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Sin and Magik

Page 13

by Sin

  “She’s prepared.”

  “Who shall have the honor of going first?” Rowan asked, his voice hopeful.

  “It’s Mack’s choice.” Cedric stared at me. “Whoever you pick will most likely father the child.”

  He was right. And I knew I couldn’t pick between them. Nature could but I wouldn’t.

  I took his hand, guiding him onto the bed to lay flat on his back. I straddled his waist and sank onto his cock. Rowan tried to back away, looking hurt. I grabbed for him, catching hold of his cock. “You too.”

  He lifted a brow. “Mackenzie?”

  “I’m wet and I want more. Both of you can fill me.” I let my wanton side show. “I want you both in my pussy… at the same time.” I leaned forward.

  Rowan moved closer, taking hold of his prick and lining it up with my already full core. He licked his fingers and rubbed them over the head of his cock before easing it into me. My core burned and white-hot pleasure washed over me as their cocks filled me. They moved, awkwardly at first before striking a steady rhythm.

  Animalistic grunts and growls came from us all. Cedric thrust upwards and Rowan pumped into me. It was too much yet not nearly enough. I wanted to be full of their magikal juices, full of their seed.

  They continued their sensual assault and I simply laid between them, Cedric squeezing my breasts and biting lightly at my nipples while Rowan ran his fingers down my spine.

  Pressure built and I panted, needing release. “Please!”

  They ignored me. The sensations grew to epic proportions and I screamed, my orgasm so fierce that my entire body shook. Their cocks exploded within me in unison and stopped moving, letting my womb be bathed in their come. Nature was free to sort out who would father the child. In my heart, I could never pick between them.

  We remained in place for a few minutes before Cedric laughed. “I’ve lost feeling in my legs.”

  I giggled.

  Rowan eased out of me and helped me to sit up and then slide off Cedric. He wrapped his arms around me. “Mmm, Mackenzie.”

  I held him and laughed as Cedric smacked his legs to return feeling to them. “That was… Mack… it was…”

  “Perfect,” Rowan supplied, kissing my neck.

  I felt energized and hungry. My stomach growled and they chuckled. “Stop. I’m starving. Why am I suddenly so hungry and why do I feel like I could run miles?”

  Cedric shared a moment with Rowan where they simply stared at one another. It was Rowan who finally spoke as he pinched my nipple lightly. “Because it is working, Mackenzie. Your womb is accepting seed. A child is taking root within you.”

  I stared at them both and tears sprang forth from me. They converged on me, hugging me tight before tumbling onto the bed with me once more. I cried harder, letting them sandwich me between them. I’m not sure how long we remained that way before I felt Rowan’s cock easing into my pussy and Cedric’s into my ass. I wept tears of joy as they made love to me, slowly, gently, for hours. When I could no longer keep my eyes open, they came in long waves before withdrawing from my body. They didn’t go far. Instead, they wrapped their arms around me, keeping me held between them as sleep finally came.

  Chapter Four

  I set the basket I carried on the ground, put my hands on my hips and stretched my back as best I could. There wasn’t a spot on me that didn’t ache, yet I’d never been happier in my life.

  My hand went to my swollen stomach. I caressed the mound, smiling as I felt the baby moving about. At five months, I was only nearing the halfway stage in the pregnancy. Fae pregnancies were longer than a human’s and required a constant flow of magik to them. They soaked in power from their parents and in the case of my baby, he or she had an additional source of power because of the fact I’d bonded with two males.

  I stared at the cabin from my spot in the woods. It was odd seeing how much it had changed in only a few short months. Cedric and Rowan had decided to dig their heels in and remain in an area I enjoyed living. They’d been busy overseeing renovations to the cabin all the while keeping up appearances of being human since we were living in their realm. Cedric continued to run his security firm and Rowan assisted. It was intriguing to see Rowan humble himself and work beneath Cedric since he was technically a prince and Cedric only a warrior.

