips. It was his way of bringing himself down before he came back by me--a discharging so to speak. A year in a dungeon had left him on a magikal overload when he was finally released. He was now more powerful than ever and that wasn’t always a good thing. His little display wasn’t to show off for me, it was to prevent an accident from happening. He’d never risk hurting me.

  I stood silent for a moment longer, allowing him the time he needed to cool off. Matthew peeked out the front window and I cleared my throat to let Cedric know that we had an audience. The last thing we needed was for a mortal to see us use magik. We’d be on the front of every tabloid magazine in two seconds or less, and if we were lucky enough not to get dissected, my mother would torture us herself or worse.

  Cedric put his hand over his eyes and tapped his foot lightly on the ground. I decided that it was safe to go to him now, so I did. I wrapped my arms around him and put my head against his chest.

  "It’s cold out here and you’re in a thin t-shirt," I said softly.

  He looked down at me and his eyes glistened with the start of tears. "Please don’t ever pull a stunt like this again. I don’t think I could take it. I thought that I’d lost you, and I knew that I couldn’t go on. You are my everything, Mack, and I need your word that you’ll not endanger yourself again."

  "You’ve got yourself a deal."

  Chapter Four

  It seemed like an eternity before Matthew finally left. He promised to stop by and check on me while Cedric was out of town, and I thanked him, but found it to be completely unnecessary. I didn’t want to think about Cedric leaving. He’d only be gone two days at the most, but the minutes without him always seemed so long.

  I dipped the last plate into the sink full of soapy water and began to scrub it. Cedric walked back in and came to me. "Mack, let me get that."

  I laughed as he wrapped his arms around me and plunged his hands into the water. His mouth found my ear and he nibbled on it as his hips ground against my backside. I tipped my head back and let his kisses fall to my neck. He nibbled softly at my skin, sending need crashing through my body. His sultry laugh filled my ears with promises of the fun to come.

  "Why does seeing you wash dishes do this to me?" he asked, laughing slightly.

  "Oh, that’s easy, you’ve known me all my life and you never thought you’d see the day that I, Princess Mackenzie of the Blessed Court, would have my elbows in a sink full of greasy dinner dishes. What was it you used to say to me? Oh, yes, that my arm would fall off if I even attempted to brush my own hair." He bit down lightly on my neck while he continued to grind his hard erection into my back. I hated the fact that our clothing kept us from one another, but did enjoy the slight tease involved with it all.

  He pulled his hands out of the water and ran them up my arms. Suds dripped onto the edge of counter and then to the floor. I let out a soft breath of need when his hands reached my shoulders. He bit at my ear and laughed. "You know, I think you may be onto to something here, Mackenzie. Think I could watch you dust too?"

  I laughed softly and he stopped moving for a moment. "You’re so thin, Mack. You just keep losing weight. I don’t think we broke his hold over you yet, I think...."

  "Shhh," I said shoving my butt against Cedric’s firm cock. I didn’t want to discuss Rowan again. It never ended well for us.

  "You sure know how to change the subject."

  "Cedric," I said, as he wiped what was left of the soapy mix down my neck, towards my breasts. A thin line of water ran down and between my breasts. I sucked in as the liquid cooled on its way to my navel. He reached up and under my thin sweater. His fingers retraced the path the water had taken and when his hand reached my lower abdomen, our magik sparked. It felt like someone had just dipped my lower body in a vat of hot oil and
then ripped it away, leaving my body longing for more--cold and in need of stimulation. Cedric felt it too and he let his hand hover over my skin.

  "It’s getting more intense," he said, tapping his fingers and letting the power dance back and forth. My magik was drawn to him, for obvious reasons, and seemed to enjoy being toyed with. It also seemed to require his touch often throughout the day, but I hadn’t told him that. He would worry and refuse to go to work.

