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Sin and Magik

Page 11

by Sin

  The King’s lies had left my life and that of two others in turmoil. I’d not only mated to Rowan but had also bonded to Cedric, a man I’d loved since I was only five and he seven. Cedric wasn’t royalty. He was a warrior. We’d grown up together in the Blessed Court. My mother, the Queen, and his father, the head of the guards, were close friends. Unfortunately, close meant little to my mother. She had manipulated Cedric and I into believing no love was shared between us. He went off to war and I was told he died in battle. The reality of the situation was far worse than death. My beautiful warrior had been captured and tortured at the hands of the King of the Unblessed—a man who was now considered my father in law.

  “My lady, come, please. Your bath has been drawn.”

  Setting my potting shovel down, I sighed and decided to give in rather than listen to her babble on another minute. She’d only go for reinforcements anyway and the thought of having a parade of women badgering me only made my head hurt worse. They could and would go on for hours.

  I glanced at the fruits of my labor, my garden, and sighed. The roses grew and were beautiful but the only color I could grow in the Unblessed Court was dark maroon, or black as most people referred to them. Granted, they were beautiful but I’d had enough darkness around me to last a lifetime. Other flowers native to the Unblessed Court bloomed around the roses, each as dark as the next. I missed the tiny garden I had at the cabin Cedric and I had shared in the human realm. It was modest but colorful. It was also mine.

  I pushed to my feet and wiped the sweat from my brow a second before I remembered my hands were covered in dirt. Since I had no one within the Unblessed Court grounds to impress at the moment, I didn’t bother brushing it away. I headed for the back service entrance and the woman at my heels gasped.

  “My lady, ‘tis unsightly for you to be using this door. You’re the princess. You should…”

  Turning, I gave her a hard stare. “Do you want me to get cleaned up or not?”

  She nodded and bowed her head. I would have felt bad for being surly with her but she and the others like her had fused themselves to my hip since my arrival. Rowan had explained they were there to see to my needs but I knew better. The king had ordered them to keep their eyes on me at all times. One of the younger women has confessed as much. The fear in her eyes had been enough for me to know that if I sent her or the others like her away, the King would not be pleased. King Torean wasn’t known for his compassion among his own people and I wasn’t willing to test the servants’ hides to see just how far he could be pushed.

  The King had a rather sick obsession with me for years, or so I’d been told. To date he’d done little more than glance in my direction in passing. Had I not seen the aftermath of his lust I wouldn’t have believed it. The ugly reminder Cedric wore upon his neck was all the validation I required. The fact Rowan agreed his father was a monster only made matters worse. The sorrow in his brown eyes when he came to inform me of his duty still made my chest tight. Rowan didn’t want to leave me alone in the castle with his father but I assured him it was for the best. If we tipped Torean off to our plans of fleeing the Unblessed Court he would surely strike Rowan dead.

  When Cedric had been captured and tossed in the dungeon, the King had paid him visits, pretending to be Rowan. Since they looked almost identical, it was easy for him to pull off. He’d bombarded Cedric with questions about me before resorting to mind raping him. The procedure was intrusive, painful and often left the victim on the verge of death. The memories he’d leeched from Cedric’s mind had been of me.

  I’d foolishly blamed Rowan for the act and that of slitting Cedric’s throat, leaving him for dead when it had been the King all along. I hated Torean with a white-hot passion but was unable to express as much. Affording him the knowledge that we knew of his deceit would leave him tracking down Cedric in the human realm and killing him. Since I was bound to Cedric, I would die and in turn, Rowan as well. I cared little for my own safety but the very idea of either of the men I loved being harmed terrified me.

  Lifting the floor length, emerald green gown slightly, I took the stairs two at a time. I’d been living in the Castle for nearly two months and already I had more gowns than I could ever hope to wear. The sad thing was, I missed my jeans and tee shirts. Cedric and I had spent four months living among humans and it was wonderful. I had no political pressures there. It was simply Cedric and I.

