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Earthers Page 18

by Rosh Senior

  "I will say, yes, you get around this," Uncle Gregory said and smiled.

  "But how can we go to Mayer? He is too far from us and perhaps five or six days to be there. Rebels will stop us, let not to cross them. They have been on the road. They do strike for a week. They do not want the government stay any more. They want voting, once again! "Said Dany.

  He had worried about the situation. He felt the current atmosphere is not good at all. Murder and violence was happening there. Thieves spread throughout the country.

  "Why are they always rebelling?" I asked and got serious.

  "They want strict action against the government. They want a new prime minister for the nation. They think officials are involved in corruption. They are not really using money in the development of small rural areas, "Dany said.

  "I think your country is rich already, and Mayer is a good man," I said.

  "Most citizens do not believe," Mr. Adlof said. "I support him as he is kind. I am sure he is not a corrupt politician."

  "We cannot make people understand this time. They are always rude, "Mr. Dany said, looking.

  "If you do not, democracy can fall into pieces. Your own people are crying for freedom! "I said.

  "My son, not all people are good. We say, Mr. Josef Gulgit in his chair perfect, but Prime Minister Mr. Riged is bad in the minds of people, "said Mr. Adlof. "We carefully select for the best."

  "How will we go there then?" I asked. "I need the equipment as soon as possible. We will have to save humanity from these cruel robot leaders. "

  "It seems they are meaningless of the universe. They did not take care of you, "Dany said.

  "They do not have the courage. How can they feel our pain? They have hurt us so far. We are nothing to them! "I said.

  "Do not worry boy, did not know problems, what you can do, but you will have to make an effort," Dany said. "Only support is not the most important. You will have to keep confidence in yourself! "

  We had a plan for the mission. Mr. Adlof told us streets to Mayer's office. He decided to short cut and simple way. He drew a map on a paper.

  "No, the way is critical. We will reach the south first and then we will make our journey on foot. Rebels are not there,” Mr. Dany said. "Now they cover urban areas."

  "Okay; and we will spend a night in Dutasui village It leads to capital and for our 4 days trip we will take some villagers with us, they know officers and guards better than us because they visit mostly there," said Mr. Adlof.

  We were sitting for discussion around a table.

  "If these villagers came as rebels what will we do?" I asked, looking both.

  "We will not tell them that we will meet Mr. Joseph. Then we will see the north side of the village. It will take at least 12 hours until we cross a valley this way. It's very quiet and peaceful, "Mr. Adlof said.

  "I am ready for this now, what about you?" Mr. Dany wondered when the plan was completed.

  "I have no objections if you think that it may be the best for us. I can only hope that my work is perfect and Mayer is in this matter to help, "I said.

  "Thanks," Mr. Dany said. "It means you yes!"

  "Dude, where's your wife? Did not you need her permission for the long journey? "asked Mr. Adlof to his friend.

  "She has been to our neighbor. I know she won’t reject me," Mr. Dany said.

  "Well, I'd love to meet her later," Mr. Adlof said, looking at him.

  "She will be here in 30 minutes, wait and do lunch at my house," Dany said. "She will also like to see Jasomine. What are you saying?"

  "Actualy not today rather friend, I will not waste my food because, in my chair Niti is looking for. We have to be out, maybe tomorrow morning we would love to do breakfast with you both, "Mr. Adlof said, smiling.

  "You got me harass only!" Said Dany. "I thought we will be fun."

  "Please, not against it. We will see soon, "Mr. Adlof said.

  We prepared the trip. We packed to our bags and other foods. We did not lack necessities in our bucket. We arranged everything we needed. Water bottles, lunch box and some money was enough for us.

  "Good luck, my boy, we trust that you will be success. You will not come back empty-handed. "

  "And I assure that your Co and Bosors can be movable, when you get the device from Mayer," Mr. D Johnson said when he made his appearance on my VLT screen before we go.

  "I will, sir. Then we can travel to Hovlef "I said.

