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Sin and Magik

Page 16

by Sin

  “Don’t go, Adam.”

  I stopped and turned around slowly. Beth had moved to a seated position and was eyeing my still erect penis. How it hadn’t shriveled and died from embarrassment was beyond me, but there it was, standing at attention and fully aware of Beth’s seductive look.

  “Let me touch you,” she said, crawling toward me on the bed. Her breasts jiggled slightly and I felt a pang in my gut. I knew raw need when I felt it. I just didn’t want to openly profess my love during it again.

  Beth inched her way to me and extended her tiny arm out. She cupped my warm cock in her hand and licked her lips. “I want to taste you, Adam.”

  Who was I to argue with that? I took a step forward and she moved her face closer to me. She lifted my shaft and planted her face in my sac. She nibbled around it, pulling each ball into her mouth gently. I tipped my head back and savored every moment of her hot mouth as it slid over me.

  Beth tightened her hold on my cock with her mouth and sucked hard until she reached the tip. I cried out in pleasure as she clamped down on the base and began the move again. Each suck, each pull, brought my balls tighter to my body. I reached my hands into her hair and held her head as she moved her mouth over me in a steady rhythm. She stopped quickly and nuzzled her nose into my sac. Her fingers moved around my wet shaft and she worked her hands down it, rubbing, and pulling it to the brink.

  “Mmm, pre-come,” she said, licking the tip of my penis. She slid her mouth back over me and I pulled back from her quickly. “Adam, I want to taste you,” she said with a pout.

  I groaned and picked her up and off the bed. “You’ve tasted, now let me finish in you again. I need to feel your pussy around me.”

  I didn’t have to ask twice. Beth wrapped her legs around my waist and slid her hips down on me. I thrust into her binding, holding nothing back. She screamed out and raked her nails across my back. I started to pull out, afraid that I’d hurt her, but she held tight to me.

  “Yes, baby, yes,” she said, biting at my jaw line.

  I rammed myself into her again and again. Her cries accompanied her kisses and I lost myself in the moment. Her vaginal muscles contracted on me as her orgasm hit. I let our bodies collapse onto the bed, still sheathed in her, and let her milk my seed from my body.

  I closed my eyes and prayed that this moment would never end.

  Chapter Five

  “Are you ready?” she asked. I gave her a puzzled look. “Well, I assume you want to go find Justin, so let’s go.”

  “No, we,” I said, putting a lot of emphasis on we, “aren’t going anywhere. You’re welcome to stay here until I get back.” I didn’t think she’d actually be there when I got back after the mushy love feast I’d just pulled, but I said it all the same.

  “ I’m coming with you, like or not.”

  I shook my head. I’d seen a woman make up her mind before--I was screwed. I grabbed my jacket out of the closet and handed an extra one to Beth. I pulled a gray sweatshirt off the shelf. It took me a minute to get my gun belt back on. I decided on my Beretta 9000S, double action, its ten-round capacity was appealing. I grabbed an extra magazine, and turned around.

  Beth was looking at me suspiciously. I put my antique Bowie knife in my leg sheath. I’d always been fond of it. My father had given it to me as a young boy. Its ten-inch stainless steel blade and bone handle made every neighbor kid jealous. I’d planned to give it to Justin, but in truth, the boy seemed to be the last kid who needed to be armed.

  I handed Beth one of my flashlights. She made a small noise indicating it was heavier than she thought. I smiled. Most civilian’s idea of a flashlight is a two dollar plastic disposable one--standard police flashlights are heavy, shock resistant, and almost a foot long.

  “Adam, honey, wait, I want to get my bag.”

  I waited for her to grab her bag out of her car. I wasn’t sure why it was so important to her, but she didn’t really give me any time to argue with her about bringing it before we headed out the door and in the direction Justin had last been seen heading in.

  Chapter Six

  “Justin!” I called out. No answer. It was pushing two in the morning and we hadn’t found any sign of him. I was getting a nervous pull in the pit of my stomach. I had seen too much violence in the last three weeks to not be concerned. Beth tried to reassure me that he was fine. I wasn’t buying it. Justin could be a handful sometimes, but not coming home was not one of his faults.

