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Run Angel Run: A Steamy Dark Fantasy Romance (The Angels of David's Town Book 1)

Page 6

by Karen Van Der Poll

“Don’t you remember?” Roharn’s troubled eyes searched her face.

  “No, damn it, I can’t remember anything,” she snapped.

  “What’s the last thing you remember?”

  His voice was low and gentle, but Reba remained tight-lipped and dropped her eyes to study the dark purple linen she clutched.

  “Do you remember your name?”

  “I know exactly who I am,” Reba clicked her tongue at his stupid question.

  “Then you won’t mind stating your name and date of birth, will you?”

  Reba chewed the inside of her cheek, stubbornly refusing to give him any information.

  “I can’t help you if you don’t help me.”

  He had that annoying manner every doctor mastered. They probably learned it in medical school, and he had it down to an art form.

  “Did you drug me?” she asked after several moments of silence.

  “Sometimes pain relief can have an amnesiac side effect.”

  “Why did I need pain relief?”

  “You were in a car accident. The limo you were in was speeding and didn’t make a bend. It plowed through the barricade and rolled many times down the embankment, it came to rest near the ravine. Rupert and the driver didn’t survive the crash, but Blue found you still strapped in your seat.”

  Reba took a moment to digest what he said and then a window opened in her mind and bright white light flashed over the gray haze that covered her memories.

  “Oh, Christ, no!” She buried her face in the palms of her hands as memories exploded to life behind her eyes. The howling of the limo’s brakes and the evil smirk on Rupert’s face was the last thing she remembered of him. Then the car was tumbling and rolling, glass flying everywhere. Rupert’s untethered body smashing into her as it was tossed like a rag doll about the cabin.

  “I’m sorry Reba, the accident must have been a hellish experience.”

  The ringing in her head intensified, blocking out Roharn’s voice and any other sounds around her. Reba scrambled from the bed and fell to her knees in her haste to get away from him. She couldn’t trust anyone. She’d no idea who Mr. Moneybags was, and this dude sounded posh enough to have a few million to spare.

  Roharn hurried over to her and crouched beside her, “Careful there,” he reached out and touched her shoulder. “You may still be a little stiff and sore, you are pretty banged up.”

  Reba recoiled at his touch. “Stay the fuck away from me!” She shoved his hand off her and scuttled farther backwards. There was nowhere to go but the bathroom, and she couldn’t hide in there because there was no bloody lock on the door.

  Startled, Roharn backed away holding up his hand. “I’m sorry Reba.”

  His voice held a reassuring tone that grated at her last nerve. He looked at his watch and his fingers fiddled with the dial.

  “But I just want to help you.”

  “The last thing I remember is your commander pointing a gun at me.” She touched the painful lump on her neck.

  “That was just a tranquilizer.”

  “Why did I need to be tranquilized when I was only trying to help that guy?”

  “You did some serious voodoo over Blue’s body. How did you expect us to react?”

  Reba pulled her knees up and wrapped her arms protectively about them. What the fuck was she thinking? Why did she help that Blue guy, right out there in the open? She needed to remember she couldn’t save everyone at the expense of her own anonymity. But he’d just been so damned nice, she’d not even thought about herself.

  “Where am I?” she looked up at him, “Why didn’t you take me to an emergency department?”

  “You’re at the Churchlands, we have everything we need here, and as I’m a doctor, I made the decision to bring you here.”

  “The Church lands?” her brows bunched together, “What church lands are you talking about?” She looked around there was nothing churchy about this room.

  “The Churchlands in David's Town. You used to live in this city before.”

  “David's Town?” she gasped, and her mouth dropped open. “Rupert brought me to David's Town?”

  “Yes, the limo crashed on the way to Archways, we found you, at the bottom of the valley next to the ravine.”

  She shook her head and anger broiled in her gut. She wasn’t about to become a victim again, not in this fucking forsaken city. Fury gave her strength, and she rose to her feet. “Get the hell out of my way.” her voice growled with barely contained rage. “I am not staying here, not one second longer than I can help!”

