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Run Angel Run: A Steamy Dark Fantasy Romance (The Angels of David's Town Book 1)

Page 11

by Karen Van Der Poll

  He was an ass.

  “Then tell me Reba.” He kneeled beside her, cupping her face in his hands. “Tell me who you are?”

  “I’m not a monster.” Her lips trembled. “I’m not capable of being evil.”

  She looked into his eyes.

  “Danjal please, you have to believe me.”

  “The only thing I know is that you are definitely not human.” He raised a finger and followed the path of a teardrop over her cheekbone to the corner of her mouth. “And that you’re hiding something from me.” He traced the outer edges of her full bottom lip and leaned in closer. Her lashes fluttered down, and he heard her tiny intake of breath just before he pressed his lips to hers.

  “Danjal!” Cassian hurried up the steps from the garden saying, “Elijah called.” His boots crunched over the glass as he entered the room. “The vampires… Christ!” he skidded to a stop.

  Danjal jerked his lips away from Reba’s and shot to his feet, “Yes, I just got word from Phenix. Where is Elijah?” He kept his cool, despite the disproving curl on Cassian’s lips.

  “He left a minute ago.”

  “We have to get over there. You and Jequon get my truck ready. I’ll just get my gear on. We have to soothe some ruffled feathers, I’m afraid.”

  “Sure thing, Commander,” Cassian nodded curtly and marched away, his shoulders stiff with censure.

  Reba hid her face behind shaking hands.

  What the fuck was he thinking kissing her, especially when there was a bloody crisis out there? Swallowing the lump in his throat, he spun on his heel. He needed to get out of here and as far away from her as possible so he could think.

  “Shaiton!” he called for his Captain.

  “Yes, Commander?” Shaiton popped his head around the door.

  “Watch Reba. Don’t let her out of your sight. I don’t know what other creepy crawlies found their way into the house.”

  “Yes sir!” his second in command replied, and strode over to the back of the couch, “I’ll take care of her. Looking down at her he said, “Nothing is going to get to you on my watch.” He promised.

  “I’m heading out to Lantern with Jeq and Cass.” Danjal strode swiftly to the door. There he looked over his shoulder. Shaiton was sitting next to Reba on the couch, his arm around her shoulders as she sobbed into his chest. Arrows of jealousy slammed into his heart and before he could turn away Shaiton looked up and frowned.

  “Was there something else?” The bald warrior asked, and Danjal shook his head, “Good luck with Sebastian.” He called as Danjal closed the door quietly behind him.

  He found Cassian and Jequon waiting at the front entrance to the convent. Danjal closed the passenger door and Cassian hit the gas. The tires kicked up gravel as he intentionally slipped the clutch.

  “Don’t fuck around with my truck!” Danjal grumbled as the vehicle sped through the convent gates and out into the night. Cassian wasn’t impressed by what he’d seen earlier and Danjal knew they had an unfinished conversation still to have. Jequon sat silently in the back and Danjal could feel the atmosphere from both warriors was fraught with disapproval. Now wasn’t the time for confrontation, but he planned to haul them both in and clear the air.

  A short while later Cassian slowed the car down and peered over the steering wheel. “I think we’re here.”

  There were warrior vehicles parked on the pavement and a crowd of onlookers formed a circle in the center of the road, outside the Lantern compound.

  “Time to piss off some vamps,” Danjal muttered as he unbuckled his seatbelt.

  The three angel warriors disembarked from the SUV, securing their weapons as they slammed the doors shut. The vampires growled and hissed but fell away clearing a path for the warriors as they made their way to the center of the crowd.

  Elijah and Phenix stood facing off with the tallest female Danjal had ever seen. Her six-foot-two, lithe, brown, leather-clad legs ended in a pair of ‘fuck me’ motorcycle boots that screamed warrior. A green singlet displayed long toned arms, her shoulders broad and ripped like man’s. She was armed to the teeth.

  Elijah stood deceptively still; his hands hung loosely at his sides. Danjal knew Elijah could put her on her arse with one of his magic tricks way before she could draw either of the two pistols strapped to her slender hips. In her hand, she held a long slim sword, the blade tip resting on the ground at her side.

