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The Forbidden Trilogy

Page 46

by Kimberly Kinrade

  Lucy didn't want to tell them the truth. She didn't want to be the one to take away their hope, but she had to. "My brother, Luke, is close by. But... we're the only one's who survived. Agent Morrison, and everyone else, is dead. Beleth and his team killed everyone. We barely escaped."

  Simmons frowned as Lucy explained what happened and gave them directions to the crash site—to the best of her ability.

  Silence hung in the air when she finished her story.

  Simmons wiped a stray tear from her eyes. "He was a good man. All the agents on that plane were."

  Lucy didn't know what to say to that, so she nodded. "We have a fire going. It's over here." She turned and started walking.

  Simmons, Riley and the others followed her back.

  Luke looked up from stoking the flames. "Interesting choice for dinner. I was expecting something more edible."

  Agents settled around the fire and Lucy gestured to the lead agent. "You remember Agent Simmons."

  "Sure, hi. Glad you found us. We've had a hell of a time out here."

  Once everyone was settled around the fire, Simmons spoke. "We've been searching for survivors for two days, but it's a big island, as you know. We've run across some interesting finds here—creatures that don't look normal."

  "Same with us," said Luke. "We saw a moth that didn't look like a normal moth—giant, with glittery bright wings. There's something unnatural about this place. Makes finding food hard."

  Agent Simmons pulled out her pack and handed Luke and Lucy some jerky and dried fruit. "I know it's not much, but it should give you some strength. What have you been living on?"

  Lucy nudged her brother. "I tried eating Luke, but he's too chewy. Mostly coconuts." She pointed to their pile by the tree. "Help yourself if you get hungry or thirsty. Just don't smash them against a rock. It's messy."

  Agent Riley chuckled and Lucy took that opportunity to get a better look at him. The highlights in his hair were silver and his eyes glowed like a cat's in the firelight. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach, and it took her a moment to realize that she was attracted to him, which made sense given how handsome he was. At second glance, he looked a few years older than Lucy, but she didn't mind. She thought she'd like a man a bit older than her, someone who knew what he wanted in life.

  While Simmons continued to fill them in on reports from IPI, Agent Riley sat quietly. Lucy wondered what he was thinking, and wished she could just dip into his mind like Sam and find out.

  "Tomorrow we'll head back to base and reassess the mission," said Agent Simmons as she stood and stretched. "Tonight, let's get some sleep."

  As the agents set up their sleeping bags, which Luke and Lucy both eyed with envy, Hunter walked away from the group.

  Lucy followed him with her eyes as he found a clearing in the trees and stood staring at the moon. His lean, muscular frame didn't look relaxed against the backdrop of night. He looked poised to fight, and she found that oddly stimulating. She could imagine sparring with him, feeling her legs around his waist as she flipped him, or he flipped her, their bodies pressed together. She blushed at her own thoughts and swatted herself mentally. Must be jungle fever or something, because that was just not like her.

  Simmons nudged Lucy with her elbow, startling her. "Go talk to him. He won't bite."

  An image of his teeth nipping at her neck made her grateful that the heat from the fire and a sunburn could explain her red face. Biting... didn't sound that bad... but no.... "What? I can't just—"

  "Don't worry about it." Simmons shoved Lucy up. "Once you get him talking, he'll do all the work."

  Inspired, Lucy tiptoed forward and stood beside the agent. She'd never been shy before—not even close—but she had no experience with men. Boys with crushes, sure, but Agent Riley was not a boy with a crush. He was all man.

  She was nervous as hell, but refused to cater to that weakness. "Hi. I'm Lucy."

  He offered his hand, warm and soft and strong, and they shook. He towered over her, a bit taller than Luke. "Hunter Riley."

  Lucy giggled, then covered her mouth with her hand. Why? Why did I giggle at his name? That's so stupid. She had to admit that his name made her weak in the knees. He could hunt her anytime. Oh my God. What's wrong with me? She had to stop thinking like a cheesy romance novel and focus on work.

  "So," asked Hunter, "how do you know Agent Simmons?"