  “Reba, just hold on.” Roharn stood his ground, “You helped one of ours, and we just wanted to return the favor by taking care of you. It’s the middle of the night; you can’t go anywhere right now, it’s not safe.”

  Standing with her back to the wall, Reba’s palms prickled, and she rubbed them down the sides of the gown she wore. “This city isn’t safe.” She tried to keep her voice even, and her anxiety under control. “I almost died out there years ago on those streets, so pardon me if I don’t want your bloody hospitality!”

  “Reba I can’t let you go,” he shook his head.

  His mouth moved, but no words came from his lips. Anything he said after that was lost on her as terror ignited a flame within her. The heat raced up her spine, spreading to her head, her hands, and feet. An uncontrollable urge to break free welled in her center.

  “Reba, I’m not the enemy,” Roharn backed away as she advanced on him.

  . The words she’d hoped not to ever use again flowed from her mind and spilled from her lips. The tip of her finger burned, and a rope of orange flame snaked its way towards him. But he was fast, faster than she expected, and he dived away, the flame hissing harmlessly past him.

  “Reba, stop!” he yelled at her. “Don’t do this!”

  Somewhere deep inside her she knew she didn’t want to harm the man, but her fear engulfed her logic. Instead, she cupped her palms as more words crept from that hidden part of her, calling the flame to the surface. It grew as she coaxed it to life between her hands. All the while she stalked him as he backed away from her, his eyes never leaving hers as he anticipated her next move.

  She flung the fireball and this time it clipped his shoulder as it sailed past him, smashing into the door. He winced and clutched at his burned flesh. Her anger inflamed, and she launched another, unable to control the need to break free from the chains she felt kept her prisoner.

  The third and fourth balls were smaller and weaker; she was running out of energy to fuel them, and they fell short of her target.

  The door crashed open, such was the fury of the person who stood in the entrance. His tall, slim facade filled the room and his pale skin, translucent against his purple eyes, glowed like neon orbs. He emanated pure rage and Reba froze, the fireball fizzling in her palm.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” he roared.

  No! It couldn’t be.

  She shook her head as her jaw dropped in bewildered confusion. How could it even be possible?

  “But you’re dead!” she whispered as he strode towards her.

  “Disarm that fireball!” He roared. “Now!”

  But Reba stood frozen, gaping stupidly at him.

  “Now!” he snarled and grabbed her hand, turning her palm over and directed the fizzling fireball to the floor.

  “Danjal.” She whispered his name, before her world blurred. She shouldn’t have used that power, the consequences of it were always unpleasant. Reba felt something pop in the back of her head, and blood gushed from her nose. She knew she was going to have a seizure and there was nothing she could do to stop the trembling in her arms as her legs folded beneath her weight. She only hoped she didn’t pee in her pants.


  Danjal caught the convulsing woman as she slumped forward and guided her to the floor. He placed her prone, turning her face to the side. “What the fuck is happening to her?” he asked Roharn, who crouched down beside him.

��Let the convulsion run its course, there is nothing we can do for her until then.”

  “Is she epileptic?” he looked at Roharn.

  “Danjal, I know as much as you do right now, but I suspect it’s to do with the magic. Look at how her nose bleeds.”

  “And Noah told us she was a fucking human. What bullshit!”

  “Yeah,” Roharn scoffed. “That was a really bad call.”

  “I’m going to cuff her and get her transported to the holding cells. The institution can take her from us.” He stood and reached for his phone. “I’ll just call Noah and break the news to him.”

  “Whoa.” Roharn rose to his feet, hands on his hips he looked at Danjal. “She is still my patient, I need to examine her, and make sure she is fit to be tossed into a cell. I won’t have her dying down there from something I could’ve prevented.”

  “She tried to harm you,” Danjal snapped. “Nephilim can’t be trusted, for all we know she is faking this blasted seizure!”

  “She’s still Isiah’s daughter and despite what you feel, she is the reason we still have Bludon with us. I think she was just terrified and so lashed out at me, something I feel is justifiable. Now if you don’t mind, I’d like her transferred downstairs to sickbay, so I can examine her further.”

