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The Forbidden Trilogy

Page 79

by Kimberly Kinrade

  I believe there's a difference between teen novels and YA novels. To me the term Young Adult clearly indicates an adult, 18+, whereas teen books would be for the 12 to 13+ crowd.

  Given that, I don’t think it's a problem to have dark themes in YA, since that age group is presumably mature enough to handle it. Even younger teens deal with dark issues in their lives, to sugar coat it and expect that they won't be able to handle those realities in their books is to underestimate what their real lives are like. They deal with bullying, school shootings, pregnancies, drugs and so much more.

  And not only that, but most classics that are required reading have some pretty dark themes and mature subject matters. Murder, adultery, abuse, racism, slavery—these are all present in books that are required reading for youth.

  As far as the Forbidden Trilogy goes, it does get darker with each book, and there are mature themes at play, which is why I don’t consider it a young teen book as much as a young adult book. However, as the saga continues, future books will be listed as adult to avoid any confusion, though I still think they will be very appropriate for most of the 18+ YA crowd to whom they are written.

  If you could have any power, what would it be?

  I'd want to be able to tell if people are lying, like Lucy. I don't think I would enjoy mind reading like Sam, that's just TMI, ya know? But lie detection? That would rock.

  After writing paranormal/fantasy books for every age group, have you found an age category that you prefer?

  You know, I love them all for different reasons. My children's books, The Three Lost Kids series, are so fun for me, especially since they're based on my own girls and I get to talk through the plots with them and teach them the process as I write them.

  YA gives me a chance to tackle fun coming of age themes, and the adult paranormal books I have coming out soon (which are still more YA, but YA has taken to meaning teen or younger, and I wanted to write books that were more focused on the actual young adult, rather than teen, so now I'm calling them adult) give me freedom to write more adult themes that are becoming more difficult to explore in YA.

  Do you have plans to write in other genres?

  I am taking a pen name, Daring Davenport, to publish adult romance with more sexual content. My first book in this pen name, Seduced by Innocence, launches Jan. 15th. While I’m obviously not hiding my pen name from the public, because I write for children and YA as Kimberly Kinrade, I wanted to make sure any book I wrote with sexually explicit adult content was clearly different, so nobody too young stumbled on it by accident.

  If they made a movie about your life, who would you cast to play you?

  Kimberly Williams. Not only does she have my name, but people used to say I look like her. Not sure how true that is, but she'd be awesome!

  What do you want your readers to get from your novel?

  First, I hope they are absorbed by the characters and their plight and feel pulled into this world. I want them to be entertained, but also to be challenged to think about some of the themes present in the books. Themes of good and evil, right and world, morality, the value of human life, love, family.

  When did you first realize that you wanted to be a writer?

  I joke that I was born with ink in my veins and magic in my heart. I've been writing since I was a young girl, and actually started selling my short stories and poetry to family and friends when I ran out of teeth to sell to the Tooth Fairy. (True story!)

  I was a journalist while in college, working for pay on the student newspaper and for more pay for a large daily newspaper in Los Angeles, California.

  While I did start working on a novel in college, and I wrote a few screenplays and plays, I didn't start focusing exclusively on my fiction until a few years ago. Non-fiction writing, ghostwriting, and journalism always took up all my time and paid the bills more immediately then writing books, but my real passion is writing novels and I'm so glad I can finally do that full time.

  If you could travel back in time, where and when would you go and why?

  Egypt, 1370-1330 BC, because I would want to be there when the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten and his wife Nefertiti turned Egypt on its head by proclaiming it a monotheistic government during their religious revolution. There's so much intrigue and mystery about that time. What happened to Akhenaten? Where did Nefertiti come from? Did she really rule Egypt alone after her husband's death, before King Tut was pushed into power? I would love to go there!

  In fact, I'll be writing in this time frame, about these people, for the prequel of The Reluctant Familiar. The Reluctant Familiar is set to come out in September, 2013 and after that, sometime in 2014, I'll be writing The Egyptian Queen. I'm really excited about it.

  Has your family always been supportive of your writing?

  Yes. I'm so lucky, especially when I hear stories from other authors whose family won't even read their books. My parents have encouraged my writing since I was a child. While most parents admonish their kids to "Quit that writing and get a real job," my parents always said "Quit that job and focus on your writing."

  Also, I married my writing partner, so you can't get more supportive than that. We're even co-writing a series of books together. And I based another series on my children, so they love my books!

  What do you do when you’re not writing?

  You mean that's a real thing? Time when I'm not writing? Lol Well, if I'm not writing, I'm usually thinking about writing, or plotting my next book, or editing, or reading.

  For non-book related activities I enjoy cuddling with my kids, playing with my kittens (or cuddling with my kittens and playing with my kids) and cuddling and playing with my husband. ;)

  In the Forbidden series, you show us that people have choices, not all of which are black and white. The issue of morality and ethics plays heavily in your books. Did you plan for your books to touch base on these issues?

  I knew that as the story evolved it would touch on issues that challenged people to think about good and evil, right and wrong and the kinds of choices we are all faced with. In Forbidden Life, the final book in the trilogy, each character has to face their hardest choices and really look at what they've done and who they are.

