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Earthers Page 19

by Rosh Senior

  I was accidentally exposing him. He stopped me as I was doing the sound on.

  "Oh, I understand now. You do secretly things about corruption. Do not pity? Your citizens are crying everywhere. They are destroying the country, as they are unable to meet their needs. Should not you change? "I said. "Beggars are better than you, I think. At some point they have help. "

  "I also understand the people, but what can I do? Government gives us low salary. We cannot feed our family with the minimum amount of money. That's why I need additional support, "Mr. Austin said.

  "They might complain," I said.

  "I cannot do that," Austin said.

  "You are a selfish and heartless person. You do not know how much they suffer the pain for you? You kill yourself as you are not giving the credit for their farming. You don’t give them jobs. Do not think about work. Do not think about their families. You only see your own children. Have you ever seen what their sons and daughters eat and carry? I hate your emotions! "I said. "But the world is still the same."

  "Sorry for that, I love my family. They are my life, my universe, "Mr. Austin said, looking.

  "Why do not you have people in your list? If you had done this today probably we do not see the situation,” I said.

  "I'm not the one. Why do you abuse me? "said Mr. Austin.

  "You blame each other when the matter comes to offices. You should find an amendment, "I said.

  Mr. Joseph called us by his second junior officer. I did not want a silly point now.

  "Will you come?" I asked him.

  "He needs me more than you. But please do not complain," Mr. Austin said. "He thinks I'm a good person."

  The help asked me. He followed me when I would meet the mayor.

  "Hope you do not the wrong from now!" I said.

  "I promise," Austin said. "I will step back no longer in my work."

  "What were you doing there Jasomine?" Mr. Adlof asked. Both met along the way.

  "We talk about his unseen world. I think that's very nice," Mr. Austin said before I answered him. "I'm happy for the man."

  We went directly to Mr. Josef office. Our meeting was after 33 minutes.

  "What do you think? Will mayor give us the machine?" Mr. Dany said, looking at me a little when he made himself a reader once again even on the old map of Ihexa.

  "First, we should be sure that we got the right thing. Then we want something, "I said.

  We now reach the main gate in his office.

  "May we come in sir?" Mr. Austin said, as we stood outside.

  "Yes, come," said Mr. Joseph.

  We saw he was busy in his chair. He was to read papers on his upcoming tasks.

  "Hello, we are from Ukenique, for an important matter," Mr. Adlof said.

  We took our sitting as the mayor has given us permission. He asked his help over to tell us only in the details.

  "So, you're the man from future modern world!" said Mr. Joseph.

  "I am," I said.

  "But how can I believe in your words? You may cheat me. I can see you as a rebel who tries to destroy the country,” Mr. Joseph said. "Words do not work, need sufficient evidence."

  I explained my presence on the VLT monitor. It was enough to prove that I belong to a different development of nature.

  "I've never had the camera!"

  "How is it run?" Josef asked, leaving his sitting.

  "Through batteries and electric particles of the air," I said. "It's the big thing for me to communicate my universe and me."

  “I will ask our engineers to invent this type of machine, the guy is indeed wise!" Mr. Josef turned his curious eyes to Mr. Austin, in recognition of the technical gadget.

  "Thanks," I said, smiling.

  "Come with me," Mr. Joseph called us to the secret chamber where he had to take care of an old gadget. It was on a safe position in a perfect glass.

  "Is it the machine you purchase for spaceship?" Josef asked.

  It was looking like an engine and saw it's complicated. It is also not too large. A person can take away alone in his hands.

  "Is it really your thing, we've discussed?" Mr. Adlof asked me the question. He was not ready, easy to believe.

  "I need my seniors to contact you to ask this. They can propose to me, "I said. "Size does not matter, function is important."

  "I want you to contact!" said Mr. Joseph.

  "Thanks," I said.

  I made an online experience of the members, including co-members on the VLT screen.

  "The machine is 400 years old. My father was telling me about it. No one knows yet what is the use of this thing? You say it can be used in that time machine and Dragons sent you here, it seems interesting. "

  "If you don’t mind can I see these beasts?" Mr. Joseph said, looking. "I mean, this Water Bridge?"

  "We will do a preparation for you," I said.

  "Hi, can you just tell me how you got the engine?" asked Mr. D Johnson to the mayor. "Does anyone have given you?"

  Mr. Joseph was near my digital display. The instrument was quite new to him.

  "Do I need to explain it here?" He asked, looking at me a little.

  "Yes, my seniors are watching this time. They can listen to you. Do not nervous, that's just an electrical device from my world, "I said. "We can visualize them on the screen."

  He then began the fact to explore in addition to the live VLT chatting.

  "Before me, my father ruled the city as mayor. He is a retired person now. He says he had begun the journey several years ago and his father to discover the machine from a desert island. They had to explore a lot on this. They knew that strangers hid the matter for another proposal. They tried to figure out its cause. They thought it was a bomb just destroys things in a moment. They did not open it for a long time. "

  "And this year we have been watching the whole machine, as they leaved the thing at my office," Mr. Joseph said.

  "Do you know we need this from you?" said Mr. D Johnson. "We need this for the universe."