  "He has been in stress since last night. He is in a hurry! "Mr. Adlof sent the message to my seniors as visualization. He could learn to write it from his brain.

  "Is he right about you, member?" Asked Mr. D Johnson.

  "I think so," I said. "I cannot ignore my opinion."

  "Relax son," Mr. Adlof patted my back. "You can make understand to Mr. Joseph. I know him. He is not a problem for us."

  "Hey, how are you guy? Do not feel sorry about the past, it has already chosen a hell zone. You're not alone. We are with you,” said Dr. Angelica.

  She talked to me after many days. She was in head office. She was just trying to increase my confidence, before all kinds of mistakes and wrong decisions.

  "Heard that you got a new girlfriend in Ukenique, how is she?" An operator asked me.

  "That's not true. I did not break up with Janie. She's still with me and I love her," I said.

  "Oh, sorry man, I thought you did. I saw that girl’s smile. She looks beautiful, "said the operator. He also arranged a photo of Niti on my VLT screen.

  "Ignore him member, he is fun!" Said Dr. Angelica.

  "Does not it bother people, we have to go now," Mr. Adlof said, and drove his car toward Dan’s home.

  "We'll talk later," I said and changed my VLT offline.

  We arrived at his friend. He had already done everything with his preparation. He opened the left door of the vehicle and entered.

  "Good morning," Mr. Dany said when he took the back seat.

  "Very good morning," I said and smiled and looked at him.

  "Hey, how are you?" Mr. Dany asked.

  "I'm good, how are you? Did your wife agreed for the trip?" I said.

  "Yes, by the way she could not refuse me when I did tell her in detail. She said this is a good decision. She will meet you at the end of this mission,” Mr. Dany said.

  "It would be honor for me," I said.

  We went out according to our plans. We pick up the main road, 450 miles from the capital. Then we leaved our car there, in the hands of a relative of Mr. Adlof.

  "Rebels are close to us. They may stop our trip. So be careful, "Mr. Adlof said.

  We decided on a short narrow path to the east. That was the end of the city Ukenique and we went to a different city. They call it Muga city, 350 miles to Dutasui village. We did not stop anywhere. Our goal was just one.

  "Hey, where are you going with these bags and water bottles?" Some rebels stopped us on the way. I had known that they are rude. We were able to show our behavior to them, simple and honest.

  "Are you going to the capital?" a man asked me. He was among them.

  "No, we will attain marriage of the daughter of my friend. They live in Hauka village. They have invited us,” Mr. Adlof said.

  A rebel checked our bags well.

  "Do you want to do the trip four or five days?" He asked.

  "Yes, we only have to walk. So we brought the food with us," Mr. Adlof said, looking at him.

  "Who is the young man? He does not look like us. His costumes and hair style is different, "a rebel began to ask me.

  One important thing I did not tell you that I have a system in my body that change my clothes’ colors and style on my needs. I had used it many times before.

  "He is my son. His name is Jasomine" Mr. Adlof said.

  "By the way his face does not suit you, you have him?" Another rebel said. He was an old man.

  "His face matches to my wife," Mr. Adlof said, smiling. "Rosie loves him."

  "Wow, Miss Rosie, it's a beautiful name!" A r
ebel said.

  "Why do you argue to us? Let's go. We may miss the function if we too late. My friend will feel bad! "Mr. Dany said, looking at the man.

  "Are you really not going to capital?" asked the fourth rebel.

  He had confused us.

  "No friend, do you have doubts about us? You can follow us if you want. We do not make wrong decision. We are with you. We love to fight against corruption, the people, and we are glad that you are people like freedom fighters. We did not agree Mr. Joseph as we had known that he did not work for the city. Actually, we should choose a next Prime Minister,” I said.

  I had the matter quite clear as a citizen of the country. I hoped that they will not raise more talk for an hour. They were irritating us. They acted as social workers. Thought they only have written is and we will listen to what they say if they have the right to have it.