  I like books that make me think, even as they entertain, and while I'd never want anything to be heavy-handed in my books, I think it adds extra dimensions and layers to the story when the reader is stuck in a moral dilemma right along with the character, trying to decide what the right choice is.

  Will you continue to write in the YA genre, or will you crossover to adult paranormal books also?

  I have plans for both. Because the Forbidden Trilogy gets pretty dark and deals with some heavy themes, many people feel it's borderline for YA. While I disagree and believe YA is actually for 18+ crowd of young adult, and teen books are entirely different, I want my books to be appropriate to the age group.

  So my next book, Sunrise & Nightfall, will be adult paranormal romance/historical fantasy (and it's based on a character in the Fallen Trilogy and co-written with my hubby Dmytry Karpov), and the Fallen Trilogy, while starring Luke and Lucy and still very YA in some of the themes, is going to be classified as adult so we can dive deeper into some themes that might not be appropriate for younger teens, but will still appeal to YA readers, I believe.

  I do have another series launching late next year, The Reluctant Familiar, and it's a teen book/YA, so it'll be fun for readers of all ages. I'm really excited about that one!

  If the Forbidden Trilogy could be made into a movie, who would your dream cast be?

  Sam: Britt Robertson from Life Unexpected, though she'd have to dye her hair brown.

  Drake: Paul Wesley from Vampire Diaries

  Lucy: Vanessa Marano from Switched at Birth

  Luke: Taylor Lautner from Twilight

  Hunter: Ian Somerhalder from Vampire Diaries

  Do you have a favorite film? Which one?

  The Princess Bride, if I had to pick one. When I was in Jr. Hi
gh, I competed in fencing, and this was our team movie. We used to practice based on the choreography of the epic fencing scene in the movie.

  Inconceivable. "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

  The Forbidden Trilogy Playlist


  Beach Boys - Surfin USA

  Butterfly Boucher - I Found Out

  Natalie Merchant - My Skin

  Linkin Park - Numb

  Muse - Undisclosed Desires

  Muse - Resistance

  Lonestar - Amazed

  Butterfly Boucher - To Feel Love

  Nickelback - Far Away


  Candlebox - Youth in Revolt

  Kevin Martin & The Hiwatts - Enemy

  Fun - We Are Young

  Linkin Park - Burn It Down

  Adele - Set Fire to the Rain

  Linkin Park - Waiting for the End

  Muse - Uprising

  Linkin Park - Shadow of The Day

  Rufus Wainwright - Hallelujah


  Clint Mansell - Requiem For A Dream Lux Aeterna FULL ORCHESTRA

  Evanescence - My Immortal

  Bruno Mars - It Will Rain

  Evanescence - Lithium

  Giovana - Another Love Like His

  The Wanted - Gold Forever

  Muse - Starlight

  Lonestar - Amazed

  Linkin Park - Somewhere I Belong

  Linkin Park - What I've Done

  The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - Your Guardian Angel


  Just over a year ago, I published my first novel, Forbidden Mind. I'd put out a collection of short stories and essays earlier that year in my book Bits of You & Pieces of Me, but there's something uniquely special about the first novel. Originally titled Rent-A-Kid, that book set me on an exciting path I could never have imaged.

  What started as a short story based on a dream, ended up taking over my life, and continues to do so. So many other books that were started and almost completed have been put on hold to publish this trilogy, and the story is just beginning. The Forbidden Trilogy is a small look into a much bigger world, which you will see in 2013 when my husband Dmytry Karpov and I launch a new trilogy, Blood of the Fallen, Tears of the Fallen and Flight of the Fallen, as well as a romance based on a key Fallen character, Sunrise & Nightfall. Following those launches, we have over thirty more books planned, all revolving around the Forbidden Saga world. Who knew one dream could inspire so many novels?

  I couldn’t have walked this path alone. I had no idea how hard it would be to write an entire trilogy in one year, not to mention juggling a children's chapter book series in the process. I couldn't have done it without Dmytry Karpov, my husband, my writing partner, and the official story consultant for this series. Also, he kept me fed, kept the house from falling apart and made sure our children survived this process. He is a saint. A sexy, wonderful, amazing, loving, generous and talented saint. I love you, honey. Forever and forever.

  Also vital to this process were my editors, Lane Diamond and John Allen. You guys are the best of the best and I am a better writer and storyteller because of your guidance and the figurative red pen of track changes. I look forward to many more years of working with you both. Thank you to Mallory Rock for proofing all three books in record time, and Sarah Melville for working on the covers even before I'd signed a contract!

  A huge thanks to Evolved Publishing for believing in my book enough to sign me, and for going along with my crazy publishing plans even when I made everyone crazy with deadlines that kept getting pushed back, because, well, turns out I don't have para-powers. What I do have is an awesome team at EP that supports my work, as I do theirs. We are more than colleagues, we are friends, and I value the relationships I've formed being a part of such an amazing group.

  A special thanks to my two closest friends. Patti Larsen, an amazing author in her own right and a mentor in helping me move from the pantser I always was, to the plotter I was forced to become! Also, my cheerleader, friend, beta reader, writing partner or epic word wars, and so much more. Can't wait to sit and have tea with you in person someday.