  “Maybe he went back to the house,” Beth offered.

  “No, I don’t feel like he did.”

  “What do you mean, feel? Like a hunch?”

  “Yeah, I guess you’d call it that. But no, he’s out here somewhere.” I got strange feelings often and just knew things. I’d learned to never question it.

  Beth’s hand brushed mine. I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to take that as a sign to hold her hand or not. Maybe she just bumped me. Her hand ran past mine again. This time I opened mine and her tiny hand came to rest in my palm. It was too dark where we were to see her face, and I was happy because that meant she couldn’t see mine. I’m sure that I was wearing a nice mix of concern for Justin and amusement for having her still want to be near me. I’d feared that she’d regret what we’d done, but so far, so good.


  “Did you hear that?” I asked, whirling around in the direction that a muffled cry was coming from. We stopped. There was a faint whimpering sound in the distance. I pushed through the darkness. Tree branches caught the sides of my face. I tried my best to hold them for Beth, and keep up my fast pace. She yelled at me to go and I did. I ran hard in the direction the sound was coming from. Twice I had to reach out with my hands to brace myself from falling. The moon was full, which would have made seeing a hell of a lot easier if it wasn’t for all the damn trees.

  “By the three and...nine...power I bind.” I heard Justin’s voice. I called out to him but he didn’t answer. I threw myself over a fallen tree and narrowly missed landing on him. I hadn’t seen him because he was curled in a fetal position on the ground. I dropped to my knees to examine him. He was shivering and repeating the same words over and over again, but other than that, he looked fine.


  “Over here Beth,” I said, holding my flashlight straight up so that she could find me.

  I put my hand on Justin’s shoulder. He didn’t look up. He curled tighter into himself as his chants sounded more and more desperate. The hairs on the back of my neck began to rise. I turned around. Expecting to find someone behind me, there was nothing. Uneasy, I unfastened my gun and made sure the safety was off. I felt something there. I didn’t need to see it.

  I saw Beth’s leg coming over the log. I grabbed her and pulled her down to me. She began to cry out, but I brought my hand to her lips and whispered to her.

  “Someone’s watching us,” I said. She nodded and looked around.

  Justin sounded even more delusional. I went to touch him again. Beth caught my hand and stopped me.

  “Leave him,” she said, reaching into her bag. She pulled out the gray sweatshirt I’d brought for Justin and handed it to me. I covered him up with it, trying my best to not disturb him. I wanted to shake the hell out of him, so I was putting a lot of effort into this.

  Beth pulled items out of her bag. She stood up quickly with a bag of something and mumbled as she threw handfuls of it around us on the ground.

  “What the hell are you doing?” I asked.

  “Forming a circle of salt.”

  “A what?”

  “Adam, trust me,” she said, moving her hand out and stroking my cheek. “I love you too.”

  I wanted to take her in my arms and feel her sweet lips against mine, but first things first. There was definitely something out here with us. Beth pulled away from me and walked around us slowly. When she was done, she bent down near Justin. “It’s okay. We’re here and we’ll help. Come on.”

  Justin looke
d up at her. I was pissed. He’d ignored me, but seemed to hear her just fine. I had no doubt that it was selective on his part. Something snarled in the darkness. Justin scrambled to his feet. I drew my gun out and took a step forward.

  Beth grabbed my arm. “No, don’t cross the circle.”

  I looked down. I couldn’t see any damn circle. I wanted to put a hole in whatever was making those noises. My gut told me that this was a dangerous situation. The salt line reminded me of a grade school dare. Cross this line and you prove something. I took another step forward. Beth and Justin grabbed me.

  Wind swept around us fast and then was gone. I turned to look around. Beth was staring at Justin with her eyes wide.

  “Did you do that?” she asked.

  He looked over at her and nodded. “I think so, I’m not sure.”

  “That’s a lot of power. How long have you had it?”

  Justin looked at me. He looked ashamed. “Since I was ten.”