  He stared Roharn down, but he was in doctor mode, and Danjal realized arguing with him was futile. He glanced down at Reba. The convulsions had ceased, but she was snoring loudly, her chest rising and falling as she breathed. Fuck this. Danjal spun away and walked across the room, stopping beside the fireplace. He stared into the dancing flames. He’d hoped he’d recognize her once he saw her in person, but his mind was blank. However, he hadn’t failed to notice her reaction to him before she convulsed. She knew him alright!

  “Fine,” he huffed, looking at Roharn. “But she will have a guard on her at all times. I’ll get Shaiton to get a warrior up here. Will you carry her to your lair, or shall I?”

  “I will.” Roharn bent and scooped Reba from the floor. Her flaccid body hung limply in his arms as he motioned to Danjal to open the door.

  While Roharn walked ahead, Danjal contacted Shaiton and requested a warrior be sent to the convent for guard duty.

  They made their way to the sick bay. Roharn lowered Reba onto his examination table while Danjal stood in a corner, his arms folded, watching Roharn shine a light in Reba’s eyes, clicking his tongue as he did.

  “What’s wrong?” Danjal asked, “Is she going to be okay?”

  “Her pupils are equal, they both react.” He pulled her lower lids down and peered at the membranes. “She’s not anemic, nice and pink,” he said before he untied her gown and placed his stethoscope over her chest. “Heart sounds are okay, and her lungs are fine too.”

  “Great!” Danjal grunted, “Can I toss her in the cells now?”

  “Christ almighty Danjal, let the girl wake up,” Roharn snapped at him, using a tissue he wiped the drying blood from her nose and lip.

  “We can’t trust her, and we can’t let the fact that she’s Isiah’s child cloud our judgment,” Danjal said. “I’m the commander, Roharn, and you know, I have to make the difficult calls sometimes.”

  “But Blue is alive because of her,” Roharn argued. “I just feel we should give her a chance. Did you hear what she said to him when she was doing her magic?”

  “Yes, Roharn, I have watched the footage from his bodycam a thousand times.”

  “Then let’s give her a chance to explain herself. She could have let him die out there.”

  “Humph,” Danjal grunted. He knew Roharn was right, but he was torn between duty, and a surge of emotions he didn’t know how to deal with.

  Danjal wanted to remember her. He wanted to know what went down between them, but he was the bloody commander. He couldn’t have distractions, no matter how beautiful or mysterious they were. He’d sworn an oath to David's Town, and if she was an enemy, he couldn’t show her mercy and that’s all there was to it.

  “This girl has worked as a paramedic here in David's Town, and among other cities around the world. Isiah had her monitored her whole life by the watchers. Not once was there a report of foul play. She’s squeaky clean, for God’s sake!”

  “Yes Roharn,” Danjal snapped. “I’ve read the files Noah left for us, but it doesn’t change the fact that she can’t be human, even though she smells like one.”

  “I agree, but how about we talk to her? Find out more about her powers and how she uses them?”

  “Did she look like she wanted to talk when she was throwing fireballs at you?” his voice dripped with sarcasm.

  Reba stirred and whimpered softly.

  “She’s waking! I hope she’s got a good explanation for what she did!” He hurried to the other side of the examining bed.

  Roharn raised a finger. “These are my rooms, Danjal,” he reminded him. “Your authority stops at that door.”

  “Oh God, my head.” Reba pressed the heel of her hand into her temple and groaned.

  “You suffered a seizure.” Roharn looked down at her. “Are you epileptic?” He took her hand and pressed his fingers into the artery at her wrist, holding it for several seconds before he released it.

  “No, no.” She licked her cracked lips. “I’m not.”

  “Have you suffered a fit like this before?”

  “No…yes,” she licked her cracked lips, “It happens when I…when I use…” Her eyes flew open and she looked at Roharn. “Oh God, no.” She shook her head, and her throat worked as she swallowed, battling against tears that filled her eyes, glittering in the overhead lights. “Please, what do you want from me?”