  "You are right man; soon we will contact others on the tour. Then we will see how they rule us? They ate our money. They reduced our labor jobs. They filled the unemployment in Ihexa. They are guilty. Obviously, they should obey the problems of the people! "

  "Okay, you lost your time. We are sorry for this. You can go now, "he said.

  Dutasui- The village of supporters

  We arrived there at night. At first they were surprised. They thought we are strangers. They came to us.

  "Who are you people?" asked a villager.

  "We are of Ukenique. If you do not mind, we spend some time here? "Mr. Adlof requested.

  "We are tired. We need to relax."

  "Why will we help you? You might be rebels like them. We do not encourage these people. For us, the government is on the right track. They cannot displace to Mr. Adlof," said another villager.

  We thought they will not allow us if we were not inclined open. Immediately we told about our all kinds of problems. They agreed to support us on this matter. They gave us a room for the night.

  "Young man, you meet me tomorrow. We can deal with the governor and his ministers. They know me, "an old man said as we wanted to stay at a village guesthouse.

  "Thanks," I said. He gave me an address on a letter and went away from there. It seems he was afraid of criminal activity. He was at a darker side.

  A girl opened the door for us when we knocked twice. She did greet us; she gave us wooden chairs to sit.

  "Do you bring food?" asked her mother.

  "Yes, we have enough of it. We can manage,” I said, looking.

  "Excuse me, can you tell me where I can fill the bottle?" asked Mr. Dany. "We need this for the next day."

  "Give me that, I'll do," she said. He raised the bottle on her hand from his mini-bag.

  I was sitting in the chair, five meters to a white electric ball. Her daughter talked to me.

  "You know, Mrs. Henerica? Heard she is a famous storyteller now. Her stories are emotional and heart-touching. I also read her novels. She wrote them on true events, "the girl from the village, Annie said, smiling.

  We felt comfortable in their home. The young and beautiful girl lived with her mother and elder brother.

  "The marriage of the blind, which is released their top best-selling book in April of this year."

  "I think she is your favorite novelist," I said. "I also thought of writing a book to be popular. Maybe I could make so much money from the sale. "

  "You can, but it has a lot of time and patience. You must fight, maybe five or six years, "Annie said.

  "Where is she from?" I asked.

  I was not too much known about the invisible country. I was there only for a week.

  "Oh God, you do not know, but where is she from? She comes from your own city. There she spent her childhood and now she lives in the capital. She is only 75 years old, "Annie said. Her mother gave us hot tea then.

  "Capital?"I said and wondered knowingly.

  "Yes, Iheti city, do not tell your people?" Said Annie. "If you wanted to be a part of the literature, you should know about her first. She could be an inspiration to you. "

  "Please do not disturb him daughter, he is of the unseen world. How can he know all about us in detail? It will take some time,” her mother, Mrs. patricka said when she brought some snacks in a plate.

  "Thanks," I said and smiled as she raised it to me.

  "Welcome," Ms. patricka said.

  The girl came slowly to her mother.

  "Mum, he's a good-looking and nice guy. I did like him!"Annie said to her ear and looked at me with a smiling face. She wanted to propose. I could see a little sigh in her.

  "I already have a girlfriend. She is also from my own world," I said.

  "She must be a lucky girl, because you are so kind and brave. Will you introduce to your other family members? "Mrs. patricka wondered.

  She served her homemade dishes to Mr. Adolf and Mr. Dany. They did call on our next plan in another room.

  "I live with my grandfather Mr. David Tasan. He knows everything about me. We both are friends and he liked to tell things from different planets before I join in company-3071, "I said.

  "What about your mother and father?" Said Annie.

  "They're dead," I said. "I could not get them since I was growing to be seen."

  "I'm sorry to hear honey, someday God made us alone. I think he has a reason behind the lost. We do not want that. We know that this is not good for us. But we are helpless. We can do nothing to bring back our relatives and own, "said Ms. patricka.

  "It's fine. We suffered what God gave us. Now we should be happy. We should do what we have to do, and in this way we will continue our work at the end," I said. She gave me a hug smoothly.