  They’d formed an odd friendship of sorts. It was unlike anything I’d witnessed before. They spent equally as much time nettling one another as they did laughing. They’d found a balance. We all had. Neither one could keep their hands off me when they were home. If they weren’t making love to me they were rubbing my stomach or talking about the little one, planning its future. They’d already decided should the baby be a girl she would never be permitted near men. If it was a boy, he would be trained to be a fierce warrior who could wield magik with but a thought. I didn’t comment but no way were they not teaching any daughter of mine to protect herself.

  I actually looked forward to days they’d be gone at work so I could go for long, quiet walks, or soak in a warm bath. It was difficult to convince them they could both be gone from me at the same time. I’d only managed that in the last two weeks.

  The baby kicked again and I winced, my back picking then to spasm as well.

  “Are you well?”

  I spun around and nearly fainted when I saw who was standing there.


  His gaze flickered to my stomach. “My spies told me you were showing but I did not believe them.” His lips curved upwards. “It suits you, Mackenzie. You are simply radiant.”

  I glanced towards the cabin but it was pointless. Neither Rowan nor Cedric were due back anytime soon. I cupped my hands protectively over my stomach. “Torean, please.”


  I shook. “Please don’t hurt the baby.”

  He seemed puzzled and then shocked. “Hurt the baby? Why would I harm the child?” He stepped closer to me. “I wish for him to love me, as his father, not fear me.”

  I nearly tripped at the sound of his words. “Father? Torean, you have to know the baby is not yours.” I couldn’t tell him exactly who the father was mostly because I didn’t know. It was either Cedric or Rowan.

  Torean smiled. “I may not be the man who sired him upon you but I am the man who will raise him, with you, by my side, as my wife—my queen.”

  My blood ran cold. “What?”

  He came at me faster than I could even blink and had his hands upon my stomach. “We will be so happy together, Mackenzie. You. Me. The baby. We will be a family.”

  “A family? Are you mad? I am your son’s wife. I am…”

  “Rowan turned his back to me and my ways long ago. He thinks I am naïve to this knowledge. I am not. I knew I lost him the day I allowed his mother to fade away. I have waited so many years for a chance at creating the perfect life, the perfect happiness and now it has arrived.”

  I tried to step away but he wouldn’t let me. “Torean, you have to know that Rowan won’t stand for this. He won’t let you take his place without a…” I gasped. “You plan to kill him.”

  “And the other,” Torean said flatly as if it were not big deal. “I will admit that I was shocked to learn that not only had the other escaped from my dungeons and reunited with you but that my son has also permitted him to share your body. That is very forward thinking on his part. I am impressed.” He met my gaze. “I would not permit it.”

  It was a thinly veiled threat to say the least.

  I tried to remain brave in the face of a madman. “If you kill them, I will die as well. Just as your wife did long ago. I will die of a broken heart, Torean. I’ve bonded to them both.”

  “I believe I have found a way around that.”

  “H-how?” I asked, positive I really didn’t want to hear the answer.

  “Before I kill them, I will force them to will me their powers. Once they are dead, I will still possesses their essence, their magik and I alone will be all you need to survive. And you and the child,�
�� he stared at my stomach, “will need me to live.” He licked his lips. “The minute I pulled memories of you from the other’s mind, I knew you would be the one for me. When I entered you, feeling your cunt around my cock, there was no denying the passion we shared. I would have kept you then, Mackenzie, but I needed them to plant the seed in you. I needed them to give you the child I could not.”

  In a panic, I turned to run, foolishly believing I might have a chance of escaping him. Torean struck me with his magik. It wasn’t hard enough to kill me or cause the baby harm but it was enough to make me stumble. I caught myself, preventing the baby was being smashed against the ground.

  I turned in time to see a black blur just as Torean was knocked backwards by an unseen force. Rowan was suddenly above me, worry etched on his handsome face. “Mackenzie?”

  “How? I thought you were…Rowan?”