  I looked at him. What the hell was he talking about? I turned to Beth. She was babbling about the same nonsense. Great, strange people flocked to me. After I shot whatever the hell was stalking us, I’d get a button that read “Mecca for the Mental.”

  I sensed something near us. I yelled for them to get down. They did. A large shape came flying out of the woods at us. I dropped to one knee and centered my gun. I fired at the mass. It kept coming. I heard Beth scream. I readied myself for impact. The mass came within a foot of slamming into me, struck something that I couldn’t see, and bounced backwards.

  It took a minute for my head to register what my eyes were seeing. This mass wasn’t a man, but it wasn’t an animal. It was a mix of both, and then some. Its torso was a man’s, its head was more wolf, its legs were covered in scales and its feet were clawed. I’d seen this before--in Justin’s drawings.

  The creature wasn’t moving. I took a step toward it, gun aimed firmly at its chest. I’d lost my flashlight somewhere in the midst of events.

  “I need light.”

  “Adam, don’t go out there!” Beth screamed as I stepped over the circle of salt she’d made.

  The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. Static energy danced along my skin. I fought to keep from wiping my arms and face off. A shudder ran through me, as I walked up to the creature’s body. I couldn’t see any sign of having shot it. I’d been in law enforcement for seventeen years and my aim was pretty damn good. There should have been some sign of hitting it.

  The wind tugged at my back. I turned my head sideways to try to keep my eye on the dead creature, and still see Justin and Beth. Beth’s mouth was moving, but no sound was coming out. I squinted, trying to make out what she was saying. We were standing only ten feet apart. She should have been clearly audible from that short distance. Justin’s hands were raised, and he was looking up at the moon. Beth pointed at me, no, past me. I spun around. The creature was standing beside me, extending its arm at me. In a blur, I shot point blank into its chest. It lunged backwards and cried out. I fired twice more into it, just to be sure.

  “Adam!” I heard Beth scream. I didn’t turn this time. I waited for her to come up to me. She hovered behind me, afraid to come closer.

  “What is it?” she panted.

  “Not what, who,” Justin said. This did make me look in his direction. He was looking down at the creature. Beth let out a gasp.

  “Robert,” Justin said, slowly.

  I turned and looked down. No longer did the creature look like a half-breed man, it looked human, and this was a human I knew. Robert Williams, the third murder victim’s brother. I instantly reached for a pulse, there was none. I’d hit my target every time. He was dead.

  “But I....” I wanted to say aloud what I’d seen. I couldn’t find the words.

  “I know, I saw it too,” Beth said, as she placed her hand on my shoulder.

  “Me, too,” Justin echoed. I turned and looked at him.

  “You knew?”

  He shook his head. “Not at first, no, but I had these weird dreams ... nightmares really ... several weeks ago. I drew the pictures then and shortly after it happened. I didn’t know, I mean I didn’t do anything. I knew that he and Becca were into dabbling in the dark arts. They’d even tried to get me to help them, but I don’t do that...I’m not into that kind of shit.” He took a step closer to Robert’s body. “I think that he knew that he brought something evil over, through him. Look, he tried to stop it.”

  I looked down at what Justin was staring at. Robert’s wrists were both slashed open. I struggled to find words to explain away what had happened. Nothing came to me. I closed my eyes and bent my head down.

  I felt the heavy presence of something on my shoulder. “It’s over, thank you,” a voice whispered in my ear. I turned and looked at Justin.

  “What?” I asked. “What did you say?”

  Beth looked at Justin, then at me. “He didn’t say anything.”

  “But I heard...I heard Robert,” I whispered. As soon as I said the name, I knew it was true.

  “Shit, Justin, I suspected your mother passed the craft on to you...I never thought that you may have got it from both parents,” Beth said.


  Beth and I are engaged now. None too soon. The little ones are due in a couple of months. I’m not sure how I feel about twin girls. If they’re anything like their mother I’m in a boat load of trouble. Every time Beth bats her eyes at me, I go weak in the knees. Seeing her belly swollen with the lives I helped create only adds to my hunger for her. I love her more than life itself. She was right; we were destined to be together.