  "Agents Simmons and Morrison helped me and my friends out after we escaped from... the place we'd been living. You should know, I'm not like other people."

  She'd never had to explain herself to someone before. On assignment she had to keep her powers secret, and at Rent-A-Kid everyone already knew. Living this new life, in the real world, would be a challenge. She would have to be careful about who she trusted with the truth of who she was.

  Hunter chuckled. "What, do you have powers or something?"

  She assumed she could trust him. After all, Simmons knew about her. That's why she and Luke were here. "Well, yeah, actually. That's exactly what I have."

  He raised an eyebrow. "Powers? Really? Are you going to start shooting lasers out of your eyes? Should I back away?"

  He scooted away from her in mock horror and she giggled. God, why does he keep making me giggle like a moron? "No. No lasers, though that'd be kinda nice sometimes. No, I can tell when people are lying."

  "Seriously?" His face fell. "I think you and I can't be friends then."

  What? Is he serious? Lucy tensed, but her head buzzed. He was lying. "I—"

  "Relax. I'm joking. But seriously, I can't be around you."

  Another lie. "Why? Do you lie a lot?"

  "Sometimes. Sometimes I like to."

  And another. She could play along—see where this was going. "Really?"

  He shrugged. "Well, it's a free country. I like to exercise my rights."

  Lucy's head buzzed and she crossed her arms over her chest. "You're lying."

  "What, it's not a free country?"

  She almost stuck her tongue out at him, but caught herself. This wasn't Luke. "No, you said you lie a lot. You don't."

  "You sure? I mean, I just lied, just now. How—"

  "I'm sure."

  "Okay. See this whole you-being-a-lie-detector thing, this isn't going to work."

  "Well fine, then I'll just leave." Lucy turned away, done with the games.

  Hunter grabbed her arm and stopped her. "No, don't. I'm joking. I know about your powers. I know who you are. You're fine. We're good."

  Lucy focused on his hand, and a tingle of heat passed through it and into her arm. She wanted to explore that feeling and see where it led, but she pulled away and searched for something else to say that didn't sound totally lame and awkward. "You have cool hair." Oh sheesh. Good one, Luce. Very original.

  "Well, thank you. My mother was actually the first to die my hair like this."

  Another buzz in Lucy's head. "She was not."

  "Yeah. She didn't love me."

  Another lie—based on how the power felt in her, she could tell if someone was lying maliciously or in a teasing way. He was teasing her. Lucy laughed. "You talk a lot but say very little."

  "I... yes. Sometimes I do." Hunter's lips curved down a fraction and he looked at his watch. "It's late. We should probably get some rest."

  "We... yeah, probably." Lucy was exhausted after hiking from sun-up to sun-down, but she didn't want to leave.

  Hunter smiled and walked away, back toward the fire and his sleeping bag.

  Oh to share that with him tonight.

  Lucy scolded herself again and focused on the moon, now waning from the full moon a couple nights before. Soon, they'd be back at the base. Soon they could continue with their mission. And soon... she'd get to spend more time with Hunter.

  Another buzz filled her body, and this time it had nothing to do with a lie. At least she hoped it didn't.

  Chapter 79 – Sam

  Ana fussed as I held her on the changing table with one hand and p
ulled her dirty diaper off with the other. "Oh, baby, I love you tons, but you stink!"

  How could something so small and cute create such a noxious mess?

  My cell phone rang, but I'd left it on my bed, which I couldn't reach from the changing table. A few wipeys later, and Ana gurgled and smiled, content to suck on her bottle in her crib.

  I dashed to the bed and grabbed my phone, just as the call went to voicemail. I punched redial. "Mrs. Beaumont!"

  "Hi, Sam, I just wanted to let you know we landed safely and are on our way to your house. Tommy wanted to speak with you."

  "Oh, sure. I'm glad the trip went okay."

  She fumbled with the phone, and then Tommy's voice came on the line. "Sam! We're almost to your house. Mom says it's just an hour more. She said I should sleep since it's the middle of the night, but I can't. I'm too excited. I can't wait to see you." He lowered his voice to almost a whisper. "Mom's been real sad, Sam. She smiles and doesn't say anything, but I can feel it in me, like having to sleep in a wet, cold blanket. Can you help her?"