  And to Jan Rippingale, more than a friend, more than family, you are my Anam Cara. Your wisdom, friendship and love are reflected in everything I write.

  To the many wonderful friends I have out there who have offered support, encouragement, love and a shoulder to cry on when things got hard. This is a short list, and I'm forgetting so many, but to Emlyn, Tee, Michael, Ranee, Andy, Lisa... and so many more. I appreciate you all so much!

  To my parents and my Aunt Susie, who read my books, tell their friends about my books and have encouraged me my whole life to be a writer. How lucky am I to have a family who supports me so much?

  To my three girls, who had to share me with my computer more than was fair to them, and who always cheered me on and celebrated with me after each book. I love you three more than anything!

  Finally, to you, dear reader, because without you, this series would just be a self-indulgent pastime. With you, it has become my career, and I couldn't be happier. You are the reason I keep writing. (That and I'd go insane if I didn't... but you get the idea.)

  And so we look to the next book, the next story, the next great adventure. It is already calling to me, ready to be told.

  ~Kimberly Kinrade

  November 2012

  About the Author

  Kimberly Kinrade was born with ink in her veins and magic in her heart. As a child, where others saw shapes in clouds, she saw words. But she was also an entrepreneur at heart. So when her business arrangement with the Tooth Fairy ended, she went pro by writing her fantastical stories and selling them to all her neighbors.

  Fast forward… um… many years and many college degrees later… and she is now a published author after a long career as a journalist and freelance writer.

  Though she has written in many genres and fields, she's most passionate about the world of the paranormal and fantasy where she writes award-winning books for children, teens and adults.

  When Kimberly's not writing, editing and writing some more, she runs Daring Books Design & Marketing with her husband.

  Kimberly lives with her three little girls who think they are princess ninjas with hidden supernatural powers, her two dogs who think they are human, her two cats who think they are gods (and probably are) and the one man who is her husband, soul mate and writing and business partner.

  Find her at

  On Twitter: @KimberlyKinrade

  On Facebook: /KimberlyKinrade

  And subscribe to her newsletter for special perks. For a fun fan-based experience, check out and become an Agent-in-Training with International Paranormal Investigations.


  If you enjoyed this book, consider supporting the author by leaving a review wherever you purchased this book. Thank you.

  Also from Kimberly Kinrade

  The Forbidden Saga

  Forbidden Mind (The Forbidden Trilogy, #1)

  Forbidden Fire (The Forbidden Trilogy, #2)

  Forbidden Life (The Forbidden Trilogy, #3)

  The Forbidden Trilogy (Omnibus Edition)

  Sunrise & Nightfall by Kimberly Kinrade & Dmytry Karpov *

  Blood of the Fallen (The Fallen Trilogy, #1) by Kimberly Kinrade & Dmytry Karpov *

  Tears of the Fallen (The Fallen Trilogy, #2) by Kimberly Kinrade & Dmytry Karpov *

  Flight of the Fallen (The Fallen Trilogy, #3) by Kimberly Kinrade & Dmytry Karpov *

  The Reluctant Familiar Series

  The Reluctant Familiar (The Reluctant Familiar, #1) *

  The Egyptian Queen (Prequel) *

  The Three Lost Kids Series

  Lexie World (The Three Lost Kids Special Edition Trilogy - Illustrated)

  Bella World (The Three Lost Kids Special Edition Trilogy - Illustrated)

  Maddie Worl
d (The Three Lost Kids Special Edition Trilogy - Illustrated)

  The Three Lost Kids & The Death of the Sugar Fairy

  The Three Lost Kids & The Christmas Curse

  The Three Lost Kids & Cupid's Capture *

  * Coming Soon


  By Kimberly Kinrade

  Book 1 of The Three Lost Kids Special Edition Trilogy is now available at Evolved Publishing.


  ...Each time I put my foot down, it sank deeper into trash. The crunch and grind of it all sounded like monsters coming to eat me.

  "Oh my goodness!" The crunching and grinding got louder. So loud, I knew it couldn't be just us.

  My hands shook and my feet stopped working right. I didn't want to look behind me.

  Then something smacked me in the back of my head! My eyes got all cloudy with tears.

  I looked behind me. Big mistake....


  In the first book of the enchanting children's special edition trilogy, The Three Lost Kids, Lexie and her sisters discover Lexie World, a beautiful world that's being destroyed by Garbage Goblins. To save the world, Lexie, her sisters, their faithful dog TayTay, and their new Unicorn friend must travel over the Waters of Waste, climb the Mountain of Lost Clothes, and retrieve the Mirror of Ice.

  Through the journey, 5-year-old Lexie learns about courage, and about how to care for the earth.

  With exquisite full color illustrations by Josh Evans, this lower-grade chapter book will engage readers from 4 to 9 years old in its magic and fun!


  By Kimberly Kinrade

  Book 2 of The Three Lost Kids Special Edition Trilogy is now available at Evolved Publishing.


  ...A large presence settled behind me. I knew without turning around what I would find, but still I turned....


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