  “Cedric and I woke with strange feelings. When we confessed to one another at work, we knew we had to come to you.” He touched my stomach. “The baby?”

  “Is well.”

  He took my hand in his. I watched in horror as his father appeared behind him. I wasn’t fast enough with my scream. Torean thrust power through Rowan and Rowan’s face twisted in agony.

  “No!” I yelled, scrambling to Rowan’s side, trying to shield his body with mine.

  Torean yanked me off his son and cast me aside as if I were nothing more than a fly. I stumbled and hit the ground hard. Cedric came rushing out of the tree line, charging Torean. He slammed into the King, knocking him to the ground before hitting him with not only his fists, but his power as well.

  The savage look on Cedric’s face terrified me. I knew Torean had created the monster he was now fighting and I knew Cedric would never be free of his inner demons until Torean was dead.

  I pushed off the ground and cried out as pain lanced through my lower stomach. I looked toward Rowan and knew then that he was dying. I knew something else then too. The child within me was directly connected to him, so much so that I had no doubt the babe was his. I made another move to go to him but the pain intensified and I fell to my knees, doubling over in pain.

  Cedric looked towards me, costing him the advantage with Torean. The King used that moment of weakness to strike. I expected Cedric to block his blow. He didn’t. Time seemed to slow as I watched Cedric narrowing his gaze on my stomach, tipping his head and almost listening to air. He looked at me with tears in his eyes before twisting and diving towards Rowan’s lifeless body. Cedric slammed his palms down on Rowan’s chest. “You will live and you will love her for the both of us!”

  White and purple light emanated from Cedric’s hands. I didn’t need to be told what was happening. Cedric was willing his power to Rowan. The act itself would kill Cedric. Torean wouldn’t have to bother.

  Words lodged in my throat. All I could do was reach for them both, tears dripping freely. Cedric looked at me and mouthed the words “I love you” before slumping over Rowan’s body. The white and purple lights cut out quickly, symbolic of the life that had just been snuffed.

  Torean stared at Cedric and Rowan before shrugging and coming towards me. “The fools killed themselves.”

  The pains grew worse and I doubled over, clutching my stomach.

  Torean turned slightly. “No! They did not will me their power!”

  A sick sounding laugh came from me. “Good. Without them, I don’t want to live. And I would never, ever, call you husband or allow you near my child. I don’t care if you are his bloodline or not.”

  Torean’s eyes widened. “The baby is my son’s?”

  I couldn’t answer. The pain was too great. I blinked and then watched in awe as Rowan came up and off the ground fluidly. His dark gaze landed upon his father and he roared with anger. He put his hand out and raw power struck Torean, knocking him far from me and into the air.

  Never before had I seen such a sight. Torean’s skin peeled back and he aged rapidly before going to dust before my very eyes. When it was done, there was no evidence he’d ever been there.

  Rowan ran to me and dropped by my side. He put his hand over my stomach and the pain ceased immediately. I reached for him, clinging to his arms. “T-the baby.”

  “Shhh.” He kissed my brow. “My son is strong and healthy. He will survive.”

  I stared into his eyes. “You don’t sound shocked to hear he’s yours.”

  “Because I’ve known from the moment of conception, Mackenzie. As has Cedric. We decided to keep it to ourselves.”


  I knew without looking that he was gone.

  Rowan kissed my temple. “He gave his life for you and the baby, Mackenzie. He wanted the two of you to live. He wanted us to be a family.”


  “Cedric Rowan Lockland,” Rowan shouted into the castle hallway.

  I reclined in the rocking chair, near our bed and hid my smile as the little one I held suckled from my breast.

  Rowan glanced at me. “I blame you for this. You are nothing but trouble.”

  I laughed out loud as did Rowan.

  A little boy with hair as black as coal and eyes of blue rushed into the room, wearing a tunic that was much too large for him. It had the crest of the Unblessed Court upon it and the little boy wore a wooden sword at his side. He gave a semi-toothless grin towards Rowan. “Yes, Father? You called me?”