  “Nothing Reba,” Roharn reassured her, “We just want to help you. Now would you like some water?”

  When she nodded, he motioned to Danjal, “Can you get her a bottle from the fridge, please?”

  Her eyes swung to where Danjal stood. They enlarged, and she shot bolt upright. “Oh fuck,” she gasped, staring at him. “God help me, am I still dreaming? Wake me up,” she cried. “I can’t bear this anymore.”

  “Reba.” Roharn took her hand. “Just breathe okay, you aren’t dreaming.”

  “But he’s dead,” she said, panting. “He’s dead!”

  Danjal opened the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water. Her reaction to him was unsettling.

  Thank fuck Roharn was here. Hysterical females were not in his job description. He strolled back to where she sat, uncomfortable beneath her horrified stare.

  “Well, as you can see,” he handed her the bottle, “I’m much alive.” He folded his arms across his chest, watching her gulp the water down. “Your aggressive behavior towards Roharn earlier will not be tolerated, do I make myself clear?”

  “Danjal…” Roharn began, but Danjal held up his hand, silencing him.

  “One of my warriors will watch over you at all times because of this. When Roharn is done with his medical assessment, I will speak with you as I have several questions which require answers.”

  “What happened to your eyes?” She ignored his command. “Why do you look…” She frowned as if she searched for words. “So…different?”

  “Did we know each other?” He cocked his head to the side, keeping his voice even, inflicting as much ice into his tone as possible. “Because I don’t remember you.” He shrugged.” At all.” His gaze flicked over her as he addressed Roharn. “Perhaps she should have a bath, I think it’s the waif look that’s clouding your judgment about her.”

  The look Roharn shot him could have peeled paint from the wall, but he didn’t care. Someone had to make the hard calls. He headed for the door and pulled it open, beckoning for the warrior who stood outside to enter.

  “This is Raguel.” He stood to the side as the big warrior entered. “He has orders to use whatever force necessary should you attempt to escape or attack another member of this household.”

  “Danjal, is this really necessary?”

  Roharn didn’t look impressed but he didn’t

  “I will see her in my study within the hour.” He ignored Roharn’s question. “Don’t keep me waiting.” He pulled the door open, stepped through and closed it silently behind him.

  What the fuck was she if not human? And why the fuck did her presence affect him the way it did?

  Danjal shook himself to rid the clawing feeling that although his mind was unable to recollect, his flesh knew every inch of hers.


  The bathroom in Roharn’s sickbay was a lowly shower cubical, but she was grateful to wash her hair and the dried blood from her body. Before she’d closed the door, another warrior arrived with a pile of clothing, which Roharn explained would have to do for now as her own had been unsalvageable following her accident. They consisted of a man’s white shirt, a thick woolen V-neck jersey, long black socks, and a pair of men’s size small black trunks, still in their packet. Thankfully, she drowned in the shirt, as it reached past her knees, so too did the large cabled jumper.

  Her hair was a tangled mess, she really needed a big afro comb and a tub of conditioner to tame it. Looking at her reflection in the small mirror, she noticed the mauve bruises beneath her eyes. She was exhausted, hungry, and in pain. Though she didn’t want to be here, and her instinct was to run, she knew she didn’t have the strength to fight her new hosts.

  Then there was Danjal.

  Reba closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. What had happened to him? How had he survived that horrific head injury?

  She knew they’d parted on heartbreaking terms, but she’d seen no recognition in his face or behind those weird as fuck purple contact lenses he wore. What were they about?

  She grimaced. He wasn’t the only one who’d changed over the past ten years. Her stomach rumbled loudly, and she straightened her shoulders. They’d promised to feed her at least. She plastered on her best smile and went out to greet that nice doctor.

  Roharn led Reba, with a stony faced Raguel tagging behind, along a corridor and down a beautiful dark wood staircase. She’d been right about the house being old; it reminded her of the medieval mansions with their arched doors and stained-glass windows commonly found in David’s Town.


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