  “Get out of my way, warlock.” She glowered. “I have work to do, or are you offering to be the body my liege demands?”

  “You can try.” Elijah smiled, his gaze unwavering.

  She raised her sword and ran it slowly up his leg from his studded boots to his inner thigh. “I’ll make you my bitch.” She licked her lips suggestively. “And take your balls to my liege, served on a platter of ice, instead.”

  Danjal had to give the guy credit. Even with her sword pressed against his crotch, Elijah stood his ground seemingly unfazed by her threats.

  “I could say the same about your tits, but you don’t have any to speak off.” A dirty grin spread across the warlock’s face.

  The vampire’s lips twitched, and she pushed the sword higher into Elijah’s crotch. “Some would say more than a handful is a waste.”

  Danjal strolled casually into the circle flanked by Cassian and Jequon, who kept one step behind him.

  “There will be no body parts lost or lives taken tonight.” Danjal stood beside Elijah and addressed the vampire.

  “Says who?” She thrust her chin forward, her gleaming turquoise eyes raked over Danjal.

  He found her brash with self-assurance but didn’t doubt she’d earned her position as Sebastian’s enforcer.

  “Says me,” Danjal stepped forward, squaring his shoulders, and taking the stance of a man readying for battle.

  “And who might you be?” She raised a mocking brow.

  Danjal chuckled softly. He knew there wasn’t a creature in David's Town who didn’t know who he was, but he played her game.

  “I am Danjal Bendagan, commander of David’s Town Angels. This city is under martial law, my law.” He pointed at her sword. “So give Elijah’s crotch a break, and let Sebastian know I’m here.”

  “How fascinating.” She tutted. “Danjal of the Dagan clan. Look at you all puffed up and pompous. Who forgave you for your vile past, and set you loose in God’s holiest of cities?”

  Her question aimed at provoking Danjal hit its target and his beast twisted beneath his skin.

  “Or did a year in solitary with nothing but a bible and a whip for company, cure you of your…er.” She cleared her throat. “Salacious desires?”

  “I’m here to see Sebastian,” Danjal replied, ignoring her attempt to set him on the defensive.

  “My liege is indisposed this night. I represent him.” She lowered her sword. “I am Lady Gorjaina Green, Gigi to my friends. You can call me Lady Green.”

  “Well, then, Lady Green,” Danjal smiled congenially, “You can tell your prince to get his vampire arse out here as I don’t deal with subordinates either. He has ten minutes before I take you down, and my warriors scale the walls of his castle!”

  Gigi’s glance slid to Elijah and Danjal knew she assessed who posed the greatest threat to her. He saw her hand tighten around the handle of her sword.

  “That would be a terrible mistake.” She locked her gaze squarely on his.

  Danjal glanced at his watch. “Nine minutes, Lady Green.”

  “Your threats don’t scare me.” She rotated her shoulders, bending slightly at the knee as she prepared herself for his attack.

  “Lady Green,” Danjal lowered his voice. “I never make threats.”

  “Gigi!” a vampire from the crowd called to her. “Prince Sebastian comes.”

  Danjal flicked his gaze in the direction of the voice and watched as the handsome red-haired prince strode into the circle, Jada at his side.

  “Well, well, well.” Sebastian smirked, sliding an arm about Jada’s waist, and dr
awing her closer to his side. “He doesn’t look as angelic as he used to.” The Prince’s neon blue eyes shone with malice. “More like the beast we all know him to be.”

  “A Fallen Angel,” Jada murmured watching Danjal coquettishly from beneath her fluttering lashes.

  Danjal studied Sebastian in silence. There’d been a time when they’d been rivals for Jada’s affections, but that was in the distant past. Having her back in his bed was a lapse in judgment he now regretted. Jada always had an agenda and seeing her with Sebastian only highlighted that fact.

  “Call your henchmen off the Fenugreek coven, Sebastian. They are not responsible for what happened here tonight.”

  “Your daddy called and told me to behave.” Sebastian put on a childlike falsetto and stamped his foot.

  “Aww,” Jada said, whining. “Noah is such a spoilsport!”