  "It means my womb is gearing up to accept your seed." I let the words fall from my mouth, even though Cedric knew full well what was happening and why. He knew that Rowan had ignited the flame in my womb that all faerie women have but few get to use. Cedric was aware that since Rowan had basically activated my reproductive organs and that my body was in the first stages of its reproductive cycle. For a faerie this cycle generally lasted an entire year, at which point a child could be conceived.

  Cedric ran his fingers down the top of my already low jeans and rocked our bodies back and forth. "I can’t wait to have a family with you, Mack. I hope it happens tonight. I want to know a part of me is growing within you. I pray that we have a daughter and that she looks just like you, but has my good sense," he said with a laugh.

  "We’ve only been married four months ... control yourself there, Mr. Breeder."

  He laughed as he slid his fingers down further, searching for the source of our discussion. He parted my velvety folds and thrust a finger into my pussy. "Oh, but you forget that I have been in love with you since I was seven years old, Mackenzie. I’ve been waiting a very long time to have a family with you. And I want to bury myself deep within you and fill you with my seed ... mark you ... make sure that all know you’re mine, and bring a piece of us into this world."

  I pressed my body against him as he drove his finger into me. I turned my face to find his mouth. Our lips met as his fingers moved over the root of my pleasure. I cried out as his finger tweaked my swollen nub and my legs went out from underneath me. Water sloshed everywhere as I dropped and Cedric was left no choice but to wrap me in his arms to keep me from falling. He lifted my body high in the air and slipped just a little on the wet floor as he headed towards our bed. It was good to know that he wasn’t perfect. Men without flaws were boring, and Cedric was anything but boring.

  I cupped his rough face in my hands and continued showering him with my kisses. My heart raced with the knowledge that soon he would be in me again. My need for him grew greater each time we merged our magiks. It wasn’t just desire that drove me--it was now a necessity.

  I pulled at his t-shirt as he laid my body out on the bed before him. The material moved over his head and I used caution around his earrings, afraid that I’d rip one out if I wasn’t careful. I wasn’t used to them, but loved them on him all the same.

  Cedric pulled my sweater up and over my head. His face dropped down and his mouth went to the pink silk material of my bra. He rubbed his cheek across it lightly and my nipple popped up like the good little solider it was. His hot mouth moved over it and my body reacted to him. I knew that when he returned to my lower regions he’d find them hot and damp--accepting.

  "Please," I begged softly as Cedric continued to tease my nipple through my bra.

  Cedric laughed as he moved down my body. His tongue licked the edges of my navel on his way to the top of my jeans. His hands were large and he often had trouble undoing small buttons or snaps, but this time he got it. He pulled my pants down, taking my panties with him, and planted his face deep between my legs. He forced my legs apart and growled. I screamed out in pleasure, as he wasted no time, plunging his tongue into my core.

  My hands went to Cedric’s head and I ran my fingers through his tousled hair. Each swipe of his tongue over my clit drove my body closer to the edge of madness and I tightened my grip on him. I begged him to end my need, and give himself to me--ram his thick cock into me, but he kept licking, tugging, manipulating my soaked lower region with a skill that only he possessed. Once, twice, three times I came under the power of his tongue and each time brought me closer to the edge of abandonment.

  When I was left shaking and flailing on the bed like a fish out of water, then and only then, did Cedric cease his assault on me. My body was fulfilled and unable to do anything other than be still for a moment. I smiled, with a heavy feeling of satisfaction upon my face, up at Cedric as he pulled his jeans off, slowly--revealing that he still had so much more to offer me. His ruddy cock twitched as he neared me. He wrapped his hand around it and stroked it, watching my face closely. The entire scene was so incredibly erotic that I had to fight down the need to yell, "Fuck me." Cedric would love it, but I’d be embarrassed to look at him after we finished.

  He moved onto the bed and pulled my legs up. He positioned his body between them artfully, and slid the mushroom shaped head of his cock into my tight channel slowly. My pussy was already pulsating, and now I was left contracting around him at random. Clenching and releasing his shaft with each pass. His face went slack. He pulled out slowly, neared the point of exiting, and then thrust his cock back into me hard. I cried out and put my hands above the bed, grabbing the rails for support. I needed something, anything to ground me.