  Poor Tommy. Reading minds had its own burdens, but I wouldn't want to be empathetic. He had a hard life ahead of him, weighted down with the emotions of others. Maybe we could teach him how to control it, how to shield himself and discern between his own feelings and others. Father Patrick had shared horror stories of empaths who used drugs and alcohol to numb the pain. None of them lasted long without help.

  "We can help you both," I said. "I can't wait to see you."

  He handed the phone back to his mom, who sighed. "I don't know what to do, Sam. I can't protect him from my fears and worries anymore, and it's eating away at him."

  "That's why you have us. We'll find a way together, I promise."

  We said our goodbyes and I pulled out my sketch book to distract myself while I waited.

  Time stretched on and after awhile I couldn't stand being alone. I checked Ana, who slept soundly, and turned on her baby monitor, then hooked it to my jeans before leaving my room to roam the house and see who else might be awake.

  In a group this size, someone could almost always be found in the kitchen, and a cup of tea sounded good, so I headed there first.

  It didn't take long for company to arrive. Darren walked in and yawned. "What are you doing up?"

  "Tommy's coming tonight. I can't sleep."

  "Oh, right! I forgot. That's cool. You must be excited to see him again."

  "I am." That assignment plagued me more than any other. If Tommy had been a girl, he would have been his father's prey. Instead, he had become a different kind of victim of Mr. Beaumont's sick perversions. I'd done the right thing, turning him in to the FBI, but I'd destroyed their family in the process. Now I hoped I could help them rebuild their lives.

  "Do you mind if I join you? I couldn't sleep either."

  I gestured to the chair next to me and smiled. Darren had become a good friend in the last few months and I appreciated the company.

  Ana cried just as the tea kettle hissed.

  Darren walked to the stove. "I'll make us tea if you want to get her."

  I thanked him and went back to my room. Ana fussed and cried in her crib and I lifted her and rocked her. When she still didn't calm, I sighed and brought her to the kitchen with me.

  Two cups of chamomile sat on the table, steam wafting through the kitchen. Ana didn't settle down, and I didn't want to risk drinking hot tea with her squirming in my arms. I looked longingly at the cup while I rocked her.

  Darren laughed. "Why don't you drink, and I'll rock her for a bit?"

  I passed the baby to him. What could it hurt? She instantly calmed down as he hummed a nonsensical tune and rubbed her back from top to bottom. He had a gift I coveted.

  "How'd you do that?"

  "A trick I learned while on assignment once. Babies get gassy and that's often the cause of their fussiness. Rubbing their backs this way helps push the gas out and makes them feel better."

  My eyes widened as I took in the total Darren package. I hadn't looked at another guy in that way since Drake left, and I still couldn't go there entirely, but in that moment I realized it might be possible to move on. Someday. There were other men in the world—attractive talented men with good hearts.

  I sipped my hot tea and watched Darren. With a nod from me he took her back to my room and came back to join me.

  "That was impressive. You're good with kids."

  "Thanks. I like them. I like working with the younger kids here, teaching them and helping them. I hate that all the little ones and babies are still trapped. I hope Luke and Lucy are close to freeing them so we can bring them home."

  Home. He and Mrs. Beaumont both used that word, and for the first time I realized this place really had started to feel like home. We still had growing pains as we worked out training schedules and class times, not to mention the cramped living space, but that shift had happened when I wasn't looking. What had been a safety net to fall back on had turned into something so much more, and people I'd known all my life at arm's length had suddenly become family.

  The kitchen clock, an old antique Father Patrick had brought, chimed twice. They should have been here by 1:30 a.m. I checked my phone, but no one had called, so I reached out and opened myself up to my new gifts—and a powerful darkness swarmed me. An urgency filled me, images flashing in my mind. The dream of Serena played itself out in front of me, but instead of the girl, it was Tommy's hand that reached for me, his voice that pleaded for me to help him.

  I jumped up from my seat in a panic. "Something's wrong! I just felt Tommy, and he's in trouble. I have to go to him."