  “And just so we’re clear, I’m doing so at Noah’s request, not yours. He is after all, the true commander of this city,” he sniffed haughtily.

  “Sebastian,” Danjal spoke with quiet authority, “I am the commander of David's Town. I will not hesitate to take action against anyone who threatens to destabilize the peace.”

  “Your predecessor came here touting the same speech.” Sebastian snorted with laughter. “And look where that got him, addicted to everything vampire. How different are you, Bendagan, when you’re not averse to sampling the delights my kind has to offer?” He twisted his tongue suggestively around a fang and groped Jada’s bum while staring Danjal down.

  Danjal ignored his crude innuendo. “I’m here to do a job, one I take seriously. You are either with me, or against me. Your coven is welcome to stay in the city, but they will abide by my laws, as will every other creature that decides to stay.”

  “I will not stand by and suffer attacks from the witches.” Sebastian growled.

  “The Churchlands have fallen under the same attack. My men retaliated to no avail. There was nothing but shadows darting around, and the intense aroma of wood smoke. Did you experience something similar?” Danjal softened his stance in the hope of getting through to the prince.

  Sebastian’s lips twisted with displeasure and he glanced at Gigi.

  “It was just as you describe,” she said. “We were outside moon bathing when a storm rolled over. Dark creatures swooped from the sky and lightning incinerated everything it struck.”

  “Sebastian lost three of his family tonight,” Jada added. “Our Queen will not be happy to receive this news.”

  “I am sorry for your loss, but the Fenugreeks played no part in it.” Elijah spoke carefully, measuring his words. “I agree that this is witchcraft, but its foreign magic, and it’s unfamiliar to me. I can feel its malevolence and lust for violence and that’s not what my coven stands for.”

  “There beside you, warlock,” Sebastian sneered at Danjal, “is the malevolence that’s descended on David’s Town. He is the harbinger of violence and unrest. He’s been here a mere month and look at the turmoil his presence has brought.”

  “Danjal has nothing to do with this killer.” Elijah’s hand cut emphatically through the air in front of him, leaving a trail of sparks in its wake.

  “Everyone knows that he was the spark which lit the flame that burned the city to the ground.” Sebastian looked around at his hive members. “Wherever he goes, people die. Isiah paid that price too, didn’t he?”

  Sebastian’s gaze landed on Danjal who fought to hold his beast at bay.

  “Where is Benshax’s son? Rumor has it that he lies dying in your labs and not even your sacred soil can save his life. You were born with a curse hanging over your head; you are nothing but an imposter in the body of a warrior. This city will fall at your hands, not ours.” Sebastian spat.

  “I didn’t come here to sling insults with you, Sebastian.” Danjal kept his tone even, though playing the diplomat didn’t sit well with him.

  His jaw ached from the strain it took to keep his calm, when all he wanted to do was launch himself at the arrogant vampire and smash his teeth in.

  “Mistakes have been made in the past, ones I won’t make again. Tonight, the Churchlands came under fire, as did the Lantern Coven. We have a brazen and fearless enemy that launched a two-pronged attack on us tonight. If there is anyone here who might have information about this threat, I need to know about it.”

  “We have nothing to hide, Angel.” Sebastian caught the look he exchanged with Jada and pressed a kiss to her temple. “We farm pigs for blood, not humans. We hold to the agreement made with Noah and Isiah as was part of the use of the Lantern lands.”

  “The dawn, my liege, it approaches,” Gigi alerted him.

  As one, heads turned toward a burgeoning sky. Pink and gold fingers streaked the edge of the horizon. “We should retire immediately.”

  She put two fingers into her mouth and whistled loudly. “Home,” she sang out.

  “The leaders of the city must talk, you will receive your invitation shortly,” Danjal told Sebastian. “I trust you will be there.”

  Sebastian snickered and made no attempt to commit to Danjal’s request. Instead, he bowed elaborately from the waist before taking Jada’s hand. “Come, sweetheart, sunburn is overrated.” Together they led their hive mates through the compound gates.

  “I will ensure there is a vampire representative at your meeting.” Gigi sheathed her sword. Her glance lingered seconds longer on Elijah. “Warlock.” She winked and sauntering after Sebastian and Jada.