  "I have no objection if you could end these mechanical ills. Finally, the device can be used by you people, and this is in the interest of humanity, "Mr. Joseph said. "Not against human civilization."

  "Thank you!" Mr. D Johnson said, and smiled.

  "The goal is over for you, Jasomine!" said a dragon. He appeared on the monitor by a VLT of co-member, when they were on this water bridge.

  "Is it?" I said as an intense look.

  "Yes," said Dragon.

  "You do not need to make them statue," I said. "It does reduce inner strength."

  "They are under our protection. You can now coming back,” another dargon said on a computer screen, closed to my co-member Dwayne.

  "I cannot believe my own eyes. I read stories about you and it was like a dream for me. Now I have really watched you,” Mr. Joseph said to these old beasts. "Many thanks."

  "We're really," said a dragon.

  "Another question is playing in my head, cannot stop it," Mr. Josef said.

  "You can ask," said another dragon. "We will tell about you to the gods."

  "How did you know about the gadget?" said Mr. Joseph.

  "Years ago, we hid it in your world at the call of the gods. We had known the future and therefore we sent the guy to you. Everything is going to be fine when he moves to a significant step, "said Dragon.

  My co-members and Bosors got back to their original movements when the beasts applied magic to them. They began to speak. They were a surprise to the new circumstances. Mr. Umota watched himself if he is okay or not?

  "You're not sick anymore," I said.

  "Dude, Where are you now?" Co-Member asked.

  "I'll tell you, let me out," I said and smiled.

  "Can I know what's happening here?" Asked another member loudly and saw others.

  "Nothing, it was only a rule of the war," I said.

  "You mean we are able to travel?" He said and wondered. "Is it a sign of victory?"

  I did not answer
him. Mr. Adolf and Mr. Dany hugged me. I wanted to leave after a while.

  "We are going to miss you, you're a good-hearted guy," Mr. Adlof said.

  "I'll miss you too. You both do some good jobs," I said. "And yes, Niti's still my best friend."

  "Can she contact you, now?" Mr. Adlof demanded.

  "Wish she could talk to me, but I'm sorry," I said.

  I went to the glass. Mayer ordered to open the door to his staff. I scanned a copy of the machine, fit only with the chief motor of Ho- ship.

  "Everything is clear now."

  "Find a way to be out of there, member," a senior operator told me.

  "Yes, sir, I'll see," I said.

  "If you hold it in your hand you will be back to your original world in a minute," said Dragon.

  "Do you mean my current world where I live?" I asked, looking at him.

  "No, to your friends," said Dragon.

  "Have a good trip," Mr. Joseph said. "Bye."

  I smiled.

  "What was possible for the inconvenience, sir?"

  "You will be part of the story," I said, taking the device in my hands. Suddenly I disappeared from there. I have a headache for a while, for my invisibility out of Ihexa.

  The time machine of carolus generation, again

  We had to change the preparation of the machine to a spaceship as I brought the engine from an invisible world. I had a discussion with my co-members and Bosors in the main room before work.

  "Mr. Umota, where will have to connect the device now, on the ship?" I asked. He took the little machine from me. He told us make distance from his standing.

  "Guess Mr. Duroder’s mobile statues can suggest about the things. Maybe, we did not get well," Lisa said.

  "Jasomine, you have other idea about mayor's office?"

  "I asked him only for the engine, it is," I said, looking at her.

  "Keep silent people, interference can make us failures," Gorilla boss Mr. Umota said.

  "Automatically set the device in the box, the Time Machine begins to change to space-ship. I want you to set your own places. We will do the travel to world of Hovlef. "

  "Our speed will be faster than light."

  "Sure," Janie said.

  We approved his appointment.

  We visited to another world which is billions of light years far from Earth and her co-planets. Mostly it was strange and different from our previous trips


  Hovlef : The second world after Diotis

  The fourth planet of Shaghuian galaxy: Ho-Akmisika

  The landing point of the spaceships

  They say the world is not limited. Yes, I agree. There are several worlds and galaxies that we are not yet known. They made the first life.

  And they make civilization. They do not deal with the gods. They are brave. They trust their rulers, gather Kings. They know talk about life and then let these creatures to stay on another planet. They will not destroy these aliens. They have made arrival of new things to develop nature. They know magic. They are a few different types of wizards, especially the citizens. They call themselves Hovlefi (life of the world Hovlef).

  After God Ahimiso Hovlef is a miracle between the universe Diotis and third universe Asmitake. The world has eighteen galaxies and more than hundreds of planets including natural satellites and billions of stars. This is pure and clean. Who thought we will arrive a day here and we will become aware of it through a futuristic war? It seems the luck brought us to the galaxy. We have much to do in exploring. We do not want to stop the thing before.

  Finally, we had to see them.

  They are peace lovers. They want to make any enemies, unless. Others call them soul carriers.

  We landed on the brownish country of Ho –Akmisika, our ship under normal gravity. We went along travelers from other planets and stars. They were also foreigners like us. Hovlefi atmosphere on Earth have been similar. Therefore, we were able to breathe easily. Only that the sky of the planet looks yellow and red was the difference.