  My chest tightened at the thought of Cedric, my auburn-haired warrior. He sent word often of his progress in finding a secure location for the three of us to relocate to in the human realm but it wasn’t the same as seeing him face to face. My body literally craved his and I missed his laugh.

  As I turned the corner at the top of the staircase, I crashed into what felt like a cement wall. Heat flared through my body and I recognized powerful magik moving over me. I drew in a sharp breath and the smell of honeysuckle and morning dew filled my head. For a split second I was sure it was Rowan who held me upright. As I looked up to find myself staring at a face that looked identical to Rowan’s, I wanted to believe it was him. Something was off. I couldn’t place it but it was there all the same.

  “Mackenzie, where are you rushing off to?”

  The deep voice that greeted me even sounded like Rowan’s. It wasn’t. I stared into the dark brown eyes that seemed fixated upon me and forced a smile to my face. “King Torean, what brings you to this part of the castle?”

  He stiffened. “You are very good at being able to tell my son and I apart. No one else has that ability. Tell me how it is you do.”

  I swallowed hard. “Rowan is away in the North quarter of the Unblessed Court, your majesty. It stands to reason …”

  A deep laugh escaped him as he pulled me closer to his body. “Ah, I see. Process of elimination. That makes perfect sense.” He touched my forehead lightly and dropped his face dangerously close to mine. “You have dirt on you.”

  I did my best not to flinch as he wiped the dirt free from me. “Thank you, your…”

  He tilted my chin upwards, forcing my green gaze to meet him head on. “Mackenzie, call me Torean. Nothing more, nothing less. Understand?”

  I nodded.

  Torean slid his hand down my neck, caressing my bare skin with the back of his finger. He was a bronzed warrior with long dark brown, almost black hair and I was the opposite with my pale, slightly shimmering skin and blonde, almost white-blonde hair. As he reached the tops of my breasts, I went to take a step backwards. His magik wrapped around me, locking me in place.

  He drew a deep breath in and bent down further, putting his lips near mine. “How is it you can spend the day digging in the dirt yet smell so glorious that I want to sink my…”

  I gasped and he stopped short of saying what it was he intended to.

  Torean nodded and stepped back from me, releasing his magikal hold on me. “See you at dinner.”

  No part of me was about to look a gift horse in the mouth. I moved quickly down the hall towards Rowan’s room. As I pushed the heavy, wooden door open I felt Torean’s magik creeping over my skin once more, continuing on the path his finger had been on. It slid over my nipples, making it harden almost instantly. I wasn’t sure what to do. My power was no match for the Faerie King of the Unblessed Court even at full strength. Giving into him wasn’t an option either.

  The low cut front of my gown spread open wide of what seemed to be its own accord. I knew better. Torean was behind it. I did the only thing I could think of. I rushed towards the oversized bathroom and stripped the gown from my body. I didn’t bother with testing the temperature of the bath water. No. I needed to get the feel of Torean’s power off me so I practically dove into the bathing pool. As my face broke the surface, I felt Torean’s power ease away.

  It took a minute for my nerves to calm enough that I wasn’t shaking. Torean was powerful and in my heart I knew he could defeat his son and Cedric if it came down to a fight. That was something I didn’t want to see happen. I tipped my
head back and let it rest on the edge of the bathing pool. My body ached and I knew it wouldn’t let up until Rowan and Cedric returned. Our bond left me weakened, needing them both. Without them, I died a slow death.

  Rowan’s mother had perished from the same thing—loving two powerful Fae men. If we didn’t find a way to be together soon or at the very least, break my bond to one if not both of them, we would all die.

  Exhaustion took hold of me and the warm bath water soothed my aching body. My eyelids grew heavy and the need to rest, if only for a few moments, was great. I gave in, closing my eyes and relaxing for the first time in two months.

  The peace was short lived as one of the servants pounded on the chamber door, informing me it was time to dine. I left the tub and dressed in a long, flowing blue gown, with a corset like center that pressed my breasts up high. I tied my hair loosely into a bun and added a tiny, silver necklace before grabbing shoes and opening the door.