  “I think she was hitting on you, Elijah.” Jequon’s shoulders shook with mirth. “All those threats about taking your balls, ha! She just wanted to cop a feel.”

  “Christ!” Cassian covered his crotch protectively. “Good luck with that one. She looks like a bloody handful.”

  “Piss off the lot of you!” Elijah grumbled and flicked the fingers of his right hand. Silver sparks flew from their tips and formed a large circle of crackling light. “This is my ride boys.” As he stepped into the circle, it began spinning. “I will be at the Churchlands tomorrow to set up your wards Danjal.”

  “Thank you,” Danjal replied and the warriors watched as the circle around Elijah picked up speed and grew smaller until it faded into the night.

  “How did you hear about the attack on Lantern?” Danjal asked Phenix as they headed for their vehicles.

  “I got an anonymous phone call from a woman.” Phenix’s brows grew together. “And I’ll swear it sounded like that new enforcer of Sebastian’s.”

  “Well, that’s food for thought,” Danjal said. “You did a great job tonight, keep up the good work.”

  “Thank you, Commander.” Phenix beamed and headed off to join his team of warriors, their shift almost over.

  “Let’s get out of here,” Danjal said. “There is still a ton of shit to deal with at the convent.”


  Reba pinned the last of her rebellious curls into a smooth chignon and turned her head to admire her handiwork. Good. This was far more elegant than her usual lost waif with messy hair look. Tonight was the culmination of a fortnight of talks between Danjal and the various preternatural species of David's Town. It would seem he’d achieved the impossible and gathered them all in one room.

  She looked in the mirror and picked up a creamy gold-tinted lipstick which she applied to her full lips. She’d chosen to wear a blue jumpsuit with a plunging V-neckline. Her upswept hair exposed her swanlike neck and bronzed décolletage.

  The dynamic between her and Danjal had changed since the attack on the convent and her foiled kidnapping. He still watched her closely, but there was something other than suspicion in his gaze. She trailed a finger along her jaw down to her lips, reliving the way he’d touched her, remembering the sound of his voice as he’d comforted her. She ached to feel his touch again. She closed her eyes and ran her fingers down her neck and across her collarbones.

  Her lips moved as she said his name repeating it like a mantra, wishing she could conjure him to her side
right now. She brushed her fingers over the rounded curves of her breasts and her nipples hardened in their confines. Danjal had been insatiable and he’d never allowed her innocence or inhibitions to stop him from showing her avenues of pleasure. She’d never found with another lover. Their interlude had been brief, but it had turned into an inferno that raged, encompassing them both. When the flames of passion are that intense, as her friend Betty had said, someone was bound to get hurt.

  A light tap at the door ripped her from her reverie and her heart banged against her ribs. She trotted to the door, a tentative smile hovering on her lips as she yanked it open.

  Her smile died on her lips. “Elijah!”

  “Expecting someone else?” He offered a cheeky grin.

  She folded her arms across her chest. “You just took me by surprise; you look rather dapper in that jacket by the way.” She fought back her disappointment. She’d hoped it would have been Danjal, but he’d never knocked on her door before, so she really shouldn’t be disappointed to find Elijah there instead.

  “Why this old thing.” He brushed the sleeve of the elegant tailored black jacket, under which he wore a pristine white collared down shirt. “It’s been in my closet for years.”

  “Of course it has.” She smiled.

  “I thought I’d walk you down to dinner,” Elijah said.

  “I’ll just put my shoes on.” Her smile was genuine this time. She was nervous about walking into the parlor alone.

  “No rush, they’re still having drinks. Roharn told me where to find you. I wanted to have a quick word in private.”

  “Come in then.” She waved him over the threshold.

  Elijah gave a low whistle as he stepped inside. “I know.” She rolled her eyes. “I’ve never slept in anything so grand before.”

  “The whole place is right out of a Victorian novel, a little too dark for my liking though,” Elijah observed.

  Reba sat on the bed and pulled a strappy gold sandal onto her foot while Elijah strolled about admiring the gothic elements of the room.


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