  Rowan bent, kissing the child’s head. “Cedric, you cannot play in Daddy’s ceremonial things. We’ve had this talk.”

  Young Cedric stared blankly at his father. “Why not?”

  I laughed and decided to lend a hand. “Sweetie, your father needs the tunic for his afternoon sessions.”

  “He’s king,” the little body said. “Can he not wear whatever he wishes?”

  He had a point. I opened my mouth to say as much but the little babe in my arms picked then to pull off my breast and fuss.

  Rowan sighed and ruffled Cedric’s black hair. “Go and play. I shall select something else to wear.” He came across the room to me and caressed the babe’s chubby cheek. “She, too, is like her mother. Stubborn and demanding of attention.”

  The baby opened her green eyes as her father ran his hand lightly over her head of darkly colored hair. She cooed and Rowan smiled, bending to kiss my lips gently. “Are you happy, my queen?”

  I cupped his face. “I am, my king.”

  He wagged his brows. “Good because I have been meaning to tell you that Cedric used your pink gown to clean his boots.”

  Laughing, I kissed Rowan again. “I love you.”

  “And I you, Mackenzie.”



  © copyright August 2004, Mandy M. Roth


  To my mother who never once stopped pushing me to dream regardless what I was doing, and who told me that little girls can grow up to be whatever they want to be.

  To my stepfather, who dedicated thirty years to law enforcement and who has been a member of our family for eighteen of those. And to my father whose scary movie marathons helped me to grow into the freak I am today.

  Chapter One

  I turned and looked at Jonathon Williams. I’d known him since I’d come to North Maple Ridge ten years earlier. I never dreamt that accepting the job of Chief of Police in a tiny, rural Midwest community would amount to this. If Jonathon’s brother, Robert, hadn’t been a witness to the crime, I’m not sure I’d have believed the body was Jonathon’s.

  The boy had grown into a man before my eyes. It seemed like only yesterday that he was coming over to build a fort with my son, Justin. I could still hear the two of them smacking sticks together, pretending to be defending the universe from the evil invaders.

  Jonathon had been two weeks shy of his nineteenth birthday when he died. His life had been senselessly cut short, and it was my job to figure out who did it. I cursed silently to myself as I walked back to my jeep. Some days I really hated my job.

“Chief, do you need to see anything else, or can we bag ’im up?”

  I turned and looked at Officer Braun. He was new to police work. He’d only been in it a year now. The pay here was decent, but he could have done much better in the city. His father had been an officer with our department, and that meant something. Braun looked a little green. I couldn’t say I blamed him. The prospect of bagging up a body that’s in pieces will make the best of men fall to their knees. This wasn’t our first, and I feared it wouldn’t be our last, so I nodded my head for him to finish up. Might as well learn to handle it now, I thought to myself as I walked away.

  I opened my jeep door to head to the Williams’ house to inform them of their son’s death. Robert would need their support now, and I was pretty sure Mr. Williams would be able to offer it. Mrs. Williams, on the other hand, would more than likely be too distraught over the loss of her oldest boy to be much good to Robert. The boy had managed to survive a brutal attack and make it to the highway to flag down help. The paramedics were amazed that he was doing as well as he was. He’d lost a ton of blood. If he survived the night, it’d be a miracle.

  “Excuse me, Chief Sisel, can I ask you a few questions?” I heard Beth Murray’s voice before I saw her. I thought about jumping in my jeep and driving off, but that would only add to the hysteria. The last thing I wanted to do was be cornered by her. Beth was the town’s lead reporter. Come to think of it, she was the town’s only reporter.

  She’d been born and raised here, and she knew everyone. I knew that she had gone to some fancy college on the east coast for a while, but after graduation, she headed home. I wasn’t a native here, but I knew the area’s appeal. I also knew that in Beth’s world I didn’t exist. I was a primary source for fact verification and that was it. If the town had had automated police records I was sure she’d never bother to speak to me, she’d skip me and look it up herself.


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