  Its harbor was great. It took an hour to make our presence in the Second World Hovlef. Our spaceship was the choice of direction even while driving. It was faster than light. It had not damaged us as it was often cross thousands of galaxies.

  "What kind of life are you?" An alien asked to Mr. Umota how he suited us nearby.

  "Your skin is thick. Who made you? Did God Folistix bring Musano generation? I've heard a lot about you. If I am not wrong you live on white plants. "

  The gorilla boss Mr. Umota ignored him, strange things and talks.

  We had our own group on the line. The guardians of the planet had been watching us for the reason of security clearance.

  "Where are you from?" A Hovlefi officer asked me.

  "I am of the earth," I said, looking at him. "And I'm from Diotis world."

  "Satellite-2603, give me details of the man. Is he a man or a woman? "said an officer.

  Guess he got me out of the question. He was a machine on contact. He spent time with each of us to be clear. Then his co-officer stored the data in next high-speed computer.

  "Sir, I am in the south of the planet Ho- Akmisika and my cameras are found in the east of Henerix harbor. I will represent all the information about the Earthers, "the Hovlefi machine said and built a temporary window in the air between me and the officer.

  "Now I'm scanning the head and eyes."

  Gender -Male

  Age- 24 years old

  Planet Earth, distance 547869000000000 light years from Hovlef

  Generation of the Year 2096

  Job- work as a member of Company- 3071

  Mission- Secret

  Matter- very serious

  I thought of the machine, where he will live this time? We had been hearing to his words clearly, though he was not visible to us. He was not even there. He had been watching us from a particular location of the sky.

  "Mr. Tasan, I'm an artificial satellite to move the axis of the planet. I can easily read your mind. If you need my help call me anytime, with my name," Satellite said. "I'll be with you until you are here."

  "Can you hear us?" I asked, looking up only here and there of Hovlefi sky.

  "Yes, I work under the Customer Service of the Embassy offices. They treat me from different places, "Satellite said.

  "What've you got?" asked the officer to machine again.

  "Sir, the earthers are not in your wanted list, let them enter the city," Satellite said.

  "You made the last time wrong in identifying a traveler. We did not allow him permission to come here. He was a thief!" said an officer.

  "Sorry sir, I was in his control. Therefore, my owners had pay 574 coins of Hovlefi Energy Department as punishment in communication, "Satellite said.

  "Okay buddy, not complain. I leave them, "said officer. "You can go now."

  Then he called the next group of visitors.

  We decided on the main street of the city. We were like guests here. We saw all of them were imperceptible. They were to appear out of thin air zone, and after the end of their work they were always unseen by magic. They can fly. They can read your future. They can deal on power according to different types of skills.

  It seems like an inventible technology Wonderland and the time never ends to describe.

  "Members, are you in Hovlef?" Mr. D Johnson asked on the VLT screens.

  Company equipment automatically uploaded the notification.

  "I do not think foreigners can attack from other galaxies, the world," I said, looking at him. "The citizens here are energetic and genius."

  "Did you see them getting hold any superpower weapon in their secret pockets?" Mr. D, Johnson said. "I think they are common. They do work as we do. What then? "

  "I think they are doing things right. They can easily make themselves invisible, "I said.

  "Even the gods obey their defeat, are you now saying that they do not meet ghosts?" Mr. D Johnson said.

  "Sir, I did not understand th

  "They are mysterious, as we see in our own eyes. Give a look to them, "I said and sent a live video of the world to members of head office.

  "No needs to be on this point differ. They come as idols!"A senior member said. He wondered about the Hovlefi people.

  "They only contain a lot of curious technologies. I have no ideas on others, but I can say that their artificial satellites understand your problems in the galaxy. Keep them busy. They talk, "said a member.

  He was a selected member among us, on the city street.

  "Sir, we should meet all important people this time, before we go for another destination?" said Dwayne.

  "Let them understand," Mr. D Johnson said. "Then you can decide."

  "Earthers, I satellite-2376 on the north side of Sanghuian sky, what kind of help do you need from me this time?" The new and strange robotic voice with us achieved. Immediately our VLT was offline from the air and another wide digital window appeared in front of us.

  We were not able to know what happened with our cameras and why the situation created during the conversation with the heads, to start the matter further, even without our order.

  "Did you bring our planet machine to crash?" I asked.

  "No, my network system is everywhere. Therefore, you have lost your contact to company-3071, you can try again, later," Satellite said.

  The words of the gadget reached our ears clear as the Hovlefi air was a strongest communication field around the second world. It was not any side effect.

  "Tell me what I can help you?" asked satellite-2376.

  "We need shelter; can your government make it available?" Guena (Bosor) demanded.

  "20 km from the city you will find a small village. For 400 years they have visitors as their guests. They take no money; you can choose it, "said satellite-2376 and showed a picture of the village on this transitory computer screen, including photos, contacts and names of these villagers.

  "What is the name of the place?" I asked. "It looks like a city. Do they Festival there? "

  "Ho- Retisa"

  "Yes, they gather viewers and sellers. They do this every year. You can enjoy this with them,” sat -2376 said.


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