  Justin took the news of our marriage and the babies well. He’s happy for us and is looking forward to corrupting his siblings. He’s visiting an art school in Pennsylvania right now. That’s fine by me. The further away from all of this he gets, the better.

  The town accepted that Robert Williams was behind the murders. It made sense to them. He’d been Becca’s boyfriend, Christian’s best friend, and Jonathan’s brother. Beth and I thought it best to leave out the bit about him worshiping the devil and channeling a demon. No, the Williams family had been through enough already.

  Becca’s tests came back positive for Jonathon’s semen. Justin’s dreams had been prophetic. It was hard to get used to knowing that my son had gifts that were out of the norm, but I was working on it.

  I found out that while Beth was away at school she took up an interest in Wicca beliefs. She started practicing close to ten years ago but was afraid to let anyone in the community know. I can’t say I blame her. They are a little close minded around here. After what I’d seen in the woods, I was taking an interest in the craft as well. A gun took it down, but household salt kept it at bay.

  Beth had been reluctant to tell me that she’d researched Karen’s past and she believes that the body found fifteen years ago in Bakersville is Karen’s. I haven’t told Justin yet. The police department there is running more tests to determine if it is her. I’m working through my feelings slowly. Beth is helping me every step of the way. She’s supportive and knows that it’s hard.

  Mrs. Milton hasn’t let up on Justin. Even with him miles away she’s still harping about the devil being in North Maple Ridge. The irony of the old bat being right about someone bringing the devil up through the ground makes me laugh every day as I hold back from flipping her off. I am planning to tell her that she’s pointing the finger at the wrong kid, though. Oh, hell, maybe I will give her the finger.



  © copyright October 2004, Mandy M. Roth


  I dug my fingernails deep into Trevor’s shoulders. He cried out as he finished in me. He pulled out slowly, and kissed my neck as he took his condom off. I tried to make it seem like the experience had been equally as thrilling for me, but in truth, it hadn’t. He wasn’t a bad lover, on the contrary he was the best I’d ever had, but my feelings for him had changed. No longer the naïve girl from t
he Midwest, I didn’t hang my hopes and dreams on those of a man. If anything, Trevor had taught me that I could be on my own and make it.

  My mind raced with thousands of ways to tell him that this just wasn’t working out. I thought about using the ‘we should just be friends bit’, but wondered if the irony would be lost on him. After all, he had been the one to use that on me five months earlier. It was in the height of his just needing space days and I’d been kicked aside--again. He hadn’t stayed away long. No, he’d been back in my bed within two weeks of breaking it off. Sowing his wild oats had taken less time than he’d thought, or so it had seemed. He claimed that he didn’t use our ‘time outs’ as free fuck moments with his model co-workers, but I wasn’t buying it. Normally an insatiable man, Trevor always seemed so sated after our tiny break ups.

  At first, I thought that I couldn’t go on without him in my life. Now, I wondered if it wasn’t the other way around. He was the one who called all the time now. He was the one left wondering what I was doing when I didn’t answer my cell phone by the third ring. It felt good, to a point, to have the shoe on the other foot, but I couldn’t do it anymore, regardless of how sweet revenge really was.

  “I love you, Rayme,” Trevor murmured as he rolled over.

  Patting his arm gently, I turned away from him. I couldn’t tell him that I loved him too, it would be a boldfaced lie, and I’m sure that he’d sense it. Once, I think I may have been close to loving him, now he provided more of a comfort zone for me than anything else. That wasn’t necessarily bad, just not what I was looking for in a man. I kept a steady stream of girlfriends around for that very thing. They required little to no maintenance and would rather die than fuck around on me. They also never freaked out about tampons in the trash, and that in itself was priceless.

  I felt the tension of the day slip out of Trevor’s shoulders, and heard him snoring softly. Counting to one hundred, I climbed carefully out of his bed, and searched around his room for my clothing. I managed to find everything but my bra. I’d make do somehow. Besides, according to the pictures of the models on the magazine covers, going natural was all the rage.


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