  * * * *

  I tried and failed to rip my gaze from the roast swan on the center of the table. In much the same fashion as the Blessed Court, the Unblessed Court seemed to enjoy making cooked food resemble what it had been in life. Dyes and feathers adorned the bird, making it take on a certain life after death quality. One others enjoyed but I did not. My stomach twisted, positive the swan was watching me from its beady black eyes.

  Several servants came out, carrying trays of additional foods. They wore swan face masks. Black surrounded their already dark eyes and white feathers shot out in all directions, giving them an added air of mystic. They scuttled about, filling wine jugs and bringing out pewter plates full of side dishes.

  Torean was big into productions and seemed to do more and more with each meal we shared. Everything about the man was eccentric. He seemed to relish his oddities. Had I not known him to be a cruel man, I would have found him intriguing.

  With a slight bow, he presented himself. His waist coat was a vibrant red with embroidered white patterns through it. Upon first glance, the pattern was nothing more than shapes. Looking harder, I found the scene most disturbing. It was a battle one. Showing men being struck down with swords. “Torean?” I asked, using his name rather than king or my lord to address him. It was a first for me.

  A sly grin spread over his face. “See. That is so much better, Mackenzie. We are friends now. Would you not agree?”

  I remained in place, my face blank. “Y-yes.”

  My attention returned to his waist coat. His gaze followed. “Is there a problem?”

  Without thought, I told him exactly what was wrong. “You want me to eat while you’re wearing the history of the men you’ve slaughtered.”

  He removed the jacket and tossed it towards one of the servants. He stood before me in a white shirt with wide sleeves and cuffs that were full and long. The cravat he wore fit the fashion theme among the Courts so well yet it was unlike anything still popular in the human realm.

  Torean pulled it off.

  His long black hair was pulled into a tie at the nape of his neck and his dark gaze held the promise of sex.

  I gulped.

  The breeches he wore fit him snuggly, showing off an impressive bulge in the front. I looked away, my cheeks staining pink and my palms beginning to sweat. I wasn’t supposed to notice how handsome he was. It was hard not to considering he looked identical to Rowan.

  He came to my side, his arm brushing mine as he eased my chair out for me. He motioned. “My lady.”

  I sat and his hands found my bare shoulders. He caressed them before leaning over me, pulling my wine goblet near. “Drink. Be merry. This is a joyous day.”

  “It is?” I inquired.

  He put his face close to mine, so close in fact that I could feel his warm breath upon my cheek. “Yes. It is.”

  “Will you share what occasion it is?” I didn’t really care but if it got him talking and kept him from trying to feel me up magikally, I was all for it.

  He lifted my goblet to my lips, encouraging me to drink.

  I did and he seemed in rapture over the action. “It is a day we shall never forget.”

  I wasn’t sure I liked the sound of that.

  The candles, in the chandeliers above us dimmed and I knew it was Torean’s doing. He blew on my ear as he backed away, taking his seat, which was next to mine. The table was long but he sat at the head and always insisted I sit to his right. Protesting got me nowhere fast so I’d learned to give in and get dinner over with.

  This evening was different. Not only did the servers wear masks that mimicked our main course but dancers arrived as well. Each was dressed similar to a ballerina. They wore sawn feathers in their hair and feathers draping off their short skirts.

  A haunting melody played from a location I couldn’t determine and the dancers moved to it, swaying and racing around the table, making large sweeping gestures with their arms. For a moment, all blurred and they appeared to be real swans, flapping about. I gasped and Torean was suddenly there, lifting food to my mouth, encouraging me to eat from his fingers. I wanted to resist but couldn’t.

  My head felt light.

  My willpower weak.

  My gaze snapped to the wine goblet. Had he done something to it? Had he put a spell on me? I hadn’t thought he’d stoop to that level and a piece of me didn’t want to believe he’d done so now.

  “Mackenzie,” he whispered, tilting my chin to face him. He bent his head and then drew back, the slightest of smiles on his face. “The time of our joining nears.”

  “R-Rowan?” I asked, my voice as weak as my willpower.