  "I think they are all the same for us. So we make the deep heart included. We do love others. They are really great! " Said Annie.

  "Can we help you on this matter?" Mrs. patricka wondered.

  "This is very hard, ma'am. I want you to stay here. Rebels can stop you, "I said. "I do not want you to fall for us in pieces."

  "I hate these people. What do they want? Government offers them everything. Still they do not leave the fight. I wish I could kill every one of them. They are trying to make the country poor. Prime Minister should think deeply, and he should use his armies!"said Annie. "We feel pain for them."

  "He will not do it as it is a dangerous game for democracy. Maybe he wants peace and I hope solution will be out soon. Injustice cannot spread for a long time, "I said. "This is indeed difficult."

  "Glad you think for the country if you do not from here," Annie said.

  Mr. Adolf and Mr. Dany we got the call.

  "It seems the man is busy for a serious conversation with you. Are you having fun? "Mr. Adlof said, smiling.

  "He's a good boy and like a warrior," Mrs. patricka said, looking him normal.

  "Yes he is. He works for the people against these machines," Said Mr. Adlof. "They call these enemies robots."

  "And so we are also part of his service to take," Dany said.

  "You both work without selfishness. God always supported justice and I am sure that you bring this for the guy. Wish you good luck! "Said Mrs. patricka.

  "Thanks," I said.

  "Let's eat, I'm hungry," Annie said.

  "We brought food!" I said.

  "I do not know you will make dinner with us, please" Annie requested.

  "If you cooked in your own hands, then we will eat!" I said and smiled.

  "Yeah man, I have. This is my pursuit to make everyone happy. I love this,” Annie said.

  Glad that they served us some delicious foods. We were happy the night. Wait was only to meet Mr. Josef (Mayor of Iheti city).

  I spoke to my grandfather on the VLT. Uncle Gregory took him to company -3071 after many days. I missed him. He was ill. I felt sorry for him. Wished I could help him on that moment, for my absence. I promised, I will meet him as soon as possible, and further we are going to walk together at the morning.

  "I just want to say that I am proud of you my love. Do not worry; the man watching me now. Good ni
ght,” grandfather said.

  "I think you should go to sleep. This is late there, the machine shows us. We will see later, "Uncle Gregory said, and he disappeared from my VLT as it was offline.

  I turned off the light of the room and tried to relax. I was with a quick mind. Thought I will save them if I save my own soul out of this vicious that have come to my dream. They were in a continuous form, to torture me.

  Mission no.3

  The Office of the Mayor

  "Are you really serious about the world?" Mr. Austin said. He is Mr. Josef’s assistant since his work. We waited here for Mayor’s call.

  "Yes, I told you the truth, what I'm doing insights and experience in my life. For me they are important. They are my people. I am nothing without their existence. The planet has given them property. They cannot move to other,” I said. "People never work on their strength. They must wish for that. "

  "I'm the one who knows about this machine, among these officials. I consider myself always close to Mayor. He does not want my presence something about it. But I cannot help you. I need something like everybody does, "Mr. Austin said.

  The matter had to adapt myself that he is a lazy worker. He asked me for money. So he called me alone in another chamber when Mr. Adolf and Mr. Dany sat outside.

  "That's not good. You cannot do this. Government gives you salary. Why are you such a poor behavior?" I said.

  "I'm not playing to you man. I know people who do not obey this sudden, but I think they should agree. "

  "And without our help, they cannot choose their road to the next step. By the way you're not on the first stage also. You need our kindness. You should let us eat more because food is our other job. We take it acutely. I do, "Mr. Austin said, giving his deliberate smile on me.

  He wished that I can make money.

  "Citizens are not wrong. They spread rebel in the city because of the officers like you. I'm not afraid. Do what you want. I'll be meet Mr. Josef today,” I said, looking at him.

  I got mad at him.

  "Calm down man, are you going to take away my work? Slow down your voice. It's okay if you do not want me to give money, but please do not make noise here. My seniors do not know that I need the opportunities of people. Believe me. So I called you alone,” Austin said.


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