  "Sam, calm down. Do you even know where they are?"

  "They were on their way here from the airport. I'll follow the route. Will you watch Ana?"

  "You shouldn't go alone. Get ready, and I'll find Susie to help with Ana, okay?"

  I nodded and ran to my room. Ana slept peacefully. I kissed her head and realized this would be the first time I left her with anyone. I paused and stared down at her beautiful cherub face. Maybe I should take her with me. No, she'd be safer here.

  Reluctantly, I left her side and slipped shoes and a jacket on, then grabbed my purse.

  Susie stood by my door when I looked up. "Darren said you needed help?"

  I filled her in on what I'd seen, and she nodded and took the baby monitor. "I'll take care of her, and I'll let Father Patrick and Bernard know what's going on. You two get going and keep us informed. I have my cell phone on."

  She hugged me and her calm filled me even as the panic fought to hold on. "If anything happened to him, I'll never forgive myself."

  She stroked my face in much the same way I had just done to Ana. "Whatever happens, it's not your fault, and you're not alone in this."

  Darren arrived, and I squeezed Susie's hand, then followed Darren out of the mansion and into the night.

  Chapter 80 – Lucy

  More walking through the jungle. How fun.

  At least now Lucy had something more interesting than bug bites and Luke's mopey attitude to distract her. Hunter walked a few feet ahead of the group, his long muscular legs never tiring. Hers felt like gelatin molds, but from all the walking or from the sexy agent, she couldn't tell.

  Agent Simmons joined Lucy as they walked. "Well, how'd it go with Hunter last night?"

  Are we seriously having girl talk? "It went okay. It was short. We had to get some rest for today. He seemed... nice." Nice. Such a lame word.

  She didn't really know if he was nice—only that he was nice looking. She refused to be one of those girls who fell for a pretty face that just white-washed a total jack-ass underneath. She could ogle, but she would not fall until she knew he deserved her.

  The bright sun beat down on them, and Lucy once again thanked her genetic pool that she hadn't been born as pale as Sam. She'd be a lobster by now.

  Simmons nodded with understanding then called out to Hunter. "Agent Riley, scout ahead with Lucy. Make sure we don'
t run into anything unexpected."

  Hunter nodded, and Lucy smiled and mouthed 'thank you' to Simmons before taking her place by Hunter. It seemed so long ago that Lucy sat with her coconut and gun and considered whether she was capable of shooting Simmons. Beleth had been wrong. That wasn't the only way to save the kids, and Simmons didn't deserve to die.

  Lucy walked with Hunter and tried to match his long footsteps, but her shorter legs couldn't keep up without going into splits.

  He noticed her dilemma and slowed down slightly, allowing her to catch up. "Sorry. I walk too fast for most."

  She didn't want him to cater to her; she could walk just as fast as he could. To prove it, she picked up the pace and moved faster to make up for the difference.

  He laughed, but in a friendly way, and shifted his pack to sit more centered on his back. What looked like the hilt of a sword stuck out of the unzipped corner.

  "Do you have a sword in your backpack?" Because that's what all the girls used for pick-up lines these days. At least the sword wasn't in his pants. That would have been a much more awkward conversation for sure!

  He grinned. "Yes, I do. They can be useful in certain situations."

  Lucy's heart skipped a beat at his charming grin. Then another image broke through, one that made her heart race for all the wrong reasons: Beleth's hand turning into a sword, slicing the hand off Agent Morrison. Lucy was all too familiar with the advantages of a sword, especially if it grew from your body.

  Hunter stopped. "You okay? You look pale. Don't like swords?"

  "Not that. Just, how Agent Morrison's hand...."

  "Right, sorry. I forgot. I know that sounds horrible but...."

  "Not at all. It's not burned into your memory the same way as mine. But no, actually I love swords. I'm trained in them myself. I had a really cool one, back at my old dorm. Not sure what happened to it after we left." She assumed they would get a chance to recover some of their belongings after escaping Rent-A-Kid, but IPI had confiscated everything for an unspecified period of time.

  "Would you like to hold my sword?" He asked the question with a gleam in his eyes.


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