  Torean vanished, leaving me with the dancers and serving. The dancers swelled in on me and then backed out, never missing the rhythm. Fog seemed to muddle my mind and I tried to focus. Nothing worked. The music grew louder and the servers took to practically forcing food and wine down me. One even spilled drops of red wine on the swells of my breasts.

  Torean was suddenly there, dipping his head, licking the wine from my bosom. I sucked in a deep breath as my body responded in ways it shouldn’t to him. I pushed on his face, moving him away from my breast. Overwhelmed, I stood and swayed. He caught me with an arm around my waist and dragged me against the hard planes of his body. I put my palms to his chest, shaking my head no.

  He bent his head and his lips met mine a moment before darkness surrounded me.

  Chapter Two

  “Mackenzie, open your eyes,” a deep voice said, the very sound of it moved through me.

  I blinked and looked up to find a set of dark brown eyes staring down at me from a chiseled face. I glanced to my side and found myself lying on the bed from the cabin. My mind was slightly fogged but I knew enough to know I’d been in the dining hall at the castle. Nowhere near the cabin. “Torean?”

  “Why in the hell are you calling me by my father’s name?”

  Relief swept through me as I stared up at Rowan. I tossed my arms around his thick neck and held him tight. “You’re late getting back. I thought for sure your father had you killed.”

  He jaw went taut. “Why would you think my father would harm me?”

  I snorted as I pulled him over me. “You’re lucky I love you or I’d smack you just because. As if you even need to ask.”

  He settled over me and I ran my hands over his muscular arms. I couldn’t help but smile as I took in the sight of Rowan in a black tee shirt and jeans. “I thought you were handling something for your father in the North quarter of the Unblessed Court. Why in the world are you in human clothing? Better yet, how in the world did we get here?”

  A sly smile moved over his handsome face. “I handled what needed to be handled and then assured the cabin was safe for us before coming and retrieving you.” He touched the tip of my nose and winked. “My father had you resting in the parlor off his den. You were out cold. He said the wine did not agree with you and that you’d fainted during dinner.”

  Cupping his cheek, I leaned up and pressed my lips to his. The kiss was heated but cha
ste. “I missed you. Don’t ever leave me alone that long again.”

  “I’ll do my best.” He laid over me and settled between my legs. “You have not told me what you think of the outfit I put you in.”

  Put me in?

  It took me a minute to register what Rowan had said but when I did, I glanced down to find my breasts barely contained in a white corset. I shook my head and let out a soft laugh. “You’re insatiable.”

  He ground his pelvis against mine, sending shock waves of pleasure through my lower region. His long, silky dark hair spilled around us, acting like a veil. I cupped his cheeks and smiled. Something I couldn’t read passed through his eyes.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked, not liking the look on his face.

  “Nothing.” He captured my lips with his and thrust his tongue into my mouth. His kiss was different, more intense. It was then I knew he was as eager to be with me as I was him. Too long had gone since we’d last joined. He continued the kiss, fucking my mouth with his tongue.

  I wrapped my legs around his waist and wiggled beneath him. “R-Rowan,” I pleaded. “I need you in me.”

  He bit my lower lip lightly, a fire blazing in his dark eyes. “No foreplay?”

  “My body aches. The bond is taking its toll on me. Please. Fuck me hard and fast first and then we can spend the rest of the day exploring one another.”

  He seemed puzzled for a moment and then lowered himself. When his face was in line with the tiny white panties he’d put me in, he grinned and used his teeth to remove them. The act was torturous. He took his time, raking his fingers lightly over my inner thighs, all the way to my feet. Taking my toes into his mouth, he sucked gently, causing tingles to shoot upwards, heading straight for my sex.

  Moisture pooled and I stared down at Rowan.

  He climbed up and over me with purpose in his gaze. With a flick of his wrist, his clothing vanished from his glorious body. He stopped, just above my mound and bent his head, inhaling deeply. I didn’t protest when he parted my slit and licked a line to my heated core. I opened my legs wide for him, giving him better access. He spread the lips of my pussy and eased his tongue into me. Using his finger, he tweaked my clit, rubbing it, making pressure build deep within me.


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