  I glanced down and watched in awe as Cedric stayed on his knees, pumping his shaft into me--rubbing my engorged nub with his fingertips, while staring at me with the look of a hunter in his eyes. I gripped the bars tight as yet another orgasm ran through me.

  I gave into the carnal need to have him and yelled. "Fuck me harder, Cedric ... fuck me harder!"

  Cedric cried out and slammed his body into mine, filling me with his seed, and his magik simultaneously. My magik sprang forth and enveloped his. Time stood still and for a moment I wasn’t sure where my body stopped and his began. We were one, both physically and metaphysically.

  The two forms of power fluttered about in my womb as Cedric moved to my side and wrapped his arms around me. I let my eyes close and felt Cedric’s hands move over my abdomen. He leaned over me and kissed my cheek. "Wake up. I’m not done with you yet. I want to increase my chances of filling you with life. I’ll plant my seed within you, my wife. Come on, open your eyes."

  I peeked out at him, and gave him a fake dirty look. "I’m sleepy, you wore me out. You’re insatiable! Do your batteries ever wear out?"

  He laughed as he spread my butt cheeks apart and pressed the length of his wet member to my heated core--filling me up so much that he now struck my cervix. It wasn’t painful so much as it was different. His intent was to love me and create life, allowing him deeper access to my womb was the least I could do. Besides, I rather enjoyed it.

  His fingers danced along my backside as his cock pummeled into me. He gathered the juice from our merge and coated his fingers. I bucked backwards as he slid one into my ass. White hot pain lanced through me, followed quickly by a need to have him go deeper.

  "Do you like that?" he asked, his voice strained.

  My answer came in the form of ramming my body back into his. The feel of his thick cock driving into my pussy, and his finger in my ass pushed me into a state of bliss. I cried out his name as I felt his shaft jerk, and his seed release into me.

  Chapter Five

  I stood at the window and watched Cedric pull away. It was bittersweet. Part of me was happy to have a moment to myself without him obsessing over my safety and another part was going to miss him. I hated the idea of him being gone for a whole night, and still wasn’t sure why Matthew couldn’t handle the new client. He seemed more than capable to me, but Cedric wouldn’t hear of it. He insisted on going, and he insisted that I stay home.

  Our cabin had wards up all around it that were intended to keep evil at bay. I’d used a great deal of magik when we’d first arrived to ensure that we’d be safe and virtually undetectable. It had seemed like a good idea at the time, but now that I found myself left behind due to safety concerns, I was rethinking it.

  I gave in and plopped down with a book. We had no desire for a television
, and little interest in a computer, so that left my choices for entertaining myself limited. I found myself oddly drawn to the mortal’s world of romance books. While it was wonderful to read about a larger than life hero sweeping the heroine off her feet, it paled in comparison to my life. Tonight I wanted Cedric, not a book.

  At least if Cedric was here we could find something to keep ourselves occupied. I curled up in my favorite oversized chair and pulled a blanket over my legs. I surrendered and opened the book, drawing in a deep breath in the process. I’d always loved the smell of books, both mortal and faerie. Something about them made me feel at home, regardless of where I was.

  It didn’t take me long to become completely engrossed in the story. I was so lost in the book that at first I didn’t notice the light tingle on my feet. I continued on, stopping only when the tingle ceased being light and started feeling like someone was standing directly behind me pressing their magik against my body. I spun around in the chair, fully expecting to find someone there, but there was no one.


  Silence greeted me and I fought back a shiver. My imagination was getting the better of me again and I pushed thoughts of danger out of my head.

  I pulled the blanket up around me and brought my knees to my chest. I couldn’t shake the feeling that someone was close to me, watching me, waiting for the right moment to strike. No longer did it feel as though I’d invented the threat. It was real and I was in trouble.

  I didn’t want to call on my magik and scan the area for other faeries, it would only leave them knowing that something magikal was near them. From the feeling I was getting, they were very close indeed.


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